The Mitfords

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The Mitfords Page 79

by Charlotte Mosley

  goods sold to clear death duties, 267, 299, 302

  Deborah redecorates and restores, 317, 319, 326, 411

  heating costs, 351

  treasures exhibited in USA, 360n, 382, 383, 385, 705 & n

  pictures valued for insurance, 449–50, 463 & n

  open to public, 528, 605, 755

  children’s farmyard, 552–3 & n

  bomb scare, 571–2

  Deborah writes on, 604, 707n

  maintenance difficulties, 604–5

  Deborah opens farm shop, 637, 644

  visitor numbers fall, 643

  treasures exhibited at Royal Academy, 666

  shops, 718n

  Burlington’s twenty-first birthday party at, 726–8

  hosts Antiques Roadshow, 768

  Deborah’s enterprises at, 785–6

  Chavchavadze, Princess Elizabeth, 273 & n, 318

  Chelsea Flower Show, 433

  Cherwell, Viscount see Lindemann, Frederick Alexander

  Chetwynd, Elizabeth, 219 & n

  Chevalier, Maurice, 100, 315n

  Chicago: Deborah visits, 715–16

  Chichester, Pamela (née Peel; later Wrench), 222 & n

  Choisy, Maryse, 282

  Churchill, Clementine, Lady (née Hozier): relation to Mitford family, 9, 89n

  Churchill, Diana, 9, 462, 740, 794–5

  Churchill Lord Randolph (Winston’s father), 756

  Churchill, Randolph (Winston’s son), 9, 26 & n, 116, 224, 429, 518, 521, 661, 756

  Churchill, Sarah, 429, 462

  Churchill, (Sir) Winston: acquaintance with Mitfords, xv

  Romilly imitates, 87

  as supposed father of Romilly, 89n

  Jessica writes to demanding Diana and Mosley be kept in jail in war, 146

  forms wartime coalition government, 147

  meetings at Ditchley Park, 158n

  allows Mosley to join Diana in Holloway prison, 186n

  defeated in 1945 election, 215

  on Nuremberg trials, 224 & n

  entertained in Paris, 226–7

  death and funeral, 429 & n

  Moran’s book on, 459n, 462

  Fuller on, 680

  TV programme on, 756

  gives toast to Stalin, 791

  Cicogna, Anna Maria, 318 & n, 337, 338 & n, 373, 436, 598

  Civil Rights Congress (CRC of USA), 214, 265

  Civilisation (TV programme), 527 & n

  Clark, Kenneth, 527 & n

  Clary-Aldringen, Fürst Alfons (Alphy), 158, 375, 436, 439–40, 447, 476, 613

  Clary-Aldringen, Fürstin Ludwine (Lidi), 375n 436, 550

  Clements, Mrs (Pamela’s neighbour), 701n

  Clonfert Palace, Ireland: Mosleys buy, 264, 277, 748–9

  burned to ground, 282, 324

  Coats, Peter, 273

  Cockburn, Claud, 521, 629

  Cohn-Bendit, Daniel, 515

  Cole, Miss (governess), 389–90

  Coleman, Henry, 665, 695, 766, 789

  Colman, Sir Timothy, 765

  Communist Party: Jessica leaves, 265

  Compton Abbas, Dorset, 792

  Congleton, Lady, 371–2

  Congo, 360n, 386 & n

  Connolly, Cyril: inspires character of Ed Spain in The Blessing, 271 & n

  Diana meets in South Africa, 413, 415

  The Unquiet Grave, 205 & n

  Cooper, Alfred Duff (later 1st Viscount Norwich), 157 & n, 212, 227n, 236, 241n, 247, 549, 673

