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Sacked Page 7

by Tabatha Vargo

  She plunged her teeth into her bottom lip and the desire to kiss her was too much. I leaned in, my nose brushing her cheek, as I moved toward her mouth. My lips were close to touching hers when she pulled away with a sheepish grin.

  “I’m so thirsty,” she said, suddenly looking sober.

  I was beyond speaking.

  The aggravation was starting to get to me. I wanted to fucking scream my irritation to the world. Instead, I nodded and followed her to the side of the room.

  A few of the guys were sprawled out across the couch talking about the game, and Gretchen sat on the floor next to them and listened in. Me, I couldn’t hear a word they were saying. I was too busy trying to figure out what the hell had just happened.

  This shit was getting old fast.

  I wasn’t sure how much longer my body could handle the abuse. I’d been knocked around on the field. Hell, I’d had three-hundred-pound men knock the air from my lungs, but nothing left me breathless the way Gretchen did. It was painful—physically and mentally. I was cracking under the strain.

  I’d never had a girl turn me down before, and that was basically all she’d been doing for weeks. Without saying so, she pulled away and said no. I was fucking confused. The way she was dancing with me said she wanted me, but her eyes, when she pulled away, said something completely different.

  “But that throw, though,” Ryan said with a laugh as he talked about a recent game. “It was like he didn’t even try. My grandma could throw better than that.”

  Gretchen pulled the beer from her lips and laughed. “Agreed, but the Hail Mary in the fourth quarter was the worst I think I’ve ever seen. I mean, you could see it coming a mile away. I think their defense was lacking, and Smalls needs to square this shoulders when he throws the ball.”

  And then there was silence.

  The looks on the guys’ faces were priceless. I almost laughed, but I was too busy filling with pride.

  Yes, gentlemen, she’s perfect. And yes, she’s soon to be mine.

  “A girl that speaks football,” Ryan said in awe, his eyes rimmed red from too much beer.

  “I thought girls who spoke football were a myth. Like unicorns and the Loch Ness Monster,” Landon said. He turned to me with wide eyes. “Sawyer, did you discover Nessie?”

  The boys burst out laughing and Gretchen punched him playfully on the arm with her tiny fist.

  “You ass! Did you just call me Nessie?”

  The rest of the night followed suit. I stood to the side and watched as Gretchen talked football like she played the game. She laughed at the guys’ sleazy jokes, cursed like a sailor, and chugged beer like a fish. She was like one of the boys, and I could tell by the way they looked at her that they falling for her just the way I was.

  Finishing off my beer, I left the group to get a refill. As I was filling my cup, Landon came up beside me. Putting a heavy hand on my shoulder, he shook his head.

  “Man, Sawyer, you got a keeper there. She’s fucking awesome, dude.” He took a deep breath and blew it out hard. “If you don’t swipe her up soon, I will. She’s hot and speaks football. That’s rare, dude… so fucking rare.”

  He was drunk. I could tell by his thick slur and lazy eyes.

  I laughed and turned to head back to the group. He followed.

  “I’m working on it,” I admitted.

  “Since when have you ever needed to work on a girl? Are you off your game?”

  I stopped, realizing he was right. I didn’t work for girls. They came to me, but then again, isn’t that what I liked so much about Gretchen?

  “I’m fucked, man. I don’t know what’s going on, but she’s different than any other girl I’ve been with,” I said honestly.

  Clasping my shoulder, he twisted his lips into a serious expression. “Motherfucking unicorns and Nessie, bro.” He shook his head in awe again.

  “Fucking A. Unicorns and Nessie,” I agreed.

  It didn’t have to make sense to anyone else. We understood. Gretchen was rare. She was everything jocks like us dreamed of, and she was there for the taking. I just had to hold on to my balls and go for it.

