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Everpure Page 10

by Michelle Areaux

  “Yes, and it is in two weeks,” Laura chimed in, as she waved to a few kids who walked by.

  “That’s nice,” I said. Dances weren’t really my thing. Especially, since the last one had us finding a dead Shifter just outside the school.

  “So, you have to go,” Melanie demanded.

  “Maybe. I have to check with my parents and my work schedule,” I added.

  “Whatever,” Melanie dismissed. “You are going. Tell her Asher,” she said, as she nudged his arm. “Of course, the school’s hottest couple will be attending the Winter Formal Dance,” she beamed.

  “Ugh,” I groaned.

  “Come on, we can’t let the school down,” Asher teased.

  “See, I knew you would agree,” Melanie said, as she offered Asher a smile.

  The warning bell rang, and kids began to scatter out of the hall. “I better hurry to class,” Melanie yelled over her shoulder, as she pulled Laura along with her.

  “Why would you do that?” I asked Asher, once there wasn’t an audience in sight.

  “Because, you and I both need a normal night. Besides, I want to see you dressed up, so I can dance with you,” he stated, as he caressed my cheek with his hand.

  Butterflies danced in my belly as heat rushed to my cheeks. I hated when Asher played dirty. He knew I wouldn’t be able to say no, now.

  “You are unfair,” I said.

  “I know,” Asher stated, as he kissed me before rushing to class.

  Fine, I thought. Two can play at this game.

  Chapter 16

  Later that evening, I found myself back for my evening shift at the coffee shop. I hadn’t worked a shift since the night the Huntress came in and threatened me. My nerves were still on high-alert, but I was happy to be back.

  “Elle, you have no idea how happy I am to see you,” Mrs. Allan beamed, as she rushed and locked me in a tight hug.

  “I’m glad to be back, too,” I agreed.

  Releasing me, Mrs. Allan began tidying up the counter. “Ever since that blasted snow storm arrived, business has been terrible. I really hope we see some customers tonight,” she said, with a long sigh.

  “I’m sure you will. Everyone in town loves this place. I am sure they missed being able to come in,” I added.

  “I hope you are right,” she said, before turning to head back to the small office she shared with her husband.

  I began stocking the racks with clean mugs and organizing the cookie trays by size. A few people came in, but, for the most part, business was slow.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket, since I had put it on silent for work. I retrieved it and began to read the text from Asher.

  Asher: Hey beautiful. I can’t make it tonight. I need to go hunting with my parents for more...nourishment. Animals have been hiding out and they’re not easy to track since the snow.

  Me:That’s ok, I understand you need your...nourishment.

  Asher: If you need me, let me know and I’ll be there in a flash.

  I almost laughed at the last part.

  Me: Sure. But I will miss you. I wanted to show you some dress options I had in mind for the Winter Formal Dance.

  I smiled to myself, knowing Asher would be torn apart to miss the selection process.

  Asher: Not fair.

  Me: I know.

  Asher: I will come by later tonight when you get home.

  Me: Ok.

  I placed my phone back inside my pocket, happy with the little game I had just played with Asher. I heard the chime of the doorbell ring and I was relieved to have something to do again.

  A person was walking into the shop with a heavy coat that shrouded their face.

  “Welcome,” I said, as I began to look up.

  The person just stood there, not moving, but their stance was strong and firm. My blood began to race through my body as fear took over. I didn’t need to see any more of the person to know who I was facing.

  As I glanced up at the new customer, I felt my breath leave my body as though someone had just punched me in my stomach. Standing in the doorway of the shop was the Huntress.

  “Hello, Elle,” she said, in a stern voice.

  Holding onto the counter for support, I only glared back at her.

  “What? Do you not have manners?” she pushed, trying to get me to speak.

  Still, I stood there not saying a word. I could hear Mrs. Allan inside her office and I could only hope she remained there. I wasn’t sure if I could contain my anger much longer before the beast within me unleashed and I shifted into… well anything other than me.

