My Addiction

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My Addiction Page 14

by Cassie Ryan

  She rolled her eyes toward the ceiling and blew out a long breath. “Ugh.”

  Dex inwardly stiffened. Ralston had mentioned that Stanton was being blackmailed for three million dollars. The three diamonds might not have anything to do with that, but it followed the pattern his team had seen, and his gut told him they were related.

  “What do the diamonds denote?”

  She shrugged again. “Most likely that their marketing team drinks during their meetings. They’ve asked me for various things over the last year since I took them on as a client. The worst was adding fifty mosquitos to a logo in Arizona, and masking them enough so if you didn’t know they were there, you wouldn’t see them. But for someone looking for them, they could be found and differentiated.” She sighed and drank the last swallow of her coffee, setting the cup aside. “I nearly quit after that assignment. They talked me into staying with more money, and a marketing promotion to raise money for underprivileged kids to go to college.”

  Dex smiled.

  “What?” she demanded with a self-deprecating smile.

  He shook his head. “You’re a crusader with a soft heart.” When she looked dubious, he added, “There’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, I admire you for it. Most people would take the extra money and run. But you’ve used it as a way to help others and make a difference.”

  She gave him a small smile. “My father calls it being naïve and giving away my time for very little return on my investment.” She shook her head.

  “Forgive me for saying so, but I think he’s missing the big picture. He should be proud he has a daughter who has empathy and compassion for others.”

  She pursed her lips. “Sometimes I’m not sure if he’s proud of me for anything. I love my father, but we definitely don’t see eye to eye on much.” She straightened in her chair. “Thanks, Dex. For everything.”

  “You’re welcome.” He ran his thumb down her cheek. He couldn’t get enough of her silky-smooth skin. “Oh, I have to tell you, I gave in to the pitiful looks and put down some treats for Rusty.”

  She laughed. “He has you wrapped around his paw already? Don’t be surprised if your sister talks you into your own cat soon. They are pretty great, and they treat their servants well.”

  “Servants?” Dex asked.

  She nodded. “The old saying is that dogs have owners and cats have staff. But I think it’s more like cats have servants. We go into captivity willingly, but we are their servants nonetheless.”

  After a minute he nodded. That was the impression he’d always gotten from watching his sister with them. He still didn’t think he was up for getting one of his own, but he didn’t mind spoiling Rusty while he was here taking care of Kate.

  “I’d like to check out those two spots on your back before I leave, if you don’t mind. I want to make sure they haven’t gotten worse.”

  She shifted in her chair as if testing out the sensitivity of the two areas. “They don’t hurt as much today. That liniment is great stuff.” She lowered the footrest of the recliner and then leaned forward in her seat so she could open her robe and shrug it off until it fell around her waist.

  She was naked beneath the robe other than a thong. So the action freed her luscious breasts, distracting Dex for several moments.

  When he realized he was clenching his fists to keep from reaching out to cup the delectable mounds, he forced his mind back to the business at hand. He studied the two areas on her back that had taken the brunt of the flogging yesterday. Both were still a shade darker than the other marks, but Kate didn’t wince when he touched them.

  He ran his hand down her back and then stopped himself when she shuddered under his touch. He had no business getting Kate keyed up right now when he wasn’t willing to finish what he started. She needed to rest, and the list of things he wanted to do with her didn’t currently involve rest.

  He allowed himself to run his fingers through her thick hair, but he resisted the temptation to grab a handful and pull her head back to expose her long neck.

  “They look better. Are there any other spots that are painful?”

  He leaned forward so he could see her face.

  She shook her head. “No. Just the normal ‘day after’ tenderness. But nothing like those two places were last night.”

  “Good. You’re looking much more alert, Kate. How do you feel?”

  She stayed silent for a long moment, taking stock before answering. “Better. I think a shower will get me back to my normal self so I can knock out some work.” She licked her lips, and his balls tightened, reminding him of another thing on his list for her. He would love to have those beautiful lips wrapped around his cock. But not until after she rested.

  “Will you be at The Dungeon later?” she asked with a sensual smile.

  Dex fought not to blurt out an answer. He didn’t want to sound too eager, even though he definitely was. With any other sub, he wouldn’t be reacting this way. He’d known instinctively when he first met Kate that she could be dangerous to him, personally. “I should be there at some point this evening. I’m not sure when yet.”

  He wanted to tell her not to go there without him. Not to play scenes with any other Dom. To mark her fully as his. But at least he wasn’t so far gone as to let any of that pass his lips. Even if she weren’t a suspect in an active investigation, none of those things were wise this quickly after meeting her.

  Not that Dex didn’t believe in love at first sight, or at least strong connections at first sight, but even under normal circumstances he was more cautious than that, letting things unfold in their own time.

  The fact that he was as drawn to Kate as he obviously was both surprised and concerned him. He wasn’t sure what he would do if she was involved in the terrorist plot. He wouldn’t be so foolish as to let her off or look the other way. But it just might break his heart if things kept going in this direction between them.

  “Kate. Promise me something.”

