Meet Baby Morgan (Clara Andrews Series - Book 5)

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Meet Baby Morgan (Clara Andrews Series - Book 5) Page 5

by Lacey London

  ‘He does not!’ I retort, shooting her daggers. ‘His name is Noah and that’s final.’

  ‘I’m kidding!’ She laughs. ‘Li told me to wind you up about it. I’m sorry.’

  Not being able to resist a smile, I pour myself a decaf and take a seat at the breakfast bar. ‘Don’t worry. I’ll get her back when I see her.’

  ‘Isn’t Lianna great?’ Eve sighs, her eyes sparkling. ‘We went for drinks yesterday. I haven’t laughed so much in ages.’

  ‘You went for drinks?’ I ask in confusion. ‘With Li?’

  Having a mouthful of cookie, she has to resort to a nod of the head in response.

  ‘Why?’ My brow creases as I wait for her to swallow.

  ‘It was a last minute thing. Owen and I had a dinner meeting with her to go over ideas for the villas. A glass of wine turned into two and before we knew it, we had drunk the entire bottle!’ She laughs heartily and reaches for another cookie. ‘You know how it is.’

  ‘I do know…’ I reply, feeling a little stung.

  I know very well how one glass of wine can turn into three bottles, because that’s exactly what happens each and every time Li and I go out for dinner.

  ‘Why wasn’t I invited?’ The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them.

  Eve’s face drops and she clasps her hands over her mouth. ‘It was just a work thing, that’s all. Besides, you said that you can’t drink because of the breastfeeding.’

  I try to keep a smile on my face, but in spite of myself I can’t help but feel like I have been left out. Not wanting to come across like a spoilt child, I decide to breeze past it.

  ‘So, you’re hiring Lianna to be your interior designer?’

  ‘We are indeed. Owen was very impressed with her portfolio.’ Eve gushes, flicking through her phone. ‘She’s actually going to fly out to Barbados with Owen in a few weeks to get an idea of what she is working with.’

  ‘That’s fantastic!’ I breathe, feeling more than a little jealous at the idea of Lianna jetting off to the Caribbean.

  ‘Thank you so much for introducing her to us. I’ve got a feeling that she’s going to become a good friend.’

  I smile in response and glance over at Noah who is thankfully snoozing quietly. What am I doing? I shouldn’t be jealous of my best friend going on a working holiday when I have just given birth to the most beautiful little boy on the planet. Shaking my head at myself for being so selfish, I rest my elbows on the kitchen unit and listen carefully as Eve fills me in on their plans. I’m actually surprised to discover that Owen and Eve own not just one, but five holiday homes in the Caribbean. From private villas in Jamaica to luxury apartments in the Dominic Republic, it seems that they have a finger in a lot of pies. With Owen being a property developer I was aware that their bank balances were bulging, but even I didn’t realise that they had so many assets.

  Don’t get me wrong, Oliver and I do pretty well. OK, very well, on Oliver’s wage alone, but our neighbours really are in a different league altogether. By the time that she has finished I am just itching to call Lianna. She must be ecstatic to have been given such an exciting opportunity. It’s crazy to think how much her life has changed in such a short space of time. It just goes to show that no matter how much we try to predict the future; we never really know what is waiting for us around the corner…


  The only role in life where you can experience heaven and hell at the same time.

  Chapter 9

  This cannot be normal. I don’t think I have ever been this tired in my entire life. My skin feels dry and my eyelids are heavier than rocks. Letting out yet another huge yawn, I rest my head into my hands and try not to think about how exhausted I feel. All the books that I read prior to giving birth told me that whenever the baby sleeps, I should sleep too. Apparently, just thirty minutes of shut eye is enough to give you a few more hours of much needed energy. What they fail to tell you, is that there are no magic fairies that fly in to do the laundry, clean the house and fill your cupboards with food whilst you sleep.

  I’m starting to realise that we can’t both look good. It’s either me or the house and right now, the house is winning. Rubbing sleep out of my eyes, I tuck Noah into his pram and turn my attention to my face. I think it’s safe to say that no amount of Touch Éclat is going to help me today. Settling on a thin layer of tinted moisturiser and a quick slick of lip gloss, I twist my hair up into a neat bun.

