Devon in Wonderland (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove)

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Devon in Wonderland (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove) Page 15

by Jana Downs

  “Abraxas, wait!” Leontii’s voice caused him to hesitate at the door. She ran to catch up to him and placed a tender kiss on his cheek.

  “Thank you.” Her eyes were filled with a hopeful light for the first time in weeks. He was glad. Maybe now she could finally feel safe again, knowing she didn’t have to constantly look over her shoulder for Sven’s stupid ass.

  “No problem, Leontii. Just pick a better one next time.”

  A warm smile spread across her face and she nodded. “I will. I promise.”

  * * * *

  The night was still young, but they had decided to go ahead and set up camp. Devon was looking rather pale, and it was beginning to worry Layden. He and Abraxas had sent him to bed hours ago as they finished eating their dinner near the campfire. Layden mostly picked around his plate, too concerned for Devon’s well-being to have much of an appetite for anything. Devon hadn’t said anything or complained all that much, but he could tell something was wrong.

  “He’ll be fine,” Ezekiel said reassuringly.

  “Huh?” Layden looked up to see Ezekiel standing in front of him, watching him for god only knew how long.

  “I said, he’ll be fine,” he repeated

  “I just don’t understand what’s wrong.” Layden furrowed his brow as he thought about the events of the past few weeks. Nothing stood out to him.

  “I think he’s mostly homesick. His body isn’t used to being in a foreign environment. Couple that with the excessive traveling and the recent events, I’d say being in a different world is finally taking its toll on him. Nothing to worry over just yet. I’m sure with a good night’s rest he’ll be better than ever.”

  “Yeah,” Layden mumbled as he stood and headed toward the tent. He wasn’t tired, but he couldn’t stand not being near him. He was aware of Abraxas following him as he pushed past the entryway and began pulling off his shirt.

  He made his way to the side of the bed. Seeing Devon’s peaceful expression eased his worrying a bit as he brushed a strand of hair away from his face.

  “You okay?” Abraxas’s soft voice caused Layden to meet his concerned gaze.

  “Yeah,” he said as he crawled in bed next to Devon.

  “You don’t seem okay,” Abraxas countered.

  “I’m just thinking.”

  Layden pressed his lips to Devon’s bare shoulder and wrapped his arm around his waist. Abraxas lay down next to him, pulling him close.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  Layden sighed. “Just about us. About what we’re going to do in a couple weeks and…” He trailed off, unsure of whether or not he should voice his thoughts. It pained his heart to even think of the time when they would have to part ways.

  “And?” Abraxas pressed as Layden turned to look at him.

  “And I’m glad you stood up for me today.”

  A puzzled look crossed Abraxas face as he furrowed his eyebrows. “That makes you sad?”

  “No. That doesn’t. It just made me realize how hard it’s going to be for you if we continue our relationship.” Layden averted Abraxas’s gaze. He wouldn’t be able to say it if he looked into those damned piercing blue eyes that seemed to see into the very depths of his soul.

  He needed to get this off his chest. He had to give Abraxas an out. It wasn’t fair of him to ask him to renounce everything he’d ever known, his entire family, all for what? For love with the Azure clan heir? Their relationship would never be accepted, let alone allowed by their people. The only way that could even be a remote possibility would be if Ryujin himself blessed their relationship, but not even that mattered to Layden because in the end none of that even matter. Devon would still be returning to his own world, and they would be left without him.

  Layden closed his eyes, too afraid that Abraxas would see the tears he was trying to hold back. He reached for Devon’s hand and squeezed tightly.

  Without him…there would be no us.

  “Layden.” Abraxas’s warm hand brushed against his cheek. The compassion in his tone made him open his eyes as he let the warm liquid escape and the tears began to roll down his cheeks.

  “I’ll understand if you want to just be friends. I didn’t think about this before. I mean, I know why you had to break up with me,” Layden offered. He’d planned on that sounding much more confident. Instead, it came out in a choked sob as Abraxas pulled him to his chest. He couldn’t stop the tears now, and Abraxas waited for him to finish as he held him close, running his hands through his hair and placing gentle kisses on his forehead.

