Trinity of Darkness: The Darkness Unbound Collection

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Trinity of Darkness: The Darkness Unbound Collection Page 24

by Glenn Porzig

  The killer clawed at the mask as he struggled to get it off. Drake tackled him and they both crashed to the floor. The detective pinned his shoulders, but the man was still focused on pulling off the leather hood. Finally it tore free and a wild-eyed Chris Clarke peered up at the detective.

  "You! I saw you at the book signing tonight—you're Chris, you were talking to Belle…"

  Chris was disoriented. His face was flush and his hair was matted in sweat. He flung the skull mask across the room in fear.

  "I—I don't know what's going on. Who are you? Why was I wearing that thing?"

  Drake eased up a bit. His first instinct was that it was a trap, to lull him into thinking the killer was harmless. His eyes scanned the floor and he found what he was looking for. The Smith & Wesson was only a few feet away. The detective pushed himself off of the man and scooped up his revolver—quickly training it on him.

  He backed away from the killer and used his free hand to pull the gag down from Vicki's mouth. She shook her head and spat.

  "That psycho kidnapped me! He hit me in the head and dragged me down here to this awful basement!"

  "You're not alone. Bastard hit me in the head too," Drake reached up and rubbed the base of his skull.

  "Hey! I'm a victim here too!" moaned Chris.

  "Don't listen to that creep! You heard him, he just confessed that he was going to kill me! Shoot him if he tries anything!" Vicki screeched.

  "Care to explain yourself?"

  "I—I think it started when I found this room, hidden down here in the cellar. There was some strange stuff down here; books, candles, animal skulls… a knife. It all looked evil, but I'm not the superstitious type. Still, it was interesting, I couldn't help but read the books. I may have messed around with some of it… all I know is from that point forward I didn't really feel like myself. There was always something nagging at me in the back of my head. I started having blackouts. I'd wake up and be all sweaty, or freshly showered. The last time… the last time I found blood on my clothes…"

  Chris looked around pleadingly. That's when he noticed Brandy in the corner.

  "Brandy? Is that Brandy? Is she… dead? Did I do that?" He choked and sobbed. "What's wrong with me?"

  "Don't move. We'll sort this all out later."

  Drake pushed past Chris and started to untie Vicki. A movement caught his eye, a black shape darted past him and right at Chris. It had come from the mask on the floor across the room. Drake saw it rise up and envelop the man. For a brief moment the detective saw the face of Lee Miller superimposed over that of Christopher Clarke.

  "I'm back!"

  The spirit of Lee Mill was in control of Chris Clarke again, and it had the drop on the detective. Suddenly the killer's gloved hand appeared and it was holding Drake's .45.

  Drake lowered his pistol and positioned himself between Vicki and the killer. He couldn't take a chance on her being shot if he tried to make a move to disarm the possessed architect. They were all too close, this hidden room was small and concrete. A stray bullet could ricochet around the room and take them all out.

  The detective clenched his jaw. This could be the end. If he acted, Chris would be able to shoot him before he could be disarmed. If he didn't act, then there was nothing to stop the killer from shooting him and killing Vicki. Suddenly he heard a familiar voice from behind him.

  "Give up Lee, you're already dead—Hell's waiting for you!"

  Chris' face was frozen in terror. He was staring right past the detective. Taking advantage of the distraction, Drake shifted forward—his left arm coming up to deflect the killer's gun hand—his right arm shoving his pistol into the killer's stomach. Drake frantically squeezed the trigger sending four rounds from the snub-nosed magnum into the killer's gut. Chris slumped backwards and fell to the floor, a look of shock on his face.

  Blood began to well up in Chris' mouth. His expression changed from surprise to rage. He tried to sit up but his stomach muscles were shredded. He swung his right arm up, the .45 still in his hand—tracking towards Drake. But the detective still had one round in his magnum. The short pistol barked and the killer's head burst open as the slug exploded out the back of his skull—painting the floor red.


  Caroline Phipps sat across from Vicki Taylor, both of them looking polished and professional. They were each slathered in makeup to help hide their blemishes from the detail revealed by bright lights in the studio and the unforgiving high definition cameras.

  "I'm here with former WYKN anchor and now author, Vicki Taylor. It looks like we can add survivor to that list of accomplishments."

  "I'm truly blessed to be sitting with you here tonight, Caroline."

  "This has been an amazing few days for you. You returned to your hometown to launch your book…"

  "Face of Evil."

  "Right, Face of Evil, about the serial killer Lee Miller, the man responsible for the Carver Massacre and the deaths of the Reid family thirteen years later."

  "And an untold number of young women who he brutally killed as well," Vicki added.

  "In a previous WYKN exclusive interview after the death of Lee Miller, it was revealed that he had an obsession with you."

  "That's right. Being a well know figure in the community, and the woman responsible for breaking the Carver story, he was naturally fixated on me. After his death, a year ago, the police found a collection of clippings about me in Miller's possessions… a shrine, some called it."

