Warrior Alpha (Alpha 6)

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Warrior Alpha (Alpha 6) Page 4

by Carole Mortimer

  Under any other circumstances, she would also have been more than willing to take Brock up on his invitation to join him at his table so the two of them could drink more champagne and get to know each other better.

  Unfortunately, the brooding and dangerous man now standing at the edge of the dance floor, his hands thrust into his trouser pockets as those silver eyes watched her every move from between narrowed lids, didn’t look as if he would be too happy if she were to go off with the other man for the rest of the evening.

  “I really should go back to the bar.” Daisy gave Brock a warm smile to take the sting out of her refusal as the music changed.

  He grimaced his disappointment. “And Volkov?”

  “And Volkov,” she acknowledged ruefully, hoping her blush didn’t show in cheeks that were already glowing from her exertions on the dance floor.

  “You and he are together, then?”


  “Yes, we’re together.” Nikolai appeared at her side as if by magic, before placing a proprietary hand on her arm as he pulled her to his side.

  Daisy gave him a surprised glance. Not only was he named for and looked like a wolf, he had the silent stealth of one too. Because she hadn’t seen him move from that spot beside the dance floor.

  So much for being the always-alert Grayson Security operative, Daze.

  Yes. Well. Nikolai Volkov was like no one else she had ever met. Besides which, the noise level and number of people in this crowded room wasn’t exactly conducive to her being able to keep tabs on him as she danced with Brock.

  Although Nikolai didn’t seem to have had the same problem where she was concerned.

  “Hamilton.” He now nodded dismissal of the younger man.

  “Volkov.” Brock curtly returned the nod. “Nice to meet you, Daisy.” His expression deepened to admiration as he lifted her hand and kissed the back of her knuckles before turning and walking off into the crowd.

  Daisy frowned her irritation at Nikolai the moment the other man was out of earshot. “Do you have to be so—”

  “Dance,” he growled as he pulled her into his arms.


  Nikolai expected her to dance with him?

  No, he didn’t expect her to. He was demanding that she did so.

  This music playing now wasn’t the heavy beat of her dance with Brock, but a slow love song, the couples around them all dancing close together. In some cases, very close together, bodies entwined as they swayed to the music.

  Nikolai’s arms moved about Daisy’s waist as he pulled her in tight against him, instantly making her aware that he was still very—very—aroused. The four-inch heels on her shoes boosted her up to six feet tall, putting her almost on a par with Nikolai and so allowing the hardness of his arousal to press into the soft and heated sensitivity between her own thighs.

  An intimacy that made Daisy’s cheeks burn as she used her grip on his shoulders to attempt to push away and put a little distance between the two of them. Only to find herself instantly pulled back and in closer still, her bent arms now crushed against Nikolai’s chest, with the hardness of his cock wedged up against her clit, pressing, rubbing against the sensitive bud as Nikolai slowly swayed to the music.

  “What’s the matter?” His breath was warm against her ear, his voice taunting. “Decided that perhaps you don’t want to play with the big boys after all?”

  Daisy had no idea if he meant his remark to have a double meaning or not, but there was no doubting the length and thickness of that cock pressing against and into her as Nikolai’s hands moved down to cup the cheeks of her bottom. He pulled her in even tighter against him. Inciting—igniting—her own arousal and causing her clit to swell and her labia to become slick with her creamy juices, even as the unrelenting heat and smell and feel of this man invaded all her senses.

  The heat of Nikolai’s body seared into the length of hers as he molded their bodies together from shoulder to thigh. The muscles in his shoulders were rock hard beneath her fingers. The smell of his cologne mingled enticingly with his much earthier male smell.

  If Daisy had succeeded in demolishing him when she arrived here earlier with the changes in her appearance, then his close proximity now was destroying every one of her own defenses.

  Her breasts weren’t particularly big, being in proportion with the rest of her body. But Daisy knew, after studying her appearance in the full-length mirror in her bedroom before leaving her apartment earlier this evening, that the tube dress pushed that soft swell upward and made her breasts appear bigger than they were, as well as made her waist appear more slender and her hips curvier.