  Layden finally managed to get his emotions under control as he laid there raw from crying so hard. Silence filled the room, and Layden pressed his ear against Abraxas’s chest. The sound of his heartbeat calmed him.

  “I don’t want to be friends.” Abraxas’s voice broke the silence, answering Layden’s offer. Layden went to move to where he could look at his lover, but Abraxas’s firm grip on his shoulder held him place.

  “I know what it’s like to lose you once,” Abraxas continued. “I won’t make that mistake again, Layden. And if there’s anything I can do to be with both you and Devon, then I will fight with everything I am, because without both of you, I am nothing. I remember how it felt when you weren’t with me, the many nights I spent lying awake because the agonizing hole in my chest that you used to fill wouldn’t let me rest. I don’t ever want to feel that way again.”

  Abraxas lifted Layden’s chin until their eyes met. The love he found there hit Layden like a tidal wave. God he loved this man. His heart melted as warmth filled his soul, and Layden leaned forward until their lips met. How could he ever let him go?

  * * * *

  Maeva flicked her tongue against her teeth as she stared pointedly at the image of the two men before her.

  Damn, they’re irritating.

  Love was something she hadn’t factored into her equation, and why should she have? Love between the Azure and Night clans was unheard of.

  Cerilius wasn’t going to be happy with her. The only plan she’d managed to come up was playing off of the human’s ever weakening body. If she could speed up the process and ensure Devon’s defenses were completely destroyed, then she might have a chance.

  “Maeva, you had better come up with a plan. We’re running out of time.” Cerilius’s voice brought her out of her thoughts as she looked down at his brooding face staring up at her from the mirror.

  She gnawed her bottom lip and casually tossed her long hair behind her shoulder, exposing her bare skin for his lingering eyes.

  “Of course, love.” She batted her eyelashes playfully as a wicked grin slowly spread across her face. “I just have one small favor I need from you.”

  She watched his eyes glow a vibrant green color as his muscles tensed in his jaw. He held his temper, though, which was a first. Maeva had yet to determine what it was about her that seemed to always piss him off. She really did try her hardest.

  “What is it, Maeva?” His irritation was unmasked.

  “I just need you to slip some of that herb I gave you before you left to Devon. Not enough to kill him, though, just enough to weaken him.”

  His eyebrows raised in suspicion. “You mean the belladonna?”

  Maeva nodded enthusiastically. “That’s the one.”

  A slow half grin spread across his face as he left out a soft sigh. “Your wish is my command.”

  Chapter 11

  The room was cold. That was the first sensation Devon had when he opened his eyes to the dark void. The familiar room greeted him as the old nightmare began. It had been years since he’d had this dream, and despite his protests, he knew it wouldn’t be over until he saw it through to the end.

  His small form unwillingly swung his legs over the edge of the bed and headed toward the noises coming from down the hallway.

  “Momma?” the tiny voice called.

  Don’t do it. Don’t do it. Devon silently pleaded, but he knew it was no use.

  He was only
a silent observer, bound by the reality of the events to come and destined to relive every painstaking moment over and over again.

  There was no answer to the little boy’s calls. There never was. As he approached the looming door, Devon tried his best to gain control of the childlike form he was bound inside and prevent what he knew was coming.

  His attempts were futile, and he watched in horror as he reached with his tiny hand for the doorknob.

  Please…Devon silently sobbed, but it was too late.

  The door swung open, and the blood-stained images that were burned inside his memory were repainted in the scene before him. Devon tried to turn away, but he couldn’t as he stared into the hollow eyes of his mother from across the room.

  “Momma?” the tiny voice called again, this time with hesitation. His bare feet crossed the distance between them as his mind seemed almost incapable of comprehending the scene before him.

