Nash (The Skulls)

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Nash (The Skulls) Page 10

by Crescent, Sam

“Like heaven.”

  When she went to her knees, he lost all thought. Sinking his hands into her black hair, he bunched the length in his fist as she gripped his cock. He never thought she’d be like this. Edward always assumed she would be shy and he’d have to take the lead with everything. She was knocking the wind out of his sails with her actions.

  He knew she wasn’t all that experienced. There was a clumsiness to her movements, but still, he wasn’t going to complain.

  She fisted the length, gazing up at him through drooping eyes. “What would you like me to do?” she asked.

  “Take me into your mouth,” he said.

  Sophia opened her lips for him to see before going back to his shaft. He watched as he licked the tip. His foreskin was pulled back with the strength of his arousal. The top leaked small amounts of pre-cum, enough to coat the tip.

  Her moans had him reaching out to hold onto the wall.

  He’d never known such noises could turn him on. One of her hands gripped the base of his shaft while her other rested on his leg. Her tiny fingers sank her nails into his flesh.

  In that moment Edward realized he’d almost lost this. He’d almost lost his woman for some fucking high. This was the biggest high he needed. Being around Sophia provided him with enough happiness that he didn’t need the shit he inhaled into his body.

  “Fucking bastard,” Edward said, yelling the words as she took the entire tip of his shaft into her mouth. He’d gotten his dick sucked plenty of times by the women who visited the bar or the sweet-butts, but none of them had ever left him feeling like this.

  Sophia was enjoying what she was doing. The other women were simply performing an act that was expected of them. He saw the difference and understood more than ever why his brother and Murphy were happy to settle down. Their women loved them. Tate and Angel wanted to make their men happy and would do anything for them.

  He wanted Sophia. The desire to make her happy swelled within him. The hand at the base of his cock started stroking up and down as her head bobbed down to meet her hand. Her tongue stroked him even as her mouth sucked him in.

  Staring down he saw her eyes were closed, as she worked his dick.

  After several seconds of sucking him, she pulled away, opening her eyes and looking up at him. It took sheer willpower not to explode into her mouth.

  “Am I doing it right?”

  “I’m hanging on by a thread, babe. You’ve got no idea how good your mouth feels on me.” He stroked her cheek, pressing his thumb between her lips for her to suck on.

  She gripped his hips and pressed him against the wall. “I want to do this. I think you deserve a little pleasure.”

  With his back to the wall, she gripped his shaft and went back to licking him. Her tongue caressed over the entire length, coating him with her saliva before taking him back into her mouth.

  Wrapping both of his hands in her hair, he tightened his grip, needing to do something with his hands. It was only a matter of time before he completely lost control. The grip he had in her hair helped him to set the pace of her movements. He thrust up into her mouth and held back. Edward didn’t want her to be scared of him if he went too deep, choking her.

  She cupped his balls in her free hand, stroking them. It was too much. The pleasure of her tongue and the feel of her on his balls was all it took to send him over the edge. He didn’t have time to warn her as he plundered her mouth going as deep as he dared and releasing his cum. Sophia swallowed him down. Her hands went to his thighs, holding onto him.

  His grip tightened harder in her hair as the orgasm put him to his toes.

  “Fuck.” He yelled the words to the rooftops. She didn’t release him until she’d swallowed every last drop of his cum.

  Opening his eyes that had closed through his orgasm, he stared down at her. Sophia was staring at the floor, her hands in her lap as she waited for him.

  Letting go of her hair, he cupped her cheek, forcing her to look at him. Her eyes were dilated and her nipples rock hard. What she’d just done had turned her on, and in knowing that, Edward felt an answering arousal build inside him.

  “That was amazing,” he said. Out of all the words he knew, amazing didn’t even begin to describe what she’d done to him. He went down to his knees, staring into her eyes and showing her the love he felt for her.

  She cupped his face between her hands. He heard her chuckle, nervously. “I’ve been wanting to do that to you for a long time.”

