Wicked Games (Wicked Bay, #4)

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Wicked Games (Wicked Bay, #4) Page 23

by Cotton, L A

  “Will you hate me if I say yes?” He stepped closer.


  “I am so proud of you, Lo. Of how you handled that. How you stood up for yourself.”

  “I am fed up of being a pawn in peoples' games.”

  “Gentry called. He spoke to Rebecca who overheard an interesting conversation between Kyle and Laurie.” His eyes dropped to my hand. “Want to talk about it?”

  “I punched a girl today,” the words spewed out and his gaze widened.

  “Well, okay then. Did she deserve it?”

  I smirked. “Without a doubt.”

  He shrugged. “Sometimes words just don’t have the same impact.” Mischief danced in his eyes, and I stifled a laugh. “Does that apply to me too?”

  I frowned, and he clarified. “You said you’re fed up of being a pawn. I can’t help but wonder if that statement includes me.”


  He sucked in a sharp breath but nodded slowly. “I want to fix it, Sweetheart. Fix us. If you’re willing to let me try. How about if I don’t do better, you have my permission to lay one on me. But not my nose. It’s crooked enough already.”

  This time I didn’t hold back the laughter, and neither did he. We stood there, two strangers who lost their way, sharing a moment. For the first time in a long time, I felt like we might be able to find our way back to one another. Though things would never be the same—too much had happened—we could move forward in the same direction and maybe our paths would cross again one day.

  I was okay with that.

  Chapter 33


  “I WAS WONDERING WHEN you were going to show up,” Vinnie Valenzi didn’t look in the least bit surprised to see me. “Did you come alone?”

  I nodded, and he glanced up and down his hall and then flicked his head inside.

  “You don’t stay at the house?” I’d just assumed he did since I always saw him there with Zac and the others.

  “Nah, I moved out last year.” He closed the door behind me and went to his desk chair, moving a few things before motioning for me to take it. “Do you know why you’re here?”

  “Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that?” I said.

  “You know, when I heard Maverick Prince was coming to SU, I almost didn’t believe it. Your reputation precedes you.”

  “Like Zac’s? Because my high school coach warned me about him.”

  He stared at me hard. It was the same look he’d given me so many times before, trying to tell me some unspoken message.

  “Zac wasn’t always this way, you know. I knew him in freshman year. We rushed Delta Pi together. But he was power hungry. Thirsty for it. Hell, I just wanted to party, get laid and play basketball. Not Zac.” Vinnie went over to his window and stared out over campus.

  “Why’d you stick with him?”

  Vinnie, Mac, and Balor weren’t bad guys. They tried to rein Zac in. Protect him from himself. But Vinnie had been with him for three years. I couldn’t imagine selling my soul like that.

  For anyone.

  Okay, maybe Lo. But that was different. I loved her. She was the other half to my soul. There probably wasn’t much I wouldn’t do for her. But a piece of shit like Zac Lowell was a different beast entirely.

  “We were friends.” Vinnie turned around and perched on the windowsill. “Best friends. I got swept up in it. The parties, girls. Wait until the season kicks off, and you’ll see. We’re gods, Prince. That shit is addictive.”


  “Zac abused his position. Sophomore year, he threatened the president of the frat if he didn’t name him VP. I don’t know exactly what he said or did, but Zac was announced VP the next day. Just like that. That’s when I knew Zac was different. He didn’t care who he trampled on to get to where he wanted to be. It was the same with the team. When Coach Baxter didn’t name him captain, he called his old man in. Guess who was named captain a week later?”


  “Yeah. He was like a toddler throwing tantrums. If something went wrong, or he didn’t like something he called in Mr. Lowell to fix it. Soon everyone knew not to cross him.”

  “Including you.”

  Vinnie raked a hand through his hair. “I’m not proud of everything I’ve done, Prince. But you think it’s been bad with us by his side? Imagine what it would be like if we weren’t.”

