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Whiplash! Page 6

by Candace Smith

  Carlton smiled, “I’m glad you approve, Emmy. I had a feeling about her.” He kissed the top of her head. “I take it you noticed she needs to be stretched.”

  “I figured we’d let the boys work on that. She’ll tear a little, but she should be fine. This is the last season I have to work with them, and last year was almost wasted with Amber. I’ll really be able to show them how to work a slave with this one.”

  “You worry too much, Emmy. You’ve raised them to be fine patriarchs, and they work the slaves in the camp better than any of the other boys their age.”

  Emmy blushed with happiness at her husband’s compliment. “Your mother was very helpful, Carlton. The methods she passed onto me are invaluable.”

  Carlton tossed his hat onto the sideboard and said, “I’m going to get cleaned up before dinner.” He walked into the bedroom and stripped for his shower. The indoor bathrooms had cisterns on the roof that heated the water. If it did not rain, slaves filled them in the morning from the pond, and in the winter the slaves heated the water over fires before making numerous trips to the roof.

  Emmy was setting the table and heard Carlton swear. He called out, “Tell Steven I’ll throw his ass in the pond if he waits to fill this thing again.”

  She smiled at his threat. It was so nice to have him home again. The boys walked through the door and searched the room. “The girl’s drying out back, and Steven… your father found the water a little chilly.”

  Steven grinned. “I forgot to get it filled until after lunch. Is he threatening to drown me again?”

  “Nope, just freeze your balls off in the spring,” Emmy laughed. “Go get cleaned up… and don’t mess with the girl until I give you permission.” Her sons looked at her until she added, “Which will be after dinner.” They smiled broadly and walked towards the pond.

  Rylee saw the two boys heading towards her and had to force herself to remain still. One of them walked straight to the pond and began washing his arms and face. The other one stroked gently down her sides and rested his hands on her slim waist. He leaned forward, and in a low voice he said, “Don’t worry. Mom says we only got to wait ’til after dinner.” Steven laughed at her wide-eyed whimpering response and followed his brother to the pond.

  A short while after the young men went back into the house, Carlton came out to get her. He brought her into the house and pointed to the floor beside his chair for her to kneel. Emmy tucked Rylee’s braid under her bound wrists and placed a bowl of the green goop in front of her. “Finish all of it,” she said, and joined her family at the table to eat a thick stew and freshly baked bread.

  Rylee tentatively reached her tongue out and drew it back at the taste of the foul, salty gruel. Already her eyes were tearing, and she tried to lap at the horrible slime again. Carlton leaned over to her. “You better get eating, girl. Emmy’s not going to stand for you wearing yourself down.” She hitched silently and began to force the contents onto her tongue and down her throat.

  After the family finished eating, Emmy knelt down and studied Rylee’s bowl, which still had a good amount of gruel clinging to the sides of it. “Get this finished up,” she ordered. Rylee moaned and bent over to lick the bowl clean.

  Emmy was putting the dishes in the sink for a slave to wash in the morning. Eventually, these would be Rylee’s chores when she was trained enough to be allowed to have her hands free. Rylee remained kneeling in position beside Carlton. It was one of the few exercises she had learned on the trip to the settlement at the cost of many hard slaps across her breasts until she arched the way he wanted. Her thoughts turned to her mother, and she ignored the conversation at the table. She wondered where she was, and if she would see her again. Her mind was so absorbed in its wanderings that Carlton was pulling on her leash before she realized he was standing.

  There were two chairs on one side of the fireplace with a low table separating them from the small sofa on the other side of the room. Carlton passed Rylee’s leash to his wife and sat in a chair, crossing his legs and watching his sons’ eager faces. His cock was already thick with a low pulsing that would have to wait until later to be satisfied. Right now, he wanted to watch his wife masterfully work the girl and teach his sons.

  Emmy sat in her chair and Rylee stood beside her, anxiously clenching her hands and not sure if she was supposed to kneel. The woman pulled down on the leash, but as Rylee began to drop to the floor, the woman pulled her collar towards her lap. Rylee became unbalanced as she was led backwards and she tried to reach out with her bound wrists. Her eyes widened and she began to cry as she fell onto the woman’s lap, and her knees hit the floor with a painful thump.

  Emmy dropped her leash and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look into her eyes. “Rise up on your feet and get those thighs spread, girl.” Rylee was frozen in the awkward kneeling position, and Emmy pinched her nipple between two sharp nails. An arousing scream pierced the room while Rylee struggled to get her feet under her. Emmy kept the crushing pressure on the tip of one dusky bud until she was able to shuffle her feet apart. Her shoulders and head rested on the woman’s lap, while her legs held her bottom off of the floor.

  Emmy fastened one hand through the back of the collar to hold her in place, and gently stroked her forehead while she spoke to her sons. The combination of the painful, vulnerable position was at odds with the gentle brushing on her head. “Okay boys, our new slave is on the small size, and your father has saved you a treat by letting you work on getting her tight little ass stretched to accommodate him.”

  With the back of her collar secured, Rylee could only watch the woman’s face. She squeezed her eyes closed while the hand kept stroking her forehead. “The girl arouses easily, so we may as well use her own juices to do this and avoid that messy gel. Let’s see what you’ve learned.”

