“Krrf,” he said.
Mizraith gestured negligently with his free hand and a small snowstorm of grey powder drifted to the rug, and disappeared.
“No.” One-Thumb rubbed his eyes. When he looked at the pillows, they were pillows; when he looked away, they turned to blocks of gold. “Not conjured krrf.” It had the same gross effect but no depth, no nuance.
“Twenty grimales of black krrf from Caronne,” Amoli said.
“Stolen from both of us,” One-Thumb said. “It was sent to me by a man in Ranke, payment for services rendered. Your son Marype picked it up at the caravan depot, hidden inside a cheese. He extracted it somehow and sold it to this woman, Amoli—”
“Amoli? You’re the mistress of a … of the Slippery Lily?”
“No, the Lily Garden. The other place is in the Maze, a good place for pox and slatterns.”
One-Thumb continued. “After he sold it to her, it disappeared. He brought it to me last night. This evening, it disappeared from my own strongbox.”
“Marype couldn’t do that,” Mizraith said.
“The conjuring part, I know he couldn’t—which is why I say that you must have been behind it. Why? A joke?”
Mizraith sipped. “Would you like tea?”
“No. Why?”
He handed the half-empty cup to the girl. “More tea.” He watched her go to the samovar. “I bought her for the walk. Isn’t that fine? From behind, she could be a boy.”
“Please, Mizraith. This is financial ruin for Amoli and a gross insult to me.”
“A joke, eh? You think I make stupid jokes?”
“I know that you do things for reasons I cannot comprehend,” he said tactfully. “But this is serious—”
“I know that!” He took the tea and fished a flower petal from it; rubbed it away. “More serious than you think, if my son is involved. Did it all disappear? Is there any tiny bit of it left?”
“The pinch you gave to my eunuch,” Amoli said. “He may still have it.”
“Fetch it,” Mizraith said. He stared slack-jawed into his tea for a minute. “I didn’t do it, Lastel. Some other did.”
“With Marype’s help.”
“Perhaps unwilling. We shall see … Marype is adept enough to have sensed the worth of the cheese, and I think he is worldly enough to recognize a block of rare krrf, and know where to sell it. By himself, he would not be able to charm it away.”
“You fear he’s betrayed you?”
Mizraith caressed the girl’s long hair. “We have had some argument lately. About his progress… he thinks I am teaching him too slowly, withholding … mysteries. The truth is, spells are complicated. Being able to generate one is not the same as being able to control it; that takes practice, and maturity. He sees what his brothers can do and is jealous, I think.”
“You can’t know his mind directly?”
“No. That’s a powerful spell against strangers, but the closer you are to a person, the harder it is. Against your own blood … no. His mind is closed to me.”
Amoli returned with the square of parchment. She held it out apologetically. “He shared it with the other bodyguard and your son. Is this enough?” There was a dark patch in the centre of the square.
He took it between thumb and forefinger and grimaced. “Markmor!” The second most powerful magician in Sanctuary—an upstart not even a century old.
“He’s in league with your strongest competitor?” One-Thumb said.
“In league or in thrall.” Mizraith stood up and crossed his arms. The bodyguard disappeared; the cushions became a stack of gold bricks. He mumbled some gibberish and opened his arms wide.
Marype appeared in front of him. He was a handsome lad: flowing silver hair, striking features. He was also furious, naked, and rampant.
“Father, I am busy” He made a flinging gesture and disappeared.
Mizraith made the same gesture and the boy came back. “We can do this all night. Or you can talk to me.”
Noticeably less rampant. “This is unforgiveable.” He raised his arm to make the pass again; then checked it as Mizraith did the same. “Clothe me.” A brick disappeared, and Marype was wearing a tunic of woven gold.
“Tell me you are not in the thrall of Markmor.”
The boy’s fists were clenched. “I am not.”
“Are you quite certain?”
“We are friends, partners. He is teaching me things.”
“You know I will teach you everything, eventually. But—”
Marype made a pass and the stack of gold turned to a heap of stinking dung. “Cheap,” Mizraith said, wrinkling his nose. He held his elbow a certain way and the gold came back. “Don’t you see he wants to take advantage of you?”