  He had a point. Zac was a wildcard. Unpredictable. Unstable. Completely convinced of his own self-importance. Although Vinnie, Balor, and Mac, were complicit, they never let it go too far.


  “That first night,” I said. “With the paintballs. You came after me. Why?”

  “It was a test.”

  “You wanted to see if I had what it took to stand up to him?”

  “I’d heard the stories. The underground fighting. The shit with your old man. Your family’s rep. If anyone could go head-to-head with Zac, it was Maverick Prince.”

  “I don’t know whether to be flattered or offended.”

  He shrugged. “It is what it is. And in case you’re interested, you passed with flying colors.” Vinnie smirked.

  “You punch like a little bitch.”

  “That I did not see coming. You screwed that up when you refused to take the fucking test.”

  “You tried to warn me, didn’t you?”

  “I had a part to play just like you. We’re all pawns in his game.”

  “Not anymore,” I said.

  His lips curved into a knowing smile. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  AFTER I LEFT VINNIE’S, I went straight to Miss Bowman’s office. By revealing my plan to Vinnie, I’d set in motion a set of events that only ended one way: with me and Zac going head-to-head, and something told me I’d need all the help I could get.

  I rapped my knuckles on the door and her voice drifted out. “Come in.”

  Inside the room, Miss Bowman shuffled her papers into a neat pile and then gave me her full attention. “This is a pleasant surprise. Please, take a seat.”

  I sat down, and she smiled. “What can I do for you, Maverick?”

  “Can I trust you?”

  Her smile slipped, and her brows knitted. “Excuse me?”

  “I want to know if I can trust you?”

  “W-what...” She cleared her throat. “I’m not sure what it is exactly that you’re asking me?”

  “It’s a simple question, Miss Bowman. Can I trust you?”

  “If you mean can you tell me something in confidence, then yes, I am bound to student-counselor confidentiality, Maverick.”

  I rubbed my jaw trying to figure out how best to play this. Miss Bowman’s support was vital to my plan. But Mr. Lowell held influence in the faculty at SU. Did that extend to Miss Bowman too?

  “Maverick, did something happen?”

  “A few weeks ago, you asked me what happened to my face.” I tested the waters.

  Hands flat on the arms of her chair, she shifted forward. “I remember. Hmm, I believe you said you had a run in with a door.”

  I nodded.

  “It wasn’t a door, was it?” Her eyes sparkled with concern. I wanted to believe it was a good sign. That I had her on side.

  “No, Miss Bowman, it wasn’t.”

  “I can’t help you, Maverick. Not unless you talk to me.”

  It was now or never. So why were the words so fucking hard to say? I had to do this. Not only for myself, but for all the other people who had suffered at the hands of Zac Lowell. He deserved a shit storm of apocalyptic proportions to rain down on him.

  And I was going to be the one to make it happen.

  “Maverick,” she urged. “You can trust me. Whatever it is, I want to help.”

  I took a deep breath and said, “I want to make a formal complaint about another student.”

  “I see.” She swiped her brow with the pad of her thumb. “Steinbeck take all complaints very seriously, there are procedures to—”

  “Do they

  “Excuse me?”

  “You said Steinbeck take all complaints very seriously, and I said, ‘do they’?”

  “Plain English please, Maverick.”

  “I have other students willing to provide testimonies, Miss Bowman. What they have to say will not paint SU in a positive light. Harassment, hazing related incidents, physical assault...” I swallowed. “Sexual assault. Some incidents of which the college were aware of and covered up.”

  “I see.” Her cheeks flushed. “How many students are we talking here?”

  “As of this morning, at least five.”

  “I see.” She shifted some more. “Have you talked to any other faculty member about this?”

  “I came to you first.”

  “Good. That’s good. This is unprecedented, Maverick. I’ll need time to formulate a plan. I may need to consult other staff in the department. These other students, are they willing to go on record?” She began to scribble notes on the paper in front of her.

  “Some are. I might be able to persuade others.”

  “Persuade them?” She glanced up. “Persuade them how?”

