A Whole Lotta Trouble

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A Whole Lotta Trouble Page 10

by Lea Hart

  “After we got over the initial shock of the pregnancy thing, Rick announced that he had big dreams to pursue and couldn’t be tied down by the likes of me. He made it clear in no uncertain terms that we never needed to speak again, and I took him at his word.”

  “Why’d he have to be so cold and cut off all communication?” Vanessa asked.

  “My guess is that if he didn’t, one or both of us would wander back into the other’s life. He wanted and needed a clean break so he could go and chase his dreams. Looking back, I realize he did the best, just maybe the wrong way.”

  “So…all that broken heartedness after prom wasn’t because of Deacon claiming he did the deed?”

  “No. It was the end to my relationship with Rick.” She popped a pickle in her mouth and hitched her shoulder. “The whole debacle broke me into a million pieces, and truth be told, those old rumors provided a nice cover for the real story. Do you think Rick knew about what Deacon was saying?”

  “Not at all,” Vanessa said plainly.

  Emily picked at the bread that sat on the corner of her plate. “I suspected as much, but wasn’t sure how it was possible.”

  “The rumors didn’t start until early June and by then he was hiding out on the ranch and counting the minutes until he could leave for San Diego. I spoke with him last week and found out he never had a clue how bad it got for you.”


  “Yes. And in looking back, I see that’s it completely possible since he wasn’t mixing with anyone in town. People never would’ve gossiped in front of him and his brothers.”

  “Guess it makes sense since things didn’t get really bad until the end of summer.” Balling up the little crumbs of bread, she felt her mind skitter from one fact to the other. Not able to make sense of the new information, she let out a breath. “It’s gonna take me a minute to square myself with the idea that Rick’s lack of defense wasn’t intentional.”

  “I’ve held it against him for years along with all our friends. There’s a whole group of people that think he did you a dirty by not jumping to your defense, and they treat him accordingly.”

  “The truth of what happened between us is our private business and I don’t think I want to dig it up again by telling people he didn’t know.” Twisting her hands together, she felt her stomach knot up at the idea of discussing it in anyway.

  “Rick doesn’t care one bit what people think, so I’m inclined to agree with you. All that matters is that you two make peace with it and move forward.”

  “I think…I might be ready for that.”

  Vanessa smiled and clapped her hands.

  “Stop, it may not work.”

  “True, but giving it a shot is the smart thing to do.”

  “One minute I think that’s true, and the next I don’t. Rick was a force to be reckoned with when we were kids, but now…he’s a bit overwhelming. He’s taken on the world on his own terms and is still alive to tell the tale, so he’s not only humbled but more formidable than ever.”

  “Which just means he’s about ready to handle the likes of you. You’ve never been interested in a man you can run roughshod over, so my cousin could very well be your perfect match after all.”

  “Maybe,” she said before focusing on her supper. Thoughts of what it would take to create a successful relationship bounced around in her brain, and she didn’t know if the adults she and Rick had grown into were capable.

  Guess they were going to find out, though. One way or another.


  Rick leaned against his truck and watched the high school football coach pull into the pump behind him and tipped his chin in greeting. Giving the guy a discreet once-over, he tried to picture him and Emily together and couldn’t quite manage it. “Heath, how’s it going?”

  “We’re winning more than losing, so I can’t complain.”

  “I’ll have to catch a game here pretty soon and see your boys in action.”

  “It’ll definitely be worth your time. I’ve got a couple of juniors who are being scouted by the Aggies and three seniors who are going there next year on a full ride.”

  “Congratulations, that’s a fine achievement.”

  “Thanks, but it’s the boys who put in the work. All I did was give them an environment to make the most of what they’ve been blessed with.”

  Hearing the pump click off, he switched the nozzle to his second tank. “Maybe I’ll get a group together and come to the homecoming game. It might be fun to see all the old faces from high school.”

  “You can do that almost any Saturday at the Broken Spoke.”

  “Yeah, I guess that’s true.”

  Heath’s expression shifted from friendly to guarded. “Heard you and Emily took a spin on the dance floor last week.”

  Rick straightened and pushed himself away from his truck. Was the guy going to get confrontational? “Say your piece, man.”

  “Don’t screw it up.”

  Rick look around and then cleared his throat. “Wasn’t planning on it.”

  “I think you might be the one she’s been waiting for.”

  “Wait…what are you talking about?” Confusion rattled his brain.

  “Em held a big part of herself back during our short relationship, and when I started hearing all the talk last week, the pieces started falling into place. I think you’ve been the keeper of her heart and neither of you realized it.”

  He ran his hand over his jaw and let the words settle, knowing Em had been the owner of that muscle beating in his chest for more years than he could count. Was it possible that the same was true for her? “I’m certainly the one she’d like to harm most days, but whether that can be turned into something else is yet to be seen.”

  “At least she’s got strong feelings for you. All I ever managed to inspire was mild interest.”

