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Playing to Win

Page 10

by Becca Van

  “Yes, they will,” Grant said emphatically.

  “You can’t know that,” she said.

  “Yeah, we can, darlin’,” Curt said. “We knew you were the woman for us as soon as we saw you.”

  “We’re grown men and know our own minds, Cindy. The attraction was instant, and that’s never happened to us before. What else is bothering you?” Shane asked.

  “I’ve never…” Cindy gulped and hoped her face wasn’t as red as if felt.

  “Never what?” Grant asked. “Had sex before?”

  She shook her head.

  “Don’t ever be ashamed of waiting, Cindy,” Jake said.

  “You are so fucking perfect, darlin’.” Curt stared at her with such heat, the embers simmering in her belly started to flame to life.

  “Do you trust us, Cindy? Do you trust us to make love with you and not hurt you?” Grant asked.

  “I-I…” She licked her lips, and as she met each of their hungry stares, and saw emotion she couldn’t discern in their eyes, her reticence began to dissipate. “I do.” She nodded.

  “Say the words, baby,” Shane demanded. “Tell us you’ll be our woman.”

  She nodded again.

  “Not good enough, sweetie,” Grant said. “Give us the words. Now!”

  She once more met each of their gazes, then she said, “I want to be in a relationship with all of you.”

  Cindy expected them to pounce on her, but none of them moved. She lowered her chin to the quilt and traced a pattern with her fingertip.

  “How is your wrist, Cindy?” Shane asked.

  “Is it hurting, honey?” Jake asked.

  “There’s a dull throb, but I’ve had worse.”

  “What the fuck do you mean you’ve had worse?” Grant snapped.

  “Who the fuck hurt you?” Curt snarled.

  She blinked at him in surprise. He was mostly playful, but he was showing her his serious side. She’d suspected that he and Jake could be just as stern and authoritative as Grant and Shane.

  “A while back, when I was working as a waitress at the diner. Violet had an obsessed psycho after her. She was raised in a cult but managed to escape. The cult leader’s son came after her, and he used me to lure Violet to him. The asshole beat me up some.” She shrugged, trying to make light of the terrifying situation she’d been caught up in.

  “I hope he’s in fucking prison,” Jake said in a growly voice.

  “He is. He’ll be spending the rest of his life locked up behind bars.”

  “Thank fuck he is. Otherwise we’d hunt that bastard down and beat him to a bloody pulp.” Shane scowled.

  “I need to get up,” Cindy said.

  “Is there something wrong, sweetie?” Grant asked.

  She hated that her face heated with embarrassment as she said, “I need the bathroom.”

  Shane rolled to his feet, turned to her after flinging the covers aside, and held his hand out. Cindy gasped when she noticed that her trousers had been removed and tried to tug her shirt down to cover her pantie-covered mound.

  “Hey.” Shane helped to her feet and pulled her into his arms. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about, baby. You’ve got one hell of a sexy-looking body.”

  Heat began to pool in her lower belly when he caressed a hand down her back and over her ass. She couldn’t stop herself from moaning when he squeezed first one butt cheek and then the other. She was thankful that she was wearing bikini briefs for a change instead of the usual G-string she normally wore. Even though her ass and pussy were covered, she felt exposed since they were all dressed.

  “Do you need some help, honey?” Jake asked as he came up behind her. He brushed her hair away from her neck, kissing and nibbling up and down her skin.

  “No, thanks. I can manage. Would it be all right if I have a shower? I’m feeling kind of grungy after sleeping for so long.”

  “You don’t need to ask, darlin’.” Curt moved to her side, entwining his fingers with her hand.

  “We want you to treat our home as if it were your home, too.” Grant stroked a finger down her cheek, before he, Curt, and Jake stepped back.

  “Go freshen up, baby, and come out to the kitchen when you’re done. We have something we’d like to discuss with you.”

  Before she could ask what he and his brothers wanted to talk to her about, Shane bent toward her, kissed her on the forehead, and then left.