  He looked at her. “You’ve fantasized about being with me?” Her head jerked in answer. “What else have you fantasized about?”

  “I’m not telling you tonight.” Her hands stroked over his lips. He loved the feel of her touch on him. Dropping his head down, he claimed her lips, not caring that he tasted himself on her tongue.

  “We’ve got all the time in the world.” Getting back to his knees, he took her hand and led her back to the mattress he’d been sleeping on. Lash had gotten rid of the other one he’d been sleeping on. There was no way he was using one he’d vomited near and sweated in. Fortunately, his brother hadn’t argued with him.

  Sophia had been on his side for a new bed. He couldn’t leave this building until the club accepted him back into the fold. Edward needed to earn back his place to become Nash once again.

  Once he earned his place back, he was never going to risk fucking it up.

  “Lie down. Open your thighs.”

  “Edward, what are you doing?”

  The chains were still against the wall, and the keys were on the table. “Having a little fun. Trust me.”

  She lay down on her back. Her eyes never once left his.

  Taking hold of one of her hands, he gripped the cuff and sealed it around her wrist. Edward did the same with the other one.

  Her breathing deepened, and her eyes went wide. “You’re not going to leave me here, are you?”

  Stroking the side of her face, Edward shook his head. “I’ve got you bound to the bed where I can do whatever I want to you. I’m not letting you go, and I’m certainly not walking away from this.”

  Running his fingertips down from her face, he circled the bud of her nipples. “You’re open for me.” Down his fingers went, circling her belly button before going to where his prize lay. Her legs were wide open like he’d asked her to be. “I get to worship your body with no one interrupting. This is our night together. The first night of many and there’s no way I’m letting you shut me out.”

  He dipped down to her pussy, caressing the outer lips of her sex. Her cream had soaked through.

  “How long has it been since you last had sex?” he asked.

  “A long time ago.”

  “When?” He felt jealousy clawing at him. If Zero had touched her, he’d fucking kill his fellow brother. Screw the club. Sophia was more important than some club.

  “The night I lost my virginity was the last time I had sex. It was crap, and I didn’t want to repeat it.”

  Edward paused in caressing her. “You’ve only had sex once?”

  She nodded. “Are you going to laugh at me?”

  He shook his head. “Hell no. I’m going to be the last man you’re ever with.” Edward was also going to make sure she remembered the experience for years to come.


  Sophia nibbled her lip. Edward was looking at her as if she was something to eat. She tested the cuffs that bound her to the mattress. Was she a fool for letting him do this to her? Probably. She’d never been tied in place with no choice but to submit to the man in front of her.

  Two fingers thrust inside her making her cry out. He moaned. “You’re wet.”

  She’d not been with anyone in over two years. Losing her virginity at eighteen had been a mistake, but this was not. She was already hotter than hell for the man fingering her pussy. A third finger was thrust inside her, and Sophia gasped as he turned and began stroking across her g-spot. The pleasure was intense and unlike anything she’d ever felt.

  All too soon
he withdrew his fingers and sucked them in his mouth. She’d never seen anything more erotic than the look of pleasure on his face every time he tasted her.

  She watched him settle between her thighs. His flaccid cock was getting hard once again. His hands went to either side of her head, and she looked up at him.

  “Keep your focus on me.” He leaned down, claiming her lips. Edward didn’t ask for permission; he took what he wanted. She gave it to him, opening her lips so he could explore her mouth.

  She moaned, wanting to feel more of him all at the same time. His lips moved from hers going down to her neck. Sophia cried out, struggling against the cuffs. Edward had moved the mattress far enough away so she couldn’t fight the restraints. She was helpless against his onslaught.

  “I’ve got you right where I want you,” he said, teasing a nipple. Glancing down she saw him circle her nipple with his tongue before biting down on the red bud. Staring up at the ceiling she cried out, whimpering with need. “Your body is so responsive, Sophia.”

