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Hellhounds Page 8

by Esther E. Schmidt

  Alistair moves back, his dick falling from my mouth. He guides me toward the love seat. Palming his dick that’s gone slightly soft, he starts to squeeze and tug before he grabs my shoulder, makes me turn, and bends me over it. I think he’s going to smack my ass again, but instead I feel him tapping his dick against my ass cheek.

  “Don’t think you’ve sucked every drop of cum out of me, love. I will always have more for you, remember that.” Is the only warning he gives me before he fills me up in one stroke.

  It’s not like the first time where it felt like I was being ripped open, burning, before I could enjoy him fully. No. This is completely different. There’s only a slight moment I need to recover before I’m pushing back, wanting, needing him to move.

  His fingers dig into my hips, keeping me steady as he starts to slide me off and on his dick. I feel my orgasm building up fast, so aroused from everything already, my whole body is starting to feel aware of his every touch. Until he’s gone. I gasp and turn around, wanting to know where his grip on my body went, as well as his dick that was deliciously filling me up.

  There’s a smile spreading my face slowly. Alistair is standing a few feet away from me. His legs are in an open stance, hands fisting, like he’s doing everything he can to keep himself in check. He’s surrounded with red fire that’s bright, and with every wave there’s a hint of black soot sparkling off it.

  The smile on my face is for the fact that it feels amazing that I’m the reason for this. No one else. Me. He’s mine and I know he stopped because he doesn’t want to hurt me. Alistair clearly doesn’t know how to handle this, other than to take a break and calm down.

  What I know for sure is that in this moment, there is nothing that can hold me back. I want him. I need him. So I don’t think twice and jump straight at him. He doesn’t expect the move so his knees buckle. We’re both going down as he lands with his back on the floor with me straddling him.

  I’ve seen him grip his dick twice in the last few minutes, so I do just that…palming, squeezing, tugging a few times before I slowly guide him inside my body. My eyes fall close and I moan in pleasure at the way he fills me up.

  The growl and the way I feel a grip larger than before on my hips make me glance down. There are massive claws, instead of his hands, holding me. I’m sure this is what he was afraid of, holding me like this. And again I have no fear because not only do I know that he would never hurt me, but because the Hellhound is a part of him. I embrace him for who he is, just as he loves me for who I am.


  The thought entered my mind as natural as the way my heart beats. I can see it clearly in his eyes and I have to admit I feel the same way.

  I slide my fingers along his arms, the black fur that’s covered with the red flames. His touch is warm but in no way harming me. He’s guiding my body up and down while I find my balance by holding onto his wrists. I can feel his dick becoming thicker with every slide down, stretching me.

  He guides my head down and crashes his mouth onto mine, making our teeth clash. Alistair keeps throwing his hips up while I’m barely keeping up with his rhythm, bracing on my knees. My clit is getting friction from the way I’m now draped over him. It’s all-consuming and I have no other choice but to surrender.

  Euphoria hits and it’s like a thunderstorm where you can see the beauty within the fear of the possibilities. Thunder, lightning, hard rain, even hail, it’s everything to the extreme. Alistair pushes my hips down, his head buries into the crook of my neck where he bites down, his cum shooting into my body. I’m overwhelmed with a craving to mark him the way he’s marking my neck.

  Turning my head slightly, I let my tongue trail over his skin before my teeth sink in, rewarding me with the sweet taste of his blood. Alistair slowly pumps inside me, his dick already softening. Until we hear commotion outside the door. We both stop and turn our heads toward the door.

  Jumping up, I run to my pants and make fast work to dress and put my sneakers back on. Alistair is finished before me. I can barely keep up when he stalks to the door and opens it. Os is holding on to a guy that’s got his fangs showing while he bellows for Os to let him go.

  Alistair turns to me, his eyes set on my neck. Leaning forward, I feel his tongue sliding over the spot where he marked me earlier. Then he pulls back and smiles at me, cleaning the side of my mouth with his tongue.

