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Warrior Alpha (Alpha 6)

Page 11

by Carole Mortimer

  No, she wasn’t. Nor did she want to get her heart broken.

  Except it might already be too late.

  She was very much afraid she might already be falling in love with him.

  But that was for her to come to terms with and deal with. Not Nikolai. And certainly not Lijah.

  Daisy straightened. “Whatever happened between us, it’s now over. Out of our system. Now if you aren’t about to sack me, then tell me why the plans for the trip to New York have been moved forward,” she prompted briskly.

  Lijah gazed at her searchingly, wordlessly, for several seconds before giving an abrupt nod and moving back to sit behind his desk. “Nikolai told you we captured the man who shot at the two of you in Utopia?”

  The rest of their conversation was all business as they discussed the reason for the early arrival in New York of the Markovic family.

  It was intended to wrong-foot Boris Petrov. Once in New York, Gregori was going to pay the younger man a surprise personal visit before the other families arrived for the meeting. A visit during which Gregori had every intention of making it clear that if anything were to happen to Nikolai Volkov, now or in the future, then Boris would be the one to pay the price of that death personally.

  The man they were still holding at the house in Hampstead would be brought forward to the other families as proof if the necessity arose. The “necessity” being Nikolai’s sudden death, followed by Gregori’s swift retaliation.

  Just thinking about Nikolai dying at the hands of Petrov’s assassins made Daisy’s stomach lurch.

  “Our main concern is to keep Nikolai alive,” Lijah concluded as he seemed to read Daisy’s thoughts. “Not an easy task when the bastard thinks he’s invincible.”

  She no longer believed Nikolai thought of himself as invincible. As Lijah said, Nikolai just didn’t care about his own safety. He had also been taking care of himself for so long, he didn’t feel the need, or want the responsibility, of having someone else putting their life in danger for him.

  Which was just too bad, because Daisy was more determined than ever that no harm would come to him.



  Nikolai felt as if he was in hell.

  Or what he imagined hell must feel like.

  The twelve-seater Markovic jet was as luxurious and comfortable to travel in as usual. He and Gregori spent their time discussing business, as they normally did when traveling. The male flight attendant was taking care of their drink and food needs, as usual, so no problem there either.

  No, the problem, as far as Nikolai was concerned, appeared to be Daisy Redmond.

  She was currently sitting at the front of the jet at another table, along with Jonas and Seth. And every time Nikolai heard her husky voice or laugh in response to something one of the other men had said, his chest grew tight.

  He had no idea what the hell that was about, only that he didn’t like it.


  “What?” He turned to scowl across the table dividing him and Gregori.

  The other man gave a mocking smile. “I asked if you would rather go and sit in the vacant seat beside Miss Redmond?”

  His scowl deepened. “Why the hell would I want to do that?”

  Gregori shrugged. “It was just a suggestion.”

  He shook his head. “She shouldn’t be here at all. I don’t want her here.”

  “You don’t want her placed in danger, which is not the same thing at all.”

  “Don’t attribute me with emotions that don’t exist.”

  Gregori was unconcerned by his aggression. “And don’t you attempt to treat me with the same indifference as you do others.”

  Nikola shifted uncomfortably in his leather seat. Gregori knew him far too well.

  Even so… “I think your own happiness with Gaia is clouding your judgment.”

  It was Gregori’s turn to scowl. “I don’t like being parted from her.”

  “She’s safer in England.” The two men had already discussed this subject ad nauseam, and Nikolai stuck by his advice. It was safer for everyone, most especially Gaia, if she remained in England under the protection of several of Nikolai’s men.

  Nikolai wished he could have given the same instruction in regard to Daisy.

  He wished for a lot of things where Daisy was concerned.

  They had barely spoken as Nikolai went about the business of ordering the arrangements for their earlier trip to New York, and she had been all business since returning from her conversation with Lijah earlier this evening. Nikolai had no doubt the other man would have warned her to stay well away from him, physically and emotionally.

  As Lijah should.

  Nikolai had no illusions about himself, knew that he wasn’t a man Daisy should become personally involved with.

  Maybe I should have thought of that before taking her to my bed!

  Nikolai didn’t need Gregori or Lijah to tell him that, knew himself that he had seriously fucked up.

  He also challenged either of those men, when they had both been single, to have been able to resist Daisy earlier today.

  Or that night in Utopia either.

  Or now, he acknowledged with a scowl as he once again heard her husky laugh.

  What did she find so fucking amusing about either Jonas or Seth? Neither man appeared to be that funny to him.

  The tall Native American had introduced himself as Jonas Grayfeather, his deep and gravelly voice as big and imposing as the rest of him. Seth Armstrong, although obviously ex-military, was less intimidating, despite that lethal-looking scar on his face, so maybe it was his company Daisy liked?

  Maybe she just liked Seth Armstrong.

  Nikolai stood up abruptly before making his way to the front of the plane, pausing to have a brief conversation with four of his own men before moving farther forward to rest his hand on the back of Daisy’s seat as he gazed across at the two men sitting opposite her. “We should be landing in New York in about an hour or so.”

  “I believe the pilot just told us that,” Seth Armstrong drawled.