  Nodding, he looked across the parking lot and thought about how they’d expressed those strong feeling on Saturday. He bit back a smile as memories of how Em had come apart under his mouth in writhing mess of moans assaulted him. Which definitely wasn’t appropriate material to be thinking about at the Gas and Go. Clearing his throat, he gave Heath a nod. “God willing we’ll figure out a way to do something positive with the thing that’s long burned between us.”

  “Last I heard, the odds were running in favor of you two ending up with one another, so y’all better not let the town down.”

  “Guess we have no choice then and have got to work it out if only to prove to the fine people of Victoria that we’re capable.”

  Heath finished gassing up his truck and then tipped his hat. “Good luck, Rick.”

  “Thanks, man.” He turned back to the pump and watched the numbers roll and thought about what the coach had said, knowing he wouldn’t rest until he’d given the thing between them everything he had.

  Lifting his gaze away from his truck, he saw Emily run out of Mumford’s with her blond hair flying. Two seconds later, Nessa followed, and he watched them head toward their cars. What the hell had happened to make the women hotfoot it out of the restaurant?

  Cutting across the parking lot, he intercepted Emily as she skidded to a stop in front of her truck. “You okay, Em?”

  “Move, Rick. I don’t have time to explain.”

  “What’s got your boots on fire?”

  Digging her keys out, she let out a frustrated groan. “You’re slowing me down. I got a call from Gracie. A neighbor reported a disturbance. I think my house was broken into.”

  Taking her hand, he tilted his head toward his truck. “I’ll drive.”


  “Because anything that happens to you is happening to me.” Adrenaline coursed through his body, switching his mind immediately to combat mode.

  “That’s ludicrous.”

  “You want to stand here and fight
or get over to your house and see what’s going on?”

  “I don’t have to—”

  “Em, don’t fucking test me on this. I’ll haul your ass into my truck kicking and screaming if I have to.”

  Her eyes blazed as she lifted her chin. “I’d like to see you try.”

  Feeling every emotion from lust to anger to frustration, he gave her a feral smile, bent down, and threw her over his shoulder. “Make sure your car is locked. We’ll come back and get it after we get things sorted.”

  He spun on his heel, firmed his grip on her ass, and listened to her call him several creative names as he strode back to his truck. “People who bet against us think this is a sign they chose the winning side. But they’re going to be proven wrong, since we’ll be fucking blissful at some point.”

  “That’ll only happen when I see you buried six feet under!”

  “If that’s how you want to spend our honeymoon, then it’s fine with me.”

  He flung open the passenger door and dropped her in, noticing his hands were shaking. Something that never occurred in combat. The far-off sounds of rotor blades filled his ears, and the acrid scent of a spent frag filled his nose. Blinking several times, he pulled himself back into the here and now. “Em…”

  She pushed her hair out of her face and grabbed a fistful of his shirt. “Look at me.”

  Not able to do as she asked, for fear she’d see how far down the rabbit hole he’d gone, he tightened his hold on the door. Two cool hands framed his face, and he sucked in a breath as her touch grounded him further. Lifting his eyes slowly, he was grateful to see compassion and not judgment fill her beautiful eyes. His heartbeat slowed down, and he wrapped his arms around her tightly. “I won’t fucking survive if you so much as get a scratch.”

  “Well, if that’s true, then you have several mean bulls to lecture, along with a handful of nasty goats, several uncooperative cats, and a guinea pig prone to biting.”

  Feeling his anxiety and agitation flame out, he nodded. “Something I’ll happily do right after we see what’s going on at your house.” He tipped their heads together and ran his finger over her arm slowly. “Any chance you’re not going to make me explain why I’m freaking the fuck out?”


  “Didn’t think so.”

  Emily pressed her hand to his heart and grinned. “I’ll make sure to give you a couple of shots of tequila before I make you share, so it shouldn’t be all that painful.”

  “Any chance of some sexual favors being added to that offer?”

  She let out a snort and pushed him away. “You really are doing better, if thoughts like that are possible.”

  “Darlin’, with you around, they’re all but guaranteed.”

  “Let’s get out of here and see what’s happening at the house.”

  Sliding the seat belt out, he buckled her in and then ran around and climbed in. “Did Gracie have any details about the call?”

  “No, but she did say that Willy was on the scene.”

  Rick pulled out of the gas station and headed toward Emily’s neighborhood, wondering who in the hell had it out for his girl. Maybe Nash hadn’t totally been full of shit the other night when he’d said that someone was running along Emily’s fence line. Was that why he’d been camped out in front of Em’s house for hours? Did he have a reason to expect trouble?

  Too many unknown factors to come up with a working theory, that was for damn sure. But that was going to change very soon, and he planned on calling his brother Weston to aid and abet. Seemed having a sibling that was a Texas Ranger would work in his favor after all since they had access to all kinds of resources.

  And the minute he found out who was messing with Em, there wouldn’t be an ounce of mercy shown, because shit like that didn’t stand.

  Chapter Ten

  Emily stood outside her house and held hands with Nessa, wondering who’d want to break into her house. Considering most of her daily interactions were with four-legged creatures, she couldn’t think of who she might’ve pissed off. “When I find who’s responsible, I’m going to have more than a few words to share with them.”

