My Addiction

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My Addiction Page 12

by Cassie Ryan

  Master Dex’s voice was serious. He had slipped back into full Dom mode now.

  “I know that, and I appreciate you taking such good care of me. But I think I know you well enough to make an informed decision, and I’m definitely open to intercourse. With a condom, of course.” She sucked in a breath as he ran his fingers over the back of her knee, a definite sensitive spot when touched softly.

  “Ticklish?” he asked.

  She nodded. “I’ve never had a Dom care this much about what happens to me after our scene is complete. It will take getting used to, but I like it.” Her clit throbbed, and she made a soft, “mmm” sound. “Do you spoil all your subs this way?”

  Dex chuckled. “This really isn’t spoiling. This is how a sub should be treated. But yes, I do make sure my subs are taken care of however they need to be.”

  A small sliver of jealousy wormed its way into her as she wondered how many subs he had at his home dungeon. After all, he was only in L.A. on business. She bit back the question and pushed all thoughts of Master Dex pleasuring his other subs to the side.

  He paused for a minute to add more of the liniment. “Get used to it.” He ran his fingers over the back of her knee, laughing when she squirmed. “A Dom should take care of his sub, and ensure her well-being both on and off the dungeon floor.” He continued his erotic assault on her senses as he paid special attention to a few of the more sensitive places the tails had struck between her upper thighs. She bit her lip against the desire to beg him to keep moving higher toward her aching core.

  “I sent you that text to make sure you hadn’t had sub drop after I left.” The concern in his voice was unmistakable, and it sent a swirl of warmth through her chest. With every passing moment, she had to admit that she already cared for this wonderful man.

  Kate swallowed hard as his hands continued their advance over her skin. “I wished you would’ve come inside with me when you dropped me off earlier, to complete what we didn’t during our scene, but I don’t think that amounts to sub drop, does it?”

  A low laugh rumbled in his chest. “No. But I’m here now.” He slid his slick hand higher between her thighs and she gasped as his fingers brushed against her sensitive labia.

  She opened her thighs wider, giving him full access to her pussy, then she reached up to grab the edge of her headboard, wishing her wrists were restrained while he teased her. Although this was already a damned erotic scenario as it was.

  Dex slid his finger along her slit and she whimpered as she bucked against the bed, wanting more.

  “Please,” she begged, not caring how needy she sounded.

  Dex slid one thick finger slowly inside her, and she sucked in a breath at the amazing sensation. Her body immediately clamped around him and he worked the finger in and out of her, letting her buck against the bed to try to take him deeper. “Still not enough?” he asked with mirth in his voice.

  Damn the man for teasing her. But it was such delicious teasing, she couldn’t stay irritated over it. “You know I want more.”

  “How would I know that, Kate?” he asked, his voice dripping with fake innocence and laughter.

  “You read me too damned well to not know. I want you to fuck me. Please, Master Dex,” she added, remembering he was her Dom and not just a boyfriend she had brought home.

  “If I hadn’t just spent all that time massaging your flogged areas, you might deserve a good spanking for that tone, but as it is, we’ll have to find something else to teach you manners.”

  She bit her lip, but pushed out, “Yes, sir. I’m sorry, sir.”

  He laughed. “We aren’t in a scene, Kate. I was teasing you. Although I think once you’re healed, you might very well enjoy a good spanking as punishment for some future infraction.” He slid his finger out of her slick core, leaving her feeling even more empty and aching with need than before. He went back to massaging her inner thighs, but steered well clear of her slit.

  She squirmed, bucking her hips toward his hand. “Don’t stop. I want more of you inside me.”

  His hand advanced again, and this time he slid two fingers inside, stretching her slightly. The delicious sensation made her moan. “Yes,” she hissed, closing her eyes as he slowly thrust his fingers fully in and out. While it felt incredible, it wasn’t enough, not nearly enough.

  “Master Dex. I need your cock. I’m going insane here.”

