Twisted By Desire (Lust, Desire and Love Trilogy #1)

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Twisted By Desire (Lust, Desire and Love Trilogy #1) Page 4

by Desiree A. Cox

  “Did you talk to him yet?”

  I glanced up to see Georgia standing near my desk. “Yeah, he called this morning.”

  “I didn’t hear your phone.”

  “He called while I was getting ready for work.”

  “That’s insane. I wonder why so early.”

  “Who knows. I’m telling you, he seems a little weird to me. But we’re meeting tonight after work for a drink.”

  “Don’t stay out too late.”

  “I won’t, Mother.” We laughed together as Georgia walked away.

  The day flew by. I needed a drink in the worst way. My head was pounding from crunching numbers all day. I worked in marketing. I never wanted to be an accountant, but it felt like I was part of a career change from hell. Before anyone had a chance to stop by and slow me down, I gathered my purse, phone, and jacket and headed to the restroom for one last vanity check. My fingers substituted for a comb, and I applied my sheer lip gloss. If this guy doesn’t want to fuck me, he’s dead below the waist. I grabbed my things and headed for the elevator.

  Chapter 4

  “How did it go yesterday?” Georgia was standing beside my desk waiting for me. She had her hand on her hip, one ankle crossed over the other and propped up on her toe, and a wry smile plastered on her face. She looked like she was ready for a lengthy interrogation.

  I took a couple steps closer before answering her question, “It was okay.”

  “That’s it? Just okay?” She uncrossed her ankle and stood with her feet hip-width apart. Her hand lifted from her hip as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Let’s go get some coffee. I need it, and I’ll fill you in.”


  I pulled open my lower desk drawer, dropped my purse and phone in and picked up my oversized mug from my desk. The two of us talked as we walked down the hall.

  “So I got there on time, five thirty like we agreed, and sat and waited for him for twenty-five minutes. He set the place and time; he could have at least gotten there when he said.”

  “Did he at least call or text he was running late?”

  “Nope, neither. So you can imagine how pissed I was getting. He didn’t even apologize or give me a reason when he got there. He pretended like he was on time or like I should be happy he showed up or some crazy shit. Arrogant bastard.”

  “Wow, that’s…wow.” Georgia reached for one of the Styrofoam cups stacked next to the coffee machine. “How was talking to him after he got there?”

  “Perplexing. My questions were met with short answers at first. You know how hard it is to get a conversation going with someone like that?”

  “Yeah, that would be aggravating.”

  “Aggravating is an understatement.”

  Georgia poured her coffee into her cup, then reached over to fill mine, leaving plenty of room for my creamer. “Did you cross him off your list yet?”

  “Hell no, not yet. Sitting across from him was frustrating, but he’s so damn good-looking. I could hardly take it, and I decided based on looks alone, he gets one final chance.” I reached to get my favorite International Delight French Vanilla creamer and poured it into my cup until it nearly overflowed. “We’re going to dinner on Saturday, then going to The Castle.”

  Georgia stopped on a dime, set her cup down, and her mouth dropping open as she stared at me. “Okay …I’m shocked.”

  “If he blows it Saturday, though, it’s over; done, no more.”

  “I never thought I’d say this, but I can’t wait for Monday now.”

  The week seemed to drag on. I expected to hear from Jeff, but he never called until Saturday morning. He was obviously a morning person, which I found out when my phone rang at six thirty AM on Saturday. I, on the other hand, am not. He sounded chipper and wide awake, while I had the I-just-woke-the-fuck-up-thank-you-very-much voice echoing back at me.

  Jeff confirmed our dinner plans and got my address so he could come pick me up. I couldn’t help but wonder if he’d be on time, and whether we would make the reservation on time. I decided not to stress out over him. I had a few hours to tidy up the house and spend with Abby before Sky picked her up for the weekend. Once they left, I crammed all of her toys into the toy box in the closet. Then I was off to the salon to get my nails done before coming back home to get ready. After all that effort, this guy better not disappoint me tonight.

