Take Me in the Night

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Take Me in the Night Page 7

by R. L. Kenderson

  Fucking prick. Pun intended.

  I slowly got out of bed, and as I got dressed, I watched the first and only girl I’d ever loved sleep.

  If things had gone the way we’d planned, I wouldn’t have to be sneaking out of her room. We’d be lying in the bed we shared together. Maybe a kid or two would be sleeping down the hall from us.

  Fucking life was a bitch.

  I really shouldn’t be thinking about that now.

  It made me want to wake Addison and shake her for leaving me hanging when I had gone down for the robbery and murder. And, at the same time, I wanted to fall to my knees and beg for an answer as to why she hadn’t been there for me. I had needed her.


  I needed to get out of there ASAP. I’d worked hard on not being bitter, and I wasn’t going to start now.

  As I left Addison’s and went next door to my own place, I focused on how lucky I was. Sure, I’d lost Addison, but I’d gained a lot. I’d worked at a job I loved for years. I might have gotten a scholarship for football to go to college, but I had known I was never good enough to go pro. I would have ended up working in some office job that I would have hated. Instead, I had gotten paid to work out, spend time with friends, and blow shit up. My life could have turned out a lot worse.

  I grabbed a beer from the fridge. Then, I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed Flash.

  “Miss me already?” he answered.

  Of course I did, but I couldn’t say that out loud. “Fuck no.”

  Flash laughed. “Same here, buddy.”

  “I didn’t wake you, did I?”

  Flash was an hour later than me, and he had to work tomorrow.

  “No. I was just watching TV. How’s it going there?”


  “Have you seen her yet?”

  “Addison?” I swiped my hand down my face. “Yeah.”

  “Did you ask the bitch why she’d left you hanging all those years ago?”

  I winced at his term for Addison. “Dude, don’t call her that, okay? And, no, the topic hasn’t come up.”

  The other end of the line was silent.

  I pulled my phone away and looked at it to make sure my call hadn’t dropped. I put it back to my ear. “Flash?”

  “Fuck me.”


  “You fucked her, didn’t you?”

  I sighed.

  “Goddamn it. I’m right.” I heard movement on the other side of the call. “What are you thinking? She doesn’t care about anyone but herself.”

  “I didn’t propose to the woman. I just had sex with her. I have had sex before and not professed my love.”

  “Yeah, to girls who just wanted to screw you for your uniform. This Addison…she’s trouble.”

  I had to laugh at the trouble term. He sounded like a parent who didn’t want their child hanging out with the kid with the bad reputation. “Okay, Mom.”

  “Fuck you, dude.”

  “Anything exciting happen since I left?” I asked, changing the subject.

  “There’s talk that we might be heading out soon.”

  I closed my eyes and imagined that I would be going with. When we were on a mission, there was no time to think about anything but the objective. I wouldn’t have time to think about Addison, this stupid town, or all the looks I had gotten on Saturday night for coming back when no one wanted me here but my family.

  “Do you know where yet?”

  “Nah, nobody’s said, so it’s probably just a training exercise.”

  “I wish I were going with.”

  “Regretting retirement? You’ve been there only a couple of days.”

  “Don’t remind me.”

  “You’re going to go help your brother at his garage tomorrow, right?”

  “Yeah. I was over there today for a few hours already.”

  “That should help.”

  “I hope so. This town sucks.”

  Flash laughed. “You need to let them know that they have one of the best petty officers the Navy has ever spit out there. You’re better than they give you credit for.” Flash cleared his throat. We never got too emotional with each other, so it was always uncomfortable. “Your mom was glad to see you though, right?”

  I smiled. “Yes, she was.”

  “That’s good. Say, when I get some leave, I was thinking I should come visit.”

  “Wouldn’t you rather go and visit your family?”

  “Nah. My parents are coming next month.”

  I wanted Flash to come here more than anything. “Well, if you’re bored, you’re always welcome to come visit.”

  Flash laughed. “I’ll keep you posted.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “Until then, stay away from the magic pussy.”

  “Magic pussy?”

  “That Addison chick must have a magic pussy for you to hop into bed with her after everything.”

  “Her pussy is just a regular pussy.”

  “Whatever you say. Talk to you later.”


  I hung up the phone, feeling a little better.

  I wondered what Addison would think if I told her she had a magic pussy.



  Tuesday morning, I woke up, alone, and although I was surprised, I found myself disappointed. It was stupid to feel that way.

  After a quick breakfast, I went and dropped off my car at the garage. I was relieved to see that Foster wasn’t in yet, and I quickly handed my keys to the receptionist, an elderly lady by the name of Sally, at the counter before heading to my office, catching a ride from Serena.

  Once there, I turned on the lights, changed the sign to Open, and pulled out the files I needed for the day.

  Serena walked in the door right a minute behind me as my phone rang, so I answered it myself.

  “Addison Graham’s office. Addison speaking,” I said as I sat down behind my desk.

  “Addison, I don’t know what you said to your father, but he finally said yes!”

