Marrying His Omega

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Marrying His Omega Page 5

by Lorelei M. Hart

  “Will, come on, it’s not a wedding. It’s a birthday party. And you know me, cake is my weakness.”

  He went on to whine about me not helping, so I put my hand over the speaker and spoke to Chris. “Hey, do you mind stopping by Will’s?”

  Chris pouted but nodded. I told Will we would be there shortly, and he told me to hurry up. He didn’t even know I was with Chris.

  “You’re ready?” I asked slowly. His hand had reached the top of my thigh and had me in a lusty fog.

  “I’m ready for a lot of things, but I’m assuming you mean the Will and cake thing. Yeah, let’s go.”

  Chris picked up all the papers and bottles and chucked them in the nearest trash can. On the way to his motorcycle, he reached out and took my hand, bringing it to his mouth and kissed my palm.

  “I kind of like you behind me,” he whispered in my ear as I mounted the motorcycle.

  “I kind of like it, too. But you’re the alpha.” I didn’t know much about alpha/omega sex, but I did know that alphas liked to be the one on top.

  “But you behind me, grinding your dick against my ass has me wondering if I wouldn’t like it the other way around.”

  He revved up the engine of the Harley, and my eyes rolled back in my head at the sensation between my thighs. That plus the dirty talk from my alpha’s mouth made it hard to concentrate.

  So I decided to give him a little taste of his own medicine.

  While we rode toward the town, I glided my hands from his waist toward the front and kneaded his thighs. His hips rocked back and forth in front of me as I increased the pressure before moving to his crotch, rubbing his dick with one hand while the other cupped his sac. With my face against his back, I could feel his breaths increasing. I moved the hand that once cupped his balls, up and underneath his T-shirt to pinch his nipples one at a time. They grew hard and pointed as I continued my play.

  Chris slowed the motorcycle, and I saw him look around the surrounding forest left and right before pulling over and pushing down the kickstand.

  “Tak, I need you now,” he said, after pulling off his helmet and mine. I looked down at his jeans to see what my hands knew to be true. Chris was hard as marble and making his jeans work overtime to keep his length contained.

  “Here? There’s just trees.”

  “Exactly. Come on.” Once again, he grabbed my hand and rushed me into the lush expanse of trees until we came to a spot that was secluded enough to be private but still in view of his Harley.

  “Pants off now. I mean now, omega.” Gods, the growl in his voice, commanding and sure, had me on the edge of exploding before I could even get my finger to work at the button.

  “Chris, I think you need this more than me,” I said as he began to kneel right there on the ground, licking his lips.

  “No, love. I need your fullness in my mouth.”

  He jerked my pants down the rest of the way and unbuttoned his own pants and pulled them down to his ass and gave his own erection a few strokes. My dick pulsed in my appreciation of the sight of my mate pleasuring himself.

  He stood for a second and pulled my shirt up. He took each nipple into his mouth before crashing his lips onto mine. When he moved to suckle at the tender flesh at the side of my neck, I looked down to watch him work his cock between his hands. Wanting to see more, I reached down and pinched my nipples before tugging at my dick, rubbing it against his, watching us move together.

  My alpha was ready to come.

  He looked down to watch as well before dropping to his knees, placing not-so-gentle kisses down my torso and across my belly.

  “Chris, why don’t you let me…” It was too late. Before I could finish my sentence, Chris had his hot mouth around my dick and as I held onto the tree behind me, I watched as he took the fullness of me, looking at me as he did. He reached between my legs to move my ass cheeks apart and rub circles around my hole as he bobbed up and down taking me in long strokes. Appreciative moans came from his throat, and I let go of the tree to hold the sides of his head, moving him in a rhythm that he fell into like he’d blown me a hundred times. Just when I thought I was going to fall over the edge, he pulled back, releasing my cock with a pop. He turned his head and pulled my balls into his mouth one by one until they pulled into my body, ready to explode.

  “Alpha, please,” I cried out to the sky.

