Nash (The Skulls)

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Nash (The Skulls) Page 15

by Crescent, Sam

  The guy who injected her started to move back. More shouting was happening.

  “You’re not going fucking anywhere. We’re in this together,” Gill said, pointing a bloody knife at each man.

  I want to get out of here.

  Prior to the drugs her mouth had felt awful and swollen. Now she couldn’t feel anything or make any sense of her touch or taste. Licking her lips she stared up at the ceiling where there had been sunlight hours before. She no longer felt the pain of injuries, which she knew was bad for her.

  Keeping her gaze on the ceiling she wondered how they were going to get out of this. If The Skulls didn’t come then she knew she was in for a worse fate than being forced to take drugs. Her dress was half open, and the lust she’d seen in Willy’s eyes couldn’t be mistaken for anything else. She’s also heard what Gill said. They were going to take it in turns to rape her.

  Her body felt so light. Sophia tried to stay focused on that thought, but nothing was happening.

  Willy moved beside her, reaching out to touch her. His hand hovered over her chest. She started laughing. Without the pain to immobilize her she could think of something else.

  He gripped her face hard. “What the hell are you laughing about, whore?”

  His hand was shaking where he held her in place.

  “You’re going to die. You’re all going to die,” she said, chuckling.

  “That’s my woman, men. She knows a lost cause when she sees one, and you guys are lost causes.”

  “You’re fucking bluffing, and you know what, I’m going to fuck your whore right here,” Willy said.

  Sophia wriggled in the restraints wishing she could get free. Staring at the ceiling, she heard the sound of clothes being torn off.

  Come on, someone save us. Please, please, please.

  She begged and pleading, hoping and begging someone would save them.

  Nash was screaming and cursing once again. The fear in his voice didn’t help to settle her nerves. She didn’t know how she’d be able to cope if Willy raped her.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” the supplier asked. “This was not part of the fucking plan. I’m all for getting your rocks off, but this is not the fucking way to do it. Not with the deal you guys told me about. They should be here any minute.”

  For a split second Sophia liked him, but then she remembered what he’d done to her. The panic felt like it was in another part of her brain. She couldn’t move, but she sensed her feelings rather than reacted to them. The fucker, she was so going to hurt him. How would he like it with his own drugs pushed through his fucking arm?

  Her mind was all over the place. She couldn’t deal with one solid form. Her dress was torn some more, and she screamed, wanting, no needing to get him as far away from her as possible.

  “She’s going to learn her place, and it’s about time this fucker saw it,” Willy said.

  “No, you fuck her, and we’re screwed. This is not part of the plan. There is a whole club looking for them. I’m not going to risk my life for this. She’s yours once he’s out of the equation and we’re safely away from this fucking place.” Whatever Nash had done to his supplier had put the fear inside him.

  The supplier walked away toward the door. Gill looked ready to say something else.

  Suddenly she turned her head as the sound of rumbling bikes filled the whole of the barn. She never thought the sound of bikes would comfort her. In those few moments it was the sound of heaven to her ears. Nash was smiling as he looked at the men.


  Chapter Thirteen

  Nash was going to kiss every single bike he saw. Willy was pulling up his jeans as the sound of grunting met his ears. The front door to the warehouse was crashed through showing Lash holding a baseball bat. Men were everywhere with Gill, Willy, and the supplier charging out to fight.

  Out of the corner of his eye he saw bikes with the emblem of the Chaos Bleeds. He owed Tiny a lot for bringing in the other biker club. Lash went to his side.

  “Devil knew where you were. He asked about the surrounding area, and he came up with this. I couldn’t even fucking think,” Lash said.

  “I don’t give a fuck. You’re here, and that’s all that matters.” The pain in his thigh was excruciating, and his body ached everywhere from the crash. Standing up was a chore, but he did it.

  Lash helped him to his feet. The sounds of gunfire and screaming could be heard. He was so happy that the men had charged out of the warehouse to help their crew. Limping over to the table he pushed Sophia’s dress together. He took the knife from Lash and tore at the rope holding her in place.

