Pin-Up Fireman

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Pin-Up Fireman Page 18

by Vonnie Davis

  She pulled into a strip mall that contained a craft store. If they had children’s ball caps and iron-on letters, she’d have them make a helper hat for Matt.

  Boyd called back and said they were just hanging out at his house and Aunt Jinny said she’d transfer the seat for her. Matt was already packing an overnight bag and to be prepared. His excitement level was in the stratosphere.

  “Great, I have a couple little things to do and then I’ll pick him up.”

  “Yeah, well, just remember the longer you take, the more he’ll pack. Oh, and do you want him to wear his pajamas now?”

  “You’re joking, right?” She laughed and jumped out of her new SUV, charging for the craft store. She grabbed the first employee she saw. “Quick, do you have children’s ball caps and iron-on letters you attach to the hat here in the store?”

  She held a plastic bag to her when she rang Boyd’s doorbell. Matt nearly wrenched it off the hinges as he hugged her around the legs. “I’m packed!” He jerked his thumb over his thin shoulder.

  Her gaze fell on a sleeping bag, Fella, two pillows, a stuffed duffle bag and an overnight suitcase on wheels. “I…I see. I brought you a helper’s shirt and cap. Since everyone at the station has a nickname, I gave you one. Flash, like on a camera.” She handed him the bag.

  He glanced in and ripped off the shirt he had on. He shoved his hands into the navy tee with “Photography Helper” arched across the top and “Flash” across the back. Then he examined the white hat with his nickname across the back opening and the same words as the shirt in smaller letters across the front. He bent the bill and socked it on backwards. “Okay, let’s roll.” He grabbed his duffle bag and Fella and marched out.

  “Was his father like that?”

  The woman everyone called Aunt Jinny grabbed the pillows and sleeping bag. “The spitting image,” she declared as she threw back her head and laughed when she passed Graci-Ella.

  Just my freakin’ luck. She snatched the overnight suitcase’s handle and followed the gang to her new car.

  Graci-Ella loaded her back hatch while Aunt Jinny transferred the booster seat for Matt. He kissed his aunt goodbye and turned to his new boss. “Am I only getting minimum wage? How about insurance and vacation pay? What about stock options?”

  There was no way he knew about this kind of stuff. No way. “Your daddy told you to ask me these questions, didn’t he?”

  High-pitched giggling confirmed her suspicions.

  “Well, I’m going to need your social security number and see a resume.” She picked him up and strapped him into his seat. “You’re the first person to ride in my new car.”

  “Really? This is cool. I sit up nice and high compared to the ‘stang.” As she backed out, she saw him swipe a number on his cell and then whisper, “Dad, she says I’m going to need a social security number and a copy of my ‘rezu-mery’. Do I have those things?”

  “You can’t get ahead in life without ’em, buddy.” Graci-Ella turned her steering wheel to exit the complex. Just to aggravate Boyd some more, she added, “And it ought to have a notary seal on it too.”

  “Dad, I’m in deep crap. I need a ‘rezu-mery’ with a naughty seal on it to get ahead in life. Do you think this seal has to be alive?”

  “Stop laughing and guess what? Just guess!”

  Matt snapped his fingers. “Ah, shoot! How did you guess I was in her new car? Do you two tell each other everything? Well, bet you don’t know I have a work uniform. It’s got my new nickname on it and everything.”


  Graci-Ella helped Matt out of his car seat. “Now, as my helper, you will walk beside me and not run ahead. We’ll stick close together so you can hear me when I tell you I need something done. Sometimes I mumble when I shouldn’t. Understand?”

  He nodded.

  “Let me teach you one of your most important jobs and that’s to measure distance from the firefighter to my elbow. That helps me take a better picture, sharper and clearer, if the lighting inside isn’t what we really need.” She pulled her hyper-focal distance tape measure from her camera utility bag and showed him how to use it from her tire to her elbow and a window in the fire station to her elbow.

  In this instance, accuracy wasn’t paramount; her digital camera, a Christmas gift from her parents, was pretty top notch. What was important to her was Matt’s feeling involved and essential.

