Warrior Alpha (Alpha 6)

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Warrior Alpha (Alpha 6) Page 7

by Carole Mortimer

  Daisy moistened her lips. “Am I allowed to speak now?”

  His smile was hard. “Nothing I’ve said, no threat I’ve made, seems to have stopped you so far.”

  She blinked up at him. “This is my job, Nikolai. It’s what I do.”

  His mouth thinned. “Then maybe you should think of a career change.”

  Daisy shook her head. “Security is what there is once you leave the military.”

  “Then I suggest you learn a new skill set—”

  “Matt is dealing with that little problem.” Gregori spoke tersely as he strode into his office. “Was Miss Redmond injured?” Concern creased his brow as he saw the bloody towel in Nikolai’s hand.

  “Just a scratch,” Daisy dismissed as she stood up. She felt at far too much of a disadvantage sitting while these two overpowering men loomed over her.

  Gregori glanced over at Nikolai for confirmation, some of the tension leaving his shoulders as the other man nodded. “Well, I think we can all now assume the threat to Nikolai is very real, and more immediate than we had expected.”

  Nikolai moved restlessly across the room to stand and gaze out the window at the London skyline as he wondered how many more assassins Boris Petrov had hidden in England’s capital, just waiting for the chance to kill him.

  The whole idea of an assassin had seemed unrealistic to him until this evening.

  The shots fired inside Utopia earlier were undeniable. As was the target. He very much doubted Daisy Redmond had pissed someone off so much they wanted her dead.

  Other than him, of course. And his solution to that problem had absolutely nothing to do with wanting her dead.

  Tonight’s shooting showed that the rumor of Petrov wanting Nikolai dead as a show of his power was very real.

  Nikolai had been hunted when he lived on the streets of Moscow too, but there it had been by pimps and drug addicts. The former because they were willing to sell anything and anyone for a few rubles, the latter hoping he might have something they could steal and sell for their next fix. He had very quickly learned to deal with both, usually with the blade of his knife. He was less comfortable being hunted by faceless, nameless assassins carrying guns.

  “What do you suggest, Miss Redmond?” Gregori prompted with his usual politeness.

  “I’ll ask Lijah to assign more backup,” Daisy spoke huskily. “Otherwise, we go ahead with our original plan but bring the sequence of events forward.”

  Nikolai turned to frown at her. “Bring what forward?”

  “As you suggested earlier, I’ll move in with you tonight.” Color warmed her cheeks, and she couldn’t quite meet his gaze. “If they can get into Utopia, then they may be able to infiltrate your apartment building too.”


  “I think that’s an excellent idea, Miss Redmond.” Gregori spoke firmly over the top of Nikolai’s protest.

  Nikolai studied the other man. The two of them had known each other for so long, spent so much time together the past twenty years, they were often able to read each other’s thoughts without actually speaking them. Much like a married couple often did, Nikolai realized with a mental snort.

  What he read from Gregori’s thoughts was Daisy was seen with you last night, and again tonight. She is already linked with you if Petrov’s men are watching you, which it would seem they are. That now puts her in as much danger as you are. The two of you can protect each other.

  And the reason Gregori was all too aware of the danger to Daisy was because just months ago, Gaia had been taken and used as leverage against him.


  Someone should have thought of this before now. Lijah. Gregori. Nikolai. One of them should have taken Daisy’s safety into consideration before things went this far.

  “I wish the two of you wouldn’t do that,” Daisy spoke up impatiently as she saw the two men exchanging another one of those glances that spoke volumes.

  “Do what, Miss Redmond?”

  She wasn’t fooled for a moment by Gregori’s unfailing politeness. He was a darkly handsome man, could be absolutely charming when he wanted to be, but beneath all that, he was also the powerful head of the Markovic family. A man many feared and all respected. Or paid the price for not doing so. Boris Petrov was either a fool or very brave to even attempt to order a kill on someone Gregori cared about as much as he did Nikolai.