  Mabel barked in response, and she bent down, giving her dog a kiss. “I’m so sorry that I left you home and you had to witness all this nonsense.”

  “Maybe it was just a random break in?” Vanessa offered.

  Emily let out a snort and gave her friend a get real look. “If that’s all it was, Rick would’ve already come out with an update.”

  “And why is Rick inside talking to Willy and not you?”



  “The moment I told him what was going on, a switch flipped, and Lt. Rick Blakely made himself known.” Emily stroked Mabel’s head and leaned against her friend. “Nessa, I lost him for a minute and think he got pulled back into a bunch of memories from his days on the Teams. His hands were shaking, his breath was irregular, and I believe his eyes were seeing something that wasn’t there.”

  A shiver racked her body, and she knew it wasn’t because of her house being broken into, but concern for Rick. “So I’m gonna try and let him do whatever he feels is necessary, rolling back my need to control as best I can.”

  Vanessa squeezed Em’s hand. “That’s some real kindness. I’m grateful he’s got you in his corner.”

  “I’m always in his corner, even when I’m not.” She clasped her hands together tightly and looked up at her house. “I know so many things about Rick…the way he likes his coffee, the fact he has to sit with his back against a wall, his weird fear of clowns, and how he smells at any given point in the day. But those are old facts about the boy I grew up with. I don’t know the man he’s become and how his years as a SEAL changed him.”

  “Are you ready to get to know warrior version of Rick?”

  Emily nodded. “Yes, I am.” Maybe the adults they’d become would make a relationship impossible, but maybe it wouldn’t. And she was going to find out one way or another, because the string that had long tied them together was surprisingly still intact.

  “I can’t think of who would break into your house,” Vanessa said. “You don’t have any known enemies, and the most valuable thing you have in your house are your grandmother’s quilts.”

  “Me, either,” Emily said as she stepped forward with her dog on her heels. “But here comes Willy, so we’re about to find out.”

  The sheriff took off his hat and rubbed his forehead. “All your books got dumped on the floor, and half your drawers in your room were emptied. The items that could’ve been hawked were not touched, so it leads me to believe the perpetrator was looking for something specific or wanting to send you a message.”

  “I don’t have anything of interest in my house and haven’t offended anyone lately, so it doesn’t make any sense.”

  Willy shoved his hat back, resting his hands on his belt. “Harlan is almost done dusting for prints, so you can go inside shortly. I’d suggest staying with Vanessa tonight or your brothers until you get a new lock on the back door.”

  “She’ll be staying at the ranch until the asshole who’s responsible is locked up tight at the county jail,” Rick announced loudly as he walked out of the house.

  Doing her best not to be offended by his audacity, she crossed her arms and counted slowly to five. Once she felt reasonably under control, she folded her hands together. “I appreciate the offer, but it won’t be necessary. I’ll stay at my parents’ house tonight and then get a new lock put in tomorrow.”

  “Over my dead body,” Rick responded firmly.

  “You listen to me, Rick, that’s not—”

  “Oh, it sure the hell is!”

  Not able to control her temper like she wanted, she stepped forward and then stopped when Harlan walked out of the house.

  “All done, Em. You can go inside as soon
as you’re ready.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Want me to go in with you?” Vanessa asked. “Between the two of us, we can get the place cleaned up in no time.”

  “You have a full day tomorrow, so go on home.” She grabbed her friend’s hand and squeezed. “I’m not letting whoever did this have the pleasure of messing with my life or yours.”

  “I’d feel better if I did something,” Vanessa responded before hugging Emily close.

  “Bring some wine and pizza tomorrow night and we’ll tackle it then.”

  “You sure?”

  “Absolutely.” She gave Harlan a wave and then shook Willy’s hand. “Thanks for coming by. Keep me updated on what you find.”

  “Call your brothers and let them know what happened. If they hear about this from someone else, they’ll never let you hear the end of it.”

  “I will, don’t worry.” She gave everyone a smile and petted her dog’s head. “Y’all go home and we’ll talk tomorrow.”

  “Call me for any little reason,” Vanessa said.

  “Will do.” She watched her friend reluctantly get into her car and waved as she drove away. Turning, she gave Rick a nod. “You’re next. Go home, and we’ll talk soon.”

  “Yeah, that’s not going to happen.” Stomping down the stairs, he took her hand. “Get a bag packed, and I’ll take you back to the ranch.”

  “Apparently, you weren’t listening. I’m going over to my parents’ house tonight.”

  “They’re out of town, so if that’s what you want to do, then I’ll be camping out on their couch.”

  “You best quit dictating to me.” She pushed her finger into his chest and watched him step back. “Because I will not be told what to do.”

  Rick dropped his shoulders and twisted his mouth together. “Em…”

  “I’m not someone you can command.”

  “I know. It’s just that I need to protect you.” He reached out and took her hand. “Sorry, I sometimes forget that giving people orders outside of the Navy is unacceptable.”

  Emily felt some of her anger drain away. “Ask me what I need. Don’t tell me what to do.”


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