  Cupping her cheek, he brushed his lips to hers.

  “They injected her with heroin. I need you to stay with her, Lash.” Nash stroked her cheek. “I love you, baby, but I’m going to go and hurt some men.”

  “Don’t leave,” she said.

  “I’ll carry her out, Nash. Don’t worry about it. We’ve got more than enough men to cover the crew that contained you. They’re not walking away alive.” Lash wiped at his brow. “We rode hard and fast to get to you.”

  “I’m glad. I doubt they were going to wait around for something fun to do.” Nash helped Sophia sit up. Her body was covered in a layer of sweat.

  “I’ll help her,” Lash said. “Go.”

  He held her face between his hands. “The men that touched you, all of them, are going to die.”

  Lash took over, holding her steady as Nash walked out of the warehouse. He was limping even with his determination to see the end of the men who threatened his woman. Outside he saw several bodies on the ground. The three men he wanted were held captive by The Skulls. Chaos Bleeds were fighting some of the other men.

  Nash didn’t care about the others. There were three men he wanted to end. Behind him he heard Lash helping Sophia out of the building. The moment they were done he was taking her to the hospital. Zero was free and moved toward Sophia. Glancing behind him he saw Zero help her with her walking.

  “Come on, we’ll get her to a hospital,” Zero said.

  “No, I want to see,” Sophia said, forcing both men to stop.

  Tiny was holding Gill by the throat. “I got word there was an uprising in my town. I brought in recruits, and now it’s time to show them what happens when they take on The Skulls.”

  Walking closer, Nash took the knife and gun Murphy and Butch handed him.

  “These three were inside the barn. We saw them exit and figured our brother would like to hurt them.”

  Willy was whimpering, and the supplier was crying out, sobbing.

  “This one has already pissed himself,” Blaine said, holding Willy in place.

  Nash stared at the three men feeling the anger build up inside him. He needed to end them, but before he did, he turned toward his woman.

  The bruising was visible to him now as he looked at her. Dried blood coated her head, and there were marks along her arm. She was holding her dress together. Sophia shivered. Her black hair fell around her in waves. She looked like an angel sent from hell.

  “Kill them, Nash. They were going to torture us.” She stopped, licking her split lip. “And they were going to do far more than that with me. I need to see them dead instead of looking over my shoulder.”

  Staring into her eyes, Nash saw the truth in her eyes. The men before him had to die before she could feel safe once again.

  Turning back to the men, he pointed at Gill. “You, I’m hurting you last.”

  He moved toward the supplier. Bending down, he picked out three syringes and headed toward the men.

  Supplier started screaming and fighting the hold his brothers had on him. “You injected my woman and were happy to do so.” Sticking in the syringes, Nash stared into his eyes as he plunged the shit into his body. “Let’s see how you like it.”

  Nash didn’t stop injecting the man until he had no pulse. There was no satisfaction inside him. He checked to make sure Sophia was handling what she was seeing.
When he didn’t see revulsion in her eyes, he moved on to Willy.

  He felt the respect and love of his club behind him. They had his back, and now he was able to prove to them all that he was never going to go off the rails again. When Willy stopped screaming and finally ceased to live, he turned all of his hatred onto Gill. This fucker was going to get the worst kind of treatment.


  Snitch felt his anger turn to rage as he saw the beginning of his plan crumble around him. Tiny was with Devil from Chaos Bleeds. If the other biker group had been picked it wouldn’t have fucking mattered. He would have gotten what he wanted most, revenge against Tiny, the leader of the fucking Skulls.

  “We’ve got to get out of here, boss,” Scars said.

  “You fucked this up. You promised me these men would do the job. They left his brother alive, and they’re being killed.” Snitch grabbed the handlebars of his bike tightly.

  “I gave the orders, and they fucked them up.” Scars argued his point. “We’ve got to come up with another plan. If we don’t get out of here we’re going to be on their list of fuckers to kill.”