  “Leave. Now,” I hissed, as I didn’t take my eyes off of her.

  “Not yet,” she smiled, as she strode over to the counter.

  “I thought you left,” I replied, as I could feel vile rising in my throat.

  Smiling a wicked grin, she only taunted me more. “Yes, so you did. Your little pack of animals and blood suckers followed us just like we hoped they would,” she laughed. “Stupid, stupid animals. I may not be able to shift into a beast or be immortal, but I am cunning, and I know how to hunt my predators much better than you. How ironic is that?” she teased.

  I could feel my nails digging into the wood counter and my teeth clenched. “What do you want?” I asked, keeping my voice slow and steady.

  Closing the distance between us, the Huntress stood right in front of me and placed her hands on the counter, only inches away from me. She was playing a very, very dangerous game and her bravery only terrified me more. She was a human. If she were this persistent and brazen, what did she have that we didn’t know about?

  “Elle,” she breathed, and I could feel her warm breath on my cheek. “I want you all dead. What you are, what your friends are, is an abomination. Once, Hunters rid this world of your kind, but somehow you continue to exist.”

  Pushing myself forward, she didn’t even flinch. “You are starting a war you can’t win,” I threatened, as I glared into her evil eyes.

  Laughing, she threw her head back and allowed the hood to fall from her head, revealing her wild, red hair. “Oh Elle, you underestimate me. I will prevail.”

  Just then, Mrs. Allan walked out of her office and startled both myself and the Huntress.

  “Oh, hello dear,” Mrs. Allan said, as she looked at the Huntress. “I’m so glad to see you again.”

  My stomach dropped, and I felt as though I might pass out. The Huntress had been here again, when I wasn't. Mrs. Allan had been in danger and had not even known it. What have I done?

  “Mrs. Allan, it is so nice to see you, too. I was just saying hello to Elle,” she smiled at me, and I thought I would smack her.

  “Well I am glad you found her. Last time you were looking for her,” Mrs. Allan noted with another warm smile.

  “Yes, I was,” the Huntress said, as she eyed me. “Well, I must be going now. Elle, I will see you again, very soon,” she stated, as she placed her hood back on her head and walked away.

  “Elle,” Mrs. Allan called.

  I turned and withdrew a breath I hadn’t even known I was holding. “Yes,” I tried to speak.

  “You look ill. Are you feeling alright?” she questioned, as concern showed in her eyes.

  “Yes, just tired,” I said, as I shook my head.

  “Oh, well why don’t you go on home. I see Maddox pulling up now. I can close the shop early,” she stated.

  As Maddox parked his truck along the curb, I felt relief wash over me. I had never been so happy to see him before. When he entered the shop, I knew he could tell something was instantly wrong with me.

  “Elle, you ok?” he asked, as he ran up to the counter.

  I looked at Maddox for a moment and really took him in. His blonde hair had flakes of white snow littering the waves. His muscles were protruding through his heavy coat, and his eyes were darker than normal. Being near Maddox always made me feel safe and protected. He was someone who I could always tell my secrets to, when no one else could hear them. Now, though, I k
new I would have to lie to my best friend.

  “Yes,” I lied, as I forced a smile. “Asher texted, and he is busy, so we couldn’t hang out,” I added.

  Sighing, Maddox only rolled his eyes. “Elle, you and Asher are so dramatic,” he teased.

  I let out a laugh and removed my hands from clutching the counter. “Mrs. Allan said I could leave early. Let’s go,” I said, as I turned and retrieved my coat from the rack hanging on the wall.

  “Cool,” Maddox stated.

  When we left, I knew I was being watched. It was clear, I had been watched this whole time. Now, I just had to figure out a way to deal with the Huntress-- alone.

  Chapter 17

  “So, you wanted to tell me about dresses?” Asher asked, as he sat on my chair in my bedroom.

