Lucky Christmas: A Novelette (The Possessed Series Book 4)

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Lucky Christmas: A Novelette (The Possessed Series Book 4) Page 2

by KL Donn

  When James’ eyes narrowed on her hands, she knew she’d done it again. He was annoyed, and she was about to be berated.

  Shit. What were they doing?

  James hadn’t been able to help himself when Gigi turned her back on him. There was something in her eyes today that begged for him to be understanding, for him to explore, and he’d be damned if he was going to pass on it. Being a dick to Gigi had become second nature because it kept her at a distance when all he’d wanted for years was to pull her closer.

  Gigi was a gorgeous girl with long, straight brown hair—considered dull to most—but, to him, it was the most luscious chocolate color he’d ever seen. Her eyes matched and spoke volumes when she was feeling distressed, like now, as she fidgeted in his lap.

  He saw the worry in her stare as he considered her movements. Clasping her hands in one of his, he stilled her actions, but she wouldn’t look at him. Ordinarily, her inability to remain immobile would have annoyed him; now, he found it endearing.

  Regret smacked James in the gut as this wondrous woman in his arms flicked her eyes up to him and looked down quickly again. He did that to her. He made her self-conscious in his presence.

  “Look at me, Gigi.” Waiting until her head lifted, he smiled softly. “I’m sorry I did that to you. Made you feel like you couldn’t be you around me.”

  “It’s okay,” she mumbled.

  “No, Gi, it’s not. Not by a long fucking shot. You deserve better.” Her dark eyes finally met his, and he slowly started to drown in her hopeful stare. “I’ll be better. For you, Gi, I’ll fucking be better.”

  “What do you mean?” James could tell she was trying her hardest to stay objective, but if there was one thing he knew about the girl in his lap, it was that she wanted love and family above all else.

  He was a little slow on the uptake, but he’d gotten the message loud and clear now. “I mean, Georgina Grant, that I want to be with you. I want us to be together.” He couldn’t be any more honest than that.

  “Like a couple?” Her grin was hardly containable.

  “Exactly like a couple,” he responded as she bent closer to him, their lips only a breath apart. “I’ve been so dumb for too long, my sweet. My mind is finally cleared.”

  “Okay,” Gigi whispered as her lips touched his in a soft caress while his hands roamed her revealing red corset; the material like silk in his hands.

  “Stand up for me. Show me this fucking thing that’s driving me so damn insane.” She did as he asked and stepped back from the couch as she slipped her pants down her legs.

  Posing in nothing but a sexy red top reminiscent of a naughty Santa, fluffy white panties, and matching red garter belt, James’ mouth went dry with his lust. His cock began to throb, and he wasn’t able to hold himself back.

  Moving towards his alluring woman, he grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it off, dropping it on the floor. Unbuckling the black belt of his Santa suit pants, he pulled it free, and the pants fell to the floor, leaving them both in nothing but their underwear. Hers far sexier than his dark boxers.

  Watching as Gigi’s gaze roamed his muscled chest, unable to focus on one spot for long, he had a new appreciation for her lack of attention. “Touch me, baby.” His command was rough. His voice hoarse from the deep need coursing through him.

  Her fingers were cool from the water still, and he sucked in a sharp breath making Gigi giggle as her fingers explored the dips and grooves in his frame. When her nail scraped across his nipple, he lost control.

  Dragging her into his body, James locked her lips in a burnishing kiss. He rubbed her body everywhere he could with his free hand while hers were trapped between their bodies.

  “James,” she groaned into his mouth as he began to nibble along her cheek and down her neck. His sole mission was to get her so hot and bothered she couldn’t stand them being apart anymore.

  It amazed him how fast things could change. Just the previous night, he was dreading being Santa for some kids he didn’t know. Now, he couldn’t imagine not waking up to Gigi every morning or being buried in her body every night. Coming home to her after a gruelling case. In the blink of an eye, his entire world had changed, and all James wanted was to have Gigi as desperate for him as he was for her.

  “Tell me, Gigi.” He licked along her shoulder.