  She turned to him, her large green eyes now sharp and aware, even though there were still dark circles under them, a telltale sign she needed more sleep. “What?”

  “No flogging this week. You need to heal fully before any more impact play.”

  Some darker emotion flashed across her face, but he couldn’t put a name to it, and it was gone before he could study it. Finally, she gave a single nod. “That’s probably best.”

  He reached out and laid his hand on her shoulder. “I’ll see you later. If not tonight, then tomorrow.”

  She nodded, but the expression on her face told him something was wrong.

  He took her chin between his fingers and turned her to face him again. “Kate. What’s wrong?”

  She hesitated, and he knew whatever she said was going to be at best a half truth, but if she didn’t trust him enough to tell him, he wasn’t going to press her. He had done everything he could to make sure she was all right.

  “I’m still tired. I think a nap and a shower will get me to a point where I can at least get some work done. Then I can decide if I feel up to going to The Dungeon tonight.”

  Dex thought back over their exchange and couldn’t see anything he had said that would hurt her, or even bother her. But he knew that something had. “Are you sure you’re all right? I want to make sure before I go.”

  This time there was no sign of the darker emotion. Maybe he had imagined it?

  “I’m good. Great, in fact. I haven’t felt this good in ages.” She smiled, and the tightness in his chest lessened.

  He leaned in and brushed a kiss across her lips.

  Chapter 13

  As soon as Kate closed and locked the door behind Dex, she slapped her palm against her face. “Stupid girl,” she scolded herself aloud. “You have no business being upset because Master Dex assumed you would go to The Dungeon and play with another Dom.”


  She was disgusted with herself for having those thoughts. Neither of them was restricted from playing with others. For
him to assume she might was only natural, considering he knew she’d had multiple Doms before he arrived.

  Kate couldn’t believe she was hurt because he didn’t insist, or even try to demand, that she not play scenes with anyone but him. She would have been pissed had he tried to demand such a thing.

  She shook her head. She was definitely still wiped out if she was thinking like that.

  She wouldn’t mind having Master Dex all to herself. But she was sure he had plenty of subs. He said he still kept a house in Phoenix, but he never said where he actually called home. She pursed her lips, annoyed that she hadn’t pressed for that information when she had the chance.

  She cringed away from the thought of him playing with another sub.

  “I just need a shower and a nap, and this sappy, clingy version of me will be banished, hopefully never to return.”

  As she padded toward her bedroom she thought of how sweet he had been, making her coffee with vanilla syrup and bringing her breakfast.

  No Dominant had ever done that for her. Hell, no boyfriend or anyone else had ever done that, either. Not since her mother had passed away, anyway.

  Familiar pain squeezed her heart. She missed the knowledge that there was someone in the world who would accept and love her no matter what. Someone who would always be there for her when she needed them.

  She huffed out a harsh breath and thrust those thoughts away as she dropped her robe and crawled back into bed. She had better things to do today than feel sorry for herself.

  It took only a few seconds to set the alarm on her iPhone so she could wake, take a shower, and get some work done before she decided if she was up for The Dungeon later.

  A few kissing noises brought the sound of Rusty’s claws skittering across the tile in the kitchen and then on the hardwood floor in the hallway. A few seconds later he bounded on the bed and curled up next to her, a warm, fuzzy, purring ball.

  One betraying thought of how nice it would be to have Dex spooned against her back while she fell asleep flashed across her mind. She ignored it and rested her hand on Rusty as she closed her eyes and gave herself up to sleep.


  Merrick guided his Harley into the parking lot of a Circle K and then tapped his earpiece to answer his phone.


  “Merrick, it’s Dex Alexander.”

  Merrick steered around to the side of the building to block more of the breeze and road noise.

  “Dex. I was just on my way to The Dungeon to see if I could find a few of those subs you mentioned.”

  “Good. Listen, I have some news you’ll need if you’re headed into the lion’s den up there.” Something in Dex’s voice told Merrick that the news might not be good.

  “What’s up?”

  “Mark Stanton was found dead this morning.”

  Merrick frowned, not sure he had heard correctly. Stanton had been under investigation more times than he could count. “Cause of death?”

  “Blunt-force trauma to the back of the head. Even though it was made to look like a smash-and-grab gone wrong, the signs point to a pro. I’ll touch base and fill you in on everything later.”

  Merrick whistled long and low. “Damn. He was one of the major players I would’ve bet on being neck deep in this thing. Although his death doesn’t rule out his involvement.”

  Dex made a noise of agreement. “The story was just released to the media, so the whole dungeon will be buzzing about it.”

  Merrick rolled his shoulders and neck, working out a few kinks. “I can’t say that I’m surprised. Stanton was into some pretty bad shit.”

  Dex cleared his throat. “That’s the understatement of the year. I’m never happy to hear about anyone being murdered, but the world is probably a better place without someone like Mark Stanton.” He paused, and Merrick heard the sound of pouring liquid, and then what sounded like a metal spoon clinking against a ceramic cup.

  He was jealous. He could use some coffee about now.

  “Keep an eye out for Samantha. She’s the sub I told you about. The one Stanton wanted to punish for talking to me.”