  The fact that Lijah obviously liked Gregori and Dair was his brother-in-law in no way lessened the fact that the other man was The Markovic.

  And a man even more dangerous than Nikolai?

  Yes, but in a totally different way. If it became necessary, then Gregori was perfectly capable of ordering retribution. Nikolai preferred to do it himself. With his bare hands, if necessary.

  Which was why he now resented the need for anyone else’s protection.

  But specifically that of a woman?


  Which was just too bad, because after tonight, Daisy was even more determined to see this job through. Whether Nikolai liked it or not. And he obviously didn’t.

  She steadily met Gregori’s gaze. “The two of you constantly have silent conversations that exclude everyone else.”

  He raised dark brows. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Miss Redmond.”

  “Perhaps Daisy is suffering from delayed shock after the shooting?” Nikolai sounded amused.

  Daisy could either allow herself to be intimidated by these two men, which would render her completely ineffective. Or she could let them both know, here and now, that she wasn’t about to be talked down to.

  “I’m happy to step down if you’ve decided you aren’t happy with Lijah’s choice of bodyguard, Mr. Markovic,” she said evenly.

  Gregori’s gaze was enigmatic. “I do not recall saying that, Miss Redmond.”

  “In that case, I need the two of you to let me get on with doing my job. That includes no more of these conversations I’m excluded from. You”—she turned to Nikolai—“will remain in your office for the rest of the night. You’re able to observe all of Utopia through the security monitors in your office and can telephone down to your men on the floor, if necessary,” she added as he would have objected. “And you”—she turned back to Gregori Markovic—“will back me up in this, until Lijah and I are able to get more men in place.”

  Nikolai knew the other man hadn’t been spoken to in this frank and unabashed way by a woman—by anyone—other than Gaia.

  Knowing how Gregori had reacted to Gaia’s outspokenness—the two of them were now married, after all—he could already guess the outcome of Daisy’s stand.

  As predicted, grudging respect entered the other man’s eyes, along with amusement when he gave a brief glance in Nikolai’s direction. “You heard the lady, Nikolai,” Gregori drawled.

  “I hear a lot of things,” he grated. “That doesn’t mean I’m going to allow myself to be pussy whipped into taking notice of them.”

  “You believe me to be pussy whipped?” The other man sounded amused.

  Nikolai gave him an irritated scowl. “What I think right now is that we should try and find out exactly how many of Petrov’s men are currently in London.”

  “That’s what Grayson Security is for, Mr. Volkov.” Daisy looked at him challengingly. Unlike Gregori, she was obviously refusing to allow herself to be goaded into responding to Nikolai’s “pussy whipped” comment. “You won’t find anyone better at that than Lijah. In fact, now that we know these men are in London, I guarantee, by this time tomorrow, Lijah will not only know how many men there are but also where they’re staying.” She left unspoken that Lijah would also have sent several of his own men to deal with the problem. “You don’t have to do everything alone, Nikolai,” she added huskily.

  What the f—?

  “I think Miss Redmond has come to know you very well in just a few days, Nikolai.” Having added that dry comment to stir the mix—no doubt in retaliation for Nikolai’s earlier “pussy whipped” comment—Grego
ri sat back in his chair to watch the show.

  Because Gregori knew Nikolai worked alone. He always had. No matter how many years he’d spent as part of the Markovic family, he had still chosen to stand on the outside looking in. A lone wolf. Able to take care of himself. He didn’t work—or play—well with others.

  Well…he definitely played; he just didn’t hang around afterward.

  Having Daisy move into his apartment with him wasn’t something he was comfortable with at all.

  But not knowing she was safe with him at his apartment was even more disturbing.

  Fuck Gregori and his machinations. And fuck Dair and Lijah for putting Daisy in this position.

  And if Daisy called him “Mr. Volkov” one more time in that pissy voice, then he really would have to spank her!

  “Fine,” he bit out through clenched teeth.

