The Great Deluge

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The Great Deluge Page 88

by Douglas Brinkley

St. Claude Avenue Bridge; gun violence at; Katrina survivors at; LDWF at

  St. Louis Bay

  St. Mary’s Infirmary

  St. Patrick Cemetery

  St. Rita’s Nursing Home

  St. Tammany Parish; see also Slidell

  St. Thomas Housing Development

  Salt Lake City, Utah

  Salvation Army

  Sam’s Club

  San Antonio, Tex.

  Sanderson Farms

  San Diego, Calif., Bush in

  San Francisco, Calif.

  San Francisco Chronicle

  Santorum, Rick

  Saramago, José

  Saratoga parking garage

  Sartre, Jean-Paul

  satellite phones

  Saucier, Sydney

  Savage, Martin

  Sawyer, Diane

  Scarborough, Joe

  Schleifstein, Mark


  Schneider, Pete

  schools, New Orleans

  Schovest, Joy

  Schumpeter, Joseph

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold

  Scientific American

  Scott, Dwaine

  Scott, Jimmy

  Scott, Lee


  seafood industry; see also fishing

  sea lions

  search-and-rescue missions; of Coast Guard; gun violence and; improvisation and; of LDWF; in Mississippi; of NOPD

  Secret Service

  Section 8ers

  Seed, Raymond B.


  Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina

  Senate, U.S.; Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee of

  senior citizens, see elderly people

  September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks

  service sector, employment in

  Sessions, Pete

  17th Street Canal

  17th Street Canal levee breach; Bellaire Drive complaints and; confirmation of; damming of; helicopters over; increase in size of; pumping stations and; sandbags for

  Seventh Ward

  sewage system

  Sewall Cadillac Chevrolet

  Sewerage and Water Board, New Orleans

  Shafer, Jack

  Shanks, Bill

  Shays, Christopher

  Shea, Dan

  Sheehan, Cindy

  Shekinah Full Glory Baptist Church


  shelters; in Baton Rouge area; in Mississippi; in New Orleans; Red Cross; refugees vs. evacuees at; see also Superdome

  Sherman, William Tecumseh

  Shipley, Paul


  “Shooter” (Lil’ Wayne)

  Shreveport, La.

  Shreveport, USS

  Siegel, Robert

  Signature Aviation Terminal

  Silvers, Julie

  Simons, Pete

  Simpson, Robert

  Sims-McManus, Wilda Faye

  Sinatra, Frank

  Singleton, Jim

  Sisko, Christopher

  60 Minutes

  Slidell, La.; fishing camps in; flooding in; media coverage of; NWS office in; rescues in

  Slonsky, Lorrie Beth

  Smith, Ernest

  Smith, Jeff

  Smith, Roger Guenveur

  Smith, Shepherd

  Smith, Vera Briones

  Smithburg, Don

  snipers, sniping

  Snyder, Steve

  Social Services Department, Louisiana

  Sohr, Jim

  Solangi, Moby

  Soldier’s Pay (Faulkner)

  Sontag, Deborah

  Soul Patrol

  Southeastern Louisiana University

  Southern Christian Leadership Conference

  Southern Yacht Club

  Spanish-American War


  special-needs residents; at Morial Center; neglect of

  Special Reaction Team (SRT)

  Species Survival Center

  Spence, David

  Spielman, David

  Spraggins, Joe

  Stalder, Richard L.

  Staples, Hank

  Starr, Barbara

  State Farm

  Steinbeck, John

  Stennis Space Center

  Stephens, Chris

  Stephens, Jack

  Stephens, Kevin

  Stepro, David

  Stepro, Laura Lachin

  Stevens, Trishka

  Stevenson, Kim

  Stewart, Jon

  Stone, Gregory

  Storms, Floods and Sunshine (Cline)

  Story of Ruby Bridges, The (Coles)


  Strategic Petroleum Reserve

  Streetcar Named Desire, A (Williams)

  Streisand, Barbra

  Strickland, Jim

  Struck, Doug


  suburbs, development of

  suicides, in NOPD

  Sullivan-Lear, Cynthia

  Sun-Sentinel (South Florida)

  Superdome; blackout in; Blanco at; buses for evacuation from; Bywater evacuees and; construction of; crime in; debacle of; Domino at; evacuation of; evacuees from; FEMA and; flooding near; Fox News at; humidity in; Ivan and; lockdown at; looting at; medical services at; Mitch Landrieu at; murder rumors at; Nagin’s absence from; National Guard at; NBC News at; post-Katrina arrivals at; racism and; roof of; as shelter of last resort; as symbol; transportation to

  Superdome Commission

  Superfund sites

  “Super Sack”

  Supreme Court, U.S.

  survivors vs. refugees

  Sutherlin, John W.

  Swift Water Rescue teams

  Sylvester, David, Jr.