  He was whispering as everyone else in my house was asleep. After Maddox had dropped me off after work, I had snuck back out of my house before telling Asher I was home. After the Huntress came into the coffee shop, I made it my new mission to stop her from ever hurting anyone I care about again. So, I did something so incredibly stupid, it was almost brave. I had shifted into a wolf and raced to the one place I knew the Huntress would be staying-- Canyon Road.

  It was on that very road that the other Hunters had stayed in a small cabin as they prepared to wage an attack on Shifters and kill us all. It was secluded on a dirt road and wouldn’t attract any unwanted visitors… Well, other than me. I had found the cabin full of light and voices as I snuck around to the back window. Horrific memories of fighting, danger, and death loomed all around me, and I tried to fight the urge to flee and run away from this place. I knew that I had to see the Huntress. To see her army in person and gain my own knowledge about them.

  As I crouched down, as so that the light wouldn’t shine on me, I watched with steady breathing as the Huntress stood in a small living room with around fifty or more men and women listening to her every word. I couldn’t make out what she was saying, but I knew she was giving orders and details. Her pale face was intense and her wild, red hair looked like flames dancing around her as she swiftly moved around the room. Her audience seemed in awe of her, like they revered her as a goddess. Ugh, the thought made me sick to my stomach.

  The night around me was eerily silent as I scoped out my enemy. I made a mental note to write down everything I remember about the Huntress in my journal so that I could memorize the information. The Huntress might be smart, but I knew just how to outsmart her. If I wanted to defeat the Huntress, I had to become her.

  “What?” I asked, my mind full of living nightmares as I thought back to my whereabouts only an hour before Asher arrived.

  “I asked about the dresses?” Asher asked again.

  “Oh, yes. Sorry,” I said, shaking my head. “Melanie and Laura sent me a few pictures from the catalogue for the shop in town. We are going shopping tomorrow,” I said.

  I pulled out my phone and began showing Asher a few of the dresses they had selected.

  “I like this one,” Asher stated, as he pointed to a short, black dress with a plunging neckline.

  “I’m sure you do. But, I think my dad and Maddox would never let me leave the house wearing that,” I replied.

  Nodding, Asher agreed.

  I showed him a few more dresses before he suddenly stopped me from swiping to the next. “That one,” he said, pointing to a long, red dress. “That is the dress,” he said, with a smile.

  “This one?” I questioned. It was a modest, long sleeve dress that went to my ankles.

  “Yes. It is very classic. Much like you are,” Asher said, with a soft smile that reached his eyes. “Sometimes, I believe that a girl is most beautiful when she is fully covered in glorious clothing and her true beauty—her soul, shines through.”

  “If this is the one you like, I will see if I can find it,” I stated.

  I have never been the type of girl to care what others think or to allow anyone else to tell me what I could and couldn’t wear. But, this was different. Asher found something that he felt matched me in his eyes. That was something I wanted to find and show him, too.

  As I marked the page in the catalog, I heard something hit my bedroom window. Instantly, I jumped into defense mode as I lunged at the window and began searching for the cause of the noise.

  I sighed when I spotted Maddox standing under my window. Rushing to my side, Asher to looked down and seemed upset when he found Maddox standing beneath my window holding a handful of rocks. Opening the window, I hunched over so that my head was outside.

  “What are you doing?” I hissed into the night.

  “Don’t you think it’s a little too late for visitors?” Maddox whispered as he yelled back up at me.

  “He is so infuriating,” Asher seethed next to me.

  “I know,” I agreed. Turning back to Maddox, I began to scowl. “Maddox, it’s none of your business. Besides, what are you doing outside in the freezing air?”

  “Saw your light on. Realized you had company,” he stated, as he offered his sneaky grin.

  Turning back to Asher, I offered a slight smile. “I guess it is time for you to go.”

  “Maddox sure does love to interrupt our time together,” Asher said, with sadness dripping from his voice.