  Jeff arrived early. I was still in my sweats when I let him in, and he had to wait a few minutes for me to finish getting ready. I had hesitated to let him come pick me up, but figured if we were going to spend the better part of the night together, why should I drive? At least if he was driving and ended up being a complete bore, I could get wasted.

  I felt like it was senior prom with him sitting downstairs waiting for me to make my grand entrance. My hair was done. I chose to wear it curly, more curly than normal. I had set it on hot curlers after blowing it dry then back combed it to add more volume. I was looking forward to going out and wanted to look tempting to every man in there in case Jeff failed to come through that night.

  I slipped on my silky Lemon chiffon chemise dress that skimmed down my body. It was short; the hemline was a couple inches just below the curve of my ass. My nipples were visible; I couldn’t wear a bra with this dress. I wanted him to want me. I wanted to be so irresistible that he wouldn’t be able to keep from pawing and grabbing at me. I wanted him to want me so bad he’d push me up against a wall and take me in an alley. I better stop; I can feel the wetness coming through my tiny coochie cover of a G-string already.

  I loved that he was so tall and I could wear my tiger print six-inch sling-back pumps with black sequins covering the toe. They had a leopard spotted platform and gold piping that matched the heel. These were the most expensive shoes in my collection. I was six feet two inches tall in these heels; I’d be just a couple inches shorter than him. The finishing touch of face powder was dabbed on before I took one more look at myself in the mirror. You’re one sexy bitch, Nikki Carmichael. I spritzed on my Be Enchanted body spray and was ready.

  I pulled my door shut behind me and began the descent of the stairs into the foyer. Halfway down the stairs, I could smell his cologne. His scent was as sexy as he was. A musky, woodsy, spicy goodness … then I got a really good look at him, sitting there looking absolutely stunning as ever. It was so hard to believe I had such a gorgeous man sitting in my tiny two-bedroom house, waiting for me. I didn’t go out with unattractive men, but Jeff was much nicer looking than all of them. I hated to admit it, but he was even better looking than Sky.

  He wore a nice pale green dress shirt but no tie; the sleeves were rolled up midway on his forearm and he had chosen black slacks. He looked over, shifting his seizing brown eyes up the staircase at me, as I stepped down each rung like a wobbly-kneed new born deer. My knees shook at the sight of him staring up at me. His eyes were like heat-seeking missiles. Guess where the heat is? He stood and walked over to the bottom of the stairs. He held his hand out to steady me as I stepped down the last two steps. “You look fantastic.”

  “Thank you, you look quite amazing yourself.” His fuckability scale was well beyond ten. “Let me just grab my purse and I’ll be ready.”

  “No problem. I’m in your driveway.”

  I laughed. “It’s actually the neighbor’s driveway. It’s okay, though; they’re used to people who come over to my house pulling in there.” I went into the kitchen to make sure the back door was locked, shut the door to the basement, grabbed my keys and gold clutch purse, and continued out to the living room. My eyes lapped him up from head to toe as I walked toward him. “I’m ready.”

  Never in my wildest imagination would I have suspected a Nissan GT-R to be sitting in my neighbor’s driveway. It was the only car there, though, so it had to be his. This guy had money. He hit the key fob to unlock it, then opened the passenger door for me.

  “Thank you.”

  He told me about the features of the car as we drove to the
restaurant. Little did he know I loved cars and knew all about this one; he wasn’t telling me anything new. The only difference between him and me was that I would never be able to afford one.

  We made it to Bern’s Steakhouse on time and were seated immediately. Walking through the restaurant to our table, I felt plenty of eyes on us.

  I’ve never eaten there and one glance at the prices on the menu confirmed why. No man I had dated up to this point had the money to eat at a restaurant like this.

  “Good evening, my name is Missy, and I’ll be your server this evening.” The stunning young brunette dug in her pocket, eventually extracting a pen. “May I start you with something to drink?”

  “I’ll have a glass of water, please,” I quickly chimed in. I was taken aback by the price of a glass of wine. I’d be skipping drinking tonight, at least for now.