  “Can you put the tape in your pants pocket? Now, can we sling this camera case over your head and shoulder just like I’m carrying the other one? Excellent! You’re a fast learner. Now, let me get my purse and accessory bag and you can ring the doorbell once I tell you. After all, you’re my assistant.”

  The smile he flashed at her was a heart stopper. She placed her palm on his upper back. “You’re the best, Matt. Don’t let anyone else tell you any different.”

  He scuffed his sneaker at the base of the step. “My mom and stepdad do.”

  She wanted to beat them both. Anger and protectiveness for this child roared through her veins. “Honey, even adults can be wrong. I believe in you, just like your daddy does.”

  He leaned against her leg and wrapped an arm around it. “I love you.” Grey eyes like his dad’s stared at her as if he were starving for her affection.

  She took off his hat and leaned to kiss his dark hair. “I love you too, Flash. You know everyone in this unit has a nickname, so make sure you tell them Flash is yours.” She returned his hat and he socked it on with the bill in the back again. “What’s my dad’s?”

  “Tiny.” She tried not to smirk.

  His cute grey eyes widened. “No way!”

  She nodded. “Way. Now, ring the doorbell, Flash.”

  Barclay opened the door and grinned at Matt. “Hi Graci-Ella. I see you brought your camera equipment, but who’s the helper?”

  “This is my helper, his nickname is Flash. Flash, this is Ghost. Do you want your picture taken first? How about in front of one of the fire trucks?”

  “Sure, come on down. I see we’re on nickname basis today, huh?”

  “Yeah, I thought it would help me keep the theme of the calendar if I focused on the personality of your nicknames.”

  “Well, then Raccoon and Firecracker, follow me.”

  “Where’s Tiny?” Matt was looking around.

  “Ah, Tiny’s shining the chrome on one of the trucks.” Barclay smiled and winked at Graci-Ella. “My Sammy cut his first tooth last night. Thank God. He’s had a fussy week. Have you seen my son? He’s something else.” The man’s chest puffed out with pride.

  They walked into the vehicles garage, and there were shouts of welcome for Raccoon. Graci-Ella placed her hand on Matt’s shoulder. “This is my photography assistant. His nickname is Flash.”

  Boyd jumped from the top of the fire truck, grinning. “Flash, huh? I’d say the name fits. Hey, nice shirt and hat.”

  “It’s what all the photography assistants are wearing, Tiny.” Matt started to giggle and hid behind Graci-Ella. “You can’t tickle me when I’m working.”

  Boyd was bent over and his big hands were wiggling like claws. “You’re full of yourself, aren’t you?” He glanced at her. “How about it, Raccoon, do I get a kiss?”

  Matt stepped out, his little hands on his hips. “Really, Tiny? Really? We don’t have time for the mushy stuff. We’ve got photography work to do. You can kiss Raccoon boss lady later.”

  Hoots and hollers went up from the firefighters. Captain Steele leaned against the block wall and folded his arms, shaking his head. “Thought you said your son was kinda shy, Tiny.”

  “Looks like the kinda part is shrinking.” Boyd was all smiles, obviously enjoying the show his boy was putting on.

  “Flash, I’ll need you to call out the person we want to photograph first. Call for Ghost, please.” Graci-Ella changed the lens on her camera.

  Firecracker leaned back like a rooster and crowed, “Ghost!”

  Barclay laughed so hard, he could bar
ely walk straight. The whole squad made a large semi-circle around the photography circus. “Run over to him and ask him to stand next to the step of the fire truck. I’ll want his left foot on the step, too, Flash.”

  Her little helper positioned Ghost’s foot.

  “I’ll need his shirt off. Have him hand it to you.”

  Barclay pulled off his red tank top and passed it to Flash, who tossed it over his shoulder, hitting Quinn’s face in the process. “Hey!” Quinn, known as Comic, yelled. Boyd bent over at the waist and laughed. The rest of the gang joined in.

  “Tell Ghost to beef up a little while you do your measurement with your hyper-focal distance tape measure.”

  Displaying all the self-pride and importance in the world, little Matt tugged the tape from his pants pocket, slipped the end under Ghost’s boot and pulled it to her elbow. He did a perfect job reading her the numbers.