  My strong alpha did as I asked and took me into his mouth once more as one of his fingers dove into my slick hole. The pressure built inside me, coursing through my body to come to a point that felt like the orgasm might consume my whole being.

  It would be a good way to go.

  “Chris!” I screamed one last time before shooting my essence into his mouth.

  “Fuck, omega. You are so beautiful when you come. Do you have enough energy left for me?”

  Chapter Twelve


  The salty taste of my omega still lay on my tongue, salty goodness I hoped to enjoy many times in the future, but my dick still jutted straight out, aching for relief. Tak gave me a shy smile and knelt as I rose. Halfway there, in an awkward bend, we kissed then he had his arms wrapped around my hips, his hot little mouth encasing me with a suction so tight I knew it wouldn’t take long.

  I laced my fingers in his hair and cupped the back of his head, holding him still while I took over. I didn’t mind sucking off my omega, in fact I loved it, but I was so hard, so hot, and so close, I needed to control the action here.

  I fucked his mouth, deep, slow strokes into his throat that guaranteed a quick result. We could take our time later, but I was afraid if we were much longer, his friend would call again and interrupt us. Plus, I’d been on my knees just a second before and knew how many tiny pebbles and thorns were there. I didn’t want him uncomfortable.

  After a dozen or so thrusts, my balls tightened, my head tipped back, and I let out a roar as my cum jetted into my omega, marking him with my scent, and ending with me on my knees in front of him, kissing again, lips, teeth and tongues clashing, dicks hardening as if we both hadn’t just gotten off.

  As we clung to one another, his phone rang and we broke apart, laughing and panting. “Will?” I asked.

  “Gotta be. His timing is impeccable.” Tak rested a hand on my shoulder and stood then tucked his cock into his pants. Then he shrugged. “He didn’t mean to interrupt. He’s not used to me having a sex life to interrupt.”

  “Well, he’d better get used to it, then,” I growled, standing as well and straightening my clothes. “Either you tell him, or I will.”

  We strolled back toward the bike with an arm around one another’s waist, as in tune with each other as if we’d been together for years. Yet we had that crazy first-time-together buzz going, or at least I did. Had all day.

  As he settled behind me on the bike, Tak’s cock was still half-hard. He brought his arms around and rested his palms on my thighs, very close to home base, and nuzzled my neck. “I don’t think we’ll have to tell him,” he yelled over the roar of the Harley starting up. “He has eyes, and a nose. We smell like all-day and all-night sex.”

  And wasn’t that how it should be?

  Will lived not far away, so we roared up his driveway in a short time, both hard as rocks from the little groping games my omega had decided were motorcycle appropriate. If we couldn’t manage some distraction, we’d be making a real spectacle of ourselves, so before knocking on the door, I took a few steps away and looked out over the flowerbeds edging the lawn, trying to think of things that were unrelated to sex with my omega. Cuddling with him in bed came to mind which helped not at all. Then I thought of sitting on the couch with him watching a movie, but my brain immediately pictured doing that naked. Swimming...which fortunately or unfortunately had other associations already…


  Not only did my dick deflate, but my balls retreated into my body at the sound. Praying I’d misinterpreted it, I turned on a heel to find I had not been mistaken. My bike lay on the gravel
drive net to my omega who gaped at it in horror.

  “I’m so sorry, Chris,” he said, staring down. “I don’t know what happened. I pulled my leg over the seat and my foot got caught in the strap on that saddle bag thing, and...and I guess I do know what happened.”

  Any other time with any other person I’d have been enraged, probably shouting, possibly threatening a lawsuit or mayhem, but today I simply strode up to the side of someone I loved, took him in my arms, and stroked his back, soothing, “Shh, it’s only a thing. Are you okay?”

  Holy cow, who was I?

  For his part, Tak continued to apologize over and over while I hushed and caressed and told him it was okay. By the time he settled down, and I looked up, we were not alone.