  “Tell you what?” She was out of breath.

  “Tell me you feel it, too.”

  “For so long, James.” Her admission caught him off guard.

  “What do you mean?” His stare bore into her, begging that she tell him he wasn’t alone in this feeling.

  “Do you remember the first time we met?”

  “You spilt your coffee on me then dropped the box of donuts you were holding in your hands. It was a mess.” He’d never forgotten that day. He had been rude at their first meeting, and it had nothing to do with her, per se, but everything to do with a case he was trying to wrap up and learning who exactly this gorgeous stranger was had him even more worked up.

  “I was so flustered because when I had walked into the precinct, the first thing I saw was this imposing, incredibly good-looking man, and for a quick second, I saw desire flash in his eyes as I walked closer.” While Gigi was laughing about this encounter, James was getting more annoyed.

  “Who the hell is this douchebag?” He couldn’t help the jealousy over this mysterious man.

  She laughed so hard, she couldn’t speak for a full minute before explaining. “You, James. It was you. I saw the lust in your eyes until Jack introduced me, and then, you seemed to hate me on sight.”

  Thinking back on that day, he recalled more of it now. Her hair had been riotously disarrayed like she just succumbed to a good fucking, and he had wished he was the one giving it to her. He had planned to talk her out of seeing whoever she was with when he noticed she had no ring on her finger. When Jack had said little sister as he introduced them, James was immediately pissed off, and he wanted nothing to do with the dark-haired vixen who’d stolen his breath.



  “I wanted to fuck you six ways to Sunday the minute I saw you.” Shock widened Gigi’s stare. “Your hair was wild like you’d been thoroughly fucked, but I wanted to steal you away from seeing whoever it was that you were dating and show you what a real man was like. Fucking Jack ruined it all.”

  “I wasn’t seeing anyone. My blow dryer blew up that morning, so I had to go au natural.” Her laugh was masked by nerves.

  “So much wasted time.” Recalling the events of that day, he had to wonder if that’s why he’d been such a jerk to her all these years.

  “I’d be okay if you did it now, though.” Her words were tentative, but her eyes met his stare in a direct invitation to what they’d both been desperately craving.

  Didn’t have to tell him twice. Picking Gigi up by the waist, James missed no time in tossing her over his shoulder and maneuvering his way through the boxes out of her living room and down the hallway where he tossed her onto her bed.

  “James!” Her squeal of delight as she bounced caused him to grin. The complete pleasure in her trusting stare made him want to kick his own ass for waiting so long to work this out between them.

  Sure, she was six years younger than him, and the fact that she had just finished high school when they first met should have been a deterrent back then, but aside from being under eighteen, if he had known his assumption was wrong, he’d have gone for it. James would have pursued her relentlessly. And if her reactions now were anything to go by, she wouldn’t have fought him off too hard back then either.

  “I can’t believe we wasted so much damn time,” he growled, eyeing up her negligee as she raised her hands above her head, working at enticing him more.

  “We both had some growing to do,” she said, eye-fucking his body. His cock throbbed at the idea of entering her pussy, possessing her in ways she’d only dreamt about.

  Kneeling on the edge of her bed, James
gripped Gigi’s knees, flexing his fingers on her flesh, enjoying the smooth feel of her before caressing his hands down her thighs and up to her hips.

  Goosebumps lined her abdomen as his thumbs rubbed circles right under her belly button ring—a sexy surprise. The small gold jewel shone brightly in the sun-kissed room. The sounds of snow drifts slipping from her roof and the trees as more flittered from the skies, the only noise that disrupted them.

  “You’re snowed in, aren’t you?” my lady idly asked, a small smirk on her lips.

  “Probably.” He shrugged, uncaring if he never got to leave.

  “So, we have all the time in the world?”

  “Sure do.”

  A craving deep in James’ chest to prove to Gigi that he was serious about them—because he knew she would have doubts as soon as the sexual fog lifted—beat a heavy drum from his heart. How one morning could change his entire outlook on one girl was mind-blowing.