  Cooper, Lady Diana (née Manners): at Ditchley, 157 & n

  with Duff at Paris embassy, 212, 226

  Nancy meets in Paris, 236

  farewell ball at Paris embassy, 241n

  returns to France to live, 247

  at Venice masked ball, 273

  on birth of Deborah’s baby, 293

  portrayed in Nancy’s Don’t Tell Alfred, 340

  drinking, 365

  row with Daisy Fellowes, 386

  on not going to school, 656

  Ziegler’s biography of, 673

  at Duchess of Windsor’s funeral, 713

  Cooper, Gary, 319

  Coote, Colin, 518 & n, 581

  Corsica, 123n, 124

  Costa de Beauregard, Countess: at Fontaines, 351 & n

  confessions, 359

  Nancy on, 402, 562

  and Violet Hammersley’s death, 411–12

  death and funeral, 437n, 451–3

  injures ear, 439

  Mme Rödel on, 702

  Costa de Beauregard, Elizabeth (née Millar; ‘Doodie’), 439

  Costa de Beauregard, Marie-Zéphyre de (Countess’s granddaughter), 438–9, 453

  Count Your Blessings (film of Nancy’s Blessing), 314 & n

  Courrèges, André, 437

  Coward, Noël, 224, 252

  Crawford, Joan, 101n

  Cresson, Edith, 730 & n

  Cripps, Sir Stafford, 259

  Crook, Winnie, 648

  Crosland, Anthony, 418

  Crowood House, near Ramsbury, Wiltshire, 213, 246, 253, 264, 450n, 748

  Crux Easton, Berkshire, 146, 193 212–13

  Cuban missile crisis (1962), 383, 385n

  Cunard, Sir Bache, 134n

  Cunard, Sir Edward, 356, 466

  Cunard, Maud Alice (Emerald), Lady (née Burke), 133 & n, 222, 246, 466, 514, 760

  Cunard, Victor, 278 & n, 337–8, 356 & n

  Curteis, Ian, 667, 670n

  Curzon, George Nathaniel, Marquess, 381

  Curzon, Grace, Countess (née Hinds), 381 & n

  Czechoslovakia, 41

  Germans occupy, 129n, 137n, 143

  D Day Calling (German radio programme), 201

  Daily Express: wrongly names Deborah as eloping, 82, 101 & n

  attacks Unity, 136 & n

  Shaw defends Mosley in, 193

  on Mitford sisters, 774

  Daily Mail, 85, 332–5

  Daily Star (newspaper), 51n

  Daily Telegraph, 333–5, 737

  Dakar, West Africa, 166

  Dalley, Jan, 791

  Dance, Margaret see Wright, Margaret

  Dance, Mr (Margaret Wright’s fiancé), 166n

  Darling, Grace, 604, 707

  Dashwood, Helen, Lady (née Eaton), 120 & n, 173, 243, 254, 705

  Dashwood, Sir John, 120n

  David, Jacques-Louis, 248

  Davis, Warren, 777

  Dean, Dorothy, 768

  Dean, Roger, 651

  de Courcy, Anne: Circe, 71n

  Defence Regulation 18B, 146, 169

  Degenerate Art exhibition, 112 & n

  Delannoy, Jean, 286n

  Delibes, Léo: Sylvia (ballet), 242

  Denham, Bertram Mitford Bowyer, 2nd Baron (‘Mitty’), 658–9 & n

  Denning Report (on Profumo affair, 1963), 402

  Derwent, Peter, 3rd Baron, 234 & n, 253

  Desborough, Ethel, Lady (Ettie), 618–19 & n

  Desert Island Discs (radio programme), 725

  Desplats-Pilter, Roy (‘André Roy’), 183n, 188 & n

  Devonshire, Amanda, Duchess of (née Heywood-Lonsdale; Peregrine’s wife), 493n

  Devonshire, Andrew Cavendish, 11th Duke of: engagement and marriage to Deborah, 42, 149, 171–2