  “Excellent. Most excellent, Flash.” She’d already made the adjustments on her digital camera, but she wanted him to have the feeling of accomplishment, of a job well done. After about six shots, she kneeled next to her helper. “I’ve got an idea, but I don’t know if it’ll look good or dumb. So, as my partner, tell me what you think.” He covered his chin as if he were thinking deep thoughts. “I’ve got some different shades of powder in my kit, along with a brush. What if I show you how to apply the right amount and we make his face look like a ghost?”

  Flash shot off, jumping straight in the air. “Yes! That would be awesome!”

  Ghost pointed to him and looked at Boyd. “Your kid’s making me nervous.”

  She opened her kit and laid out the colors she had.

  “The whiter, the better, boss lady.”

  Oh God, she could hug him to bits. She chose the undercover brush and showed him how to brush off the excess. She explained it wouldn’t hurt to put a light layer on first, because he could always add a layer or two more. “Now carry the make-up and brush over, slowly, and ask Ghost to sit on the step so you can reach his face. If the guys make you nervous with all their wisecracks and laughter, just yell ‘quiet on the set.’”

  “Gotcha.” He slowly walked over, carrying his items as if they were precious gold. Ghost sat when Flash asked and nodded when he explained what the powder was for. The little boy went through the steps she’d explained and began lightly brushing over Ghost’s forehead and working down.

  As she suspected, the guys started teasing, and Flash looked at her over his shoulder, a nervous expression in his eyes. She nodded. He nodded in return before rearing back like a rooster once more and bellowing, “Quiet on the set!”

  Instant silence, except for a few who covered their mouths and sniggered. Graci-Ella put her hands on her hips and scowled at them. They stopped in a hurry. She gave them a thumb’s up sign for their cooperation.

  As soon as Flash had the first layer of powder over Ghost’s face, her helper glanced at her. “I think he needs more on his forehead and cheeks so he looks like a skeleton.”

  Graci-Ella nodded. “I think you’re right.” Gosh, Ghost did look menacing. When Flash was done, she told him to have Ghost stay seated, place his hands on his knees and lean forward. She snapped a few shots and was quite pleased. “Tell him we’re done with him and bring the make-up back. Oh, hand him his shirt, please. Then call for the Virgin.”

  “Need a Virgin,” Flash yelled.

  The guys shoved a blushing young man toward them.

  “Flash, have the Virgin get his ax and we’ll stand in front of the smaller fire truck for a little variety. Oh, and ask him to take his shirt off.”

  One virgin t-shirt flew through the air over Flash’s shoulder before he did his measurements. She had him hold the ax in a couple different poses until she found the one that showcased his muscles and then shot several pictures of him in that position.

  “Hand the Virgin his shirt and tell him he’s all done.” She glanced around. Ivy Jo had a bright yellow sports bra on. “Flash, next up is Big Kahunas, and I want her standing at the open doors at the back of one of the ambulances.”

  Rooster reared back again. “Big Kahunas! Please report to the back of one of the ‘amlances’ with both back doors open.” His head swiveled between Big Kahunas and her. “Do you want her shirt off, boss lady?”

  The squad hooted and whistled.

  The captain growled one word. “Harassment!”

  “No. But ask her to show more of her—” heck how did she say cleavage or boobs to a six-year old? “—pecs and please ask her politely.”

  After his request, Big Kahunas turned her back and made some adjustments. She wouldn’t need much. Like Graci-Ella, she was a big busted woman. Big Kahunas turned around and Flash pivoted to Graci-Ella. “She’s got pecs now!” Out of the corner of her eye, she chanced a glance at Boyd, who had slapped a hand over his face.

  “Ask her to sit with one hand balanced on the floor of the ambulance and the other on her hip. We want her to lean forward. Then do your measurements for me.” He did and Graci-Ella snapped a few shots.

  She walked over to the ambulance. “Ivy Jo, I want one of your back, lifting or doing something heavy that shows your strength. Your back muscles are every bit as strong as a man’s.”

  Her remark earned her a huge smile. It was obvious she worked hard for her muscles and was very proud of them. “I know just the thing. I’ll carry one of the men.”