  This is insane. The woman is teaching her sons to abuse me, as though she is teaching them a new board game. Rylee began to struggle and tried to kick out with her feet while she garbled protests as loud as she could through the ring gag.

  “Hold on,” Emmy instructed, and her strong arm pulled the back of Rylee’s collar until her head hung over her opposite thigh. “You’re not going to be able to hear a damn thing with all of her hollering. Steven, you’ll go first. Brian, come on up here and gag her.”

  Rylee shrieked as her head was pulled further down and she saw the young man quickly unzipping his jeans, allowing his swollen cock to bounce onto her chin. Both boys had the sexual heat of their youth, and had been waiting all day to use the new slave. They had even avoided using the camp slaves so they would be ready, and now they were aching with need and hoping they would not embarrass themselves by shooting their load too quickly.

  Brian gripped her cheeks and his shaft slid through the ring. He was not the size of his father, but he was still bigger than any boy Rylee had ever been with. In the distance, Rylee heard Emmy’s voice. “All the way in Brian, and give me your other hand.” With her mouth forced open and her head held back, Rylee could not stop the penetration, and as he moved down her throat, her stomach heaved the goo she had eaten at dinner. She felt fingers on her throat.

  “You feel that? When you feel her gag, she can’t breathe, so you need to be careful to time your withdrawal or she’ll pass out on you and you’ll have to start all over again. When the tightening becomes weaker, it’s time to pull out and let her catch a breath. Unfortunately, like with Amber, some of them lose this natural instinct for self-preservation. Can you feel her retching on your cock, or do you want to keep your fingers here?”

  “I can feel her squeezing, but I’ll keep my fingers here. It’s neat to feel her throat swelled up when I’m shoved inside of her.”

  “As long as you’re going to do that, tighten a little if she stops swallowing. She should also be using her tongue when you withdraw. Let me know if she screws up while I work with your brother.”

  Rylee felt the meat going down her throat, and his trembling fingers felt the length of her
neck, searching for his tube. Her sobs were completely muffled, and his balls slapped into her cheeks. Fighting for air, it took a moment for her body to register hands on her sex. Her lips were spread and Steven’s calloused digit began to stroke her folds.

  Emmy continued her instruction. “Slower, Steven, this isn’t a race. Put a finger inside her cunt and stroke at various speeds and places until she responds.”

  Rylee tried to move her thighs together as a finger entered her, and she felt Emmy’s claws on her nipple again. “Be still, girl, or you’ll be caned when we’re finished.” Rylee sobbed and tried to still her thighs and ignore the rod pumping into her mouth. She felt Emmy’s fingers reach down and spread her lips wide while her son stroked and pumped his finger into her channel. His manipulations finally worked and he grinned triumphantly at his mother as a small measure of juice glistened his finger.

  “Very good, Steven, keep going. Let’s get her little bead to come out for us,” Emmy encouraged.

  The attention to her pussy was paying off for them, and she felt herself spread even wider as the woman announced, “Here we go. Very light strokes now. It’s very sensitive, but you should begin to feel her cunt squeeze much tighter and there should be much more cream.”

  Rylee wailed behind the cock in her mouth as her hips began a humiliating hump, searching for the finger to bring her to climax. “Wow, dad, have you felt this?”

  Carlton laughed, “Yes, Steven. It’s quite a change from Amber’s lazy ass, isn’t it?”

  “Bri… if you think that’s neat, wait until you feel this. It’s like a vice gripping down on me… and look how her pussy follows my finger.”

  Emmy smiled over to her husband and nodded. The boys were going to be fine. “Usually, the slave has to ask permission to cum, but as Rylee’s occupied with Brian, you can just bring her over the edge.”

  “Can I fuck her while she’s doing it?”

  “If you think you can keep from cumming. We’re supposed to be stretching her ass for your dad,” Emmy reminded him.

  Steven said seriously, “I’ll pull out if I don’t think I can handle it.” Rylee felt the cock slide into her throbbing channel as her hips still tried to rub her clit against the finger that was keeping her on the edge of a precipice. A few more strokes and she gasped around the cock in her mouth and squeezed a painful release. “Oh man,” Steven gritted. “Man she’s got a grip… god Bri… it’s like the ultimate hand job with the tightest fist you could imagine.” He finally retreated, afraid he was not going to be able to stall his own eruption. “I’m not going to get much wetter than this,” he laughed.

  “We don’t want to rip her more than necessary, so spread her cheeks and go about a third of the way in each time until you’re seated.”

  Rylee screamed and rose to her toes when she felt the rod pierce her anus. Strong hands held her hips and bottom once the bulbous head was inside of her, and Steven looked at his mother nervously. “Keep going, she’s fine. I think she’s more scared than anything else, and that certainly doesn’t matter.”

  “I might be tearing her, she’s so fucking tight.”

  “Steven, keep going,” Emmy ordered. “The girl will be fine. If she tears a little, it won’t do any real harm, and eventually she’ll stretch out.”