  When I got back to the group on the couch, Gretchen smiled up at me from the floor. She was sitting Indian style, her dress pushed up showing even more of her tan thighs, but falling between her legs just enough to cover the goods. Closing my eyes, I thought about what those thighs would feel like wrapped around my hips. I would plunge my cock so deep inside her she wouldn’t know where she ended and I began.

  I held out a cup for her and shook the thoughts from my mind.

  “Thank you, Sawyer,” she said loudly. “Look, ladies!” she called out to a group of girls sitting nearby, getting their attention. “Sawyer Reed got me drink. I’m special.”

  The girls looked at her like she was stupid and then turned away. She was obviously drunk.

  Tugging on my shirt, she pulled me down so she could talk to me. “Concubines,” she whispered before she burst into laughter at her private joke that only I could understand.

  I laughed, letting her pull me down onto the floor beside her. Once I was sitting, she fell into my lap and continued to talk and laugh with the guys.

  As the party continued, the crowd thinned, leaving mostly the team and a few of the girls they would be taking back to their rooms. I downed some of my beer knowing that I’d had too much to drink. It wasn’t like me to drink so much during football season, but I was in the zone and partying with Gretchen was more than fun.

  I watched from a distance as she danced by herself in the middle of the room. She swayed her loose body side to side with her eyes closed and her arms above her head. Her dress lifted showing off her thick thighs and perfect knees. Her boots scuffed against the hardwood floor, tapping to the beat of the music.

  It was beautiful watching her in her own little world. She was completely unaware of her draw—the way her body called to me with each movement. She was in the zone, forgetting about the others in the room. It was peaceful, but soon that ended when I noticed guys moving in on her. She danced with them, carefully pulling away with a smile when one would drunkenly lean in to kiss her.

  I sat stiff, watching and slowly losing my cool. My temper was rising and I knew if I didn’t get her home soon, I’d be fighting. I didn’t want any asshole trying to take advantage of her. No way would I go for it.

  Tossing back the rest of my beer, I stood and made my way across the room to her. Moving behind her, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her into me.

  “Let’s get you home,” I whispered in her ear.

  She laid her head on my shoulder and continued to move her hips and ass into me.

  “But I don’t want to go home, Sawyer,” she whined.

  Yep. She was drunk.

  “Gretchen, it’s time to go,” I said a little louder.

  “Didn’t you hear her?” A guy in front of us said. “She said she doesn’t want to go home. Besides,” he said, pulling her into his arms and away from me. “Didn’t you see us dancing?”

  Considering he was shorter than me, I stepped toward him and looked down at him as I pulled his arms off of Gretchen.

  “You want to go, little man?” I asked, my anger spiking.

  He stood his ground briefly before realizing his mistake. My crazy was showing and I had no desire whatsoever to tuck that shit back in. I could feel the heat blazing from me.

  He backed off with his hands in the air.

  “Nah, man, we’re cool.”

  “Good to know.” I raked him with my stare once more before he turned and walked away.

  “Bully,” Gretchen said against my chest as she leaned into me.

  I chuckled as I put my arms around her and held her close. I should never have let her drink this much.

  “Excuse me? Did you just call me a bully, little girl?” I asked playfully as I escorted her from the house and into the cool night air.

  The night was over and the morning dew was beginning to sett
le on the grass. The air was slowly sobering me up as I locked my truck and began to walk Gretchen away from the party.

  “Yep. You’re just a big bully. Do people always do what you say?”

  “Always.” I grinned down at her.

  “I bet,” she slurred. “I bet you just smile that cocky smile of yours and people do your bidding, don’t they?”

  I laughed. “Yeah. Basically.”

  She stopped and caught my cheeks in her warm palms. The heat of her skin tingled.

  “I’m not going to do that. Ever. I never fall for a pretty face.”

  She was so close. Her lips parted as she breathed deeply in her seriousness and her eyes glassy from too much beer.

  Again, the air was punched from my lungs, leaving me feeling as if I couldn’t take another breath.

  What was happening?

  I was losing my mind.