  “Jagger here is a vampire. It’s not the blood that makes him go nuts, well…it kinda is, but he’s got a problem when it’s a witch’s blood. Seeing his reaction? I’d say he can smell it in yours.” Alistair chuckles.

  Reaching out, I clear away the blood that was still on his lips. “Well, he can’t have mine, so he just has to suck it up.”

  Alistair leans in next to my ear. “That’s the point, love. He can’t suck it up, not ever. You’re mine.”

  I close my eyes and lean to the left, giving him access to nuzzle my neck.

  “Could you two fucking stop already and help me out here?” Os barks.

  Stepping away from each other, we see how the vampire is being held back by three guys. Alistair stalks over and punches him three times in the face so hard and fast my eyes can barely keep track of the movements.

  “Let him go,” Alistair growls, his men drop the vampire the next instant. “Hear me, and hear me well, fucker. Eliana is mine. You ever touch one single drop of her blood and I will personally end you and every single one of your bloodline. Am I clear, asshole?”

  Oh, shit. The way his arms are a bit spread from his body, hands into tight fists, knuckles all white…leaning forward like he’s ready to act and fight any second. Just…wow. And how can I be this aroused when we just had sex?

  Alistair swirls around and raises an eyebrow at me. “Really, love. Could you just hold off for a moment because your scent is throwing me off balance.”

  Ooops. Can he smell me? Yes. He can smell me. The smirk on his face is my answer.

  I quickly wave a hand in front of me. “I’ll try. Now stop looking at me and get on with threatening him or kicking his ass, whatever.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  I have to contain my laughter. This woman is everything, and I love how…shit, I love everything about her. It’s just that. Love. The realization shocks me. I know we’re mated but the connection is deeper where feelings have grown natural.

  “She smells so good,” Jagger groans.

  The fucker rips me straight out of my thoughts. But before I can tear his head off, he grabs his hair with both hands, screaming, “Make it stop. Please, make it stop.”

  Glancing over my shoulder I see Eliana stepping closer. “I will if you stop talking like that, and don’t even think of taking my blood, like Alistair said.”

  “Yes, promise, anything, just make it stop,” Jagger begs.

  “Okay then,” Eliana quips. “As long as you play nice. Just remember how easy I can fry your brain.”

  “Duly noted.” Jagger groans. “How the fuck does she do that? I’ve never met a witch who can.”

  “Purple flames.” Zigmund nods at his own statement. “She possesses the ability to light you up from the inside. Hurts like a bitch though.”

  “Hurts like a bitch?” Jagger questions. “More like, near fucking dying man.”

  Zigmund chuckles. “That’s because you’re a vamp, dude. Fire kills you.”

  “That’s good to know. So you better not cross me or I will zap you some more with my purple fire,” Eliana scolds.

  Jagger looks like he wants to punch Zigmund and his smart mouth.

  I wrap my arm around her and pull her close before I let my question flow through my mind. “That so, love? Can you do it on command now?”

  “I don’t know,” she answers me through her thoughts.

  Smart woman for not spilling that detail out loud.

  I clear my throat and murmur, “Try it again right now. Make those two idiots stop.”

  Eliana squints her eyes but noth
ing happens. She glances at me and shakes her head. Zigmund and Jagger are still mouthing off to each other, ready to start a brawl.

  Bringing my mouth close to her ear, I whisper, “I won’t fuck you again if you can’t do it.”

  She pushes against my chest, anger swirling in her eyes as everyone around us reaches for their heads.

  “That’s it, love.” I smile and reach for her, she sidesteps and points a finger in my face.

  “That’s not funny,” she seethes.

  “Tell me about it,” Os groans.

  “What the hell, sis?” Velma snaps.

  Eliana is about to say something to her sister when I take her in my arms and kiss her fiercely before I manage to drag my mouth from hers. “I love you madly, don’t ever fucking doubt yourself, you can do anything.”

  “Yeah, as long as I get angry enough.” She pouts before her eyes go wide and she pulls me down for a tongue-lashing.