  Tales from Margaritaville (Buffett)

  Tanger Outlet Center

  Tangipahoa Parish

  Task Force 5

  Task Force 134/Multinational Force Iraq

  Taylor, Cindy

  Taylor family

  “teas and blues” circuit

  Teddy’s Grill

  telephones; at Charity Hospital; pay; see also cell phones; satellite phones

  television; see also specific networks and shows

  temperatures, sea: decline of; rise in

  Tenet Healthcare

  Tennessee Task Force

  Tennyson, Melanie

  Tenth Ward

  terrorism; DHS orientation toward; in Iraq; see also September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks

  Texas; hurricane preparations in; Katrina evacuees in; see also specific places

  Texas Children’s Hospital

  Texas Department of Wildlife and Fisheries

  Texas Task Force

  Their Eyes Were Watching God (Hurston)

  Thibodeaux, Jacques

  Thomas, Al

  Thomas, Arthur “June”

  Thomas, Dave

  Thomas, Evan

  Thomas, Oliver

  Thomas, Reynard

  Thompson, Hunter S.

  Thompson, Ricky

  Thornton, Doug

  Thurmond, Strom


  Times (London)

  Tiner, Stan

  Toole, John Kennedy

  Torguson, Marlin

  Tortuga, USS

  tourism, in Florida

  tourism, New Orleans; disruption of; in French Quarter; Gretna Bridge Incident and; Katrina’s effects on

  tourists, rescue of

  Toussaint, Allen

  Townsend, Frances

  toxic waste


  Tran, Huong

  Transportation Department, U.S. (DOT)

  Travel Industry Association of America

  Travels with Charley (Steinbeck)

  Travers, Andrew

  Treaster, Joseph B.

  “Tree Cops of Waveland”


  Trice, Britton

  Trisler, Stephen
br />   Triumph, La.

  Tropical Meteorology Project

  tropical storms

  True Story (album)

  Truman, Harry

  Truth, Sojourner



  Tufaro, Pete

  Tulane University

  Tulane University Hospital; evacuations at

  Turnball, Chris

  Twain, Mark

  Typhoon (Conrad)


  Tyree, David

  Tyson, Nora

  Unitas, Johnny

  Upshire-Davis, Phyllis

  Uptown; evacuations in; flooding in; hospitals in; housing developments in; Landrieu’s house in; personal hurricane stories in; security concerns in; upper class in

  Urban League

  Ursuline Academy

  USA Today


  Valtreau, Paul

  Van Heerden, Ivor

  Vanney, Ron

  van Susteren, Greta

  Varnell, Jim

  Vaughn, Jack

  Veglia, Michael


  Venice, La.

  Verdin, Amantine Marie

  Verdin, Herbert

  Verdin, Monique Michelle

  Verdin, Xavier


  Veterans Administration hospital


  Vietnam War

  Vieux Carré, see French Quarter

  violence; at Morial Center; see also gun violence

  Violet Canal


  Vitter, Al

  Vitter, David; in helicopter survey; in news conference; as Rove go-between

  Vitter, Martha

  Vitter, Wendy

  Volkman, Glen

  Vujnoich, Pete, Jr.

  Wagner, Colonel


  Walker, Dave

  Walker, David M.

  Walker, Lee

  Walker, Mabel

  Walker, Mrs. (Willie’s mother)

  Walker, Tonya

  Walker, Veronica

  Walker, Willie; as first responder

  Wall Street Journal

  Wal-Mart; in New Orleans; in relief effort

  Wal-Mart Express

  Walsh, Bill

  Walton, Sam

  Walton Family Foundation

  Warr, Brent

  “Washing Away” (McQuaid and Schleifstein)

  Washington, Walter “Wolfman”

  Washington Post

  Washington Times

  water; at Morial Center; shortage of

  Waterford 3 nuclear plant

  Waterworld (film)

  Watson, Doc

  Watson, Frank

  Watters, Sherry

  Waveland, Miss.

  Waveland Police Department

  “Ways of Water, The” (Anderson)


  Weather Bureau, U.S., see National Weather Service

  Weather Channel

  Weather Reconnaissance Squadron (Hurricane Hunters)

  Webb, Boogie Bill

  Weber, Daniel

  West, Charlie

  West, Crockett

  West Bank; see also Algiers; Gretna

  West Nile virus

  West Palm Beach, Fla.


  Wheeler, Hank

  Where Is Joe Merchant? (Buffett)

  White, Bill

  white flight

  Whitehorn, Henry

  White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs

  White House Situation Room

  whites; black suspicion toward; levees dynamited by; looting by; Nagin’s relationship with; see also racism

  Whitney Bank

  W Hotel

  Wilke, Curtis

  Willey, Jessica

  William Frantz Elementary School

  Williams, Bob

  Williams, Brian; dysentery of; at Superdome

  Williams, Catrina

  Williams, Clarence

  Williams, Da’Roneal

  Williams, Kevin

  Williams, Landon

  Williams, Leslie

  Williams, Lucinda

  Williams, Patricia J.