  All I wanted to do was kiss her senseless and feel her body against mine. It wasn’t even about the sex anymore. I mean, don’t get me wrong, my dick was throbbing in my jeans, but I just wanted to be close to her.

  “Are you saying I have a pretty face?” I asked, ignoring the strange ache in my chest.

  Her flushed cheeks reddened. “Oh shut up, Reed, you know you’re pretty.”

  And then she turned and walked away, giggling like a school girl.

  I stood there a second, wrapping my brain around the situation and talking my body from the ledge of crazy. I had to jog a bit to catch up with her by the time I felt like I could move my legs.

  “So, how am I supposed to walk you home if I don’t know where you live?” I asked.

  I knew she stayed in one of the dorms, which was close to the party, but that’s all I knew. I’d wondered a few times why Gretchen would never let me pick her up, but I knew some chicks were just like that. Always needing some form of control in any relationship. These were the same women who hated men to open doors for them.

  Again, she threw her head back and laughed, her breath coming out in white puffs. “Just follow the leader.”

  “Are you the leader? Because I’m thinking the person who’s more sober should lead.”

  I followed her, catching her when she occasionally tripped over a tree stump and secretly enjoying the way she felt in my arms until we turned onto the sidewalk in front of a Cypress Hall.

  “Home sweet home.” She threw her arms out to her side and tilted her head back with closed eyes.

  “This is it?” I asked.

  “This is it. Home. At least for a little while.”

  I continued to follow her into the building and up to the second floor. My eyes were glued to her ass as she took the stairs ahead of me.

  Fucking perfect.

  Once we made it to her room, she held a finger to her lips as if to tell me to be quiet. “My roommate hates it when you wake her up,” she whispered loudly.

  I nodded my understanding and smiled.

  She rummaged through her bag, searching for her keys until finally I took over and pulled them out.

  “My hero,” she sighed, leaning against the door with her eyes closed.

  She looked close to passing out.

  “You okay, babe?”

  I was starting to worry about leaving her, knowing how fucked-up she was.

  “Just peachy, pretty boy.” She reached up and patted my cheek. “Thanks for taking me to the party. It was fun.”

  She stood taller, her chest poking out as she stretched her arms over her head and took a deep breath. My eyes roamed over her body from the tips of her fingers all the way down to warm flesh of her thighs. I grabbed her, steadying her as she stumbled forward and bit my lip at the feel of her against me.

  All night I’d been feeling her and it was becoming unbearable.

  “You’re welcome,” I said, patting down her wild locks. She had major party hair and it was fucking adorable. “I’m glad you had a good time.”

  “No!” she said a little too loudly. “I had an amazing time.”

  And then she leaned into me again, her face snuggling into my neck, making my entire body go hard.

  Delving my fingers into her hair, I pulled her head back so I was able to look at her face. She smiled up at me with glazed eyes and licked her lips.


  I had to kiss her.

  Her green eyes devoured mine as I leaned in closer. Her expression went serious when she realized what I was doing and I heard her swallow her nerves.

  Closing my eyes, I touched my lips to hers and felt her body soften in my arms. I slowly moved my lips over hers, cautious because even though I knew she wanted me, she’d been pushing me away. I ran my tongue across her bottom lip and she opened for me.

  She tasted like perfection. Like fruit flavored ice on a hot summer day and a long neck beer around a bonfire at night.

  I pulled her closer, my fingers digging into her hip, and she pressed her body into mine pulling a growl from the back of my throat. A tiny noise slipped from her lips as she exhaled and I swallowed it. She kissed me back, her tongue moving against mine as she clawed at the front of my shirt, holding me to her.

  Turning us, I pressed her body to her door and grabbed the back of her thigh when she lifted her leg to wrap it around me. Her heated center warmed the front of my jeans as she grabbed handfuls of my ass and pulled me into her.

  Breaking from her lips, I pushed her hair to the side and sucked softly at her neck. She was breathing hard and occasionally moaning as I tasted and sucked her glistening skin.