  “Because I’m here to give my statement.”

  She blinked at me. Once. Twice. Then she said, “I see,” again.

  “You might need a clean sheet of paper, Miss Bowman.” I motioned to her desk. “This could take a while.”


  After I’d given Miss Bowman my statement, she’d stared at me with unshed tears in her eyes. It wasn’t my place to name names, the others had to do that for themselves, but I gave her a blow-by-blow account of everything I’d witnessed over the last two months. Now I only had to hope others would follow suit. I knew Kawinski had already sent in his testimony. He told me when I called him yesterday to let him know it was done. Dana had arranged to meet with Miss Bowman later. Vinnie was going to work on Mac and Balor. But I trusted him to do the right thing. After all, he’d cherrypicked me to take Zac down.

  I still didn’t understand how he’d stood by for so long, watching as Zac destroyed lives all because he could. But that was on him. At least my conscience was clear.

  My cell vibrated, and I dug it out of my pocket.

  Lo: Any news yet?

  Me: Not yet. Miss B said she’d let me know as soon as she hears anything.

  Lo: I’m proud of you, Maverick xo

  Maverick: You can show me just how much at the weekend

  Lo: Can’t wait. I’ll call when I get out of class xo

  “What took you so long?” Darnell glanced to the phone in my hands and I smirked.

  “Jealous, D?”

  “Nah, I have too much love to go around to be tied down.”

  My shoulders shook with laughter as we headed for the gym. It was business as usual. Although I wasn’t sure how I was going to look Zac in the eye knowing what I’d done. Not because I felt guilty, but because I wanted him to know.

  When the time came, I wanted him to know it was me who nailed him to the cross.

  “You seem different, man,” Darnell said. “Are you sure there isn’t something you want to tell me?” His brow arched, and I clapped him on the back.

  “All in good time, man. All in good time.”

  I didn’t like keeping him out of the loop, but the circle needed to stay tight until Miss Bowman pulled the plug, exposing Zac for the piece of shit he really was.

  “Why do I feel like I’m about to get Punk’d?” he said around a tight smile and I shook my head.

  “Patience, my man.”

  Jamie caught up to us and the three of us headed straight for the locker room. Nothing was out of the ordinary. Vinnie gave me a discreet nod, but other than that nothing was out of the ordinary.

  “Yo, Prince,” Zac yelled across the room and my spine went rigid. “Want to come and chill at the house tonight? Dana’s been asking after you all week. I’m thinking you should just fuck her already and get it over with.”

  My teeth ground together behind my lips.

  “Easy, man,” Darnell said throwing me some serious side-eye.

  “Nah, man,” I called back. “Sloppy seconds isn’t my style.” I looked him dead in the eye and tension crackled between us.

  “Say that again?” his words were light, playful even, but I saw the fire in his eyes. The beast wanting out.

  “Prince,” Vinnie warned, but I was done cowering.

  Zac’s final days were numbered. If everyone came through and Miss Bowman did her job properly, all the money in the world couldn’t cover up Zac Lowell’s legacy at SU.

  “You heard what I said, Zac. Sloppy seconds aren’t my style.”

  Coach chose that moment to walk into the room. “Let’s go, ladies.” He pointed to the door, and we filed in behind him.

  “Shit, Prince, what was that about?” Jamie whispered but I shook my head. Not now.

  Out on court, we lined up awaiting Coach’s instructions, but just as he started, the main doors burst open and the Dean walked in accompanied by Miss Bowman and three other people I didn’t recognize. But they all had one thing in common: they looked official.

  “What the hell is this?” Coach Baxter was red in the face as he approached our unwelcomed guests. A low rumble of whispers filled the air as we watched the adults. Coach Baxter glanced back at us and for a second, his eyes zeroed in on my face. But then he was gone, listening to whatever Dean Proctor had to say.

  “Why do I feel like this has your name written all over it?” Darnell’s words were barely audible. But I heard, and I shot him a smug look.