  He reached out and touched his mother’s blood-stained cheek. The coldness of her flesh finally registered with his childlike mind. Tears pooled in Devon’s eyes as he screamed over and over again.

  “No! Momma!” He didn’t want to believe. Couldn’t believe, but yet there was no denying it. His mother was dead, and the image of her stiff corpse clinging desperately to the blood-soaked sheets as she laid that distorted position with that fearful expression frozen on her beautiful face would forever be burned in the back of his mind.

  * * * *

  Devon awoke to the sound of his own bloodcurdling scream. His blood ran cold as he sat up, drenched with sweat, trying to catch his breath.

  “Devon?” Layden’s sleep-filled voice called, but he didn’t turn around. He was too focused on clearing his mind of the nightmare.

  “Devon, you okay?” Abraxas said more forcefully as he sat up and pulled him toward him. He looked up at him with tears pooling in his eyes.

  “No,” he said as he threw his arms around Abraxas’s neck and began sobbing against his chest.

  Abraxas placed a comforting arm around Devon and patted his back. “It’s okay. I’ve got you. It was just a dream.”

  The words provided no comfort, but he was grateful for them nonetheless.

  “It wasn’t just a dream. It really did happen.” A pain filled his heart as more tears slid down his cheek.

  “What was it, love?” Layden asked as he ran a hand through his hair, pulling it away from Devon’s face.

  He himself up and looked at Layden. “I just…it was just a dream about the night my mother died.”

  Understanding and empathy filled Layden’s gaze as he opened his arms. Devon leaned forward and let him comfort him. Layden held him tight, and he could feel his love surround him. He never wanted him to let go.

  “I’m afraid,” Devon finally admitted.

  “Afraid of what?” Abraxas asked as he moved closer.

  Devon reached for his hand. “I’m afraid of lots of things like not seeing my brother again, whether or not I’ll still have a job if and when I get back.”

  “Oh,” Layden breathed. His tone was unfeeling but the sudden rigidness of his muscles told Devon he’d upset him.

  “But mostly I’m afraid of what will happen after we find all the gems and the Ceremony is complete, because—” Devon paused as he forced himself to admit his feelings to them. “Because I don’t really want to leave. I want to stay here with you both. I–I love you. I love you both.” Devon looked up at them with unguarded eyes, silently hoping that they felt the same way.

  Layden’s stoic facial features provided him with no indication of his feelings, but gradually he saw his guards slowly melt away and a warm, sincere smile spread across his face.

  “We love you, too.” Abraxas’s loving tone washed over Devon, and it was just what he needed to hear.

  “Nothing would make us happier than to be with you.” Layden wrapped his arms back around him as Devon let both his men embrace him. Abraxas placed a gentle kiss upon his forehead.

  “You have found a way to capture our hearts. You alone have brought us closer together.” His kiss traveled to Devon’s lips as his senses filled with the black dragon’s scent.

  “I know the fates have blessed our meeting, and Abraxas and I are prepared to fight for you. Whatever the cost. Even if it means traveling across the planes of existence, we will find you again,” Layden spoke softly.

  Devon could feel his warm breath on his bare shoulder as his hands encircled his waist, pulling him closer.

  Their gentle touches turned rough with need as he felt their hands roaming his body, touching every inch of exposed flesh. They stripped him with ease, laying him back against the mattress and Devon closed his eyes, enjoying the sensations inflicted by their touch.

  Their kisses covered him, sending shivers of desire through his entire body, mercilessly teasing him. He gasped as Layden’s mouth found his cock and his tongue flicked across the mushroom-shaped head.

  “Layden—I,” Devon breathed as his body was wracked with yet another wave of pleasure. His torturous touches were joined by Abraxas’s as he spread his legs wider apart, making room so that they both had access to his hardening cock.

  Devon nearly came undone as both their tongues covered every inch of his dick. But their touches didn’t stop there. Abraxas stripped off his boxers, exposing his thick cock. There was no hesitation in his movements as he smeared an ample amount of lubrication onto Devon’s ass and shoved his hard cock inside.