  Reaching out, I grabbed his hands and pulled him close to me. “Don’t worry about Maddox. All that matters is that we’re able to spend time together. Even if it is short lived,” I said, before placing a kiss to his lips.

  Asher had to pull himself away after another minute. “I better go,” he stated before he went to the window and stood on the edge. I watched as he jumped down with grace and then took off running into the night.

  Maddox stood under the glow of his porch light with a pleased grin plastered on his face. Giving him one dirtier look, I closed my window and then went to bed.


  “Elle wait up,” Laura called, after me as she ran down the hallway.

  I had been writing some notes in my journal and was unaware of others around me. I paused and turned to wait for her.

  “Hey,” I said, as she reached me.

  “Has Melanie talked to you?” she asked, as she struggled to catch her breath.

  “No,” I said.

  “Oh. She’s going to send a text message about where we should all meet this afternoon to get our dresses. Then, she wants to plan our ice-skating trip that never happened due to the stupid snow,” she pouted.

  “Ok, I will check my phone at lunch,” I said.

  It was transition time between our second and third hour class, and I was walking to my art history classroom.

  “Good. We have so much to plan for,” she said, sounding stressed.

  I had to stifle my own laugh. If Laura or any other student here knew just what real stressed was, they would go insane.

  Waving goodbye, Laura took off. Just as I thought I was free to be alone again, Asher snuck up behind me and placed his hands on my hips. “Hello, beautiful,” he stated.

  Turning around, I smiled, as I saw his beautiful face. “Hey, handsome,” I giggled.

  “What did Laura want?” he asked, as she ducked into her classroom.

  “Oh, you know, the usual. Planning shopping trips and rescheduling ice-skating dates,” I huffed.

  “Very important,” he teased.

  I smiled and nodded as I continued to walk with Asher following next to me. “Speaking of important,” he began, his voice growing serious now. “I want to talk to you about your...gift,” he whispered.

  “What about it?” I asked.

  “Well… I overheard my dad talking this morning, and it seems your pack is still unsure if the Huntress will return. They want to be on guard and to see what else you can shift into,” he said, as he glanced around to ensure no one else was listening to us.

  My breath faltered, and my heart stopped for an instant. It was guilt, I just knew it, causing me to become so frantic. My pact and Asher’s family were still trying to prepare i
n case the Huntress returned-- but little did they know, she never left.

  “My dad hasn’t said anything else to me about it,” I shrugged, trying to act like this topic wasn’t causing me to internally freak out.

  “Oh well, just in case he does, or you over-hear something, just don’t be too surprised,” Asher said.

  “Now that you mention it, while we were snowed in, I did overhear lots of whispering and my dad went to a lot of secret meetings, but they haven’t said anything about my gift,” I admitted.

  “Either way, I don’t want you to feel bombarded with the information. You know I would never keep anything from you,” he said.

  There it was. The knife to the back. The wound that would never heal. Asher loved me enough to share with me secret conversations while I was hiding information that could potentially put us all at risk. In that moment, part of me wanted to tell Asher that the Huntress was here. That she was stalking us. But I couldn’t. Not if I wanted my plan to work.

  “I know, and I love you for being so open,” I said, as I kissed him one more time before running down the hall to class.

  I was thankful for the tardy bell, because if I had to stand there a moment longer looking at Asher, I would burst into tears. I was a terrible person, but hopefully, they would find it in their hearts to forgive me. I hope.


  Later that evening, I found myself thrown into a dressing room with Laura and Melanie as they shoved dresses at me. Both girls had walked into the shop and instantly found the dress they desire. Me? Well, I had one dress in mind and I would have to search the entire store to find it.

  “Are you sure you don’t like any of these?” Melanie said, as she eyed the mountain of discarded dresses.

  “I am sure,” I replied as I held up the red dress from the catalog. “This is the one that Asher likes,” I stated.

  “That is so sweet,” Laura swooned as she smiled and placed a hand over her heart. “You guys are such a perfect couple,” she finished.


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