  Merrick nodded to himself. “I definitely will. She’ll probably need some comfort and guidance now that Stanton is gone. And I don’t want her to fall into the hands of the next-highest asshole in the chain down there. On a separate note, I would’ve loved to have seen Kate dick-punch that bastard.”

  Dex’s laugh carried over the line. “It was a great sight, I have to admit. But I have a feeling Balkins and others like him will try to punish her for it, even now that Stanton is out of the picture.”

  “All right, Dex. Are you headed up there anytime soon?”

  “I’ve been meeting with a few of the suspected players today. Just accidentally running into them and having casual conversations to try to dig out some information. I’ve happened on a few leads I’ve passed to the analyst team, but I want to head up to The Dungeon in case Kate is feeling well enough to. I don’t want her left at the mercy of her other Doms who didn’t appreciate her fighting back against Balkins and Stanton.”

  “Understood. I’ll let you know if I see her.”

  Twenty minutes later, Merrick came out of the locker room at The Dungeon, ready to get to work. He took a seat on one of the low couches to people-watch and get the lay of the land. No use bumbling around when taking a few minutes up front to watch and learn usually served him well.

  He saw couples who were obviously D/s pairs, and a few subs watching the scenes in progress with wide eyes.

  He was about to give up on finding any useful information when Kathryne Fretwell walked into the dungeon and headed toward the locker rooms.

  Her dossier picture hadn’t done her justice. Even in jeans and a silky-looking turquoise top, she was stunning. He couldn’t wait to see her in something more revealing.

  He shook his head. His job was to run interference with the other subs so Dex could concentrate his investigation on Kate, as she liked to be called.

  The entire place was still buzzing about the flogging scene between Dex and Kate. Merrick wished he’d been around for that.

  There was nothing more erotic than a woman being flogged—at least if it was done right. And from all the accounts he had heard, it definitely had been.

  Dex had a reputation in the lifestyle for being an excellent and very knowledgeable Dominant. Merrick had never frequented the same dungeons since his work took him all over the country, but the lifestyle grapevine was very prolific.

  And Dex had been correct: the subject of the day, other than the flogging, was Mark Stanton’s murder. Scuttlebutt said pictures taken at The Dungeon were found at the scene, along with several incriminating him in various crimes.

  Merrick hadn’t heard from any credible source if any of the gossip about the pictures was true, but if so, he would be interested to see if the new evidence would help close any of the dozen or so past cases against Stanton.

  But for now, it was time to get to work.

  He sent a quick text to Dex to let him know Kate was already here, and then headed to the lounge to see if he could find any of the subs Dex had mentioned.

  As soon as he walked in, a pretty waitress with sandy-blond hair approached him.

  “Good afternoon, sir.”

  He nodded and slid into the nearest booth. “Hello. I’m Master Merrick. What’s your name?” Better to be straightforward. Easier to find what he needed that way.

  “I’m Opal, sir. What can I get you?”

  Bingo. She was one of the people Dex had mentioned. “Black coffee, and whatever you would like. If you have the time, I’m new here, and I’d love to get some information about The Dungeon.”

  Her expression brightened, and she nodded eagerly. “Absolutely, sir. I’ll be right back.”

  Merrick could see what Dex meant. He would have to tread carefully, since he wouldn’t be around long enough to sponsor her into the club. But he could always look for opportunities to pave the way for that
while he was here. At least now he had an in with someone who might have knowledge of everyone who came through the front doors.

  With the shooting of Congressman Fredericks, and Stanton’s murder, the stakes were being raised, and Merrick suspected the powder keg they were sitting on was about to explode.

  A feeling that Dex shared, according to their discussion last night after he had left Kate Fretwell’s.

  Hopefully they could get a handle on things before the fuse burned down.

  Chapter 14

  Kate glanced around her at the groups of subs in the locker room of The Dungeon. Many had red, puffy eyes like they had been crying, and every group was talking in hushed tones.

  There was a much larger than normal crowd in the waiting area outside Master Ralston’s office, and she had to show her ID to gain access to the dungeon floor. She asked the security guard what was happening, but he said he wasn’t at liberty to say.

  What the hell is going on?

  So far, anyone she had tried to ask had hurried by without answering. Some had even given her hostile looks.

  She sighed.

  After Dex left, she’d taken a long nap. A shower had been enough to wake her up to take care of at least the work that couldn’t wait until tomorrow.

  Then she had stopped by the hospital to visit Uncle Carl. She was happy to find he was out of intensive care and recovering quickly. He was still surrounded by his security detail and family, but they all made her feel welcome. It had been good to see him smile, and to feel the strength in his hands when he squeezed hers.

  But on the way to The Dungeon, she had blared her favorite playlist off her iPhone instead of listening to the radio, like she normally would. She wondered if she’d missed a news report that would have explained all this.

  Only one way to find out other than going to sit in her car and scan radio stations.

  She approached a small group of subs who had been friendly to her in the past. In fact, several of them shared the same Doms she did. Which sounded horrible, now that she thought about it.


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