  “Dammit, get a fucking room already...later, when we’ve handled some business.” Os sounds more than frustrated.

  Eliana’s lips leave mine. “Oh, shush, you’re just frustrated because you didn’t get any alone time with my sister.”

  “Yeah, so? Your point is?” Os growls back.

  Eliana’s gaze hits mine. “Your Prez loves me...as much as I love him.”

  “This is getting ridiculous. Again...your point is?” Os sighs.

  “Not so much ridiculous, more like it’s getting way too sappy, makes my head hurt,” Jagger groans.

  “Even more than it did a moment ago?” Zigmund asks.

  I place a quick kiss on Eliana’s head, wishing we had more time, but I need to handle this shit first. “Shut the fuck up you jealous bunch of assholes. Now, Jagger…what the fuck are you doing here?”

  Jagger straightens his shoulders, a fierce look slides on his face. “I need permission.”

  “What, and why?” I ask.

  We also handle the paranormals in our district. Seeing we protect the humans by getting rid of tainted souls who cannot be saved, we have a side job to interfere when a paranormal steps out of line. Normally they will leave humans alone, but every once in a while, one goes nuts and we kill it before things get worse.

  Now if there’s a dispute, a paranormal comes to us and we will handle it. Like how we must answer to The Orderly, these guys need to answer to us. On some rare occasions, they will get permission to handle it themselves if they are capable. One of us will always tag along to make sure everything goes accordingly.

  “Aura was killed by the hand of the President of Death by Reaper MC, Heaven Charter. Happened about an hour ago.” Jagger sneers full of hatred.

  “That’s a little over the top specific, don’t you think.” Velma rolls her eyes and crosses her arms in front of her chest.

  Jagger is about to step toward her. I hold up my hand so he knows I’m about to handle it. “Velma, what do you know about vamps and their Prez?”

  She glares at me because she knows what I’m getting at. I know it’s fucking hard to realize your own damn father is a nutjob while he’s supposed to be one of the good guys, but come the fuck on…evidence keeps piling up miles high for this fucker.

  She sighs and let her arms drop. “That the President of a Vampire Charter can see the last moment of the death of one of their members through their eyes.”

  I nod. There’s no need for me to rub it in or reprimand her, she damn well knows Jagger wouldn’t lie, and also knows the reason why he knows exactly who killed her.

  I turn my attention back to the vampire. “I have to disappoint you, Jagger. He was on my list before he killed Aura. So that’s my kill. But know that it will be handled in the next few hours. Forty-eight, tops, because I need to get some more details before we handle the whole Charter.”

  His hands are fisted at his side, a low growl rumbles through his chest. “I. Want. In.”

  Dammit. Normally I would put him in his place. But knowing the fucker for a real fucking long time, he’s never disappointed me and over the years has proven to have my back when needed.

  “To be honest…I will gladly accept your help. Because why the fuck would he kill a vamp? There will be a patch over, that means it will get bloody and we might need some backup that they will never expect. But I’m supposed to be the one who will take the heads of the President himself. Can you agree to that?” I pin him with a glare because I need him to know I won’t tolerate any sly fuckups.

  “Can we split? You heads, and I get the tail? I mean...there are two heads.” Jagger’s got a straight face, it might sound like a joke, but he isn’t kidding about this shit.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake…really?” I scrub a hand down my face. “Fine, but don’t get in my fucking way or get pissy, because if the moment strikes I will end him and not wait for you.”

  “I’m okay with that, but same here…if the moment strikes…” Jagger lifts his eyebrow, waiting for me to answer.

  He doesn’t have to finish the sentence, I know what he means. And in the end it would be a fucking weight off my shoulders to not be the one who kills my woman’s father. But the hard reality states it’s up to me to fulfill that task.

  “That won’t happen. But if there’s no other way and you can take him out, you have my okay to do so.” He nods at my words.

  Although I can clearly see some disappointment. I’m sure it’s because he knows how good I am at my job, that there will be a zero to none chance he will be the one to end the fucker. But he still accepts those odds.