  Jeff looked at me with his melt-me-in-my-seat sexy eyes, then placed his large, strong hand over mine. An electric current charged through my veins. “Care to join me with a glass of wine this evening?”

  “Sure.” I panted. I felt heat rush to my face while the butterflies began their revelry, and my eyes turned downward to look at his hand on mine. The riveting tingles took over my senses again, shooting into my hand and up my arm, melting me. I felt it all the way to my sex. How could I resist anything he was offering? I wanted that hand on my body.

  “Great,” he said, then turning to Missy, he said, “We’d like a bottle of the Burgundy, please. And a second glass of water, no lemon.” My eyes snapped up to meet his as my eyebrows pulled tight. I couldn’t believe he had just ordered a whole bottle. Maybe he’d misread the price list.

  “Thank you. I’ll be right back with your drinks.”

  “This place is so lovely.” I looked around, wanting to pinch myself. I couldn’t believe I was there.

  “Have you been here before?”

  “No, this is my first time; how about you?”

  “I come here quite a bit. Business dinners and client meetings, you know.”

  No, I don’t know. Do I ask him again today what he does? He had cleverly avoided the question when we’d met Tuesday night.

  The infamous awkward silence cloaked us, and I found myself wanting to squirm in my chair. My mind was racing with things I’d love to ask, but having witnessed his ability to avoid and change the subject, I wasn’t sure it would’ve proven fruitful.

  Our young, cute, and perky waitress arrived with our water and wine. She adeptly opened the bottle and poured our first glass, requesting that Jeff make sure it was acceptable. My gaze was fixed on his lips as they touched the edge of the glass. I was trying to use mind power to have him lean in and kiss me, sharing the taste of wine. Fail. Jeff nodded his seal of approval.

  We placed our dinner order before she left.

  I lifted my glass to my lips taking a small sip of the ruby beverage into my mouth. The light earthiness and rich, delicious flavor invited me to sip again.

  “What do you think?” Jeff asked, his eyes staring deep into my soul.

  “Of the wine? Oh, it’s very good.” Of you? I’d love to lick and taste you everywhere. I’m sure you’re delicious and if you keep looking at me like that, you’ll melt my G-string clean off. I licked my lower lip slowly as I held my gaze on him.

  “Good, I’m glad you like it.”

  We enjoyed the wine and continued with more small talk. I was hoping the wine would loosen Jeff up a little more so the rest of the night could be fun.

  Before long, our meals were brought out. I had tried to order a salad; the steak ordering process seemed like a math chart that took special training to decipher and navigate. Jeff insisted I try the Filet Mignon and ordered for me. I ordered my sides of onion rings -- I have a love of onion rings that can’t be explained -- and rice pilaf. He selected the Strip steak, baked potato with the works, and steamed broccoli.

  The conversation got easier with each sip of wine -- funny how alcohol works. I noticed he refilled my glass, but not his. Probably a good thing since he’s driving.

  The evening was going really well so far. We finished our meal, and he let me know we were going to The Castle. Seemed like an odd club choice since neither of us visibly had a gothic or steam punk flair, but I’m always open to new stuff, so I wasn’t complaining. He settled up the bill, and I gathered my purse.

  As I stood, Jeff placed his hand on my lower back, which was the equivalent to pushing the floodgate button while touching me with an electric wand. I inhaled slow and deep. The tingles radiated through me. I could feel the wetness breaching the tiny silk barrier. After staring into his inviting eyes and listening to his deep, husky voice throughout dinner, I longed for him to kiss me.

  We walked out to the car, where the perfect gentleman opened my door for me. Before I was able to lower myself into my seat, he stroked my face with his hands, our eyes fixed on each other. I tilted my head slightly into his hand as he caressed me with the gentlest touch. Is he reading my mind? I was waiting for him to lean in and kiss me. I leaned forward and held my gaze on him, wanting his mouth to consume mine, waiting to taste him. Instead, he pulled back. I sighed and sat down, and once I was situated in my seat, he shut the door. Fuck, fuck, FUCK!