  Her mind started spinning in circles as she tried to figure out what they wanted to discuss. When she realized she thought they might have changed their minds about being with her, she cleared her thoughts and headed toward the bathroom.

  She’d find out soon enough what they wanted to talk about, but she wasn’t sure she really wanted to know.

  Chapter Ten

  Curt was so nervous he couldn’t sit still. He and his brothers were working together to prepare and cook dinner, but he was so anxious he was having a hard time concentrating. He’d already set the table, and though he didn’t know what to do with himself, he couldn’t stop pacing from one side of the room to the other.

  “Stop fucking pacing, Curt.” Jake glared at him. “You’re making us all fucking nervous with your agitation.”

  “I can’t help it. She’s got me so tied up in knots.”

  “Try to put yourself in her shoes,” Grant said. “That little girl is in unfamiliar territory, too. She’s a virgin, and we have to go slow with her so we don’t overwhelm her or frighten her with our intensity.”

  Curt nodded, sucked in a few deep breaths and exhaled slowly. Grant was right. Cindy was probably so trepidatious right now. “Do you think—” He cut himself off when he heard light footsteps heading their way. Not wanting to look as nervous as he felt, he hurried toward the counter and sat on a stool.

  His breath caught in his throat when he saw her. Her hair was damp, but it was her shiny pink cheeks that had him staring. Cindy was the epitome of a sex goddess in his eyes.

  “Come on in, darlin’.” He stood and walked toward her where she’d stopped in the doorway. He clasped her hand in his and guided her toward the stool at the counter.

  “Can I help with anything?” she asked.

  “Hell no!” Shane frowned at her over his shoulder.

  Cindy quickly lowered her gaze.

  “Hey!” Curt palmed her cheek, raising her eyes to his. “He didn’t mean anything by his tone, darlin’. That’s just Shane. He and Grant don’t sugarcoat anything and can come across as dictatorial and abrupt. My older brothers are authoritative and brusque, but just remember we’re all trying to look after you.”

  “Sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to upset you.” Shane sighed. “I don’t want you helping because you’re injured. Okay?”

  “I understand,” Cindy said.

  Curt held his breath when he saw a fierce look of determination enter her gaze. He wondered what that was about, but he didn’t have to wonder for very long.

  “Just because I have my arm in a sling doesn’t mean I’m not capable of helping out.”

  “I know that, Cindy, but you’re still in pain, and I’ll be damned if I let you help me, help us, when you’re hurting,” Shane stated.

  Cindy sighed. “It doesn’t hurt that much. It’s not even really broken for fuck’s sake.”

  Curt bit his tongue to stop himself from chuckling. He’d never heard her say the f-bomb before. He was also glad that she had the gumption to stand up to his sometimes overbearing brothers. She was going to need a backbone of steel on occasion where Shane and Grant were concerned. He and Jake, however, were the more laid-back of the four of them. He snorted. They could be just as arrogant, too.

  “After dinner, I think you should take another of those pills Axel gave you,” Grant said.

  She shook her head. “I don’t like the way they make me feel.”

  “We’ll be here to keep you safe, honey,” Jake said. “I think you should do as the doc ordered.”

  Cindy rolled her lips inward as if tryin

g to stop herself from speaking and stared at Grant, Shane, and Jake mutinously. Curt wanted to tell her how it was going to be, too, but his three brothers had already played the hard-ass card. He needed to remain neutral so that when he asked her to move in with them, she didn’t think he was trying to control her the way it seemed his siblings were.

  None of them would ever try to manage somebody’s life, but when it came to Cindy’s health, safety, and well-being, he, Shane, Grant, and Jake wouldn’t hesitate to order her about.

  “Do you want something to drink, darlin’?” Curt asked.

  “Water please.”

  “We have tea, coffee, juice, and soda,” he explained. “I’d offer you a glass of wine or a beer but you shouldn’t drink while on medication.”

  “I’m not much of a drinker,” she said. “Water will be fine, please.”