  Snitch kept his gaze on the scene at the warehouse. They’d been minutes late from getting Nash. All he’d wanted was for Nash to be alive. With the biker alive, and being both weak and close to Tiny, he’d have gotten information out of the bastard before killing him. Taking The Skulls down one by one had been a good plan. Settling his gaze on Tiny, he knew he’d have to be patient to get to the man he wanted. He was going to kill Tiny, claim the town, and finally have his revenge.

  Wait, plan, and succeed.

  “Sleep well, Tiny. You’re not going to be sleeping for long.” Gunning his bike, he pulled away without being seen.


  Sophia lay in the hospital bed hearing the nurses and doctors around the room. Nash was in the emergency room being treated for his injuries whereas she was laid out on the bed waiting for the heroin to leave her system. When the doctor said she could be clear of the drugs, she’d never felt so happy in all of her life. The problem would come after the drugs were out of her system. They were keeping her in to monitor her reaction afterwards. She’d been terrified by the consequences of the drugs inside her and knowing they could still have an effect, terrified her more. All she could do was wait.

  She was also in the bed for a concussion and several cracked ribs. The crash in the truck had caused her far more damage than the drugs. The doctor hadn’t liked the damage he’d seen and sent her for x-rays along with blood tests. Staring at the blank white wall, Sophia wished someone would give her an update on what was happening.

  A feminine voice cleared its throat. Looking up, Sophia saw Tate sat in a wheelchair in the doorway. The other woman was wearing a hospital gown.

  “Murphy told me what happened. He’s gone to get an update, and I thought I’d check on you.” Tate wheeled into the hospital room.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Considering I was run down by a maniac, I’m all right,” Tate said, stroking her stomach. “I’m relieved. My little baby is doing okay. How are you?”

  “I’m handling it.” Sophia sat up, reaching out to take her hand.

  “They’re keeping me for observation.” Tate tightened her hold.

  “I’m sorry about everything that has happened to you.”

  Tears welled in Tate’s eyes. “It’s a risk you take by being with them. Murphy can’t stand the idea of anything bad happening to me. He’s just going to have to get used to the fact I’m not going anywhere. I love him, and I’m not leaving him. I’m his old lady, but he’s my old man.”

  She listened to Tate talk. It was nice listening to another woman talk for a change. She’d been alone with bikers for such a long time she’d started to forget what female company felt like.

  “Are you going to tell me what went down tonight?”

  Sophia bit her lip. Watching Nash kill all three men hadn’t bothered her, and she didn’t know if that was what upset her or not. She told Tate everything how he killed the drug dealer with his own drugs and cut off Willy’s dick and fed it to him. With Gill, he smashed his face in. She wasn’t afraid of Nash. He’d protected her when she needed it. Her love was not wavering. She still wanted to be in his life without any worry.

  Murphy cleared his throat alerting them to his presence. “Nash is causing a fuss wanting to see you. The doctors and nurses won’t let him here until he takes their tests. He was in the accident as well.” He handed Tate some tea.

  She watched Murphy stroke Tate’s cheek and then caress her shoulder. “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “I’m good, baby. Nothing is going to keep me down. I’m here for the long run. I’ve got a feeling little baby bump is, too.” Tate covered his hand, smiling.

  “We’ll get through this.”

  “When you see Nash, tell him I’m waiting for him when he can come up,” Sophia said. Murphy nodded, and after ten minutes he pulled Tate from the room, moving her away. She watched the other woman go.

  Alone once again, she lay back waiting for her man to come. The sound of another man clearing his throat alerted her to being watched. She glanced at the door to see Zero leaning against the doorframe.

  “Nash is on his way. He got the all clear, and he’s signing all the paperwork for you both,” Zero said.

  She nodded. “Thank you for taking care of me,” she said.

  “I’ll always take care of you.” He entered the room, going to the chair beside her bed and taking hold of her hand. “You’ll be part of our family soon, and I’ll do everything in my power to protect you.”