  calls at Mosleys’, 135

  first meets Deborah, 135n

  horseracing and betting, 156, 201, 313n

  lacks interest in war news, 156

  military service, 166, 177, 179, 185, 194, 198, 201

  children, 177

  with Deborah at birth of premature baby, 182, 186

  chooses names for son Peregrine, 195, 198

  pictured, 199, 472

  at liberation of Rome, 201

  becomes heir to dukedom on brother Billy’s death, 203, 215

  visits Redesdale after death of Tom Mitford, 206

  moves to Edensor, 215

  stands unsuccessfully for Parliament, 215, 216

  celebrates Christmas (1946), 231

rrassed by Unity’s questions to clergymen, 232

  in Paris, 236

  sells land and property to clear father’s death duties, 267, 298n, 299

  appointment at Commonwealth Relations Office, 325, 366n

  attends John F. Kennedy’s inauguration, 346

  suggested as ambassador to Washington, 350

  views Freud’s portrait of Deborah, 355n

  on Kennedy and sex, 359

  visit to Jamaica, 375n

  and 1962 Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ Conference, 378

  meets Kennedy on trip to Edensor, 399

  at Kennedy’s funeral service, 404

  owns Careysville fishing lodge (Ireland), 414n

  visits Nancy in Paris, 421

  accompanies Queen Mother to Chelsea Flower Show, 433

  in Rhodesia, 446

  installed as Chancellor of Manchester University, 449n, 450

  disagreement with Nancy over France, 502

  drink problem and cure, 520n, 691–3

  and maintenance of Chatsworth, 604

  sells paintings, 605

  offers car to Violet Hammersley, 613

  joins Social Democratic Party, 686 & n

  illness (1983), 691

  gives party for Pamela’s 80th birthday, 720

  dental problems, 758

  installed as Garter Knight, 764 & n

  and Princess of Wales, 768

  attends Royal Academy dinner, 780

  Accidents of Fortune, 693n

  DEVONSHIRE, DEBORAH, Duchess of (née Mitford): remains in England, xvi

  final letter to Diana, xvii

  as postmistress in old age, xvii

  at Swinbrook House, 3, 33, 157, 559

  character, 12

  skating, 20n

  childhood, 41, 377

  life at Swinbrook, 41, 102, 580

  relations with Jessica, 41–2, 628–30

  and sale of Swinbrook, 41

  as debutante, 42, 104–5

  engagement and marriage to Andrew, 42

  political indifference, 42

  schooling, 50 & n

  visits Paris with mother and Jessica, 66

  on Mediterranean cruise, 71

  pictured, 72, 199

  and Jessica’s elopement, 81

  falsely named by Daily Express as eloping, 82, 101 & n

  forbidden to visit Diana with Mosley, 83

  in Austria, 97–8

  pet whippets, 101n

  measles affects eyes, 119, 120n, 121

  Nancy teases as child, 121n

  visits Mosley and Diana, 135

  recovers Unity from Switzerland clinic, 143, 149

  Nancy attacks in war, 144

  marriage and children, 149, 171–4, 177, 182

  at Rignell in war, 155

  horseracing and betting, 156, 201, 313n

  on Inch Kenneth, 158

  Unity’s hostility to, 178

  loses babies, 183n, 211, 235 & n

  works in YMCA canteen, 194

  and children’s upbringing, 201

  canvasses for husband in 1945 election, 215, 216

  moves to Edensor, 215

  celebrates Christmas (1946) at Edensor, 231

  appearance, 236, 504

  as Nancy’s favoured correspondent, 264

  Jessica visits from USA, 266, 288, 290, 317, 369

  redecorates and restores Chatsworth, 267, 317, 319, 326, 411

  and death duties for 10th Duke, 271

  at masked ball in Venice, 272–3

  visit to Jessica in USA, 274–6

  pregnancy and birth of daughter Sophia, 292–4

  shooting, 292, 303, 317n, 362, 445–6, 449 & n

  Lucian Freud portrait, 298n, 310, 341, 343, 355, 356

  as Honorary Colonel of 307 Women’s Royal Army Corps, 314

  breeds and shows Shetland ponies (‘insects’), 326, 437 & n, 446, 505 & n, 506, 514n, 518–19, 598

  in Nancy’s Don’t Tell Alfred, 340

  attends John F. Kennedy’s inauguration, 346–7, 350

  gives ball for Emma and Peregrine, 354

  visits Kennedy in USA, 359

  visits mother in Scotland, 368–9

  visit to Jamaica with Andrew, 373–4 & n

  criticizes Nancy for depicting mother as neglectful, 377, 379

  visits Uganda, 382

  visits USA, 382, 383, 384, 705–6, 714, 719

  and mother’s decline and death, 392, 395–6

  at daughter Emma’s wedding, 401

  disposes of mother’s furniture, 402

  and Kennedy’s assassination, 403–4

  kindness to Violet Hammersley, 412–13

  dress, 417

  forty-fifth birthday, 429

  and Peregrine’s coming-of-age celebrations, 432

  administers Nancy’s literary estate, 437n

  visit to Argentina, 444 & n

  busy activities, 446, 492, 519

  in Rhodesia, 446

  contributes recipe to Lady Maclean’s Cook Book, 475n

  builds up Mitford archive, 481

  as Nancy’s literary executor, 481

  and Peregrine’s wedding, 492–3, 494

  threatened by local foot and mouth outbreak, 503–4

  helps Nancy with article on pronunciation, 508 & n

  proposes brain swap with Nancy, 510

  and death of Robert Kennedy, 511

  hair cut short, 517

  on people changing, 519–20

  relations with mother, 554, 559

  on Nancy’s proposed autobiography, 562–3

  visits sick Nancy, 577

  at Nancy’s funeral, 596, 596

  maintains correspondence with Jessica, 603

  opposes Pryce-Jones’s biography of Unity, 603, 606, 631–2

  visits Harold Acton in Florence, 608–10

  as president of Royal Smithfield Show, 614 & n

  sets up family archive, 629

  reconciliation with Jessica, 631–5

  opens farm shop at Chatsworth, 637, 644

  breeds Haflinger horses, 644 & n

  finds lost family scrapbook, 645–7

  in TV film about Nancy, 659, 668–9

  redecorates Devonshire Arms at Bolton Abbey, 680

  diary, 682n

  and Andrew’s drink problem and cure, 691–3

  judges at Kesw1ck Show, 695

  in Jonathan Guinness’s House of Mitford, 697;