  Curt rose, walked to the fridge, and grabbed the jug of water they always had on hand. He poured her a big glass and one for himself and then carried them to the table. His brothers were plating the steaks and veggies they cooked. Seconds later, he was back at Cindy’s side, grasping her elbow and helping her from the stool. Then he led her to the dining table and helped to seat her. Shane, Grant, and Jake brought the loaded plates over and sat.

  “Let me cut up your steak for you, darlin’.” Curt shoved his plate away, picked up Cindy’s, and started cutting.

  “Thanks.” She sipped at her water. “You said that you knew what it was like to lose somebody. If you don’t mind me asking, who have you lost?”

  “Our parents and aunt and uncle,” Grant answered after swallowing.

  “I’m sorry for your loss.”

  Jake, who’d taken the seat on her other side, patted her arm. “Thank you, but it happened a long time ago.”

  “I’m sure you still miss them a lot.”

  “We do,” Shane said. “We’d all just passed Marine training. Our aunt, uncle, and parents were off on vacation. They’d hired a motor home to travel the country for a few months. They were only two weeks into the time out when a semitrailer plowed into them, killing them all instantly. The driver was so tired he’d fallen asleep at the wheel and lost control.”

  “That’s terrible.” She covered her mouth and blinked back tears.

  “It was a difficult time,” Curt said as he placed her food back in front of her. “But we knew our folks wouldn’t want us mourning them forever.”

  Cindy nodded. “You were all Marines?”

  “Yes.” Jake met her gaze.

  “Thank you for your service,” Cindy said.

  They all nodded their acknowledgement.

  “I have an idea on how to help you in regard to your financial situation,” Curt said, ignoring Grant’s and Shane’s glares. His brothers had wanted to wait before broaching the subject of Cindy moving in with them, but he was impatient. She’d already said that she wanted to enter a relationship with them. What better way for her to get to know them if she was living with them? He just hoped that she didn’t think he was moving too fast or trying to pressure her into jumping into bed with them before she was ready.

  He was so fucking hard his dick was throbbing, and he was leaking precum, but he pushed his arousal to the back of his mind. Or tried to, anyway. There was a deep-seated craving to have Cindy with him all the time. He loved that she’d be working at the shelter close by after she’d recovered enough to start teaching the kids. He was hoping he and his brothers could spend all their lunchtimes and other break times with her. They’d be able to ferry her to and from work. After her fall and her new injuries, he never wanted her riding a fucking bicycle again.

  If he had his way—he’d need to discuss buying her a solid reliable car or truck for her to drive—he’d go out and purchase a vehicle for her tomorrow.

  Cindy brought him back to the present when she nudged his thigh with her own. “Are you going to elaborate?”

  “We have a couple of spare rooms. If you moved in with us, you wouldn’t have to worry about paying rent or any other bills. Any money you earned you could use to pay off your student loans.”

  Cindy shook her head, swallowed what she’d been chewing, and met his gaze. “I don’t think—”

  “Let me finish, darlin’, then you can have your say. Okay?”


  “We don’t expect you to jump into our beds unless you’re ready to, and I’m not offering just to have you here for regular sex. That’s if you do decide you’re ready for us to make love with you. We hate that you’re struggling, but what I hate more is that you’ve been skipping meals. You’re already so damn tiny, I’m sort of scared to touch you in case I hurt you. We’re all big, strong men. You could do with a few extra pounds on you.”

  “If I lived here, then I’d want to contribute to the finances. I’m not a leech and never will be.”

  “None of us even considered that you were, baby,” Shane said.

  “I think it’s a great idea,” Jake piped up. “Just think how convenient it would be if you lived with us, honey. You wouldn’t have to ride that dangerous bike anymore. You could ride to the shelter with us every day and home again when we’re finished.”

  “Wouldn’t you all find it hard to have a female invading your home?” Cindy asked.

  “Not in the least.” Grant met her eyes. “We’d love having you in our house, sweetie.”

  “It will give us the chance to get to know each other better.” Jake winked.