  The more skin he discovered as he slowly undressed her, leaving only the garter belt on, the more he desired to lose himself in her sweetness.

  Dropping down between her thighs, he pressed his hardened cock to her center. The only thing stopping him from diving in was his boxers. When she lifted her hips up into him, he could have sworn his eyes rolled to the back of his head with unsolicited ecstasy.

  “Fuck, Gi,” he groaned into her ear, kissing the flesh below as he sucked it into his mouth. Leaving a hickey on her neck was juvenile, but he didn’t give a fuck. All he wanted was to make sure the world knew she belonged to someone who cared enough to mark her.

  Her harsh breathing overpowered the howling winds outside. Satisfaction rolled through him at knowing he was doing this to her with simple touches and roughened kisses.

  “I need more, James.” So did he.

  “I don’t have anything,” he tried to reason. He’d always protect her. Even if he wanted to sink into her depths with nothing barring him from coating her womb with his seed.

  Meeting his stare, she told him, “I don’t care.”

  Shocked, he sat up, clasping her hips in his hold as he tried to contain his reaction and control. “You know what could happen, right?” What a stupid question; she was a smart girl, of course, she did.

  “I do.” Why did it sound like she was vowing herself to him?

  “I’m not going anywhere, Gigi. Babies or not, you’re mine.” His words were exacting, demanding.

  “I know.” So fucking trusting.

  “I’m clean. Never been without.” In this instance, the idea of wrapping up to be with her seemed insulting. He absolutely didn’t want to wear a condom, but she had to be okay with the risks.

  “Same here.” A tinge of red blossomed on her chest and cheeks.

  “Never lose that,” James grumbled as he leaned down to kiss each cheek. Reaching behind her, Gigi arched her back so he could slip the zipper of her top down. Pulling the material free from her body, it fell to the floor soundlessly as he admired the gift he had just unwrapped.

  Bright pink nipples begged him to kiss them, to covet their existence. Nibbling his way down her chest, he blew lightly on the small buds. They immediately perked up for him, screaming to be pleasured.

  Kissing each one before he sucked one peak into his mouth, James couldn’t help the moan as her peaches and cream flavor exploded on his tongue.

  “Oh goodness,” Gigi hissed. Her hands began rubbing up and down his shoulders and back, pulling him in tighter, for more, as he flicked his tongue against the rising bud.

  “Delicious.” His voice was barely a whisper, a puff of air on her skin. Her spine bowed with her desire for more.

  Getting lost in her body, time didn’t matter. Pleasing Gigi was the only thought in his mind. James couldn’t imagine a more perfect day if he tried. She was everything he’d been looking for, for so long. Now that he had her, he never planned to let her go.

  Dear God, he was a master with his mouth. Gigi didn’t know how to react to his ministrations. He took her out of herself and into some metaphysical plane.

  James knew how to play her body into experiencing the most pleasure possible. The way he sucked her nipples into his mouth, not too rough, but just enough to send her arching into his touch, left her panting for more.

  Always more.

  Her recklessness over not wanting to use a condom was shocking. She was nothing if not responsible in every aspect of her life. Only having two partners previously, a chance was never taken. But with James, she was throwing caution to the wind and practically begging him to plant a baby inside of her.

  Watching him now, observing his body ripple with his need to claim her, had left her yearning for him. “James, now, please.” She wasn’t above begging.

  “Yeah,” he groaned, standing up and dropping his boxers to the ground. Her mouth watered for a taste of him. “Later,” he hissed when she licked her lips.

  “Promise?” She didn’t know where the boldness was coming from, but she liked it.

  “Anything you fucking want.” James’ eyes darkened with his craving for her, and she rather enjoyed the possessive tone in his voice, too.

  Climbing back onto the bed, James reached for her panties and slowly dragged them down her legs before they flew behind him, and he was cradled between her thighs.

  This was it. The moment their relationship would change forever. She was no longer his partner’s little sister. He wasn’t the grouchy man she had crushed on.