  Dex’s warm breath feathered against the oversensitized skin on the backs of her thighs and her eyes slid closed as another moan broke from her.

  “I’m not finished massaging yet. We’ll discuss the rest once I’m done.”

  She opened her mouth to protest, but stopped short. She couldn’t complain about more massaging, and he did leave the rest open for discussion.

  Both thick fingers slid out, and her internal muscles had started to relax, when the fingers returned, but different. It took her a moment to realize that Dex had flipped his hand over so his palm faced down toward the bed.

  Confused, she bunched her brows until he curved his fingers forward and rubbed a sensitive spot that ripped a gasp from her, and left her panting, as he continued the slow assault.

  “Don’t forget to breathe.” The continued firm massage of the area made her squirm and moan.

  As her body tightened, and the sensation of impending orgasm slowly neared, understanding dawned.


  It had always taken her longer to come without flogging or some other type of play. She knew generally where that magic spot was located, and had tried to find it on her own several times, but apparently Master Dex’s longer fingers had found the elusive patch of nerves immediately.

  He alternately thrust deep inside her and then massaged the sensitive patch until she was riding his fingers and bucking her hips against the bed as an orgasm built to epic proportions inside her.

  “Do you like that?”

  “God, yes,” she bit out, grabbing her headboard in a death grip while she rode his hand.

  Dex drove her higher and higher until she wasn’t sure if she could take much more. Rolling waves of pleasure swirled through her body, building in intensity until she was sure she would implode, every atom disintegrating right here on her bed.

  “Come for me, Kate. Let me feel you spasm around my fingers.” Along with his dark words, he concentrated on the raised bundle of nerves, massaging them firmly, and causing her to tighten every muscle in her body until she exploded.

  She didn’t bother to stop the scream that erupted from her throat as she convulsed, and her toes literally curled.

  “Yes, that’s it.” Dex crooned encouragement as he continued to pleasure her, pushing her to another earth-shattering orgasm before she had recovered from the first.

  When her body slowly relaxed, he slid his fingers free.

  He stood, the bed rising a bit without his weight next to her. He moved into her line of sight. “How do you feel?”

  She took stock and realized that even though she had just had the two most amazing orgasms of her life, she still wanted him inside her. She licked her dry lips as she watched him without raising her cheek off of the pillow. “I still need you inside me.”

  His sensual lips curved, and his eyes took on a hungry look. Only then did she lower her gaze to see the thick outline under the fly of his slacks.

  He wanted her.

  That knowledge alone sent flutters through her belly.

  Dex chuckled as he followed the line of her vision to see what had captured her attention. The lighthearted sound was totally at odds with the dark, sensual look in his eyes. “I think your body has had enough for one night, Kate. We can revisit this discussion tomorrow if you even wake up within the next seventy-two hours.”

  Disappointment struck hard, but she sucked in a deep breath and reminded herself that she had already had one of the most amazing nights of her life. “You’ll be at The Dungeon tomorrow night?”

  He cleared his throat. “Yes. I need to touch base with Master
Ralston and take care of a few things there. I’ll text you before then to see how you’re feeling. But you need to call me if your pain levels get worse.”

  She swallowed hard, but couldn’t bring any thoughts into enough focus to muster any type of response.

  “Kate?” he asked, his gaze burning into her.

  She made a noise in the back of her throat to let him know she was still aware, but it took her several moments longer to be able to push out something more. “Yes, sir. All right. Thank you, Master Dex.”

  Chapter 11

  Dex walked into The Dungeon and winced against the thumping rock music that was playing too loudly through the overhead speakers. For some reason, Master Ralston liked The Dungeon to resemble a hip-hop club.

  Dex shook his head. He was imposing his own views and experience. L.A. had an entirely different clientele than he was used to, and the members probably preferred the way this place was set up. Otherwise, Master Ralston would have an empty dungeon.

