Fighting Faith B&N 2

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Fighting Faith B&N 2 Page 9

by Brandie Buckwine

  “No, a drink sounds great,” he said, turning and nearly running to the bar. Faith followed.

  A waving twenty got the bartenders attention. “Can I get a Wild Turkey and Coke, and a gin and tonic?”

  “You know,” Faith pulled at his sleeve, “will you just get me a water?”

  “You don’t want a water. How about a beer?” He turned to the bar, “Scratch the gin and tonic and make it a beer.”

  “I really just want some water.”

  Taylor handed her a can of beer. “Drink this. We are not celebrating my homecoming with water.”

  When he turned his back, Faith set the beer on the bar. The bartender handed her a glass of water and winked. She thanked him, took the glass, and followed Taylor back to their table. Sarah, Jose, Tim, and Daniel surrounded it, but there was no sign of Eric or Van.

  No sooner had she settled into her seat than Taylor popped up from his chair. “Let’s play some pool. We can play doubles, and you girls can watch.” He grinned and looked back and forth between them all.

  Sarah’s face blanched at being called a ‘girl,’ but the guys stood, anxious to play.

  “You guys go. Sarah and I are fine here.”

  Taylor pulled her up, into his arms. He nuzzled her ear. “I need a cheerleader, or I’ll get my ass kicked.”

  She opened her mouth to tell him she was no cheerleader, but he grabbed her by the hand and pulled her along behind him to the poolroom. Why couldn’t she tell him he was being an asshole? Why was she trying not to hurt the man’s feelings? Sleep. A little sleep and I won’t care what he thinks about it.

  Sarah stood up and followed, shaking her head. Just as Faith decided to walk out, Van appeared at her side.

  “What’s the matter, sweetie? You look like you’re about to burst.”

  “Nothing. It’s just been a long day. As I’m sure you know, I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  He grinned and rubbed her shoulder. Taylor announced that Daniel was his partner and told Faith she had to cheer for them both.

  “Do you want to dance again?”

  “No, thanks. In fact, I think I’m going to head out pretty quick. I’m sure if you look around, you’ll find plenty of willing partners.”

  “I’m not determined to dance; I just hate seeing you look so miserable.”

  She smiled, touched by his concern. He was more of a gentleman than he gave himself credit for. “I’m just tired. Nothing some sleep won’t cure.”

  “Alright! We’re stripes,” Taylor said, banging his cue on the floor, like that was the object of the game and they won.

  Across the room, Eric appeared, his eyes searching. He sighted Faith and came toward her, weaving around the rowdy patrons.

  “Eric’s back,” Van said, but he received no acknowledgment. From the moment Eric’s gaze found Faith’s he held it, even as he dodged bodies in his path, until he stood in front of her. She held her breath when he stared down at her. Why was he looking at her that way? Did he want to dance again? No, there was something in his eyes, something Faith didn’t recognize. Fear? Dread?

  His open hand reached for her, palming her cheek and wrapping his fingers around the back of her neck. The world around her disappeared as his face drew near her own, his lips meeting hers, the tender touch sending sparks through her body, each cell electrified by the feel of his tongue against her own. His other hand cradled her head from the other side as his kiss deepened. Vaguely, Faith perceived a commotion around her, but she refused to give it notice, focusing only on the lightning bolts coursing to each nerve in celebration of this magical experience. The sensation of falling consumed her, but a strong arm rushed to her waist and pulled her upright. Falling, falling, where? To the ground? Away from the earth? Falling in love, her mind told her. Yes. The fall was magnificent.

  When his mouth let her go, to the sound of throats clearing and giggles, Faith studied his eyes and recognized the meaning they conveyed— love and devotion. She felt it too.

  “Faith! What the fuck!” She tore her gaze away and looked beyond Eric to find Van and Jose restraining a red faced, sweating Taylor. One eye showed signs of swelling.