  Williams, Ronnie

  Williams, Tennessee

  Williamson, Anne

  Wills, Mark

  Willy, Uncle

  Wilson, Gary

  Wimberly, Gerald

  wind speeds; hurricane categories and; in Mississippi; Superdome and

  Winfrey, Oprah


  Wisconsin National Guard

  Wise, Jerome

  Witt, James Lee

  Witte, Griff



  Woods, Bobby

  Woodworth, La.

  Wooten, Patrick

  World Health Organization

  World Trade Center

  World War II; boats and; Bush’s speech on; Dunkirk evacuation in

  Wormuth, Christopher

  Wormuth, Laura

  Worthy, Sharon

  Wrigley Field

  WWL radio; as emergency clearinghouse center; evacuation of; on “Wall of Water”


  Xavier University

  Yellow River, flood of (1931)

  Young, John

  Young, Laura

  Zahn, Paula

  Zaillian, Steven

  Zarrella, John

  Zarzana, Gaetano

  Zavala, Oscar

  Zumbado, Joaquin (Tony); at Camp NBC; canoe rented by; at Memorial Medical Center; Morial Center and; New Orleans flooding and; rescue efforts of

  Zumbado, Lliam

  Zuschlag, Richard

  About the Author

  DOUGLAS BRINKLEY is professor of history and director of the Roosevelt Center at Tulane University. Four of his books were selected as New York Times Notable Books of the Year. His last three historical narratives Tour of Duty, The Boys of Pointe du Hoc, and Parish Priest were all New York Times bestsellers. A contributing editor to Vanity Fair and American Heritage, he lives in New Orleans with his wife, Anne, and their two children, Benton and Johnny.

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  Parish Priest: Father Michael McGivney and American Catholicism

  (with Julie Fenster)

  The Boys of Pointe du Hoc:

  Ronald Reagan, D-Day, and the U.S. Army 2nd Ranger Battalion

  Tour of Duty: John Kerry and the Vietnam War

  Windblown World: The Journals of Jack Kerouac, 1947–1954 (editor)

  Wheels for the World:

  Henry Ford, His Company, and a Century of Progress, 1903–2003

  The Mississippi and the Making of a Nation

  (with Stephen E. Ambrose)

  American Heritage History of the United States

  The Western Paradox: The Bernard DeVoto Reader

  (editor, with Patricia Limerick)

  Rosa Parks

  The Unfinished Presidency: Jimmy Carter’s Journey Beyond the White House

  John F. Kennedy and Europe (editor)

  Rise to Globalism: American Foreign Policy Since 1939, Eighth Edition

  (with Stephen E. Ambrose)

  The Majic Bus: An American Odyssey

  Dean Acheson: The Cold War Years, 1953–1971

  Driven Patriot: The Life and Times of James Forrestal

  (with Townsend Hoopes)

  FDR and the Creation of the U.N.


  Jacket design by Ervin Serrano


  Grateful acknowledgment is made to reprint the following:

  “Brownsville Girl” by Bob Dylan and Sam Shepard. Copyright © 1986 Special Rider Music. All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Reprinted by permission.

  “Change in the Weather” by John Fogerty. All rights administer
ed courtesy of John Fogerty. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  “Circulate the Rhythm” by Robert Hunter. Copyright © 1991 Robert Hunter. All rights administered by Ice Nine Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  “Everything Is Broken” by Bob Dylan. Copyright © 1989 Special Rider Music. All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Reprinted by permission.

  “The Future” by Leonard Cohen. Copyright © 1992 Stranger Music Inc. All rights administered by Sony/ATV Music Publishing, 8 Music Square West, Nashville, TN 37203. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  “Asiniig” by Louise Erdrich. Copyright © 2003 Louise Erdrich. All rights administered by HarperCollins Publishers, 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  “Hurricane” from Collected poems, 1917–1982 by Archibald MacLeish. Copyright © 1985 by the Estate of Archibald MacLeish. Used by permission of Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

  “The Maker” by Daniel Lanois. All rights administered courtesy of Daniel Lanois. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  “Pascagoula Run” by Jimmy Buffett. All rights administered courtesy of Jimmy Buffett. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  “Tryin’ to Get to Heaven” by Bob Dylan. Copyright © 1997 Special Rider Music. All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Reprinted by permission.

  “Welcome to Jamrock,” words and music by Damien Marley, Stephen Marley, and Ini Kamoze. Copyright © 2005 EMI April Music Inc., ZNS Music Publishing, Biddah Muzik, Inc., and Nine Sounds, Inc. All rights for ZNS Music Publishing controlled and administered by EMI April Music Inc. All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Used by permission.

  THE GREAT DELUGE. Copyright © 2006 by Douglas Brinkley. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, down-loaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.

  ePub edition April 2006 ISBN 9780061744730

  * * *

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Brinkley, Douglas.

  The great deluge: Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, and the Mississippi Gulf Coast/Douglas Brinkley.

  p. cm.

  Includes index.

  ISBN-13: 978-0-06-112423-5

  ISBN-10: 0-06-112423-0


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