  “What if you find out you don’t like me? My momma used to say that you never really know someone unless you live with them. What would happen to me if you realize you don’t like me as much as you think you do?” she asked.

  While Curt knew that would never happen, he understood why Cindy would ask such a thing. She was worried about finding somewhere else to live if things fell apart. That was the moment he realized that her father leaving had affected her more than he’d first thought.

  It was up to him and his brothers to show her how much they cared for her. It was up to them to earn her trust and keep it.

  They hadn’t even taken her out on a date and here they were asking her to move in with them. They were moving too fucking fast, but Curt couldn’t seem to or want to make himself slow down. He was in full steam ahead mode and he wasn’t about to pull on the brakes.

  * * * *

  Cindy’s stomach was fluttering with nervous excitement. Life would be so much easier if she wasn’t paying for all the living expenses, but that wasn’t a reason to move in with the Kenny brothers. She was attracted to them like she’d never been attracted to any other man before. Sure, she’d had a small crush or two, but those feelings hadn’t been real. For the first time in her life, she wanted to have sex, and though she’d agreed to have a relationship with them, not one of the four brothers had made a move on her.

  She’d lived in Slick Rock long enough to know how protective the men of the town were, and while the Kenny men hadn’t been here that long, they seemed to be just like the other men and that made her hot.

  “We like you just fine, baby.” Shane’s gravelly voice brought her back to the present. “Say yes, Cindy.”

  “Yes,” she said before she could stop herself.

  “Thank you for trusting us, darlin’.” Curt slung an arm around her shoulders and hugged her. “I promise you won’t regret your decision.”

  Cindy hoped he was right and she didn’t end up regretting her choice to live with them either. The last thing she wanted was to see any of them look at her with disappointment in their eyes or worse, hate.

  She’d make sure she didn’t do anything to come between them and hoped that one day soon, they’d fall in love with her the way she was falling in love with them.

  Physical attraction was one thing, but love was something entirely different.

  She wanted what Delta, Enya, Violet, and Jaylynn had. She wanted to get married and eventually have children of her own.

  Cindy wanted it all and only
hoped that her dreams didn’t end up becoming nightmares.

  “Have you had enough to eat, sweetie?” Grant asked.

  She blinked up at him over her shoulder. She’d been lost in thought and hadn’t heard him get up or seen him walk around behind her. “Yes. Thank you all for dinner. The steak and veggies were delicious.”

  “I’m glad you liked them, baby.” Shane rose and started gathering the dishes.

  Cindy was so full since she’d eaten more in one meal than she had in days, and her wrist was starting to ache again. She was also tired, which she didn’t understand since she’d slept the afternoon away.

  “Why don’t we go and get comfortable in the living room, honey?” Jake asked as he stood and then proffered his hand toward her. She gripped it and stood when he helped her up and guided her to the other room.

  Jake sat beside her with his arm around her shoulders, and she leaned into him. He looked down when she tilted her head up to meet his gaze. “Can I ask you something?”

  “You can ask me, us, anything, honey.”

  “Are you and your brothers turned off because I’m a virgin?”

  “What? Why the fuck would you ask something like that?” he asked from between clenched teeth.

  “I said I’d agreed to be in a relationship with all of you.” She licked her suddenly dry lips. “I thought that you’d all want to have sex with me. I’ve heard that the men in this town make love with their woman to cement a bond between them. To stake a claim.” Cindy quickly lowered her eyes to her legs and tried to draw away from him, but Jake gathered her hair into a ponytail and gave her tresses a gentle yank until they were once more gazing at each other.

  “We would have done exactly that if you weren’t injured. You’ve got stitches in your chin and side, and you’ve got a fractured wrist. While you aren’t as white as a ghost, you’re paler than normal and we can tell you’re in pain no matter how much you try to hide it.

  “I…my brothers and I want to make love to you more than anything else in the world, but there is no way in hell we’re going to do that because we don’t want to aggravate your pain and injuries.”


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