  “I love you Faith,” Eric whispered in her ear. “I can’t promise you things are going to be perfect.” Eric ignored the chaos behind him and continued in a whisper. “We’re going to have to start touring soon, and that could mess things up. But, I promise to do my very best to make you happy and treat you like the incredible creature you are.”

  Taylor broke free of his guards and lunged toward her. “You bitch! You can’t treat me like this!”

  Eric spun around and met Taylor with his fist. The man staggered backward. Van and Jose stepped aside so he could land on his ass without interference.

  A smile spread from her lips to her toes when Eric took her hand in his with a squeeze. “Now, let’s go dance, for real.”

  “Wait just a minute,” Sarah stopped them. “I think you two have some explaining to do.”

  “No kidding,” said Tim. Jose and Daniel nodded, coming to stand beside Sarah.

  Eric put his hand on Van’s shoulder as they passed him. “You wanna fill them in?”

  “Gladly,” Van grinned.

  Her eyes followed this man she loved as he led them away from their friends, but her ears were on Van until she couldn’t hear him anymore.

  “Well you see, all that fighting? It was just cover so you guys wouldn’t know they’ve been screwing each other’s brains out this whole time. That video we watched? Well…”

  Once on the dance floor, Eric pulled her into his arms, and swayed to the song. Even though a crowd of people surrounded them, Faith pulled his head to hers. She had to kiss him again. Nothing compared to the feel of his lips on hers. Through several songs, they kissed. Ignoring calls of, “Get a room,” they continued. When she finally pulled away, tears filled her eyes.

  “What’s wrong, Baby?”

  She pulled him close. “Nothing, I’m just so amazed and in love with you. I’ve never felt this way before and I’m a little overwhelmed.”

  He kissed her temple. “As someone who has been in love for a few more hours than you, I should warn you that it doesn’t go away.”


  The End

  Find Brandie online

  Contact: [email protected]

  Other titles by Brandie Buckwine

  Long Arm of the Law

  The Boathouse

  Crazy Emma- Free Download!

  Connect with Brandie on Facebook

  Twitter: BrandieBuckwine

  The Boathouse by Brandie Buckwine (Excerpt)


  My view, the breeze, the sunlight —all were perfect— matching the picture I’d treasured in my mind for years. The cold beer in my hand made the memories even sweeter, memories of a youth well spent and long gone. Grandpa’s boathouse was just as I remembered it, though in need of fresh stain and some new boards. Long days I spent jumping off the dock, first with a life jacket, then into my father’s arms, eventually on my own, and finally, trying to bomb and sink my cousins as we played in the crystal clear lake.

  My cousins. I had five altogether, but only two that I remember with a special kind of fondness— Mark and Julian. It was with them I had the most fun at the boathouse. When we were younger, we played and splashed around the dock, had swimming races, and measured who could hold their breath under water the longest. After a few years, we were allowed to take the rowboat out on the lake, as long as Julian came with and we wore lifejackets.

  It was they who dared me, at the age of twelve, to strip off my bikini and skinny dip, and even though the
y promised to do the same, their swim trunks remained in place. At thirteen, after a long day of swimming and diving, I let Mark get to first base in the back corner of the boathouse. It was a first for both of us. Our tongues mingled and played together, practicing for future sexual encounters. We practiced until we each felt confident that no one could mistake us for beginners.

  At fifteen, Julian, my senior by two years, rounded first and was stranded at second. His hot lips around my taut nipples were almost more than I could bear. He was my first hand job, the first dick I ever saw up close and very personal.

  The summer I was sixteen, Julian expertly slid into third. His deft and practiced fingers gave me my first orgasm, and his persuasive hands spurred me to give my first blowjob. Though the third base coach frantically jumped up and down, waving him home, Julian remained at third, perhaps knowing that a home run with a first cousin wasn’t such a great idea. I didn’t care, I’d never been so horny, and I wanted it all. He left me hungry.

  That was the last time we’d all been together. Mark and I playing Scrabble on the back porch, and Julian and I in the boathouse, learning how to please the opposite sex. Now, ten years later, we would meet once again at the Stringer family reunion. I emptied my bottle of beer and smiled at the memories drifting around the old building.