  He nodded. “And I’ve just told you again.”

  Daisy had turned quickly at the sound of Nikolai’s voice; she hadn’t been aware he was standing there until he spoke.

  She’d been trying to ignore him since they boarded the jet six hours ago. Not very successfully, if she were honest with herself. He was dressed more casually this evening than she had ever seen him, in a pale gray shirt unfastened at the throat, with the cuffs turned back to just below his elbows, along with a pair of faded denims that rested low on his hips.

  He was so damned sexy, her breath had caught in her throat, preventing her from speaking, when she first saw him as they boarded the jet at the airport.

  The intervening six hours hadn’t lessened that reaction as she glanced up at him now. He still looked sexy as hell. Sexier now that his overlong blond hair was slightly tousled. He also appeared tired about the eyes, and Daisy’s cheeks warmed as she remembered—in colorful detail—exactly the reason he’d had so little sleep earlier today. She was a little tired herself, to be truthful.

  His gaze was guarded. “I wondered if you would like to come to the back of the plane for the remainder of the flight?”

  “Oh. Of course.” She released her seat belt before standing. “You’ll want to go over the security details for when we land.” She gave Nikolai a frowning glance when he made no move to step aside so that she could join him in the spacious aisle. “Nikolai…?” She eyed him uncertainly as she realized he and Seth seemed to be engaged in one of those silent eye-contact conversations she found so irritating between Nikolai and Gregori. Only this one appeared to be less a conversation and more of a challenge.

  Daisy gave a shake of her head. She had to be imagining things. Seth and Nikolai didn’t even know each other, had been officially introduced only earlier this evening.

  Nikolai finally stepped back to allow her to move into the aisle in front of him
. “I’m sure you two gentlemen will be able to entertain each other for the remainder of the flight.”

  “It was more fun being entertained by Daisy,” Seth drawled.

  Daisy gave him a quizzical glance, but he didn’t seem to notice as he continued to watch Nikolai.

  Her puzzled glance turned to a heavy frown. “Are we joining Gregori or not?” she prompted irritably as Nikolai made no effort to move back down the plane.

  He nodded tersely and took a proprietary grip of her arm before moving forward.

  Daisy had been on several private jets during her work for Grayson Security, but she had to admit the Markovic plane was the most luxurious of them. None of the others had a bedroom next to the bathroom at the back of the plane for one thing, something she had discovered when she opened the wrong door on her first trip to the bathroom. Not that anyone had used the bedroom during this relatively short flight, but it was an added comfort she had never encountered before. Maybe Gregori and Gaia Markovic used it when the two of them were onboard together—

  “Nikolai?” Daisy all but squeaked as Nikolai continued on past the table where Gregori relaxed back in his seat with his eyes closed, and instead used that grip on her arm to pull her toward the back of the plane.

  Where the bathroom was situated.

  And the bedroom.

  “Nikolai, what—” She broke off as she found herself pushed into that bedroom and the door closed firmly behind them. “What on earth do you think you’re doing?” she demanded incredulously.

  What was he doing?

  Hell if Nikolai knew.

  He’d just had enough of Daisy either behaving distantly toward him, as she had earlier today, not being there at all, when she had gone to see Lijah earlier this evening, or having to witness her laughing and flirting with two other men. Handsome men that she was obviously far more comfortable being with than she was him.

  He crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned back again the closed door. “Which one of those muscle-bound idiots are you planning on becoming involved with next?”

  She all but gaped at him. “Muscle-bound… I presume you mean Seth or Jonas, rather than your own men?”

  “You presume correctly.” He hadn’t given his own four men a second thought, had been too concentrated on Daisy’s associates from Grayson Security. Which was a little naïve of him, considering that his own men were just as fit and handsome. They were all younger than him too. More Daisy’s age.

  “For your information, Seth has a degree from Cambridge University, and Jonas has one from MIT, which means that neither of them are idiots. Of any kind,” she added firmly. “And I don’t intend getting involved with either one of them in the way that you mean.”


  “You’re being ridiculous,” she snapped impatiently. “Seth and Jonas are like Lijah, just two more irritating big brothers to make my life difficult.”

  “How many real brothers do you have?”

  “Two. And both of them are a pain in the ass when it comes to my private life. Now will you move out of the way of the door so that I can go back out into the main cabin? Before one of those ‘big brothers’ decides to come to my rescue,” she added in disgust.

  Nikolai’s gaze moved over her searchingly. She was all business tonight. Her hair was once again in that silky cap about her heart-shaped face, and she wore a black trouser suit, with a crisp white shirt. No doubt her gun was also tucked into the waistband of her trousers.

  Strange how much of a turn-on the threat of that gun was starting to become. Especially when she seemed to be mad enough right now to draw it in anger.

  She obviously had absolutely no idea how much Nikolai would enjoy disarming her.

  “Do you want to be rescued?” he prompted huskily.

  She frowned up at him uncertainly. “What’s this about, Nikolai? Why have you brought me in here?”

  “Because I haven’t had a chance to do this for hours,” he rasped his frustration as he reached out and took her in his arms before lowering his head and claiming her lips with his.