  Will—at least I assumed it was Will because I didn’t recall him being in our class—was headed toward us, an apron wrapped around his waist and a look of horror in his eyes. “Tak...did you just drop that bike on the gravel? Shit, it’s gotta be scratched all to pieces. What happened?”

  Stuff, you know, I’d have been the one to say before I became completely besotted. Still, because I’m only human and my second favorite thing in the world lay on a bed of coarse pebbles, I set Tak away from me with a kiss on the forehead. “Better now?”

  “Let me pick it up for you. I’ll pay to get it polished or painted. Do you want a new one?”

  I chuckled, although it came out a little hollow. “It’s pretty heavy, and there’s a trick to getting it up. I’ll get it.”

  He breathed out a sigh of relief. “So you’ve knocked it over before? Not just me?”

  Umm...hell no. I’d knocked over the bike I paid five hundred dollars for a few years back, and anyone who rode knew how to get a bike up because otherwise you risked ending up stranded somewhere. This bike had never been down before. So, why was I saying, “Yeah, no big deal. I’m sure any scratches will polish out.”

  I had to be in love.

  While Tak and Will, who I hadn’t been introduced to yet, stood side by side, I got the Harley back upright, wincing only a little at the tiny dents and scratches on the gas tank. “See?” I lied. “It’s not bad at all. Let’s go have some cake.” Approaching the other man, I held out a hand. “I’m Chris, and I hear you have cake.”

  He shook my hand. “Four kinds. I’ve narrowed it down.”

  “Four. We’d better get started with that tasting. Anything I can do to help with the party?” I followed the others inside, I cast a glance behind me at the damaged Harley then managed to shrug aside the desire to leap on it and rush it to a body shop. If what my fellow driver, Mystic Wheels, with the psychic, or whatever they were, gifts was right, I’d probably be selling it anyway. It was hardly a family car.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Cake was my one true weakness, aside from Chris. Someone should make me a shirt that says, I like all the C’s. Chris, Cake, and yeah, the other C can’t really be put on a shirt and worn in public.

  I sat down to the table capped with a white linen tablecloth along with fancy tiny forks and plates with perfectly square cuts of cake. Chris sat next to me. I bet he didn’t know that this whole table brought back my inner chub. It took me back to the days when cake was my antidepressant of choice. When I thought less of myself than even the forks on the table.

  Usually I’d go for cake like a starving man, but this time, it all looked...vile.

  My stomach revolted against the half burger I’d eaten before. It was probably just nervousness. I thought for sure Chris would be beyond upset about his motorcycle.

  I’d scratched it up pretty good.

  “These all look amazing. Is this from a local baker?” Chris’s voice lilted while he spoke. He was excited about all the options on the table.

  He and Will spoke about the local baker and how there was another famous chef in Mapleville. Chris reached across the table and took my hand in his and mentioned something about taking me there.

  Will’s eyes bugged out, and he shifted his gaze between me and Chris and then back again with his mouth hanging wide open. “Wait, are you two...I mean, you just got in yesterday.”

  Chris laughed and looked at me, while I was still in my stupor. “I’ve made him wait long enough. He’s given me a couple of days to prove to him that I’m his alpha. But yes, for this moment, we are together.”

  He didn’t have to tell the world our agreement. It made me sound like an ass.

  “Could I get a glass of water?” I blurted, interrupting what Will was about to say.

  “Yeah, of course.” He got up and left the area.

  Chris leaned over and looked into my eyes. “Are you okay?” He pressed the back of his hand against my forehead and cheeks. “Tak, you’re a little clammy. Did the ride get to you?”

  I shook my head no, because out of nowhere, I knew that if I opened my mouth, words wouldn’t come out—but something else would. Instead, I rubbed my stomach, trying to make him know that my food wasn’t settling well.

  “Your stomach is sick?”

  Will came back with the water, and Chris asked him to give us a few moments. Chris stuck his arm out and reached under my chair. In one tug, he had pulled my chair right next to his. He stuck his hand under my T-shirt and rubbed circles along my back.