“I can see that he wants access to you. He was quite open about that.”
“Stefab,” Mizraith whispered. “Nesteph.”
“You need the help of my brothers?”
The two older brothers appeared, flanking Mizraith. “What I need is some sense out of you.” To the others: “Stay him!”
Heavy golden chains bound his wrists and ankles to sudden rings in the floor. He strained and one broke; a block of blue ice encased him. The ice began to melt.
Mizraith turned to One-Thumb and Amoli. “You weaken us with your presence.” A bar of gold floated over to the woman. “That will compensate you. Lastel, you will have the krrf, once I take care of this. Be careful for the next few hours. Go.”
As they backed out, other figures began to gather in the room. One-Thumb recognized the outline of Markmor flickering.
In the foyer, Amoli handed the gold to her eunuch. “Let’s get back to the Maze,” she said. “This place is dangerous.”
ONE-THUMB SENT the pirate cook home and spent the rest of the night in the familiar business of dispensing drink and krrf and haggling over rates of exchange. He took a judicious amount of krrf himself—the domestic kind—to keep alert. But nothing supernatural happened, and nothing more exciting than a routine eye-gouging over a dice dispute. He did have to step over a deceased ex patron when he went to lock up at dawn. At least he’d had the decency to die outside, so no report had to be made.
One reason he liked to take the death-shift was the interesting ambience of Sanctuary in the early morning. The sunlight was hard, revealing rather than cleansing. Litter and excrement in the gutters. A few exhausted revellers, staggering in small groups or sitting half-awake, blade out, waiting for a bunk to clear at first bell. Dogs nosing the evening’s remains. Decadent, stale, worn, mortal. He took dark pleasure in it. Double pleasure this morning, a slight krrf overdose singing death-song in his brain.
He almost went east, to check on Mizraith. “Be careful the next few hours” that must have meant his bond to Mizraith made him somehow vulnerable in the weird struggle with Markmor over Marype. But he had to go back to the estate and dispose of the bones in the dogs’ troughs, and then be Lastel for a noon meeting.
THERE WAS ONE drab whore in the waiting-room of the Lily Garden, who gave him a thick smile and then recognized him and slumped back to doze. He went through the velvet curtain to where the eunuch sat with his back against the wall, glaive across his lap.
He didn’t stand. “Any trouble, One-Thumb?”
“No trouble. No krrf, either.” He heaved aside the bolt on the massive door to the tunnel. “For all I know, it’s still going on. If Mizraith had lost, I’d know by now, I think.”
“Or if he’d won,” the eunuch said.
“Possibly. I’ll be in touch with your mistress if I have anything for her.” One Thumb lit the waiting lamp and swung the door closed behind him.
Before he’d reached the bottom of the stairs, he knew something was wrong. Too much light. He turned the wick all the way down; the air was slightly glowing. At the foot of the stairs, he set down the lamp, drew his rapier, and waited.
The glow coalesced into a fuzzy image of Mizraith. It whispered, “Yo
u are finally in dark, Lastel. One-Thumb. Listen: I may die soon. Your charm, I’ve transferred to Stefab, and it holds. Pay him as you’ve paid me …” He wavered, disappeared, came back. “Your krrf is in this tunnel. It cost more than you can know.” Darkness again.
One-Thumb waited a few minutes more in the darkness and silence (fifty steps from the light above) before re-lighting the lamp. The block of krrf was at his feet. He tucked it under his left arm and proceeded down the tunnel, rapier in hand. Not that steel would be much use against sorcery, if that was to be the end of this. But an empty hand was less.
The tunnel kinked every fifty steps or so, to restrict line-of-sight. One-Thumb went through three corners and thought he saw light at the fourth. He stopped, doused the lamp again, and listened. No footfalls. He set down the krrf and lamp and filled his left hand with a dagger, then headed for the light. It didn’t have to be magic; three times he had surprised interlopers in the tunnel. Their husks were secreted here and there, adding to the musty odour.