  Daisy had to catch her bottom lip between her teeth to stop herself from smiling at the frustrated fury she could see on Nikolai’s face, no doubt at being so neatly outmaneuvered. Gregori Markovic knew Nikolai far better than she did, and as such, he was proving to be a dangerous ally, on so many more levels than the obvious one of his position as the patriarch of the Markovic family.

  And it would seem she had now volunteered to move into Nikolai’s apartment with him later tonight.

  “Bedroom, adjoining bathroom.” Nikolai threw open the bedroom door before stepping back into the hallway and allowing Daisy to enter the room.

  She stepped into the sparely but expensively furnished bedroom. White walls displaying black-and-white prints, a dark green carpet on the floor, paler green curtains at the windows, the duvet on the king-size bed a combination of both those colors, the furniture dark mahogany. Expensive, elegant, minimalist—and so totally Nikolai.

  The rest of this penthouse apartment, when Nikolai accompanied her as she did a check of all the rooms and security cameras, was decorated in the same way. The modern kitchen was all chrome and black, with touches of white. The sitting room browns, tans, and cream. All, without exception, bare of all unnecessary adornment, and yet also expensively so.

  As a reaction to Nikolai’s much humbler beginnings?

  Daisy felt sure that it was.

  It had felt a little strange leaving Utopia with Nikolai and getting into her car to follow him home, and knowing that tonight she wouldn’t be passing the security detail on to Jonas, or one of her other coworkers at Grayson Security. Although she’d had to ask Jonas to go back to her apartment for a second time in two days, this time to collect the packed bag all Grayson Security employees kept in readiness for when or if they had to take off in a hurry. Although Daisy had in no way envisaged, before this assignment began four days ago, she was going to need that bag tonight so that she could move into Nikolai Volkov’s apartment with him.

  She had felt slightly uncomfortable when Nikolai informed the security guard on duty at the desk downstairs that Daisy was to come and go as she pleased. The security guard had been respectful and polite, but even so, a part of Daisy had wanted to explain she was Nikolai’s bodyguard and not his latest woman. Coming up in the private lift with Nikolai and entering his apartment with him, knowing she was staying, had felt even more surreal.

  Just knowing she was alone here in the silence of his apartment with him now caused butterflies to flutter in Daisy’s stomach and her pulse to race.

  Not that Nikolai gave a single indication he wanted to carry on where they’d left off yesterday.

  In fact, he hadn’t spoken at all as he returned to his office after they finished that conversation with Gregori, leaving it up to Daisy as to whether or not she followed him. Which she had. Nikolai had closed the door firmly behind him when he reached his office, leaving Daisy outside in the hallway. She had used that time to telephone Lijah, explaining the new situation to him and leaving him to organize backup.

  And then she had remained alone out in the hallway for the rest of the night.

  As a mark of Nikolai’s displeasure?

  Daisy believed so, yes.

  Nikolai’s steely gaze had barely acknowledged her presence when he left his office just after four o’clock to oversee the closing down of Utopia for the night. Nor did he acknowledge her as she followed him, and then outside to his car.

  A silent Nikolai was almost as unnerving as a threatening one.

  “There’s food in the fridge for breakfast if you wake up before I do,” he informed her before turning sharply on his heel and leaving.

  Daisy sat down weakly on the side of the bed.

  Well, she had made her stand earlier in Gregori’s office. A necessary stand, she believed. But that certainly didn’t mean Nikolai had to like the arrangement.

  Or her.

  Chapter 6

  Someone was on the roof of the building.

  Daisy tensed in the bed as she listened intently to the faint noises above her. A slight, barely perceptible scraping noise, maybe a door opening? What sounded like the pad of footsteps. Followed by a soft humming sound.

  Someone was definitely on the roof, and as it was still only October, it certainly wasn’t Santa Claus!

  Nikolai owned the penthouse apartment on the tenth floor, with no access from the outside of the building, so how anyone could have got up onto the roof, Daisy had no idea. How anyone could have got past Jonas and Seth, now on guard outside the building, plus the guard on the reception desk, also seemed impossible.