  In two more thrusts he was in her, and Rylee screamed and pleaded in her mind to pass out. Steven was thrusting hard and fast, and she prayed it would be over soon.

  “Mom, I gotta’ stop or I won’t be able to work her ass.”

  “That’s fine, Brian. You heard what I told your brother, so we may as well enjoy the girl’s complaints,” Emmy replied.

  As soon as the shaft left her mouth, Rylee screamed and thrashed her head. “That’s a good girl, nice and loud. Let the neighbors hear that we know how to work a slave,” came Emmy’s insane encouragement.

  Steven’s hands tightened on her hips and his fingers dug into her bottom as he plunged deep, and jerked his mess inside of her. Rylee was sobbing in agony. When the rod was removed, Emmy said, “Let’s have a look. Hardly any blood at all. Good job, Steven. Brian, your turn. She’s plenty wet enough, and I imaging after that throating she gave you, you’re about ready to spill. Remember, three thrusts to seat until we get her stretched.”

  Rylee cried and garbled begging nonsense while the other boy shot deep inside her with merciful swiftness. “Steven, grab a rag and wipe her. I don’t want her dripping all over the floor, and I think it will be a while before she can clean up after herself.”

  She felt a wet cloth swipe along her sex as Emmy continued to hold her in the torturous position. “I want each of you to work her three times a day. I don’t care if you let her climax, but make sure your cock’s wet and you’re not pushing into a dry passage. Now, give your mom a kiss and get cleaned up for bed.”

  Rylee continued to sob quietly, and she heard the brothers wish their father a good night, leaving her still bent over Emmy’s lap, and alone with her and Carlton. Her throat was sore and her poor bottom felt raw with swelling pain. She could feel the residual juice slipping out of her ripped hole. A small part of her mind wondered if she would be further punished if it leaked onto Emmy’s floor. She heard Carlton’s deep voice break through her misery. “They did well tonight.”

  “I think they’ll catch up quickly. I was afraid the wasted year was going to be more of a problem, but neither one hesitated to follow my instruction.” Rylee felt the woman caress her breast. “Of course, it helps to have such a little slut to work with,” she laughed.

  Rylee winced at her words. She was not a slut. She had a few lovers her final year in high school, but mostly so she would not feel like such a geek when she got to college. She wanted some idea about what to do, and she certainly did not have these shattering climaxes this perverted situation seemed to cause.

  Emmy and Carlton both saw the girl stiffen and her sobs stopped almost instantly with Emmy’s words. Even the cruel accusations were part of her training, and uttered merely so they could see if they would be an effective means of training her. “Come on, let’s go to bed. I’ve missed you.”

  “I thought you had your eye on that male to take care of you while I was gone.”

  Emmy shrugged. “I used him a few times, but it doesn’t make up for your leaving for a month.”

  Carlton almost slipped and suggested she come with him next year, because the boys would be gone. That was too touchy a subject to bring up around her. “Well, let’s see just how much you missed me,” he chuckled.

  Rylee felt her collar being pulled and Carlton raised her off of Emmy’s lap. She looked into his gray eyes with tears slipping down her cheeks. Carlton gently stroked through the dampness and looked over her head to his wife. “I hope they get her stretched out soon.” He rubbed the bulge pushing his jeans.

  As she was led from the room, her bottom was throbbing and she felt sticky drool dripping down her thigh. If only her mind would collapse and shut down to take her away from this. Emmy followed behind her with her hands on Rylee’s shoulders as Carlton led her into the bedroom.

  He ordered her to kneel on the covers by the foot of the bed, while he and his wife undressed. Although she tried to keep her eyes on the pillows, they strayed to Emmy’s tall body. She had full breasts and a surprisingly tight stomach for a woman who had carried twins. The couple lay down on the bed, and Emmy reached up, unhooked Rylee’s leash and tossed it onto the floor. “Use that whining little mouth on my husband, and get him ready to take care of his wife.”

  Carlton spread his legs and wrapped his arms around his wife and began kissing her. Rylee shuddered and leaned forward, guiding his cock through the ring in her mouth. She realized her jaws did not ache any more, neither from the device, nor Carlton’s thick meat. He was already hard from watching his sons’ display, and after a few minutes he pulled her head up by her braid. “Work on my wife for a while.”

  Rylee stared at him in dumb confusion. He sat up and pushed her between his wi
fe’s thighs, and Rylee alternated her stare between the woman’s dark sadistic gaze, and the thick mat of black curls between her legs. Carlton pulled her hips up and she tipped forward. Emmy spread her lips and gripped the top of Rylee’s head until her mouth rested over her pussy. She felt Carlton begin to push into her channel from behind.

  “Get your tongue working,” Emmy ordered, and was pleased to hear the whimper muffled in her crotch. Rylee stuck her tongue out through the ring, while Carlton thrust into her in a slow, steady motion. “I’m going to really have to work on her with this,” Emmy said in disappointment.

  Rylee shrieked when she felt Carlton’s hand come down on her ass. “You aren’t fooling me, girl. A horny little slut like you knows what feels good. You have got two minutes to have my wife gasping… or damned if I’ll wait… I’ll rip your ass open.”


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