  as non-executive director of Tarmac, 697

  visits childhood homes with Pamela, 699–700

  visit to USA (1985), 705

  writes for Spectator, 70711, 711

  markets groceries, 718n

  holds 21st birthday party for Lord Burlington, 726–8

  newspaper articles, 732, 737, 764, 774

  and Pamela’s death and funeral, 742–50

  voted ‘2000 Rural Business person of the Year’, 755

  attends Garter ceremonies, 764–6, 788–9

  and Jessica’s death, 772–4

  and death of Jean-Pierre Béraud, 775–7

  visits Graceland, 777–8

  enterprise at Chatsworth, 785–6

  Counting My Chickens, 18n, 355n, 711n, 741, 774n

  The Estate: A View of Chatsworth, 707n

  The House: A Portrait of Chatsworth, 604, 644 & n, 658, 798 & n

  Round About Chatsworth, 553n

  Treasures of Chatsworth: A Private View, 729n

  Devonshire, Edward William Spencer Cavendish, 10th Duke of: death, 266, 271n

  Devonshire, Evelyn, Duchess of, 662

  Devonshire, Georgiana, Duchess of, 274n

  Devonshire, Mary Alice, Duchess of, 182 & n, 203, 319

  Devonshire, Peregrine Cavendish, 12th Duke of see Hartington, Peregrine Andrew Morny Cavendish, Marquess of

  Dial, The (monthly TV guide), 682, 684

  Diana, Princess of Wales, 767–8, 783

  Dicks, Laura (Mitfords’ nanny; ‘Blor’; ‘M’Hinket’), 15, 16, 16n, 113, 3
04–5, 323

  Dieppe, 98–9

  Dietrich, Joseph (Sepp), 131 & n

  Dietrich, Otto, 64 & n, 127

  Digby, Pamela see Harriman, Pamela

  Dimitrov, Georgi, 250

  Dino, Dorothée, Duchesse de (née Courlande), 248

  Dior, Christian, 234 & n, 238, 348

  Divorce Italian Style (film), 375

  Dix, Otto, 112n

  Donnington Grove, Berkshire, 258

  Dossé, Philip, 667

  Drian (painter), 234n

  Driberg, Tom, 103 & n

  Drogheda, Garrett Moore, nth Earl of, 518, 579

  Drummond’s Bank, London, 278 & n

  Dublin, 435

  Dubrugeaud, Dr, 530

  Dudley, Grace, Countess of see Radziwill, Princess Grace

  Dudley Ward, Penelope, 623 & n

  Duff, Sir Michael, 374

  Dulverton, Anthony Wills, 2nd Baron, 700

  Dulverton, Gilbert Wills, 1st Baron, 794–5

  Dumas, Alexandre, 488

  The Count of Monte Cristo, 574

  Dumas, Dr, 530, 552, 639

  du Maurier, Daphne: Marie Anne, 280n

  Durr, Virginia (née Foster), 551 & n, 705

  Earle, Phyllis, 94

  Eastbourne, Sussex: Deborah in, 177–9, 198, 201, 203

  Ecclestone, Bernie, 671 & n

  Eden, Anthony (later 1st Earl of Avon), 316

  Eden, Clarissa (née Spencer-Churchill; later Countess of Avon), 273, 313, 316

  Edensor, Chatsworth: Deborah and Andrew move to, 215

  Edmondson, Sir James (‘Choiney’), 168 & n

  Edward VIII, King see Windsor, Edward, Duke of

  Egypt, 406–7, 646

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 334

  Eisenhower, Mamie, 435

  Elizabeth II, Queen (earlier Princess): at parents’ Buckingham Palace dinner, 232

  wedding, 239 & n

  visits Chatsworth, 510

  at horse race, 540

  nicknamed ‘Brenda’ by Private Eye, 540 & n

  at Smithfield Show, 614–15

  Silver Jubilee, 643n

  wears bowler-style hat, 709

  at Duchess of Windsor’s funeral, 712

  at Garter ceremony, 765

  golden wedding, 780

  at New Tate, 798

  on faith, 802

  Elizabeth, Queen of George VI (later Queen Mother): Mitfords entertain, xv

  entertains at Buckingham Palace, 232

  nicknamed ‘Cake’, 308 & n

  at Tate Gallery reception, 316

  attends Chelsea Flower Show, 433 & n

  dances with Antony Head, 446

  becomes Queen through Edward’s abdication, 622

  at Garter ceremony, 765

  at Elizabeth II-Philip’s golden wedding ceremony, 780

  Elizabeth, Princess Palatine (‘Madame’), 250 & n

  Elliot, Katherine, Baroness (née Tennant), 739 & n

  Emerson, Sally, 667

  Encounter (magazine), 286n

  Entscheidende Tage (film), 115

  Epstein, Jacob, 311, 314


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