  “You ready for this, Gigi?” It was a loaded question encompassing everything she had just been thinking about.

  “More than ready, James.”

  Raising up to kneel on his knees, she watched as James guided his throbbing cock to her entrance. Anticipation flowed through her veins as he shot them both to Heaven. Larger than she’d ever encountered, he was a tight fit, and they had to wait for her to adjust to his size.

  “Damn, you feel good.” His praise made her feel special. When he started to slowly pump his hips, James came down to lay over her. Locking their hands together, he rose them above Gigi’s head. Their eyes never broke contact as he systematically brought her to the highest pleasure before letting her crash without the satisfaction.

  His teasing was enough for her body to search on its own, reaching for just what she needed. Laughter sparkled behind his eyes as he worked them into a frenzy until they could no longer stand the taunting.

  Hard drives of his hips followed by slow slides coaxed her desire to scream out her frustration until all at once, it hit her. Gigi couldn’t scream because the carnality of the act stole all the air from her lungs as he continued his erotic assault on her body.

  Tightening her core, all she wanted to do was bring him to the heights she was at. “Do it again,” he growled in her ear. “Tighten that sweet little cunt on my cock.”

  His demand caused her body to react and do his bidding.

  “Oh yeah, baby, just”—thrust—“like”—thrust—“that.” A long groan followed his teeth sinking into her neck, and she felt the flood of his release, simultaneously setting off her own.

  “James!” she screamed as bright lights flashed behind her eyes, and her body tightened in a stranglehold, stealing the breath from her chest and tightening her core. Gratification held her suspended in a blissful state that she never wanted to leave.

  Rolling over to his side, Gigi groaned when James slipped free from her body. Pulling her into his arms, he kissed the top of her head. “I didn’t mean for us to fall into bed so quickly,” he said.

  Without looking at him, she had to know. “Do you regret it?”

  “Not for a damn second.” Comforted by his words, she remained silent after that. Revelling in the cocoon they were wrapped in.

  “What are you doing for Christmas?” James broke the silence first.

  Sitting up and resting on one arm, she pointed to the other room and the pile of boxes sitting there that she kept tripping over. “Unpacking.”

  He looked from
her to the hallway and back again before laughing. “Seriously? Jack isn’t dragging you over to his house?” Ducking her head, she didn’t want to answer him. “Georgina?” he growled in that sexy way he did.

  “Well, I annoy Nadia’s parents, so I passed. He didn’t push too hard after that.” Silence met her confession, and when she peeked up to look at him, his jaw was hard as granite and his eyes had gone cold. “James?”

  Sitting up in bed, he ran a rough hand through his hair. His back was to Gigi, so she wasn’t sure what to expect when he turned back around. Clasping her face in his hands tenderly, his voice was filled with emotion when he spoke.

  “I’m not mad at you.” She didn’t think he was. “I’m mad that everyone has let you believe you’re an annoyance, including me, for so fucking long.” Dropping her eyelids, she wasn’t sure what to say because that’s how all the people in her life had treated her, her entire life. Except for Jack, Nadia, and Pepper. To them, she was normal. Just like any other person.

  “It’s okay.” Her words didn’t convey the acceptance she wished for.

  “No, it’s not, Gigi. You’re a human being; you shouldn’t be made to feel like a burden. I’ll make up for it for the rest of our lives, but for you to be pushed to the side because of someone else isn’t right.” He was so passionate about this, she couldn’t help but smile.

  “I wasn’t. Jack and Nadia wanted me to come, but I wanted their news to be shared with happiness. Plus, I really do need to get this house put together. I’ve been here since the summer.” Her attempt to soften the dispute was met with his own delicious smile. The one that she watched for years as other women swooned. And now, it was all hers. “Do you have plans?” She was shy about asking.

  “Pepper has asked me to go down to Golden. She’s almost ready to pop with that boy of hers.” The love he had for his sister was palpable.

  Hiding her disappointment was difficult. “That sounds nice.” Standing from the bed, Gigi was intent on getting her robe, but James pulled her back towards him before she could take two steps.


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