  Ignoring the curious gazes cast his way by those crowding the plush front waiting area where he had first seen Kate yesterday morning, he made his way toward the back hallway to Ed Ralston’s office. The man had asked to see him again. Dex had spent quite a bit of time earlier talking with Ralston. It seemed there was even more he wanted to discuss. Usually fishing for details around Dex’s case, which Dex sidestepped easily.

  He wanted to get this done so he could try to contact Kate again. She hadn’t answered texts or his call this morning. Not that he would be surprised if she were still sound asleep, with Rusty purring contentedly either beside or on top of her.

  Hell, he wasn’t so sure he wouldn’t be content to be lying beside or on top of Kate right now.

  His cock hardened at the thought, reminding him he had things to accomplish before he could let his thoughts roam in that direction.

  “Dex Alexander?”

  He stopped short at the unfamiliar male voice, and slowly turned to see a man only a handful of inches shorter than Dex’s own six feet eight inches, who looked like the all-American boy grown into the all-American badass.

  Even the blond hair, blue eyes, and clean-shaven jaw couldn’t hide the shadows lurking in the man’s eyes, and the hardened look about him that told Dex he had seen and successfully navigated some pretty intense situations in his life. Not to mention the white puckered scar that ran from the side of his mouth down over his chin. As well as a few other imperfections that only backed up Dex’s first impression.


  The man’s lips quirked into a lopsided grin, most likely due to whatever injury had caused the scar. The women probably went wild over the tough look it gave him.

  “I’m Merrick Caldwell. Jason Tanner said if I saw you here, to introduce myself and tell you he couldn’t get Camren or Logan.”

  Dex schooled his expression. Tanner had called him on the way here to tell him the timing and logistics didn’t work to get either of those men to run interference for him. But Jason had said he was looking into some local L.A. contacts who might be able to help.

  “Nice to meet you, Merrick. Are you a member here?”

  Merrick gave a negative shake of his head as one blond brow rose, giving Dex the impression the man had much the same opinion of The Dungeon that he, himself, had. “I’m here to ask Master Ralston for temporary membership privileges to see if I’m interested in a more permanent arrangement.”

  Dex got the underlying message. Jason’s L.A. contacts had come through. He only hoped Merrick was a strong enough Dom that he could both run interference and do justice to the subs here. But there wasn’t a good, discreet way to question the man here in the hallway to find out. “Very nice to meet you, Merrick. Maybe after both of us have had a few minutes to touch base with Ed Ralston, we can talk.”

  Merrick nodded. “Jason gave me your number. I’ll text you when I’m done.” He took out his cell, and a few seconds later, Dex’s phone vibrated. He fished it out of his front pocket to see an unknown number with the text Merrick Caldwell.

  Dex quickly saved the information to his address book, and had just slipped his phone back into his pocket when Ed Ralston opened his office door.

  Caldwell stepped away. “I’ll be in the waiting area. It was nice to meet you.”

  Dex nodded, not sure if Merrick had been speaking to him or Master Ralston.

  “Please come in.” Ralston stepped back, holding the door wide so he could walk past him. When Ralston closed the door and gestured to the chairs in front of his large desk, Dex sat.

  Ralston cleared his throat as he lowered himself into his opulent leather office chair. He looked out of place in his dress slacks, button-down shirt, and tightly tied tie. More like a used car salesman than the owner of a BDSM club.

  Brent from Club Desire wore dress clothes when he was conducting club business, but he always managed to look cool and professional. Ralston seemed like he was trying on a persona that didn’t quite fit.

  Dex mentally shrugged. Ralston’s comfort as a club owner wasn’t his problem to fix.

  The expensive leather chair creaked as Ralston leaned back farther in it. “The reason I asked you here, Dex, is that I wanted to discuss the altercations with Balkins and Stanton yesterday.”

  Dex’s attention sharpened. Something in Ralston’s tone told him he wasn’t going to like what the man had to say. “What would you like to discuss?”

  As if to confirm Dex’s suspicions, the older man looked decidedly uncomfortable. He spent a few long seconds adjusting the cuffs on his shirt, while pointedly avoiding meeting Dex’s gaze.