  He moved to the other nipple and gave it the same attention. From his touch to her breasts she was losing control. The desire to close her legs to find any contact to her clit was intense.

  Edward stopped it all. His big body stopped her from getting the sensation she wanted.

  Crying out, she screamed for him to give her a release.

  “When I’m good and ready, baby.”

  She’d never heard him torment her sister and told him as much.

  “Don’t bring Kate into this, and I never cared about her. With you, I want you screaming, begging me for more.” His teeth bit down making her arch up against his touch.

  Only when he was satisfied with her response did he move down. He went down her stomach, lavishing every part of her front with his tongue.

  Closing her eyes, she tensed and tried to pull out of the cuffs.

  Note to self, never let Edward and cuffs near me again.

  Collapsing to the bed, she kept her eyes closed and waited for him to finish torturing her.

  He eased down between her thighs. His fingers opened the lips of her sex. “What are you doing?” she asked, tensing.

  “I’m giving you the same kind of pleasure you gave me.” His tongue attacked her clit, flicking the nub.

  No matter how hard she tried, Sophia couldn’t contain her screams. The pleasure of his tongue was too much.

  She felt his fingers opening her sex wide as he sucked her clit into his mouth. Her cream was leaking out of her cunt and dribbling down to coat her anus.

  Sophia stilled as his tongue left her clit, going down and plunging inside her. Looking up, she saw his hands had moved to grab her hips. He fucked his tongue inside her. It was the weirdest feeling in the world, but the pleasure was amazing.

  After several strokes of his tongue, he went back to her clit as his fingers took over.

  She tensed up as one finger penetrated her pussy and the other stroked against her ass.

  “Relax, baby. I won’t do anything you don’t like,” he said.

  Slowly, she relaxed every muscle she could think of in her body. She didn’t have much choice but to wait for him to do what he wanted to do with her. Part of her was excited by his ministrations while another part was scared. What if she didn’t like it and couldn’t satisfy him? What if she liked it too much and disgusted him?

  A quick grinding years ago from a guy hadn’t set her on course for a good comparison. He’d not even given her an orgasm that she could recall.

  Edward added a second finger, opening her wider.

  “I’m a big man as you know. I don’t want you to be hurt when I fuck you.” He muttered the words against her clit. She understood what he was saying. It was probably the first time in her life she’d been considered too small for anything.

  Any other time she’d have laughed at what he said. Edward chose that moment to push the tip of one finger against her ass. She clawed at the blanket underneath her needing something to hold onto through all the pleasure he was causing her.

  He tongued her clit as he fucked her pussy and explored her ass. She’d never known anything like it. Sure, she’d read saucy books when she was alone, but nothing ever described this kind of pleasure or possession. Edward was taking her on a rollercoaster ride of sensation, and she didn’t know if she’d ever survive it. He was working her body as if he alone knew how to bring the ultimate response from her.

  “Come for me, baby.”

  Without her even realizing it, she’d been thrusting up to meet him, stroke for stroke.

  “I can’t,” she said.

  “Yes, you can, Sophia. I’m here to catch you, baby. Let it go.” He sucked her clit hard, and Sophia saw stars as something exploded inside her. Her stomach tightened, and her body tensed as pleasure shattered her apart. She moaned, giving herself over to whatever he was doing to her body. Sophia didn’t want him to stop.

  Edward kept licking her throughout her orgasm. Finally, when she could stand it no longer, he kissed her clit and eased up toward her. He took possession of her lips. Sophia tasted herself on his tongue. She kissed him anyway, not repulsed by her own taste.

  “We’re even,” he said.

  She frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve made it my mission to guarantee that when I find release, you’ll find release.” He took her lips once again. “And, Sophia, I intend to always be one orgasm in front of you.”

  Laughing, she tried to wrap her arms around him but was stuck. “I can’t move.”

  Edward left her side, grabbing the keys from the table. He released her, and together they snuggled down on the mattress.