  I frowned. “Brandon?”

  “Yes, it’s me.”

  “My father said yes to what?”

  “The golf course.”

  I jumped up from my seat, knocking over my chair. “Shut the front door! You’re joking, right?”

  Serena came to my doorway with a questioning look on her face, and I smiled to let her know everything was good.

  “So, you didn’t say anything to your dad?”

  “No. I figured it was hopeless after our last conversation.”

  I’d been working on trying to get a golf course built in our town for about two years now. I had met Brandon almost five years ago, and we dated for a year and a half. Over time, it got hard to have a long-distance relationship, especially after the newness wore off. But we remained friends, and when he went to work for a new employer that was into the development of golf courses, Brandon suggested our little town as a place to build one.

  We might be a small town, but we had a lot of other small towns around us. I had no doubt a golf course would bring in revenue to Brook Creek and offer jobs.

  Years ago, people had liked living in small towns, but they’d lost their novelty with the last few generations, and sometimes, our economy struggled. I thought it would be a great way to help the people here.

  The bad part was that my father owned the land, and he flat-out said no. He barely listened to Brandon’s presentation. I didn’t know if it was because my father had never been a huge fan of Brandon’s—although he’d take Brandon over Maddox any day—or if it was because I’d brought the idea to him. Either way, my father had said no.

  I’d tried to bring it up every few months, but the last time I had asked about it, my father had been so mad, I thought he was going to have another stroke. I’d let it go after that.

  My father’s one-eighty surprised me just as much as it had Brandon.

  “We’re doing a phone conference later this afternoon to work o
ut the details, but it sounds like it’s a go.”

  “This is amazing. You have to let me know what happens after this afternoon’s phone call.”

  “You won’t be there?”

  “I’m thinking it’s best that I stay away. Whatever has my father changing his mind, I don’t want to reverse that decision by reminding him that he was against the project in the beginning.”

  Brandon laughed. “You and your father have an odd relationship.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “I’ll call you later.”

  “Thanks.” I hung up the phone and pumped my fists in the air a few times. I was sure I looked like a dork, but I didn’t care.

  “What happened?” Serena asked.

  I turned and grabbed my chair from the floor. “Remember the golf course project I told you about?”

  “The one your dad keeps squashing?”

  I sat down and pushed myself to my desk. “That one. My father apparently called up the developer and said he’d changed his mind.”

  “Wow. That’s amazing.”

  “It is. It’ll help out our little town so much. I know it’ll take some time to complete the project, but once it’s done, it’ll offer so many jobs to everyone.”

  “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Happy for us. You’re part of this town, too.”

  Serena grinned. “Happy for us then.”

  “I think, no matter what happens the rest of the day, it won’t bring me down.”

  My phone rang again. Serena was still standing in my office, so I told her, “It’s okay. I’ve got it.”

  “You’re not going to need me anymore if you keep answering your own phone.”

  I laughed and picked up the receiver. “Addison Graham.”

  “Addison,” Maddox’s gravelly voice said. It didn’t sound that different from last night when he’d said my name in my ear as he came inside me.

  “Yes?” I said as tingles went down my spine. I tried to act casual in front of his niece. I didn’t want her to see my reaction to any of her uncle’s dirty talk.

  Thankfully, Serena turned around and went into the main room.

  “You need a new timing belt.”

  Well, that was a double disappointment. I hadn’t known Maddox was working at his brother’s place. He’d only called to deliver bad news.

  “A timing belt? And here I thought you called me to whisper nasty things in my ear.”

  “You want me to talk filthy to you? How’s this? It’ll cost about eight hundred dollars.”

  I slumped back in my chair. “You need to work on your dirty talk.”

  Maddox laughed.

  “So, this is something that needs to be done?” I sighed. I was going to have to really budget my money this month.

  “Do you know anything about cars?”

  “No. And I’m not ashamed to admit it.”

  “Your timing belt is not something to mess with. If it goes out while you’re driving, it could ruin your engine. And it’s also a safety thing. You don’t want to be driving it if it breaks.”

  “Okay. Will it be done today?”

  “You have somewhere you need to be?”

  “No, but I hate being vehicle-less.” I tilted my head. “I suppose I can always ask Pete if I can borrow his again if I need to.”

  Of course, then Pete would be without a car. It wasn’t the best solution.

  A deep groan sounded from the other side of the phone. “I’ll take you wherever you need to go,” Maddox said with a little bit of a bite.

  This was interesting.

  “Even if I have to go to the OB/GYN?”

  “I’ve seen guys get blown up and body parts scattered in pieces. You’re not going to gross me out by talking about going to the lady doctor.”

  “Okay, but I don’t even know your phone number.”

  “I live next door.”

  “What if you’re not home?”

  He rattled off some numbers. Thankfully, I was in my office with plenty of paper and pens.

  “Got it. Do you want mine?”

  “I already have it.”

  I frowned.

  “It’s in the computer.”

  “Oh. Right. Okay then. Someone will call me when it’s done?”


  “Thank you.”