But no stranger this time. He peered around the corner and saw Lastel himself, waiting with sword out.
“Don’t hold back there,” his alter ego said. “Only one of us leaves this tunnel.”
One-Thumb raised his rapier slowly. “Wait … if you kill me, you die forever. If I kill you, the same. This is a sorcerer’s trap.”
“No, Mizraith’s dead.”
“His son is holding the spell.”
Lastel advanced, crabwise, dueller’s gait. “Then how am I here?”
One-Thumb struggled with his limited knowledge of the logic of sorcery. Instinct moved him forward, point in line, left-hand weapon ready for side parry or high block. He kept his eye on Lastel’s point, krrf-steady as his own. The krrf sang doom, and lifted his spirit.
It was like fencing with a mirror. Every attack drew instant parry, remise, parry, remise, parry, re-remise, break to counter. For several minutes, a swift yet careful ballet, large twins mincing, the tunnel echoing clash: One-Thumb knew he had to do something random, unpredictable; he lunged with a cut-over, impressing to the right.
Lastel knew he had to do something random, unpredictable; he lunged with a double-disengage, impressing to the right.
They missed each other’s blades
Slammed home.
One-Thumb saw his red blade emerge from the rich brocade over Lastel’s back, tried to shout and coughed blood over his killer’s shoulder. Lastel’s rapier had cracked breastbone and heart and slit a lung as well.
They clung to each other. One-Thumb watched bright blood spurt from the other’s back and heard his own blood falling, as the pain grew. The dagger still in his left hand, he stabbed, almost idly. Again he stabbed. It seemed to take a long time. The pain grew. The other man was doing the same. A third stab, he watched the blade rise and slowly fall, and inching slide back out of the flesh. With every second, the pain seemed to double; with every second, the flow of time slowed by half. Even the splash of blood was slowed, like a viscous oil falling through water as it sprayed away. And now it stopped completely, a thick scarlet web frozen there between his dagger and Lastel’s back—his own back—and as the pain spread and grew, marrow itself on fire, he knew he would look at that for ever. For a flickering moment he saw the image of two sorcerers, smiling.
By Christine De Wees
“I FEEL AS young as I look. I could satisfy every man in this house if I took the notion to, or if any one of them had half the magnificence of Lythande.”
So speaking, Myrtis, proprietor of the Aphrodisia House leaned over the banister outside her private parlour and cast judgement on the activity of her establishment below.
“Certainly, madame.”
Her companion on the narrow balcony was a well-dressed young man lately arrived with his parents from the imperial capital. He eased as far from her as possible when she turned to smile at him.
“Do you doubt me, young man?”
The words rolled off Myrtis’s tongue with an ease and inflection of majesty. To many of the long-time residents of Sanctuary, Myrtis was the city’s unofficial royalty. On the Street of Red Lanterns she reigned supreme.
“Certainly not, madame.”
“You have seen the girls now. Did you have a particular lady in mind, or would you prefer to explore my establishment further?”
Myrtis guided him back into her parlour with slight pressure against his arm. She wore a high-necked dark gown which only hinted at the legendary figure beneath. The madam of the Aphrodisia House was beautiful, more beautiful than any of the girls working for her; fathers told this to their sons who were, in turn, passing this indisputable fact along to their sons. But a ravishing beauty which endured unchanging for three generations was awesome rather than desirable. Myrtis did not compete with the girls who worked for her.
The young man cleared his throat. It was clearly his first visit to any brothel. He fingered the tassels on the side of an immense wine-coloured velvet love-seat before speaking.
“I think I’ll go a round with the violet-silks.”
Myrtis stared at him until he fidgeted one of the tassels loose and his face flushed a deep crimson.
“Call Cylene. Tell her the Lavender Room.”
A girl too young to be working jumped up from a cushion where she had waited in silence for such a command. The youth turned to follow her.
“Four pieces of silver—Cylene is very talented. And a name—I think that you should be known as Terapis.” Myrtis smiled to reveal her even white teeth.