  And right now, her breasts were tipped with swollen and achingly aroused nipples.

  Something Nikolai was also aware of, and took full advantage of, as he rubbed his suit jacket over and against them.

  Daisy drew in a gasp as that abrasive pleasure shot straight to the heat of her core, her clitoris throbbing with a need for that same caress.

  “Want something, little girl?”

  The sneer in Nikolai’s tone caused Daisy to try to pull back again. She succeeded only in lifting her head back slightly, those hands on the cheeks of her ass pressing her tightly against his erection, his arms easily anchoring the rest of her body against his.

  She was pretty sure from his tone that some of Nikolai’s tension was caused by barely leashed anger as much as arousal.

  Daisy gave an irritated frown. “You were the one who asked me to dance with you, so why are you so angry?”

  Why was Nikolai angry?

  Because he fucking was!

  Totally, irrationally furious.

  Oh, there was no doubting that Daisy Redmond had proved her point this evening. Damn it, tonight, in these fuck-me shoes and that clinging black dress, she had more than proven she was every man’s type.

  Which seemed to be the problem as far as Nikolai was concerned.

  He hadn’t enjoyed watching her dance with Brock Hamilton or seeing the other man flirting with her. Any more than he liked the way other men were continuing to watch her sexily swaying body as they danced together. Even if that sexy body was currently pressed intimately along the length of his.

  Especially as that sexy, curvaceous body was now pressed up against his.

  “Come with me.” He didn’t glance at her as he took a firm hold of her hand and dragged her toward one of the doors leading up to the balcony above and looking over the dance floor. He slowed his pace only when he realized his long strides were causing Daisy to stumble in those high-heeled shoes.

  Those red fuck-me shoes.

  And right now, Nikolai was more than happy to oblige.

  Daisy might have come here tonight with the intention of teaching him a lesson, but she was about to learn that lesson went both ways. Everything about her was an invitation to fuck. That perkily styled hair. Those red-painted lips. The dress that left absolutely nothing to a man’s imagination. Those shoes.

  Oh yes, Nikolai was more than happy to oblige her.

  “Where are we going?” Daisy hung back slightly, even as Nikolai’s fingers curled tightly around hers and ensured she was dragged behind him into a dimly lit hallway and an equally dark staircase.

  “Upstairs,” he answered her economically, taking those stairs two at a time and once again pulling a stumbling Daisy along behind him.

  She breathed a sigh of relief when a door at the top of the stairs led out onto a narrow balcony overlooking the dance floor and the now gyrating bodies, the music once again having picked up in tempo.

  That relief was short-lived as Nikolai turned her so that she was facing out over the dance floor before placing his hands either side of her on the railings. In doing so, he had made her a prisoner of his arms and the heat of his body. A body he now pressed in behind her, the hardness of his erection a pulsing throb along the crease of her backside.


  “Are you wearing panties?”

  “Of c
ourse I’m wearing—”

  “Take them off.”


  “Keep facing forward,” he instructed, as she would have turned to him in shock. “Take off your panties,” he repeated.

  Daisy glanced around them to see if anyone was watching them as they stood here together on the balcony. No one was. The couples on the dance floor had eyes only for each other, and the couples on the other dozen or so private balconies surrounding the room seemed equally as engrossed in whatever it was they were doing together.

  “Take them off now, or I’ll rip them off.”

  She began to tremble as the uncompromising tone of Nikolai’s voice told her he meant exactly what he said. If she didn’t take off her panties, he really would rip them off her.

  She swallowed. “What are you going to do?”

  “Take off the panties, and you’ll find out.”

  Daisy remembered Lijah’s warning to her earlier today. “Stop playing with me, Nikolai.”

  “I haven’t even begun playing with you yet,” he assured her in that hard voice. “You have three seconds left before I— Better,” he bit out approvingly as Daisy’s hands moved tentatively from the railing to do as he instructed.