  “Welcome. And, Addison?”


  “Tonight, I’m going to bend you over your bed and fuck you from behind. Then, I’m going to put you on your knees and come in your mouth. Be prepared.”

  My mouth dropped open as I heard a click on the other side of the line.

  Maybe Maddox didn’t need to work on his dirty talk after all.

  The shiver was back.

  I couldn’t wait.



  Wednesday morning, a phone call woke me from my sleep. I blindly reached my hand to my nightstand and hit the volume button to quiet the noise.

  I was just falling back asleep when there was pounding at my door.

  “What the fuck?” I flipped the covers back and stomped to the door. I whipped it open as I said, “What the hell do you want?”

  Addison screeched and covered her eyes. “Maddox, you’re naked.”

  I laughed as I grabbed the arm she wasn’t using to hide her face and pulled her inside. “Stop acting like you haven’t seen everything already. I still smell like you, for Christ’s sake.” I shut the door behind her.

  She peeked at me through her fingers. “Can you get dressed? I need a ride.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest and studied her. She was wearing some sort of gray suit. She had on a blouse, a jacket, and a knee-length skirt. She looked professional. And hot. It brought to mind all my naughty schoolteacher fantasies.

  “Maddox, you need to put on some clothes.”


  “You can’t drive naked, and”—she pointed to my crotch with her free hand—“you’re getting hard.”

  “I’ll give you a ride, but it’s going to cost you.”

  She dropped the hand over her face and frowned. “You never said anything about a fee.”

  “That was before you woke me up at”—I looked at my wrist where my diving watch sat—“six seventeen in the morning.” I put my arm down and caught her staring at my dick.

  She quickly looked up to my face, her cheeks turning red. She lifted her chin. “What do you want?”

  “You know what I want, baby.”

  “I’m not sucking your dick again.”

  That made me laugh.

  “What’s so funny about that?”

  I took a step closer to Addison and twirled her around. I got behind her and put my hands on her shoulders. I slid my hands down her arms until I got to her hands, which I picked up and placed on the wall.

  “I laughed because, last night, you acted like my cock was the best goddamn lollipop you’d ever tasted in your life,” I said next to her ear as I rubbed my dick on her ass. Her hair was up on the top of her head, giving me easy access to her neck.

  I gently bit down, and she moaned.

  I dropped down to my haunches, reached underneath her skirt, and pulled her panties down. “Step out,” I told her. “Keep your hands on the wall.”

  She lifted each high heel, and I slipped her underwear off and threw them across the room.

  She gasped.

  “You don’t need those.” I skimmed my hand up the inside of her leg. “Are you wet?”

  She looked down at me from over her shoulder. She bit her lip and nodded.

  “You like sucking me off, don’t you?”


  I lightly brushed my fingers over her cleft and stood. “Fucking liar. There’s no maybe about it,” I said, and I thrust into her. “Wet. Just the way I like you.”

  I pulled out until just the tip of me was still inside her, and then I grabbed her hips and pulled her back to me. I directed her body away and back to me a
few more times.

  “Fuck me. Just like that.”

  Addison shifted in her seat for the twentieth time. “I don’t think it’s fair that I couldn’t put my underwear back on.”

  I draped my hand over the steering wheel. “I never said you couldn’t. I said you could put them on if you found them.”

  She narrowed her eyes at me. “After you hid them from me.”

  I shrugged. “You shouldn’t be covering up that pretty pussy with panties.” I squinted my eyes at the road coming up. “Where do we turn again?”

  “Hundred and Sixty-Seventh Street. Make a right.”

  We were on the highway, going at full speed, so I slowed when we came to the next street. It said 167th, and I turned right.

  “It’ll be the first house on the right. It’s about half a mile down.”

  House was a modest word for the dilapidated structure that sat on the overgrown lawn full of weeds. It stood on at least a couple of acres, but it looked like the land wasn’t used for anything, going by the lack of care. I parked next to a beat-up car, and the two of us exited my SUV.

  The front door opened to the house before we even reached the steps.

  “Addison,” a little boy around four or five yelled. He ran down the stairs and into her arms.

  She picked him up. “Where’s your mommy, Ben?”

  “She’s in the bathroom, crying.” He put a finger to his lips. “Don’t tell. She thinks I don’t know.”

  Addison looked over the boy’s head with worry in her eyes. “That’s why I’m here, buddy.” She set him on the ground.

  “Who’s that?” Ben asked.

  “That’s my friend.”

  I snorted.

  “His name is Maddox.”

  I lifted my sunglasses off my face and set them on the top of my head. “How’s it going, Ben?”

  “You’re huge,” he said with amazement in his eyes.

  “That’s what she said.”

  Addison’s arm whipped out and smacked me in the stomach. She shook her hand and rubbed her knuckles.

  I grinned.

  “You two are funny,” Ben said.

  “You think so?” I asked.

  Ben laughed. “Yeah.” He grabbed both our hands and led us inside. “Mommy, Addison’s here. And she brought a friend for me to play with.”


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