The youth, who would henceforth be known as Terapis within the walls of the Aphrodisia House, searched his purse to find a single gold piece. He stood arrogant and obviously well-rehearsed while Myrtis counted out his change. The young girl took his hand to lead him to Cylene for two hours of unimaginable bliss.
“Children!” Myrtis mumbled to herself when she was alone in her parlour again.
Four of the nine knobs on the night-candle had melted away. She opened a great leatherbound ledger and entered the youth’s true name as well as the one she had just given him, his choice for the evening, and that he had paid in gold. It had been fifteen years or more since she had given the nom-de-guerre of Terapis to one of the house’s gentlemen. She had a good memory for all those who lingered in the sybaritic luxury of the Aphrodisia House.
A GENTLE KNOCKING on the parlour door awoke Myrtis late the next morning.
“Your breakfast is ready, madame.”
“Thank you, child. I’ll be down for it.”
She lay still for a few moments in the semi-darkness. Lythande had used careful spells to preserve her beauty and give her the longevity of a magician, but there were no spells to numb the memory. The girls, their gentlemen, all passed through Myrtis’s mind in a blurred unchanging parade which trapped her beneath the silken bed-clothes.
“Flowers for you, madame.”
The young girl who had sat quietly on the cushion on the previous evening walked nonchalantly into the boudoir bearing a large bouquet of white flowers which she began arranging in a crystal vase.
“A slave from the palace brought them. He said they were from Terapis.”
A surprise. There were always still surprises, and renewed by that comforting knowledge Myrtis threw back the bedcovers. The girl set down the flowers and held an embroidered day-robe of emerald satin for Myrtis to wrap around herself.
Five girls in their linen shifts busied themselves with restoring the studied disorder of the lower rooms as Myrtis passed through them on her way to the kitchen. Five cleaning, one too pregnant to be of any use, another off nursing a newborn; that meant twenty girls were still in the upper rooms. Twenty girls whose time was fully accounted for; in all, a very good night for the Aphrodisia House. Others might be suffering with the new regime, but the foreigners expected a certain style and discretion which in Sanctuary could be found only at the Aphrodisia.
“Madame, Dindan ordered five
bottles of our best Aurvesh wine last night. We have only a dozen bottles left …” A balding man stepped in front of her with a shopping list.
“Then buy more.”
“But, madame, since the prince arrived it is almost impossible to buy Aurvesh wines!”
“Buy them! But first sell the old bottles to Dindan at the new prices.”
“Yes, madame.”
The kitchen was a large, brightly lit room hidden away at the back of the house. Her cooks and an assortment of tradesmen haggled loudly at the back door while the half-dozen or so young children of her working girls raced around the massive centre table. Everyone grew quiet as Myrtis took her seat in a sunlit alcove that faced a tiny garden.
Despite the chaos the children caused, she always let the girls keep them if they wanted to. With the girl-children there was no problem with their earning their keep; no virgin was ever too ugly. But the boy-children were apprenticed off at the earliest possible age. Their wages were garnished to support the on going concern that was the Aphrodisia House.
“There is a soldier at the front door, Madame.” One of the girls who had been cleaning the lower rooms interrupted as Myrtis spread a thick blue-veined cheese over her bread. “He demands to see you, madame.”
“Demands to see me?” Myrtis laid down the cheese knife. “A soldier has nothing that ‘demands’ to see me at the front door. At this hour, soldiers are less use than tradesmen. Send him around to the back.”
The girl ran back up the stairs. Myrtis finished spreading her cheese on the bread. She had eaten half of it when a tall man cast a shadow over her private dining alcove.
“You are blocking my sunlight, young man,” she said without looking up.
“You are Madame Myrtis, proprietress of this … brothel?” he demanded without moving.
“You are blocking my sunlight and my view of the garden.”
He stepped to one side.
“The girls are not available during the day. Come back this evening.”
“Madame Myrtis, I am Zalbar, captain of Prince Kadakithis’s personal guard. I have not come to inquire after the services of your girls.”
“Then what have you come for?” she asked, looking up for the first time.
Thieves’ World Page 18