  "I'm sure that was disturbing."

  "To say the least."

  "But not nearly as disturbing as being kidnapped, and on the night of your book release no less. Care to share with us how that happened?"

  Vicki Taylor composed herself.

  "It had been a successful evening at Belle's Books and Candles for the book launch party. I was able to meet many of my adoring fans. But afterward, in the lot behind the bookshop, I was approached by him…"

  "You mean Christopher Clarke."

  "That's right. I had met him earlier at the signing, and I had autographed a book for him. He came up to me as I was getting in my car to leave and asked if I could autograph a second book, this one for his wife's friend."

  "And that friend ended up being Brandy Bennett, the girl he had previously killed?"

  "That's right. He caught me off guard and struck me in the head. When I woke up I was in a hidden room in the basement of his house, which had been the Miller house."

  "That must have been terrifying. Even more so because you were bound in the room with the body of Brandy, a co-worker of Chris' wife, who had been missing. And his wife didn't know about any of this?"

  "That's right Caroline. His wife, Jessica, was a nurse working night shift. She was unaware of his nocturnal activities, or that he had even met Brandy."

  "I was able to meet with Jessica Clarke, off camera, and she revealed to me that she was unaware of the history of the house when they moved in. And that she never had any reason to suspect her husband was devoted to following in the footsteps of serial killer Lee Miller."

  "But Chris Clarke was obviously obsessed with Lee Miller, from buying his childhood home to continuing his twisted task of abducting and ritually killing young women."

  "From the outside Chris looked like a well balanced professional, but he was obviously insane. He killed at least three young women, and would have added you to that tragic list…"

  "And I have no doubt that he would have killed me if it hadn't been for the efforts of Detective Alexander Drake. His quick thinking and decisive action saved my life that night, and he prevented countless other deaths by ending the reign of terror of that sick killer."

  "And there was something about a mask found at the scene?"

  "Yes. Clarke had apparently dug up the body of Lee Miller and fashioned a mask out of his skull. I'll have all of the gruesome details in the follow up to my book. My publisher approved the sequel just this morning."

  "That is fascinating. Thank you so muc
h for sharing your harrowing experience with us. I'm sure the WYKN viewers join me in being thankful that you made it out alive, and that the killer is finally off the street."


  "I try not to watch the news—too much bad stuff is happening in the world today, but I saw you on TV again, Detective." Sister Mary Francis beamed up at the handsome detective. He was visiting her at the convent again. He didn't come often, so she knew his being there was important.

  "I just need to know… have you heard from Sister Marian? Is she back from Rome?"

  "No, I'm afraid she's still at the Vatican. Still not allowed contact with the outside world."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Oh, yes. I'm quite sure. She would have told me if she was coming back. I still keep her room just the way she left it."

  Drake looked down at the floor.

  "What is this business on TV? What does it have to do with Marian?"

  "It was Lee Miller… or at least I think it was. He… came back…"

  "Oh, my! Was it really him again?"

  "I-I can't really be sure of anything… I can't trust my senses…"

  "What's bothering you Alex? You can tell me. You know I'll believe you…"

  "That's just it. I'm not sure that I believe me!"

  "Calm down, it's okay. I'm listening."

  "The killer, either he was a madman obsessed with Lee Miller—or he was possessed by Lee Miller. Either way, he had me in a tight spot. He was going to kill me—there was nothing I could do…"

  "Go on…"

  Drake swallowed hard. His mouth was dry and he struggled to utter the words.

  "He had a gun pointed at me—was about to pull the trigger—when suddenly his face changed. He saw something—someone. And then I heard it…"

  "Heard what?"

  "Her voice. I heard Sister Marian… and I think that Miller saw her. She was there in the room with us."

  "You're sure it was her?"

  "It was her—I'm sure of it. I couldn't risk turning to look, but there's no way I'd forget her voice. She distracted Miller and I was able to fight him off." Drake looked Sister Mary Francis in the eyes. "She saved my life."

  "Oh, I'm so glad you're safe. I'm sure Marian will be glad too."

  "Sister, did I imagine it? Or do you think… is there any way that she was really there?"

  "Alex, you know as well as I do that there are many mysteries in this world. There is great evil—but there are also miracles."

  "So, you think it could have really been her? But how?"

  "It's… possible. There are many things that we don't understand—I have heard of saints who were able to be in two places at once. Saint Anthony and many others over the ages. Most recently there was Padre Pio. They call it bilocation."

  "Is this what you believe, Sister? That Marian was actually there with me?"

  "Miracles cannot be explained by natural laws, or else they wouldn't be miracles. Only the Good Lord knows the answer."


  A special preview of

  Darkness Unbound:

  Grave of Ashes

  This run was kicking her butt. Every morning Megan Lane got up early to get in a run before work. She’d been jogging this same path for the last three weeks, but it wasn’t getting any easier. She’d never be ready for the mini marathon at this rate.