  And yet Daisy was convinced someone had.

  Either Jonas or Seth would have made the prearranged two-ring/vibration telephone call as a warning if they had seen anything suspicious outside. Daisy hadn’t received a call from either of them.

  Maybe the intruder had come over from a neighboring roof? The buildings weren’t close, but no doubt it would be possible to attach a rope and slide over the distance separating the two buildings if someone was desperate enough.

  The unusual noise was certainly worrying enough for Daisy to feel the need to go and investigate, but not enough that she was willing to call Jonas and Seth as backup.


  She threw back the bedclothes to climb quietly out of bed, before quickly pulling on her short robe over the white vest top and black boxers she wore to sleep in. She then moved stealthily across the room to collect her gun from the dressing table, releasing the safety as she headed quietly and cautiously toward the door.

  Maybe there was more than one intruder? Maybe the others had already breached the apartment.


  Oh God, what if someone was already in the apartment? What if Nikolai was already—

  I need to get a grip, she told herself as she firmly dampened down the panic rising up inside her.

  The two of them had arrived at the apartment a couple of hours ago, but Daisy had remained so tense, her thoughts racing, and now the sun was coming up and lightening the bedroom, that she hadn’t even managed to fall asleep yet. She had left her bedroom door slightly ajar, though, and would surely have heard if there was someone actually inside the apartment.

  Or if a shot had been fired.

  But maybe not if the gun had a silencer—

  This so isn’t helping.

  Concentrate. Focus. Follow the military procedure that had been ingrained into her during training.

  Should she call down to either Jonas and Seth after all, or would that be wasting valuable time? Time Nikolai perhaps didn’t have?

  Decision made, Daisy opened her bedroom door slowly, quietly. Gun to the left of the hallway then to the right, searching for a target.

  Walk stealthily down the hallway, gun aimed and ready to fire if someone suddenly stepped out in front of her or behind her.

  Check each room again.

  Kitchen. Study. Sitting room, gym. Four en suite bedrooms.

  All of them empty of intruders.

  Daisy’s breath caught in her throat as she paused outside the closed door of the fifth bedroom. Nikolai’s room.

at would she find when she opened the door?

  A sleeping Nikolai?

  Or a dead one?

  Oh God.

  Maybe she was too late? Maybe what she’d heard was one lone assassin as he was leaving rather than arriving?

  Just open the damned door and get this over with.


  Her breath left her in a relieved sigh at the sight of Nikolai’s empty bedroom.

  There was evidence that he had been here recently, though. The bedcovers were thrown back and to one side of that enormous king-size bed. The black shoes he had been wearing earlier were neatly tucked beneath the bedroom chair. The empty sheath for the knife he kept strapped to his ankle was placed on one side of the dressing table. Beside it there were several pairs of gold cufflinks in a tray.

  There were no photographs in the room. No dirty washing or clothes on the floor. The bedroom was as neat and uncluttered as the rest of his apartment. A quick glance into the adjoining bathroom showed that it too was empty, and just as tidy.

  But there was no knife in its sheath.

  And she hadn’t seen a gun either, even though she knew Nikolai always carried one.

  Had he heard those noises on the roof too, and gone to investigate?

  Having made his opinion clear earlier in regard to being able to take care of himself, Daisy wouldn’t put it past him.

  But at least there’s no blood or dead body in the bedroom.

  Maybe not, but there was no Nikolai either. Not in his bedroom or the rest of the apartment.

  So where the hell was he?

  Could he have gone out without telling her? No, she would definitely have heard him leave. Seth and Jonas would have seen him too.

  Could Nikolai have gone up to the roof?

  If so, how had he gotten up there?

  There was only one way up to the roof from inside the apartment.

  During her search of the apartment earlier she had discovered a spiral staircase in the corner of the gym.

  She had checked it out, of course, making sure the door was locked and bolted from the inside. A lock and bolt Nikolai could easily have unlocked and unbolted.


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