  Squirming out of your panties in a room heaving with other people dancing and talking loudly, with a totally hot and aroused man standing behind you, all without being seen doing it, was the most awkwardly embarrassing thing Daisy had ever done. More humiliating than embarrassing, as she finally managed to squirm enough to push the panties down to her thighs and over the knife strapped to her thigh, until they slipped down and fell about her ankles. It was also, she quickly discovered, erotically arousing as the warm air in the room hit her naked and wet pussy.

  “Step out of them.” Nikolai bent down behind her and scooped up the black lace panties as she did as he asked, followed by the sound of him breathing in deeply as he straightened.

  “Are you—are you sniffing my panties?” Daisy gave a soft gasp.

  “You smell delicious,” he confirmed unapologetically. “And wet,” he added with satisfaction.

  She was wet. And becoming more so by the second.

  It just felt so forbidden, shocking, to be standing up here with Nikolai, without her panties, and the soft movement of the air-conditioning overhead wafting the smell of her increasing arousal about and over the two of them.

  Daisy snapped abruptly out of that aroused state as she heard the sound of a zip being lowered behind her. The zip on Nikolai’s trousers?

  Dear God, was he going to just pull out his cock and take her, right here and now?

  Had she waited twenty-five years for this moment, only to lose her virginity standing up here on a balcony in the Utopia nightclub, where anyone might glance up or over and see Nikolai taking her from behind?

  “Put your hands back on the railing,” he instructed as he pushed up the back of her dress but left her covered at the front.

  Even so, Daisy felt totally exposed. “Nikolai—”

  “Do it,” he bit out in that uncompromising voice.

  She placed trembling hands back on the railing in front of her, drawing in another gasping breath as Nikolai moved to stand behind her, arms once again holding her prisoner as he curled his much longer hands and fingers about the railing beside hers, his totally naked cock now pressing against her equally naked ass.

  Oh God…

  Daisy felt completely vulnerable and exposed.

  And at the same time more turned on than she could ever remember being in her entire life.

  Nothing had prepared her for this.

  Not the years she had spent in the army. Nor the years since, working for Grayson Security.

  Nothing had prepared her for Nikolai Volkov.

  Not the boys she dated at university, or the few men she had dated since.

  “Rough, or slow and easy?”

  Oh God, oh God, oh God.

  “Tell me!” The long length of Nikolai’s cock moved silkily along the crease of her bottom.

  She gave a shake of her head. “I don’t— You choose.” She could barely breathe let alone think clearly enough to decide whether she wanted rough or slow and easy.

  “Sure about that?” Sharp teeth nipped painfully at her earlobe.

  Which caused an equally sharp contraction of desire to shoot straight to her core and resulted in another gush of juices between her thighs. Her labia now felt slick and very hot, her clit so swollen that if Nikolai just placed one finger on it—

  “Part your legs. I said part your legs, Daisy,” he repeated evenly when she didn’t move.

  Daisy parted her legs.

  Oh dear God!

  It was as if Nikolai had been able to read her thoughts, her needs, as one of his hands left the railing to move behind her and then up and in between her now parted thighs, fingers stroking and dipping into that copious flow of juices before moving forward to where her clit throbbed and ached to be touched.

  “Mm, I like that. Swollen and ripe.” Long fingers swirled and stroked without quite touching her clitoris.

  Daisy shifted slightly, hoping to feel just one touch of those fingers against where her need was now centered. Just a little to the left and she would be able to—

  “Don’t move,” Nikolai instructed harshly, his fingers having stilled. “If you move, I stop. Understand? Do you understand?” he repeated as he dipped a finger into her weeping channel, the tip, then one knuckle, followed by the second, until that finger penetrated her fully. Then it slowly curled upward and began to stroke inside her against a knot of nerves Daisy hadn’t even known was there.

  The elusive G-spot?