  The slam of a car door brought me back to reality, the titillating reality that the car door I heard was likely one of them. I stood, unable to conceal my excitement. Within a few moments, Mark emerged from Grandma and Grandpa’s house, and descended the steps into the yard. The family all stood to greet him, and I waited as he hugged our grandparents, my parents, Aunt Susan, Uncle Joe, and finally his own parents. Then, he turned to me. His boyish good looks were intact, though maturity amplified all the little traits that once marked him as cute. They now made him gorgeous. I’m sure my mouth dropped open, as stunned as I was by his statuesque figure and features.

  “There she is. Little Becky, all grown up, and grown up mighty fine I might add.” He embraced me and kissed me full on the lips. I was so stunned it took me a moment to reply.

  “Who are you calling little? We’re the same age?” I held him close, sensing that the bond we once shared was still there.

  “I’m four months older than you, and that makes you little,” he said, holding me away to examine me. I felt naked as his eyes travelled up and down my body, and my face grew hot. He sucked his bottom lip, took a deep breath, and raised his eyebrows as he finished his inspection.

  He took the chair next to mine and I sat back down. “So, little Becky, how have you been?”

  I noticed that at some point, he had taken my hand and our fingers were entwined. “I’ve been really good,” I said, very conscious of the fact that I was still blushing. “Glad to have some time off from work. I’ve been looking forward to this weekend for a while.”

  “Me too, even if we do have to share it with all the old fogies,” he glanced over at the group of elders, but they took no notice of us. “Next time, we’ll have to just get a room somewhere.”

  Before I could slap my dropped-jaw shut, he jumped up. “Let’s go for a swim.”

  His cell phone rang as we headed for the house to change.

  “Hello? Hey there,” he stopped walking, so I waited for him on the steps. “Not much, just about to go for a swim with my knock-out cousin.” He paused and winked at me. “Yeah, I wish you were here too.”

  My heart sank a bit.

  “Yep, your loss. Love you too. Later.” He snapped the phone shut.

  “Your girlfriend?” I asked, hoping I didn’t sound too disappointed.

  “Boyfriend.” He watched me for a reaction, and I’m sure I didn’t disappoint. I’m not good at covering my feeling, so I know he read the surprise on my face. How had I not heard through the grapevine that he was gay?

  “It was Julian,” he said.

  Not only was he gay, but his lover was his own cousin, Julian? I was beginning to get a little dizzy from all the new, crazy information.

  “It was Julian, not a boyfriend, not a girlfriend, just messing with your head,” he said with a wicked smile. “God, you’re uptight.”

  Mess with my head? Yeah, he sure did. It took me a moment to get my wits about me. “You and Julian say I love you on the phone?”

  “I’ll say anything on the phone to get that kind of reaction from you. Come on.” He bounded up the steps, into the house.

  We rowed out to the little island in the middle of the lake. As kids, we used to jump off the cliffs into the deep water below, play ‘shipwrecked,’ and any other game that came to mind.

  Once we hauled the boat on shore, we took off running for the cliffs. “What did Julian say?” I panted, trying to keep up with him. “Is he coming?”

  “Said he’d be here later tonight,” Mark said as he reached the highest point of the island. He turned to me and grinned. “Last one in’s a rotten egg!”

  Together, we ran toward the ledge, letting our momentum carry us away from the jagged edges of the cliff. The exhilaration of falling so far, so fast, was something I missed from my childhood and needed in my present life, a life that had become much too serious and complicated. I waved my arms in the air, anticipating contact with the water. Mark, having the advantage of weight, broke the glasslike surface a few seconds before me.

  “Looks like you’re the rotten egg, just like always.” He swam toward the shore and I followed.

  After our third jump, we remained in the water, swimming leisurely in the late afternoon heat, floating on our backs as the sun kissed our exposed skin.

  “Don’t you wish you could be a kid again some days?” he asked.