  My cock pressed against my jeans painfully, begging for release. Begging for her. So I lifted her, wrapping both of her legs around me and pressed hard into her core, making her cry out softly.

  “Fuck. I want you, Gretchen.”

  Letting go completely, I reached down and began pulling her dress up and over her hips. I was ready and willing to take her up against the door in a hallway where anyone could see us.

  My fingers skimmed her hips, the lace from her panties tickling my fingertips.

  And then everything stopped.

  She pulled back, pressing her tiny hands into my chest. Thinking I was hurting her, I pulled back, too. It was then that I saw her panic-stricken expression and the guilt in her eyes. Her face was pale, and her expression shifted into one of shock.

  She struggled to get loose, so I let her legs go until she was standing on her own two feet.

  “What’s wrong?’

  “Oh, my God. That didn’t just happen.” She held her hand to her chest as she tried to catch her breath.

  Reaching up, I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I can assure you it just did, and it was fucking awesome. Let’s not stop.”

  Going for her again, she batted my hand away, confusing me as she began to fiddle with her keys in a rush.

  “Wait. What just happened here? Is everything okay?” I asked.

  “No. Everything is definitely not okay. I can’t do this. I’m sorry, Sawyer. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  She wouldn’t even look at me.

  “Gretchen, talk to me.” I touched her arm, and again, she smacked my hand away as if I was an errant child.

  And then she worked the key in the lock and slung the door open. Disappearing inside, she slammed the door in my face.

  With a hard dick and a confused expression, I stared at the door.

  “What the fuck?” I said out loud to no one before I turned and left the building.

  I felt like death’s unholy bitch—as if death had spent the night probing every crevice in my body while he had his way with me.

  Death liked it rough, apparently.

  I was sure whips and chains had been involved.

  Possibly nipple clamps.

  Maybe some pepper spray, considering how badly my eyes burned behind my lids.

  My body ached, my brain felt like it was going to explode, and I was positive there were globs of cotton in my mouth. Smacking my lips together, I tried to gather moisture
on my tongue, and the urge to gag was overwhelming.

  Opening my lids, the sun burned my eyes forcing me to smash them closed again. Water spilled over the rim of my eyes, mixing with last night’s eyeliner and only adding to the burn.

  The room was spinning. It was either the room or the bed. I couldn’t tell which, and I was too afraid to open my eyes again to find out.

  My hangover was of epic proportions, and I deserved it.

  Holy hell, did I deserve it.

  When I chanced sitting up, the hammer in my head beat harder, making me flinch.

  It was too much.

  Grabbing my tote, I dragged myself to the bathroom down the hall. I turned the cold water on and splashed my face. Water dripped from my chin when I looked at myself in the mirror. That was when the memories of the night before came. Memories of Sawyer’s kisses and the way he felt against my center when I wrapped my legs around his thighs.

  Memories of his hands and the way he touched me. I could still smell him on my skin. I could still feel him. I could still feel the heat of his large body against mine—taking control and showing his true strength—giving pleasure without even trying. Sawyer knew what he was doing, and I knew it was because he’d done it so much.

  For weeks, I’d been pulling away from him, denying my body’s urges. I’d never been with a man before, but my body didn’t seem to know that. It screamed for Sawyer, wept for him so hard that some nights I’d have to rush home to change my panties.

  It was embarrassing, but I had to keep fighting. I couldn’t let myself fall into his trap, but something deep in my stomach told me it was a little too late for that.

  Dear God, I’m going to hell.

  I was going to hell, and I was going to burn. Not in the tingly way I burned in my panties for Sawyer; I mean the whole body in flames for my sins kind of burn. Mostly because I couldn’t deny the fact he’d felt amazing, but also because no matter how much I wanted to deny it, I wanted to do it again.

  I silently cursed myself for stopping him the night before, but I had to. I couldn’t do that to myself. I had a strong sense of self, and I knew I could never allow myself to be that girl.


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