  “I really do appreciate it.” His hand was warm, and she noticed how he stroked her wrist. Zero ran his thumb over the pulse in her wrist.

  “The thought of anything happening to you makes me feel sick.”

  His honesty was scaring her.

  “Zero, I’m with Nash.”

  He stopped her talking with putting a hand in the air. “Please let me finish.”

  “I know you have feelings for me. The way you are around me is different from the other women. I saw it that day you were testing Nash. You didn’t treat any of the other women differently.” She couldn’t keep her thoughts locked up inside when she knew the truth.

  She looked up as he sat down, resting his hand on his thigh.

  “Yes, I have feelings for you. I don’t know how deeply or how they came about. All I know is that when it comes to you, I’ll always have your back. I won’t let Nash hurt you.”

  Tears filled her eyes. She didn’t feel anything for this man other than friendship.

  “I can’t give you anything,” she said.

  “I know. For the first time in my life I’m not asking you for anything.” He leaned down, pressing his lips to hers. “That is all I’m going to take from you.”

  He got up and started to leave the room. “Don’t worry about anything, Sophia. The Skulls will always have your back. You’ll never be alone again.”

  She watched him go. Lying back against her bed she let out a sigh. Her thoughts were set on Nash. Maybe if she’d met Zero first there could have been a chance, but she doubted it. Zero didn’t make her heart race. She never searched for him in a room. Nash called to her in ways she didn’t understand. Her love for him had been part of her for so long that she didn’t want to give him up.


  Nash was stood outside of Sophia’s door waiting for Zero to exit. No one inside the room could see him as he was stood a little out of the way. Checking out the time, he waited, giving Zero the chance to get his thoughts off his chest.

  When the other brother stepped outside of the room, Nash saw he paused when he saw him.

  “Nash,” Zero said.

  Folding his arms over his chest, Nash stared at his fellow brother and Skull. “Are we going to have a problem?” Nash asked.

  “The only problem we’ll have is if you treat that woman in any other way than if she’s a princess.” Ze
ro took several steps away. “I’ll never hurt you or her. I just needed to get it off my chest.” The other man shrugged. “She’s in love with you.”

  “I’ll never hurt her, Zero. Sophia is the love of my life.”

  Nash saw the smile on Zero’s face.

  “Then we’ll be good. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Nash was slapped on the back, and then Zero turned away and left.

  Frowning, Nash shook his head. He wouldn’t get into it with Zero.

  Going to the door he saw Sophia was lying in bed staring at the ceiling.

  “Hey, baby,” he said.

  Her face lit up. “I was wondering when you were going to get here.”

  “All the club is here. Tiny is keeping an eye on Tate and Eva.”

  “How is Eva?”

  “She’s out of the coma, and we’re hoping she’ll be good to go home soon. All the boys are tired of ending up in the hospital. Our women should be protected at all times.” He closed the door and moved to the bed. Nash didn’t sit down. He lay down beside her, getting Sophia to curl up against him.

  “If a nurse catches you she’s going to go mad,” she said.

  “Don’t give a fuck. I couldn’t hold you today, and I need to be able to hold you.”

  The club wasn’t going back to the clubhouse. Whizz was sorting out the business for Devil. Lash had caught him up to speed on everything he missed.

  “I know this is probably the worst time to ask, but will you marry me?” Nash asked.

  She looked up at him. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  “The drugs are out of my life, baby. I’m not having anything to do with them. I’ll fight it every step of the way. If something comes of what happened to you today, I’ll be with you. You’re not getting rid of me.”

  Sophia pressed a finger to his lips.

  “I love you. There’s nothing to dispute. I’ll marry you. Now shut the fuck up and hug me.”

  She settled closer to him. He held her tightly, closing his eyes and knowing they were only ever going to grow closer from that day forward.

  Kissing the top of her head, he closed his eyes. The last twenty-hour hours had been a nightmare. He couldn’t imagine going through anything like that and coming out the other end stronger. Sophia made him stronger by sticking beside him.


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