  His breath left him in a sigh of satisfaction as Daisy’s lips parted in response. He hadn’t realized until that moment how much he had needed to kiss her again. To feel her response as her body melted into his own. The soft caress of her fingers as they became entangled in the hair at his nape.

  Nikolai realized this woman had the power to put him in heaven or hell.

  And right now, he didn’t give a damn which one it was—

  What the fuck…?

  Nikolai’s arms tightened about Daisy at the sound of a loud bang at the same time as the plane gave a sudden lurch to the left before it began to rapidly lose altitude.

  Shit, were they going down?

  Chapter 9

  “Brace yourself in the crash position!” the pilot’s voice told them grimly over the sound of the screeching engines of the jet.

  “Nikolai!” Daisy cried out, barely having time to grab hold of his forearms as they were thrown across the bedroom.

  She felt a sharp pain in her hip as she crashed into the fixed dressing table before they both landed on the floor in a tangle of arms and legs.

  All accounts she had ever read said “time stood still as your life flashed before you” during a life-or-death situation.

  Those accounts were wrong.

  Time did stand still, but it wasn’t Daisy’s past life that flashed before her. It was the future life she might never have, and the emotions she might never feel that she regretted as the jet continued its rapid descent toward the ground.

  “Stay put,” Nikolai growled above her as he struggled against the pressure preventing him from rising to his feet.

  Her eyes widened in alarm. “I’m coming with you.” If she was about to die, then it wouldn’t be alone in the bedroom of a private jet.

  Nikolai stilled, his eyes glitteringly fiercely. “Do you ever do as you’re told?”

  “Rarely,” Daisy answered him distractedly as she pushed him the rest of the way off her. She bent her legs to grab hold of the side of the bed to help lever herself up onto her feet. “Oh God…!” She staggered again as the jet suddenly righted itself. Much lower to the ground than before, but at least the plane now seemed to be flying on a level, even slowly ascending. “We should go and see if everyone else is okay.” She strode purposefully toward the door.

  Nikolai didn’t answer. He wasn’t too concerned, knew that everyone in the main cabin had been strapped into their seats minutes ago. Instead, he glanced out the window at the left-side engine, where he could see a trail of black on the fuselage. From smoke and flames? Evidence that the engine had been on fire just seconds ago? Nikolai had a feeling that it was.

  A fire in the engine preceded by that loud bang.

  A bomb?

  Jesus Christ, is Boris Petrov so determined to prove himself as head of the Orlov family, he’s willing to kill Gregori too in order to do it?

  Except Petrov hadn’t known they would be flying to New York tonight.

  Had he?

  Had Petrov somehow managed to infiltrate Gregori’s security? Did he have a “man”—or woman; much as Nikolai might like to do so, he couldn’t exclude Daisy—on the inside?

  Only a few people had known the Markovic jet was heading to New York tonight. And most of those people, if not all, were on the plane right now. The few who weren’t, like Lijah Smith, could be trusted implicitly. Nikolai might have his personal differences with Lijah, but he would trust the other man with his life as well as all of those aboard the plane tonight.

  An accident?

  That bang and the fire in the jet’s engine were too convenient and too timely, in Nikolai’s opinion.

  Sabotage, then.

  But by whom and how?

  Gregori’s plane was kept safe and secure in the hangar at the private airport when he wasn’t using it, and Dair Grayson had ensured that hangar was fitted with a high-tech security system to which only a handful o
f people had the key code.

  Then, once the plane was out of the hangar being prepped for takeoff? Maybe one of the ground crew?

  Nikolai couldn’t believe that anyone on board the jet right now would be willing to blow up the plane and kill themselves too, no matter how much Petrov was willing to pay them. Although he couldn’t dismiss the idea completely. Desperation often forced people to behave in ways they would otherwise never have. Gambling debts. An ill relative in need of medical treatment. He would know more on that subject once he’d had time to investigate the private circumstances of everyone on board.


  He straightened, his expression deliberately bland as he turned to look at Daisy as she looked at him questioningly as she stood beside the open doorway into the cabin area. “Just checking how far we are from the ground,” he drawled as he crossed the bedroom to join her in the doorway.

  “Don’t patronize me, Nikolai.” Her expression had hardened. “Was this deliberate?”

  “Maybe.” He gave a grimace but added nothing further before stepping past her into the main cabin.

  His main worry now was Gregori’s safety. Followed by whether or not they would be able to complete the flight to New York on just one engine, or possibly have to make an emergency landing somewhere nearer.

  Which couldn’t be ruled out as having been the plan all along.

  Damn it, there were just too many unknowns and variables in this situation for Nikolai to be able to dismiss anything.

  “Whew.” Daisy had never been so relieved to place her booted feet on terra firma as when she stepped down from the Markovic jet onto the tarmac of the private airfield several miles outside New York.

  The forty minutes left of the flight, after the pilot had assured them that they’d had a little engine trouble but it was under control now, had been fraught with tension. He had sounded calm when he assured them the problem had been dealt with. One of the engines was now shut down, but the plane was perfectly capable of reaching their destination. As a precaution, he had ordered them all to remain in or return to their seats and fasten their seat belts for the rest of the flight.


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