  If it was, then it wasn’t elusive to Nikolai. He knew exactly how to stroke and press against that knot of sensitive nerves in order to rouse her to a pitch of pleasure just short of giving her the release she so desperately needed.

  Daisy stood on tense and locked knees as a second finger joined the first and he began to finger fuck her in earnest, taking her to that edge time and time again, but always stopping just before she found release.

  Her breath was coming in short choked sobs as she arched rhythmically into those penetrating and stroking fingers, wanting, oh God wanting. “Yes!” she gasped as she finally felt a wave of such overwhelming pleasure surge through her there was no way Nikolai—even a hundred Nikolais—could stop it.

  And yet stop it he did.

  Somehow, the tormenting bastard had stopped her from falling over the edge into that climax. She had no idea how he had done it; he just had. “No!” she sobbed in protest as he withdrew his fingers, her own hands leaving the rail as she began to turn with the intention of pummeling her fists against that rock-hard chest.

  “I want your hands back on the railing, Daisy,” he told her evenly.

  “I won’t do it. You’re nothing but a— Oh God…” she groaned weakly as she felt the long length of Nikolai’s cock slide in between her parted thighs, gliding along her dripping labia before the swollen head caressed her equally swollen clit. Her hands returned instinctively to the railings for support as her legs threatened to buckle beneath her.

  Nikolai’s breath was warm against her ear as his arms encircled her once again and his hands were beside hers on the railing as he slowly withdrew before thrusting forward again. And again. And again. Each time the damp fullness of the top of his cock would rub against her swollen clit, causing that nubbin to swell and harden even more as it pulsed with need.

  Daisy could feel her pleasure rising again, growing, strengthening, and taking her to the edge. She caught her breath as she waited for Nikolai to deny her again, groaning her relief as he didn’t and the pleasure exploded inside her rather than blossomed. Intense, overwhelming pleasure. A continuous surge of wave after wave of excruciating release, Daisy’s breath coming in harsh sobs as she pressed back against Nikolai’s cock.

  She was still shaking from the intensity of that pleasure, barely able to continue standing, wh
en she was overwhelmed by a second, even more intense climax. Her clit pulsed and throbbed as the juices gushed and flowed between her thighs.

  “Yes!” Nikolai grated. “God, yes! Push back harder against me. Squeeze me between your thighs. Yes, just like that. Let me feel you come. Jesus!” He groaned as his cock began to throb and move even faster between her legs.

  Daisy felt the fierceness of his release against her clit, and that heat hurtled her into yet another climax.

  Chapter 4

  “A fucking virgin!”

  Daisy flinched at the disgust she could so clearly hear in Nikolai’s voice as he sat, angry and accusing, behind the desk in what she assumed had to be his office within the Utopia building.

  Having just delivered a scathing and completely accurate description of the extent of her sexual experience.

  Even those orgasms had been new to her. Mind-blowingly so. Daisy had never experienced such bone-melting pleasure in her life before tonight. And not just once, but several times.

  Was that even normal? Normal or otherwise, she still ached from the force of those multiple orgasms.

  Having had her black lace panties thrust at her with a growled “Clean yourself up” immediately afterward hadn’t been exactly the post-orgasm experience she might have hoped or wished for.

  Nikolai had used that same time to straighten and fasten his own clothing, before taking those totally wet panties from her to push them disgustedly into the pocket of his jacket. He had barely spared the time to snap, “Follow me,” as he turned to leave the balcony, all without giving her so much as a second glance.

  Daisy had thought briefly—very briefly—of not following him. But he had seemed so angry when he left, she had a feeling if she didn’t, then he would come back for her. That the wolf would hunt her down and find her. And when he did…

  She followed him down the stairs and along several hallways until they reached this office. The giveaway it was Nikolai’s was the array of security monitors along one wall, all turned off at the moment, but no doubt usually his eyes on what was happening in every part of the busy nightclub.

  Nikolai had waited only long enough for her to step inside before closing the door and then moving to sit behind the huge mahogany desk. He still sat there, watching her with those cold and accusing gray eyes.


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