  I wasn’t familiar with where The Castle was located or how to get there from the restaurant, and my sense of direction had been tampered with by the wine. To be honest, half the time, if it wasn’t for the navigator app on my phone, I’d be lost. As Jeff drove down the street, I realized each house was getting vaster than the previous one. I was mesmerized, sitting in the passenger seat as stiff as a statue. I thought he was driving through a very wealthy section of town to get to our destination, until he clicked on his turn signal and turned into a gated driveway. He slid a card into the card reader at the gate to open it, then drove through and up the driveway, stopping right outside the garage.

  “We’re here. Come on in.” I pulled the door open and got out, looking in astonishment, and taking in the entire surreal sprawling landscaped scene. There was a four-car garage. I drew in a deep breath as I realized this was the castle he had been talking about, this was the fucking castle.

  “Nik, come on.” I quickly walked over to join him at the bottom of the steps before walking up to the front entrance door.

  He unlocked the front door and pushed it open. “After you,” he said, gesturing politely. I walked over the threshold and stopped. Are you shitting me? Am I on an episode of Cribs? This house was amazing.

  It was beautiful, endless square feet of meticulously decorated opulence. As we stepped through the double entry doors, we walked onto a large white marble-floored foyer that opened all the way up to the second floor, where there were two huge skylights. Two hardwood curved staircases stood about twenty to thirty feet from the front door; large planters, each with a ten to twelve-foot plant, were positioned at the bottom. At the top of the stairs, there was a walkway balcony that extended all the way from the leftmost corner, around the walls of the living room to the rightmost corner. There were four columns stretching to the ceiling. Looking between the staircases on the main floor, I could see the back room.

  “Oh my god, do you live here?” Mystery man had just become even more arcane. I had known he was strange, but now I found myself hoping he wasn’t dangerous. I had no idea why he had brought me here.

  “Yes, this is mine.”

  The living room was right off to the right of the foyer. It had an open ceiling that reached up to the second floor as well.

  “This is amazing.”

  “I’ll show you around; we can start in the kitchen.”

  I bent to take my shoes off. “Do you cook?”

  “Only if I absolutely have to; and leave those on.”

  I pulled the straps back over my heels. Jeff took me through the house, making sure to show me the huge kitchen that had a ten-foot section of wall made of accordion glass panels that opened, extending the living space out to a beautiful, lit covered patio w
ith a full stainless steel outdoor kitchen, patio furniture, and a well-lit walking path.

  “What’s out at the other end of the lights?”

  “The path leads to the pool and pool house.” Of course; because why wouldn’t he have a pool and a pool house?

  Back inside the house, the kitchen opened up to the right, into the gathering room, as he called it. How rich do you have to be to have a gathering room? I’d never even heard of such a thing. The gathering room was decorated with white leather furniture and had a floor-to-ceiling fireplace. “Part of this space was supposed to be an office, but I don’t work from home or have a desire for an office. I told them to knock down the wall that would’ve been here and add a door on both ends of the room to lead into the conservatory.” He used his finger to point out where the wall would have been between the gathering room and the area that should have been an office.

  “What do you use this for?” We stepped through the door and into the conservatory. The room looked so comfortable, and it had French doors that led out to the back patio.

  “If I’m having a party, I can set up another table in this area for guests.” The conservatory had a wet bar and additional seating as well. We stepped back into the space that was supposed to have been the office and crossed the room back into the foyer. “Under each of the staircases is a half bath.” Kind of excessive. We walked back through the staircases and into the kitchen.

  Off to the other side of the kitchen was a butler pantry that seemed like it was the size of Abby’s bedroom. So … do people have a butler if they have a butler pantry? Walking through the butler pantry led us into the dining room. There was a table large enough to seat sixteen people. There was a wide pillar, probably two-feet wide with a four-way fireplace that separated the dining room and the smaller, more intimate living room.

  The living room had a television, and the fireplace wall on this side had a stone surround. It seemed more livable than any other space in the house so far, besides the kitchen.


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