  I nodded, but realized he wouldn’t see if he was looking up at the sky, as I was. “Yes, I do. I always had so much fun here with you and Julian.”

  “Let’s pretend it’s the old days, and we’re kids again.” He was right beside me now, treading water. I nodded, eager to play along. We did handstands, summersaults, and jumped off each other’s shoulders. After a while, I saw him doing something under the surface, then, his hand splashed out of the water holding his swimming trunks. “Let’s skinny dip,” he said, throwing his suit to the shore.

  “Mark! What the hell are you doing?”

  “Come on, I remember you skinny dipping as a kid. You were the first girl I ever saw naked.”

  “Yes, and I learned my lesson, thank you very much.” I swam a few feet away from him. It didn’t seem appropriate to be swimming naked with an adult, male cousin, no matter how hot he was.

  “I know. That was mean, and I’m sorry. I chickened out on you, but now, my suit’s already off— you know I won’t cheat you.” He did a summersault in the water and his white ass flashed across the surface. His face emerged and he grinned. “Come on, Becky. We’re kids today.”

  I rolled my eyes and reached down to pull my bottoms off. Glancing toward the lake house, I reminded myself that a person would need a telescope to see us from there. Mark swam around behind me and untied my top. It didn’t feel very childlike as he pulled my suit away from me— it felt…sensual, exciting, and naughty. He held out his hand for the rest of my suit, and threw it to shore when I surrendered it. His hands took my own from behind and stretched out to the side as he leaned back and we floated to the surface. Between my puckered nipples breaking the surface, his dick pressing against my ass, and his hot breath against my ear, I knew I would give in to any request he might have, but he said nothing. He just clasped our outstretched hands together as we floated in the sun. Every now and then, I could feel his leg reach down to the bottom to give us more lift, and every time his leg came back up, his full erection rubbed along my cheeks.

  “You have beautiful breasts.” How could he help but notice them as they bobbed on the surface?

  “Um, thank you.”

  His right hand released mine and moved, hovering over one breast, lightly brushing my nipple before it passed to the next.

  “Do you min
d?” he asked.

  What a ridiculous question. Of course I did. This was way too bizarre. I shook my head no. Each hand cupped a breast as we came to a standing position, and his fingers tweaked my nipples. I couldn’t stop the moan that escaped my lips.

  Taking it as encouragement, Mark slipped one hand between my legs as he sucked my earlobe into his mouth. The same rush I had jumping from the cliff took hold of me as he teased my clit with his fingers. My breast slapped the water each time he pressed his groin against my backside, his erection prodding me to lose myself to the sensations he gave me.

  “Oh Becky,” he said as he slipped a finger inside me. “Let me make love to you, baby, just this once. Nobody has to know.”

  I was well beyond arguing at this point. One well-timed gasp was my reply when a second finger joined the first and the knuckle of his thumb pressed against the little man in my boat. Mark lifted me off my toes and pressed his dick against my opening. One little poke, two little pokes, three— he slammed into me. The sudden pressure had me gasping for air and sent my mind spinning. He continued to work my clit with one hand and he clasped my breast with the other. I panted and moaned through my growing ardor as my cousin slowly fucked me from behind.

  Ripples of water raced away from our exertions, intermittently catching the sun in their escape. I tried to focus on them and the light they cast as my climax neared. The pace of his pumping increased. I could tell he was getting close too— he pinched my nipple and rubbed my clit faster. Hot lips kissed my neck as it hit, sending explosions of pleasure through my body. I cried out.

  So did he. “Oh God. Oh Becky, you feel so good,” he bit my shoulder. “I’m coming,” he burst as I reached behind me, around his neck, and pulled his head closer to mine.

  After a few moments, he released me and turned me to face him. He leaned his forehead against mine and ran his fingers down my cheek. “Thank you. You’ve made one boy’s dream of a lifetime come true.” Then, he kissed me. The years had made him an even better kisser than I remembered. I could have kissed him for hours, but the sun was setting and my libido was reviving, so I pulled away.


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