  “Oh, shit. They’re coming over here,” someone said and the whole group fell silent.

  “Mr. Lowell, could you please come with us?”

  “Me? What the fuck did I do?” I had to give the cocksucker some credit. There was nothing but surprise etched into his features.

  “Mr. Lowell, watch your language. Now, if you wouldn’t mind.” Dean Proctor motioned for Zac to follow them, but Zac planted his feet wide and folded his arms over his chest.

  “No fucking way. I haven’t done shit. So either tell me what this is about or call my—”

  “Mr. Lowell,” Dean Proctor’s voice was eerily calm. “You can either come with us willingly or I will call campus security. It’s your call.”

  The fight left Zac’s body, and he held up his hands. “No need to get your panties in a wad, Jason.”

  Someone snickered at Zac’s use of the Dean’s first name. But one stern look from Coach Baxter and the whole team fell silent again.

  “Coach Baxter, please excuse us.”

  They left with Zac being marched out by Dean Proctor. As soon as the door clicked shut behind them, Vinnie turned to me and said, “Prince, do you want to do the honors, or should I?”

  But I didn’t get a chance to answer when Coach Baxter said, “Someone better start explaining, right now.”

  Vinnie and I looked at one another and smirked, silent understanding passing between us. “I believe, Sir,” he said. “You have an opening for a new team captain.”

  Coach Baxter inclined his head, narrowing his eyes on Vinnie who went on to say, “I’d like to nominate Maverick for the job.”

  “You would now, would you?” He glanced between us. “Something the two of you want to tell me?”

  I stepped forward and cleared my throat. “Just taking out the trash, Sir,” I said, and a rumble of stifled laughter echoed around the room.

  “Enough.” Coach ripped off his ball cap and rubbed his head. “I don’t know about anyone else, but I need a drink. Practice is cancelled today. But I expect to see you all here first thing tomorrow.”

  The team dispersed, but I lingered behind. Letting the moment sink into my bones.

  “Maverick?” Coach said when everyone had gone.

  “Yes, Sir?”

  “I don’t know the whole story, but you did a good thing. Regardless of what happens over the coming weeks, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”
br />   I nodded, too choked to reply. Because I’d done it.

  I’d really fucking done it.

  I’d done what no other person had been brave enough to do. But I heard the warning in Coach Baxter’s voice. He thought things could get messy. No doubt Mr. Lowell was already lawyering up, readying to defend his son’s reputation. But there were too many of us to silence this time. I wouldn’t go down without a fight.

  Not this time.

  Because someone had to stand up for the guy too scared to speak out. The guy so desperate to fit in he’d withstand brutal humiliation. The girl so desperate to be noticed that she’d let a guy touch her no way a guy ever should. The Coach undermined by a system so corrupt it couldn’t protect the kids it worked so hard to educate.

  I’d done my part.

  Now I only had to hope the authorities would do theirs.



  “THIS IS INSANE,” LAURIE squeezed my arm, a huge smile plastered on her face as we followed Kyle to our seats. The Nixon Arena was crammed, the low rumble of the crowd echoing around the high ceiling. Anticipation rippled in the air like electricity.

  I’d attended Maverick’s games in high school, but nothing compared to this. The noise. The sea of red white and black all out to support the Scorpions for their first game.

  “My heart is pounding,” I whispered as we finally found our seats. Maverick had scored us tickets in the VIP section, reserved for family, college donors, and scouts, that kind of thing.

  “Well, duh. This is a big deal for Maverick.” Laurie gave me a reassuring smile and looped her arm through mine, snuggling closer. “It all worked out, Lo. Just like I knew it would.” She winked.

  “What worked out?” Kyle piped up, craning his head around her.

  “Nothing, babe. Lo’s just a little overwhelmed, that’s all.”

  A hand landed on my shoulder and squeezed. When I glanced back, Dad’s eyes met mine. He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t need to. The fact he was here was enough. Even if he had brought Stella and Beth along for the ride.


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