  His arms held her tight, and Sophia never wanted him to let go.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked. The last couple of weeks crashed around her, reminding her of why she was in the building with him.

  “I’m fine. I feel like an asshole to be honest. The guys are always going to be nervous around me. I’ve got to show them and prove to them I’m strong.” His hands ran up and down her back.

  “You’re never going to leave the club, are you?” She looked up at him. Her head was resting on his chest. One of his arms was around her back as the other was behind his head. He looked down at her.

  “Do you want me to leave the club?”

  She thought about what Lash had said. The club was everything to Edward. Losing it would lose part of himself. Not to mention all the enemies he’d made doing jobs for the club.

  Did she really want him to leave the club? It had made him the man he was, the man she’d fallen in love with. She didn’t want him to change.

  “I don’t want you to leave the club. I like you just the way you are. Obviously, without the coke head. I didn’t like you then.” His hand gripped her arm tightly.

  “I said some pretty fucked up shit to you that day.”

  She reached up, stroking his face. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “I’ll never forget the hurt on your face at what I said. I’m so sorry.”

  Tears filled her eyes, and she blinked them away. She was done with crying. Over the last year she’d done a lot of crying, both when Kate was alive and when she died.

  “It’s in the past. You weren’t the right man then, and you’re not going to fall back to being like him either.” She followed the outline of the skull tattoo on his chest. “And I won’t let you fall back either. Lash is the same. We’re here for you.”

  His hand moved down to cup her ass. His fingers slid through the seam, caressing over her anus. She tensed up, gasping.

  “I’m not going to lie to you, Sophia, the urge is there. Lash told me a few days ago that the detox is never the problem. His plan was risky, and it could have killed me. The biggest problem an addict faces is the need for it.”

  “Do you still feel the need for it?” She should get points for being able to talk. His hands were doing wicked things to her body, making her melt once again.

  “Yeah. I feel t
he need for it, but I don’t want to fall down again. I’ve got too much to lose, and I know you’ll walk if I take again.”

  She wanted to dispute him, but Sophia knew in her heart that if he started using again, she wouldn’t be able to handle it. His mood swings, the nastiness came with it. She wouldn’t be able to survive it again.

  “I’ll be here every step of the way. I’m not going anywhere.” Sophia had nowhere else to go.

  The man she loved was right in her arms, and the club he was with offered her protection. She’d never had a problem with The Skulls. Glancing down his body she saw he was rock hard once again.

  Chapter Nine

  The night was disappearing fast, and Edward didn’t want to lose a moment of it. After tomorrow he didn’t know if he’d be able to be with her for a couple of weeks. His brothers were not going to be easy on him, even if he asked them to. He wouldn’t dare ask them to go easy on him for sex. His love for Sophia would last far longer than the next two weeks.

  Sex could wait. Having Sophia in his life could not.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked, knowing the direction of her thoughts.

  Her gaze returned to his. Her cheeks were flushed, and she stumbled over her words.

  “Is my woman thinking dirty thoughts?” he asked.

  The color of her cheeks got even deeper. She nodded, and her lips stayed shut.

  Smiling, he rolled her onto her back. Sophia opened her thighs for him, and he settled between them. Leaning down, he claimed her lips, seeking for her to open to him. She opened her lips, and he plundered inside. Their moans mingled.

  Their kiss was passionate and drove him wild. His cock hardened even more, and he was desperate to be inside her.

  Rearing back, he broke the kiss and stared down at her. “If you don’t want this to go any further then you need to say so now.”

  “I want this.”

  “Be sure. Once I’m inside you I’m not going to stop.”

  “I’m sure, Edward. This is what I want.” She sat up, wrapping her arm around his neck and bringing him down to kiss. “I want this more than anything.”

  Pushing her back to the bed, he gripped his length and eased the tip through her creamy slit. She was still wet, and he coated his cock in her cream.


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