  Devon cried out as Abraxas filled him full. He fucked him hard and fast, bringing him to the edge.

  “That’s it, baby. Come for me.” Abraxas cocked a half grin on his face, never slowing his pace. Devon’s heart was pounding in his chest and his muscles were tightening around Abraxas’s dick with every thrust.

  “God, you’re so fucking tight.” Abraxas growled as he buried himself deep inside. Two more thrusts and they both were crying out in ecstasy as they came simultaneously and Abraxas filled him full with his cum.

  “My turn,” Layden demanded, shoving Abraxas out of the way. Devon didn’t know if he could take any more, but the raw desire reflected in Layden’s eyes made him reach for his other lover.

  Layden didn’t have to use any more lubrication as he slid his hard dick into Devon’s wet hole, allowing Abraxas’s cum to serve as the slick for his cock. Abraxas reached in between their mingling bodies and found Devon’s cock. He stroked its length, reigniting his desire as Layden filled his ass until he couldn’t take anymore.

  Another orgasm wracked his body as Devon cried out. His muscles spasmed around Layden’s cock, but still he kept going, fucking him through the orgasm until every last tremor of pleasure had left his body. Only then did he come.

  Abraxas and Layden both collapsed in exhaustion, and Devon let his endorphin-filled mind carry him off into a state of bliss where no more nightmares were there to haunt him.

  * * * *

  “Good morning,” Cerilius said as Devon walked out of the tent, rubbing his eyes. He was still a little exhausted from the night before. He felt drained of energy, almost, but was determined not to let that hold him back today.

  “Good morning.” Devon smiled as he approached the campfire.

  “Here, have some tea and breakfast. I made it this morning.”

  Cerilius handed him a plate full of food and warm cup of black tea.

  Devon eyed him suspiciously. “You’re in an awful good mood,” he said as he took a sip of his tea.

  “How is it?” Cerilius asked, ignoring Devon’s statement.

  “It’s good. Thank you.” Devon watched him walk back to the rest of the food he had cooking, whistling as he went.

  “So what’s on the agenda for today?” Devon asked, looking up at Druis.

  But it was Asher that answered as he stepped out of his tent. “We’re not too far from the old Night Temple where the gem was last found. Druis says we don’t even have to pack up camp.”

  Devon watched as he picked up his long sword an
d swung it over his shoulder. He flashed Devon a sideways grin and winked. “For extra protection. Them Night ancestors are going to be no walk in the park if you know what I mean. They were right bastards when it came to illusion spells, and I want to be prepared for whatever we’ll be facing.”

  Devon cringed as his stomach churned. He pressed his calf to the inside of his boot until he felt the sheath of the dagger Abraxas had given him. Its presence there comforted him a bit as he tried not to think about what they were up against.

  “Hey, don’t worry. I’m sure my temple will be the easiest one yet.” Abraxas’s kind eyes did little to reassure him. He’d caught a glimpse of their fierceness the other day, and Devon would bet money that their ancestor would put up one hell of a fight before handing over that gem.

  “I’m not worried,” he lied. “Let’s go ahead and get ready. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner I can spend more time with you and Layden.”

  * * * *

  “This is it,” Druis said as they finally arrived at the Night temple entrance. Devon stared up at the giant stone wall as a wave of nausea churned his stomach. He didn’t know why he was getting so worked up over this.

  Abraxas stepped in front them and sliced open his palm with the short blade he had readied. He placed the wound against the wall, and faint black inscriptions began to glow around the area. The lines trailed upward from the encryptions to the top of the stone before cutting at sharp right angles in opposite directions. Devon watched as they continued in this fashion until what looked to be the outline of a doorframe appeared. Sure enough, as soon as Abraxas gave a hard push against the wall, the two doors swung open, allowing them entrance into the temple.

  They entered the dark room cautiously. Asher was the first one inside. “I can’t see anything. Ezekiel, can you get us some light?”


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