  Looking down at Noah who is snoozing contently makes all of my weariness drift away. How is it possible to love something so much? I watch his little chest rise and fall gently and wonder what I ever did to be gifted with something so incredibly beautiful. Studying his cute face closely, I realise that he is all Oliver. From his adorable button nose to his gorgeous big blue peepers, all I see is a mini Oliver looking back at me. I stroke my little finger against his warm cheek and try to picture him as a grown man. If the resemblance to his father continues, he is most certainly going to break some hearts one day.

  I think back to the day that Oliver and I met and an uncontrollable smile spreads across my face. Who would have thought that a chance meeting in all my hungover glory could lead to something so bloody wonderful? Thanking my lucky stars that I have been so blessed, I adjust Noah’s blankets and zip up my jacket.

  Today is the first day since Noah was born that I am venturing out of the house. I can finally walk without wincing and to say that I am sick of these same four walls is an understatement. With Oliver leaving for work at the crack of dawn, it has been just Janie and myself this morning. After all of my moaning about Janie before the birth, she has been a genuine godsend since Noah was born. Weirdly, even though she is as frosty as they come, Janie has an unbelievable knack of dealing with Noah. For some inexplicable reason, Janie can silence Noah in ten seconds flat. I, on the other hand can spend up to an hour trying to get him to calm down. Ironic, considering that she shudders at the mere mention of the word grandma.

  Checking my baby bag for the hundredth time, I leave Noah in his stroller and head off in search of my motherin-law. Stumbling into the dining room, I find her applying a final layer of pink to her already neon lips. As usual, Janie cannot leave the house without a full face of slap and her hair higher than Mount Kilimanjaro. I can’t even imagine having the energy to do all that. Lately I’m just glad not to have baby puke in my hair.

  ‘Are you ready?’ I ask, raising my eyebrows as I take in her choice of outfit.

  To say that she looks over dressed for a walk in the countryside is an understatement. Her over the knee boots and skin tight pencil dress look frankly ridiculous next to my dressed down attire. I may be used to her outrageous choice of clothing, but I don’t think the villagers of Spring Oak will be quite as accepting. With a final unnecessary spritz of hairspray, Janie nods in response and gives me a quick once over.

  ‘Clara, it’s always better to be over dressed than to be under dressed.’ Curling up her lips into a snarl, she sashays outside. ‘Take from that what you will.’

  Looking down at my simple t-shirt and ripped boyfriend jeans, I shake my head and follow her outside. I’m guessing that Janie was wearing a prom dress and Louboutins in the weeks after Oliver was born. Stepping out into the sunshine, I lock the door behind us and breathe in the fresh air. This is nice, I think to myself as we trudge over the gravel. As usual, Strawberry Lane looks as beautiful as ever. I don’t think I will ever tire of stepping outside to this view. Looking down at Noah, I feel a swell of pride. It might sound crazy, but I keep forgetting that I am now a mother. It’s only when I hear Noah cry or see him snoozing that I am reminded of my new role in life. Clara Morgan - wife, daughter, friend, mother.

  Truth be told, I could never see myself as a mother. The thought of being responsible for another human being for eighteen years filled me with terror and dread. I mean, how was I supposed to look after someone else when I found it hard enough to look after myself? After all, I am the girl who
stumbled into work with the world’s worst hangover, dated two men at once and threw up over her motherin-law’s cowboy boots. Let’s face it, I don’t exactly have the best track record when it comes to responsibility and decorum.

  ‘Tell me again why we aren’t taking the car?’ Janie moans, trying to scrape mud off her designer boots.

  ‘Because I thought it would be good for Noah to get some fresh air.’ I lean over and tuck in his blankets carefully. ‘Are your feet hurting?’ I look down at her six inch heels dubiously. ‘Maybe flats would have been a better choice…’

  ‘Please!’ Janie scoffs. ‘I wear heels higher than this in bed.’

  Shaking my head to erase the image of Janie draped across a four poster bed in a pair of Manolos, I shoot her a frown. ‘Then what’s the problem?’

  ‘The problem is that these cost over five hundred dollars!’ Shooting me a look that would melt stone, Janie proceeds to tread carefully down the lane.