  “Tak, I know we’ve only had sex once, but I knotted you. And now you’re feeling sick and your scent has changed, even in the last hour.”

  His words flowed into my ears gently. He’d made his voice carry like a lullaby. Another one of his talents.

  “Tak, love, I think…”

  Wait, was he saying what I thought he was saying?

  “I didn’t mean to,” I said, immediately regretting my words, but at the same time hoping I’d said them louder. This wasn’t the way I had it all planned in my head. Now Chris would feel obligated to stay here as my alpha because I was pregnant instead of because he loved me.

  Now he didn’t have a choice. He would have to put up with me, love or not.

  “Tak, listen to me and listen to me well. I know this is soon, but at the same time it isn’t. You’ve loved me for a while. A long while and I think I loved you all that time, but I didn’t know, or I was denying it or something equally stupid.”

  I looked down at my hands now wringing in my lap. “And now you don’t have a choice. You have to stay with me for this babe that I’m apparently carrying in my belly.”

  “Tak, can I tell you something?” I nodded, denying the tears that stung the corners of my eyes an exit. “I’ve never...I mean I’ve had sex, but I’ve never knotted anyone before. Do you know why that is?”

  I shook my head no, a million thoughts and presumptions pinging in there.

  “It’s because I didn’t love those omegas. I love you. We knotted there under the pier in your pond because it wasn’t just sex. That was making love. You and I made something in that moment, and now it’s growing inside you. But that has nothing to do with why I knocked on your door this morning.”

  “But we had a deal.” I halfheartedly laughed.

  “The deal is still on, love. Yes, you’re having my child, but if after tomorrow night you still don’t think we belong together, then that’s your choice. I’ll support you and the babe all I can without being your alpha.”

  Nothing in the world could sound more miserable.

  I couldn’t answer him in that moment. There was too much at stake, and my mouth couldn’t begin to make sense of everything happening.

  “I need cake,” I said. “Everything is better with cake.”

  He winked at me, and I almost melted right there in the chair. “You always did like cake. You used to keep honey buns in your locker.”

  I laughed. “I can’t believe you remember that.”

  “I remember more than you think.” He took one of the forks and slivered off a corner of the red velvet, not my favorite. “Open up, love.” He poised the fork in front of my mouth and waited for me to take a bite.

feeding me might be the sexiest thing I’ve ever experienced. He took his time in cutting off a perfect bite and then waited for me to open my mouth and take a bite.

  “One time you were in the shower, the one next to your bedroom, and I went in and...watched you in the shower.”

  Choking. All the choking. Cake in my throat. Can’t breathe.

  He patted me on the back until I could take a breath and chew again.

  “You watched me in the shower? I was...I was fat.”

  My embarrassment about him watching me in the shower centered around my chub and whether or not he saw it.

  “You were a little chunky. Who cares. I watched you…”

  I jumped on the tail of his sentence. “You watched me what?”

  “I watched you touch yourself…”

  I would bet half a million dollars that my cheeks were as red as the cake in front of me. “Why?”

  He shrugged. “Creepy, right? I felt bad about it, but at the same time I didn’t. If only I hadn’t been such an idiot back then I would’ve joined you.”

  “A little creepy. But also a little sexy. I guess it just wasn’t the right time for us.”

  He leaned over and took my lips with a fierceness I didn’t know a kiss could contain. He plunged his tongue into my mouth and sucked on my bottom lip. Heat pooled in my groin once again. It seemed to be a never-ending thing with Chris around.

  “I’m not so fond of the red velvet. Want to try another?” He winked again and rubbed my stomach. “Gotta feed our babe.”

  “I might not hate red velvet anymore.”

  He chuckled and grazed his hand over my throbbing dick under the table. “I know. Let’s just get through the cake, and I’ll take care of everything you need.”

  Three bites later, I’d decided on the carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.

  It was my favorite. I knew that before the tasting, but, thank the gods I’d decided to go through them all.


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