  He made darting glances up to Dex’s face, but kept his line of sight roving around the desktop as if there were something fascinating sitting on the gleaming brown surface among the neatly arranged pens, Post-its, and stacks of paper.

  “As a loyal American, I was happy to cooperate with the FBI when they needed to put someone undercover in my club, even though they wouldn’t share any details around what you were looking for. But causing huge disruptions that make some of my most prominent members rethink their membership wasn’t part of the deal.” Ed tried and failed to infuse strength behind his words, and instead ended up sounding long suffering.

  Dex clenched his jaw as finally, Ed Ralston met his gaze and gave a slight wince.

  “I’m running a business. I have to keep my members happy. Incidents like those with two of my most vocal and high-profile members don’t make for good word of mouth.”

  Dex took a slow breath, letting the silence sit heavily between them for a few long seconds. When he did speak, he kept his voice deadly calm, which many people had told him was very intimidating all on its own.

  “I fully understand you are running a business, Ed. However, both of those instances arose out of violations of your club rules, disregard for D/s lifestyle norms, or both.” Dex had made a point of fully reading The Dungeon’s rules and contract as soon as he arrived yesterday and checked in with Ralston. His affinity for details served him well in this instance.

  Ralston looked like he was about to interrupt, but then closed his mouth and dropped his gaze again.

  Dex bit back the scathing diatribe that the man deserved, and instead chose his words carefully. “When you and I first found Kate yesterday morning, it was obvious that the attentions from Balkins were unwanted, and yet no one, including yourself, admonished him for breaking club rules.” Dex took a breath, giving the man across from him the chance to respond, but when he remained silent, he continued. “Stanton told Balkins that Kate was his gift for the evening. By your own rules, that is not permitted between non-monogamous D/s pairs without express prior consent. And is extremely rare even among monogamous D/s pairs.”

  Dex glared at Ralston, even though the man wouldn’t look directly at him. “Kate never agreed that she could be passed around at Stanton’s discretion.” He waited for several seconds to see if Ralston would say anything, or even give any indication that he had heard. When it see
med likely that he would never respond, Dex said, “What else do you want to discuss, Ed? You have me here. Let’s talk.”

  Ralston seemed to rally. He relaxed back against his chair and took on a nonchalant air. “I’m just not sure this arrangement is working out. Do you know how much longer you’ll be here?”

  So that was it. Ralston wanted him gone.

  Dex hadn’t initiated either of those instances, and had only acted as a Dominant should, but Ed Ralston was all about the mighty dollar. A fact that was showcased in how his club was run. But Dex also knew Ralston had been much too eager to allow the FBI access, and had made a point of the FBI clearing him of any involvement with whatever was going on.

  Dex took a slow breath. “As Jason Tanner probably told you, Ed, I’ll be here for an indefinite amount of time. I will continue to follow all the club rules as they are laid out in your contract, and will appreciate others doing the same. That will be the best way to avoid any…unpleasant misunderstandings.” Dex allowed what he hoped was a reasonable facsimile of a pleasant smile to curve his lips.

  “It would appear odd for me to leave so suddenly after a few private meetings with you.” He let the words hang in the air between them. He had the feeling Ralston was paranoid enough to assume the worst, which would work in Dex’s favor.

  Ralston didn’t disappoint. He stiffened and started drumming his fingertips on the gleaming desktop. “You’re right, of course. It wouldn’t do to have people think that I was somehow feeding you information.” He paused, and then hastily added, “Not that I would have any to pass on, of course. But appearances are important in this business.” He looked at Dex, his gaze suddenly bleak. “I’ll do my best to soothe Balkins and Stanton, and anyone else who was spooked by the incidents.” He cleared his throat. “I did want to ask your help with one other thing, if you don’t mind.”

  Dex wasn’t surprised by how easily Ralston had folded, but he was curious what this help entailed. “I’ll do what I can.” He gestured for the man to continue.


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