  Not wanting to say what she knows I am thinking, I choose to say nothing as we make our way towards the shops. A slight breeze rustles through the trees and I find myself feeling a little concerned that Noah might be cold. With his hands curled up into tiny balls, he peels open an eye before falling immediately back to sleep. He seems happy enough. I can’t help but think that babies should come with a beeper. You know, flash green for a nappy change, amber when they’re hungry and red when it’s time for a nap. Just think how much more simple it would be.

  As we approach the centre of the village, I feel my face light up as I take in the rows of quaint shops and wine bars. A selection of antique stores, restaurants and bespoke clothing shops stand proudly along the roadside. Each one inviting you inside with their quirky signs and funky chalkboard easels. I must admit that I do miss the retail therapy that comes with inner city living, but scouring these little treasure coves has become one of my favourite pastimes.

  It must be a good month since I have been down here, so I am really looking forward to showing off Noah. When we first moved to Spring Oak I found it totally surreal that everyone knows everyone. Think Wisteria Lane crossed with Emmerdale and you’re halfway there. Living in a small village really is the polar opposite of a bustling city where even your neighbours are complete strangers. I’m the first to admit that at first I was a little reserved. When you’re used to living in cosmopolitan London, you are always wary of people who are overly nice to you and seemingly don’t want anything in return. It’s very true that inner city living causes you to develop somewhat of a chip on your shoulder.

  We come to a stop outside Gwen’s Gems and I motion to Janie to follow me inside. I absolutely love this place. Gwen’s Gems is a fabulous little boutique that sells ornate handmade jewellery using the finest stones and materials. Granted, they are far from cheap, but they really are exquisite and you can’t put a price on class, can you? Not to mention the owner, Gwen, is one of the loveliest people that you could ever meet. Apart from Eve, Gwen is my favourite person that I have met since moving here. A good way into her forties, Gwen is like an adopted mother for the times that my own mum can’t be here.

  I still remember the day that we moved in and Oliver and I ventured out to discover our new neighbourhood for the first time. A quick introduction on the street quickly turned into a friendly invite for afternoon tea at the shop. Luckily for me, Gwen took me under her wing and afternoon tea became a regular thing. As Oliver was a good hour away in the city at work, maternity leave left me with a hell of a lot of time to fill and Gwen was always at hand with a pot of tea or a homemade muffin. Being the new girl in town, Gwen kindly offered to show me around and introduced me to her close circle of friends. With Marc and Gina living in Australia and Lianna being busy with work, it has been great to have a new group of friends to socialise with.

  ‘Clara!’ Gwen’s distinct refined voice floats out from behind the counter. ‘We were just talking about you!’

  ‘You were?’ I hold out my arms and let Gwen squeeze me tightly.

  With her glossy brunette hair twisted up into a top knot and a pair of librarian inspired spectacles perched on the bridge of her perfect nose, she looks every inch the modern day housewife that she is very proud of being.

  ‘Oh, he is just scrumptious!’ Gwen clasps a hand to her mouth and pokes her head into the pram. ‘Little Noah Morgan, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.’

  Janie scoffs behind me and I suddenly remember that I haven’t introduced her.

  ‘Oh, this is my motherin-law, Janie.’ I pull back the pram to allow them room to get acquainted.

  I watch Gwen’s eyes widen as she holds out her hand for a polite shake. Being born and raised in the affluent area of Henley-on-Thames, it’s fair to say that she has had somewhat of a sheltered upbringing. Her Oxbridge degree and royalty worthy accent are not the only things that indicate she was born was a silver spoon in her mouth. The huge house that she inherited from her parents passing and the fact that she has children with names like Tarquin and Aureliana are also big hints to the life she leads.

  ‘It’s lovely to meet you, Janie.’ Gwen’s smile stays firmly in place, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes.

  ‘Pleasure.’ Janie grips her hand firmly and flashes her a megawatt smile.

  ‘Do you want to come through for a cup of tea?’ Gwen’s eyes sparkle as she flips over the open sign to show closed.

  ‘I don’t drink tea.’ Janie growls, picking up a stunning rose quartz necklace and frowning at the price tag.

  ‘Well… how about a cappuccino?’ Gwen smiles, shooting me a quizzical look. ‘And I’m sure that I can tempt you both with a slice of my famous cherry pie…’

  ‘Please, have you seen my ass?’ Janie laughs. ‘You think you get an ass this good by eating carbs?’