  She struck a pose so Flash could take his measurements. Then she yelled, “Wolf, fireman’s carry!” He stood in front of her and Graci-Ella started snapping as soon as Big Kahunas began lifting Wolf from the floor until she had him draped over her shoulder.

  “Got it. Tell them ‘cut.’”

  “Cut and wow!” Her assistant was obviously impressed by the woman’s strength.

  She placed her hand on Flash’s shoulder. Every employee gets a break. She pulled some bills from her pocket. “Wolf, would you take my assistant for an orange soda and whatever he wants from the snack machine? He needs a rest.”

  “Don’t do Tiny until my break’s over!” He glanced at his dad with a kind of longing. She bet he wanted to impress him.

  “Chief, you’re next up! Take your shirt off please and grab a fire hose.” She showed him how she wanted him to hold it and she also ruffled his hair into sexy disarray. Her hands gently smoothed the hair over his chest and stomach. She could almost feel Boyd scowling at her. “Is he getting pissed?” she whispered near the captain’s ear.

  Captain laughed. “Oh, you have no idea.”

  She took several shots of him from different angles. Then she called for Beer-meister. She wanted him to hold a fireman’s hat and drape a fireman’s coat over a shoulder.

  A few minutes into his posing session, with her positioning his leg, he kept glancing at Boyd. “Look, I love the attention, but much more and your man is going to jack my jaw.”

  She winked and snapped a few pictures of him. “Lil’ Wolf, you’re next.”

  “No way in hell. Not until Tiny’s blood pressure drops several degrees, and you do not get to touch me. I want to live to play with my son and wife tomorrow night.”

  If the guys were talking about it, she’d evidently gone too far. What possessed her to try to make her man jealous? That was high school behavior. She walked to stand directly in front of the raging inferno. “I’m sorry, my man. I didn’t mean to go overboard with my arrangements. Guess I just figured you’d know I wasn’t interested in any of the other firefighters, that I was only prepping them for the pictures.”

  “What the hell, Graci-Ella! My ex would do shit like that to see how mad she could make me. I thought you were better than that.” His face was red and his grey eyes narrowed and nearly stormy grey than their typical silver color. “Would you like me to stroke other women?”

  “No. I’d hate it.” Her gaze dropped. “For some crazy reason, I thought it would be funny. We were all having a good time with Matt.” She lifted her gaze to lock on his. “I was wrong and I’m sor
ry. It won’t happen again. I’ll take a break until Matt’s ready to come back as my helper.”

  “Yeah, that might help calm the beast inside me, because I’m not in the greatest of moods right now. Dammit to hell!” He grabbed her forearms, lifted her and laid a lip-lock on her that practically melted the red sequins off her special shopping shoes.

  “I turn my back for one minute and you’ve got your hands all over Raccoon boss lady? We’ve got work to do and all you can think about is mushy stuff?”

  Boyd had his hand on her ass pushing her against his erection. She’d lay bet he was thinking about more than mushy stuff because there wasn’t a soft spot on his body. He was trembling with anger or need. Either way, he pivoted so his son couldn’t see his hard on, and set her down on the ground.

  “We’ll do you as soon as you go put on those button-down jeans and nothing else but your boots, unlaced.”

  His jaw jutted in a pugnacious manner. She really had pushed him too far. “I meant what I said, Graci-Ella.”

  She cupped his cheek and stared into his eyes. “And I meant what I said, sweetheart. I was wrong and I’m sorry.”

  Boyd nodded and pivoted toward the dormitory area. She breathed a sigh of relief. For a few minutes she feared she’d lost her main pin-up.

  Graci-Ella looked at Flash. “Our next person to photograph is Black Thumb.”

  Her little rooster reared back and hollered, “Black Thumb!”

  Black Thumb was known for killing every plant she bought. She held one up with a hopeful expression. “I brought a prop, if you think it’ll look cute.”

  Her helper took Graci-Ella’s hand and walked her a few steps away. “Boss, that’s a dead flower she’s holding. How’s it gonna look cute?” Flash glanced back again and shook his head. “Man, it’s beyond dead. I’ve got Legos with more life than that plant.”

  “That’s why everyone calls Emily Black Thumb, because she somehow kills every plant she gets. People who can grow anything are said to have a green thumb.


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