  Megan usually listened to upbeat dance music to stay motivated as she ran. But this weekend was her book club meeting and she’d been too busy to read the book. Lucky for her it had recently been released as an audiobook. Well, they called it a book club, but more than anything it was an excuse for the girls to get together and drink wine. Lots of it.

  This month’s selection wasn’t the light hearted fare they usually read. It had been Laurene’s turn to choose, and she was into true crime. Laurene had chosen Face of Evil. Megan was at least somewhat interested in the book because it gave a detailed account of a series of murders spanning over a decade that had taken place locally. That, and the fact that it was narrated by the author, Vicki Taylor, who had been an anchor on her favorite newscast.

  Megan’s long auburn ponytail bounced up and down, keeping cadence with her steps. Her expensive new running shoes were finally starting to break in. Who knew it would cost so much just to go for a run?

  Her pace slowed as she saw that she was nearing the underpass. Megan felt a sense of foreboding whenever she approached the dark tunnel. She always hesitated before entering, finding any excuse to delay following the path. It didn’t help that the placement of the tunnel was such that when the wind blew through it would produce an eerie wail. She would usually turn her music up to avoid hearing it, but this time she had the sultry voice of Vicki Taylor piped into her head from her earbuds. She was already on edge from listening to the accounts of women being abducted and murdered, but now Vicki really wasn’t helping Megan’s nerves as she recounted in excruciating detail the death of author James Nichols as he was being skinned alive.

  Megan suddenly realized she’d been running in place. She’d put it off as long as she could; if she was going to make it to work on time then she needed to get moving. Just as she was about to enter, the wind picked up, sending a howl echoing from the tunnel—it carried with it a wisp of smoke and the unpleasant odor of something burning. Maybe a homeless person was burning garbage to stay warm? She didn’t want to be caught off guard by a homeless person taking shelter from the elements. She perked up, eyes straining to peer into the darkness of the tunnel, watchful for any movement. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. One more glance at her watch and she forged ahead into the dank tunnel.

  She wasn’t quite halfway through when she noticed fresh graffiti on the walls—strange murals that had been painted since her last trip. There were foreign words scrawled in fancy script as well as disturbing depictions of stylized skulls. Feeling uneasy, she plucked out one of her earbuds and listened for footsteps as she nervously glanced behind her, convinced that she was being followed. She picked up her pace, eager to reach the light at the other end.

  Her attention on the murals, and the imaginary shuffling footsteps following her, she stumbled over something. She went down hard against the wet concrete, her hands absorbing most of the impact. Her palms were raw and stung from the pebbles and grit that had been ground into them. The cold, damp concrete sucked the heat from her trembling fingertips as she struggled to push herself upright.

  Megan sharply drew in a breath, recovering from where the fall had knocked the wind out of her. She reflexively gagged—the sickening burnt smell was overwhelming. She opened her eyes, straining in the dark to determine what she’d tripped over. Whatever it was, it seemed to be the source of the smoke and the smell. She stared, her eyes slowly coming into focus, then she screamed—a horrific blood curdling wail.

  The smoldering pile was looking back at her. She was face-to-face with charred human remains. Her scream continued to echo down the tunnel walls, carried on the wind.



  Glenn Porzig grew up reading comics, pulp novels, and watching too much TV.

  He has worked over twenty years in the television industry, including two highly rated specials for SCI FI Channel: The Roswell Crash: Startling New Evidence, and The New Roswell: Kecksburg Exposed. He currently, literally, has his head in the clouds as a videographer on a TV news helicopter.

  Since 2005 you can hear him talking about anything that's not mundane at where he is the co-host of a weekly podcast.

  Glenn first broke onto the scene as the creator of the comic book heroine Ace of Diamonds for Lone Star Press. His first short story, Master of the Dead, was published in More Blood, an anthology featuring Remo Williams, the Destroyer.

  Glenn is proud to have collaborated with the legendary Scream Queen, Brinke Stevens, to bring his Darkness Unbound series to life as audiobooks.

  Glenn and his wife, Carly, live in Indiana with a menagerie of both furry and scaly pets. />
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  Review: Trinity of Shadows

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  More Blood

  18 pulse-pounding adventures written by fans of Remo Williams, the DESTROYER!

  Includes my original short story “MASTER of the DEAD”



  Darkness Unbound: Lady in Black

  A detective investigating ritualistic murders,

  a nun whose faith will be challenged,

  a supernatural killer with an unholy agenda...

  their souls forever tied together by a dark secret.

  Legendary Scream Queen Brinke Stevens performs this occult case of Detective Alexander Drake.

  Available from Audible, Amazon and iTunes

  FREE with a 30 day Audible trial membership!


  Darkness Unbound: Terror of Night

  Still recovering from a near-death experience,

  Homicide Detective Alexander Drake is suddenly recalled to active duty to track down a diabolical serial killer with ties to the occult.

  Legendary Scream Queen Brinke Stevens performs this occult case of Detective Alexander Drake.


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