  Gwen takes Janie by the shoulders and leads her through to the back room with gritted teeth. Lord, give me strength…


  ‘So, how was it?’ Alice asks, peeking over the rim of one of Gwen’s finest china cups. ‘Was it painful?’

  I roll my eyes and pass Noah over to Gwen for a cuddle. ‘It wasn’t pleasant, put it that way.’

  Alice is one of Gwen’s closest friends. Recently divorced and childless - both by choice, I might add. Her vibrant red curls and pale white skin make her look almost alien like, in a good way of course. A self-confessed wimp, she hasn’t even had her ears pierced for fear of it hurting. When we first met, Alice was a blubbering mess. She had just discovered Facebook and decided that she would leave her loveless marriage behind when she connected with an old flame. Needless to say, that flame soon burnt out and she found herself forty, single and filthy rich.

  ‘More Earl Grey, anyone?’ Gwen motions to the intricate teapot that is in the middle of the table.

  I nod in response as Alice holds out her teacup for a refill.

  ‘I’ll pass.’ Francesca sighs, draining her cup and reaching for her coat. ‘The girls will be driving Mike crazy by now.’ Smiling apologetically, she kisses Noah on the head and hauls her Mulberry handbag up onto her shoulder.

  Francesca is the second and last member of Gwen’s inner circle. A mother to three beautiful blonde girls, she also runs an art gallery with her husband, Mike. Well, she did run an art gallery until her latest baby came along. After the birth of Pippa, Francesca decided to hand over the reins to Mike and stay at home with the girls. Pippa proved the final addition to the Barrett family, joining Jemima and Aurora.

  ‘It’s lovely to see you, Clara and congratulations again on Noah.’ She flashes me a smile and proceeds to say her goodbyes to the group. ‘By the way, I’m hosting a mother and baby party on Friday if you want to join us? I know Noah is a little young, but it would be a great way for you to meet some of the other mums.’

  ‘That would be fantastic.’ My face breaks into a smile as I speak. ‘I would love to!’

  ‘You too, Janie.’ Francesca adds. ‘Feel free to come along.’

  ‘To a group of moaning moth
ers and bawling babies?’ Janie cackles. ‘I think I’ll pass.’

  ‘She’s kidding! Thanks again, Francesca.’ The room falls into silence and I attempt a nervous laugh to cover it.

  As Gwen ushers Francesca to the door, I lock eyes with Alice and smile apologetically. I watch Janie push a piece of pie around her plate mindlessly, totally oblivious of her rude behaviour. That bloody woman should come with a warning.

  The joys of motherhood are never fully experienced until the children are in bed…

  Chapter 10

  ‘Your bloody mother was a nightmare today.’ Throwing back the sheets, I climb under the duvet and reach for my moisturiser. ‘Seriously, she is getting worse. I thought she would mellow out as she aged.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ Oliver laughs, stripping down to his boxer shorts and climbing in beside me. ‘What the hell has she done now?’

  ‘It would be easier to tell you what she hasn’t done.’ I let out an annoyed sigh and rub moisturiser into the apples of my cheeks. ‘She was rude to Francesca, made crass jokes to Gwen and blatantly bullied poor Alice.’

  ‘Well, you knew what she was like when you agreed to marry me.’ Oliver throws an arm around my shoulder and pulls me towards him.

  ‘Mmm…’ I shoot him a frown and snuggle into his chest.

  Considering that we have had a rather mild summer, Oliver is a ridiculous shade of brown. I look down at my pale English skin and stick out my bottom lip. With all the excitement of late, I haven’t really had much free time to spend with Oliver. Between breastfeeding and catching up with household chores, the only time we have spent together is when we crash into bed at the end of the day. Making a mental note to plan a date night, I apply a slick of lip balm to my lips and allow myself to relax. No doubt Noah will be awake again in a few hours and I can’t afford to miss a second of sleep.

  As I get comfortable, I suddenly remember that my mum is coming over tomorrow. She kindly offered to keep Oliver and Janie company whilst I meet up with Lianna for dinner. To be honest, I feel a little bit anxious at the thought of leaving Noah, even though I know that it will only be for a couple of hours. At first I declined, but everyone kept telling me that it will do me good to escape for a bit of me time. Personally I would much rather Li came here instead. I did put this to her, but she was adamant that we went out.


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