  “Okay. Get a few of your best guys and meet us over at the clubhouse within the next thirty minutes. I want a full rundown on what you saw before Aura got killed,” I tell Jagger and turn to Os. “Get a few guys into the house and let Eliana tell them what to pack. We leave in ten so everyone get their ass moving.”

  They all jump into action. I place my hand on Eliana’s lower back and guide her into the house. “Go grab some clothes, love. Tell the boys what you need them to pack up first. We’ll bring that to my house and make sure to get the rest later, okay?”

  Eliana nods and instructs my men to take down all the pictures on the walls. Seems she only needs those and her mom’s books and jewelry to take with her right away. She grabs a large black bag and stuffs all her clothes in there. Living in a tiny house without much luxury, it shouldn’t be such a surprise that she doesn’t own a massive wardrobe.

  Deep down I want to tell her to leave everything. That I’ll buy her anything she ever wants and needs. Yet somehow I know she needs some of these items; her personal shit. So I say nothing and help hold the bag open so she can dump her stuff in there.

  We’re on the road within ten minutes. Time to go over all the information we’ve collected. Even more? Time to get ready for a fight that will ensure a future for all of us. One where there will be no Heaven Charter in this district.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “How long does it take?” I sigh in frustration. “They’ve been in there for hours.”

  Velma shrugs. “No clue. It’s a lot to go over and plan. It’s a good thing, though. Shows that they’re not going in blind, blazing full fury.”

  Sounds logical, I know, but all of this scares the piss out of me. “How can you be so calm?”

  Velma snorts. “I’m not calm. I’m going slightly insane on the inside. I’m just holding it all in.”

  “Because of dad?” I softly whisper.

  She shakes her head. “No, that’s not it. I’ve made my peace with that, I have to. He made his choices in life and I cannot stand behind the state of mind he’s in, nor his actions, that’s something that’s inexcusable. It’s just that...”

  I place my hand on her knee. “You want in.”

  “Yes!” She half shouts as if she’s just won the lottery. “That’s exactly it. I want to help, but I’m sure they’ll put me somewhere in the back, or leave me here to protect you.”

  “Geeezzz, thanks sis.” I roll my eyes an
d watch her face fall. I shove her shoulder. “I know you didn’t mean it like that, but I get it. It’s personal. But I’m sure it’s not because they don’t trust you, or that they think you’re not capable or something. It’s more like they are our guys that want to protect us. And even more...I heard Alistair’s thoughts. He might think he’s good at shielding them, but I managed to pick up on his worries. He’s struggling with the fact that he needs to kill our father. Not because of what that asshole did, or that Alistair isn’t strong enough or anything...nope, it’s us. He’s worried about you and me, the connection between us, or what we will think about him if he takes our father’s life.”

  Velma jumps up from her chair. We’ve been sitting at a table in the clubhouse with our eyes locked on the door that leads to Church.

  “That’s bullshit. Fuck. Eliana, we need to tell him we’re good with that scum leaving the Earth, his soul is due to be taken. He might have done everything because he wanted someone to blame for my mother getting killed, but nothing on this Earth equals an act like that. Nor will it get her back. He put hate in his hands and lost the ability to love the second he did. It was a selfish plan that dragged a lot of innocents down with him.”

  I know Velma is right, except… “We can’t just walk up to Alistair and tell him, then he’ll know!”

  “Know what?” Alistair’s voice flows through the room, making me jump out of my skin. “What the hell? That’s twice now you’re creeping up on us in full eavesdropping mode with your sneaky ninja skills.”

  Alistair chuckles. “No, love. The last time, maybe, but this time I was just walking out of Church when I heard you two talking.

  Shit. Our eyes were locked on that door the whole time. We fail to do so for a few seconds and they come rolling out? Shitty timing, and now I have to tell him because I can’t stand lying.

  I grab his leather cut into my hand and pull him close. “I heard your thoughts earlier, and it wasn’t like I was eavesdropping or anything. Your words just flowed into my head, I swear.”


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