Stalked By The Alpha (BBW Werewolf Pregnancy Romance)

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Stalked By The Alpha (BBW Werewolf Pregnancy Romance) Page 2

by Krista Bella

  It was windy outside when they stepped out and the sun was beginning to set. Sabrina found herself quickly annoyed as the wind was blowing her dress up around her large thighs.

  "Double whooper with cheese!" Sabrina swore, pushing her hair out of her face. "It's friggen windy out here."

  They rushed to Sabrina's car, a white Honda Civic, and jumped inside. The car unceremoniously groaned from Sabrina's weight and sank by several feet. It was such an asshole.

  As Sabrina twisted her body to put on her seatbelt, a young man walking through the parking lot caught her eye. He looked scruffy, somewhat stalker-ish. He was wearing a dark hoodie with the hood pulled over his head. He gave her chills as he walked by with his unsettling gaze that seemed to pierce her chest.

  Shaking it off as he passed, she fired up her engine. Grabbing a hold of her steering wheel, she began backing out, but immediately stomped her foot on the break and let out a startled cry, jerking her hands back in shock.

  "Sabrina what's wrong?" Kim asked, staring at Sabrina anxiously,

  Sabrina hands were covered with a sticky white substance that seemed to stubbornly cling to them as she tried to wipe it away. All she succeeding in doing is getting more of it on her hands. "Ew...what the fuck is this?" she wondered, her stomach curling. "Kim, give me a napkin or something quick!"

  Frantically, Kim began looking around, but she wasn't having any luck finding anything.

  "Check the glove compartment," Sabrina told her urgently.

  When Kim opened the glove compartment, a stack of Sabrina's old student ids and credit cards fell out onto the floor.

  "Here's some," said Kim after she had moved the remaining junk around and located several McDonald's napkins.

  Snatching it from the startled Kim, Sabrina began to wipe away the sticky fluid, scrubbing vigorously.

  Kim suddenly started sniffing the air, making Sabrina pause to throw her an odd look.

  "Let me smell your hands," Kim ordered Sabrina, an odd note in her voice.

  Sabrina gaped. "What?"

  Kim motioned at her. "Just trust me."

  Rolling her eyes at the weirdness of the suggestion, Sabrina put her hands in front of Kim's nose. Kim gave her hand a couple of sniffs and her eyes widened. Then she snatched the cloth from Sabrina's hands and gave it a couple of snorts.

  " you know what this is?" Kim asked, her voiced shocked and her eyes wide with terror.

  Sabrina's heart began to pound at Kim's terrified look, and for a moment, she wondered if the stuff was some chemical agent designed kill someone after being exposed to it hours later, but then she thought; why would someone want to do that to her? She did not know anyone, having just moved to Alpine.

  It made absolutely no sense.

  "What is it Kim?" Sabrina demanded. You're scaring the hell out of me with that look."

  "That stinky, sticky stuff on your hands," Kim gulped, her eyes still wide as she stared at the soiled napkin in her hands, "its semen."

  Chapter 4

  "I can't believe someone jizzed all over my steering wheel," Sabrina complained.

  She was sitting inside of her car with Kim, waiting in line at a McDonald's crowded drive-thru, and discussing the violating incident.

  After the incident, Sabrina had complained about being hungry after they left the parking lot and said she wanted to stop to get a bite to eat before dropping Kim off. Kim had complained that she had no idea how Sabrina could even eat with what just happened, stating that if it happened to her, that she would have an appetite for several days.

  The hell with that, Sabrina thought. I'm not going to stop eating just cause some sick guy decided to bust a nut on my steering wheel.

  Before Sabrina drove to the drive-thru, she had gone to the nearest gas station to get some sanitary wipes to wipe down her sticky steering wheel.

  In retrospect, she probably should not have done that because her sticky steering wheel constituted as evidence. Still, Sabrina had kept the napkin she had used to wipe his cum off her hands and it was sitting in her glove compartment.

  Her eyes widening, Kim suddenly snapped her fingers. "Hey you know what, Sabrina? That prank caller who called earlier is probably the one who blew his load on your wheel."

  Realization touched Sabrina's breasts. After the jizz incident, Sabrina had forgotten all about the prank caller. "You know what? You are probably right! That never even occurred to me to put two and two together." She paused and glanced over at Kim. "I wonder if we should report it to the police?"

  Sabrina was worried about the attention that an incident like this could bring to the store and herself. She definitely did not want a bunch of people knowing about it, because in today's world with social media and texting, word got out quick.

  She could see it now, suddenly being known as 'the fat girl whose steering wheel got jizzed on'.

  The thought sickened her.

  Kim looked at her as if she was nuts as Sabrina moved up a spot in the drive-thru. "Are you out of your mind? Of course we should report it. We have to. Breaking into someone's car and jerking off over their steering wheel is sick and twisted—"

  "He didn't exactly break in," Sabrina interrupted. "I had my windows partially rolled down."

  Kim shrugged."Still, it is the same thing. Dude is absolutely nuts if he did this, so no telling what he is going to do next."

  Sabrina thought she detected envy in Kim's eyes. She wondered if Kim was jealous that some guy was stalking Sabrina, who was twice her size, and not her. Even Sabrina was surprised a little. She had never been stalked before in her life, she always thought it happened only to skinny bitches, and though she hated to admit it, she was a little excited about it.

  After a moment, Sabrina sighed. "You're right, Kim. I just hate that I'm going to have to watch over my shoulder from here on out and I cannot believe that someone did something like this in broad daylight. The worse thing about is having to tell the police about it. I'm sure I am going to become the brunt of so many jokes. It's almost makes me not want to report it."

  "Sometimes we got to do what we got to do, Girl." Kim shook her head. "If you don't report this; what's next? Rape? Murder? No, you have to do it, Sabrina. I don't want you to end up like one of those girls on one of those investigative channels, where something happened to them, but they never reported it because of some dumb fear they had, and then they wind up dead in a ditch alongside the road."

  Sabrina had to admit, Kim had a point. She moved up another spot in line, one spot away from the menu board and remembered that deep, growling voice. She tried not to think about whoever it was as some sort of killer.

  "Did you see anything out of ordinary today?" Kim asked her, not letting the matter drop. "Like some suspicious guy that came into the store?"

  Being that they worked at a plus-sized woman's clothing store, men were infrequent visitors.

  "We hardly ever see guys in the store Kim and I would have remembered if one stepped—wait..." Sabrina froze as she remembered the penetrating gaze of the guy who had been walking through the parking lot when they came out of the store. "When we came out the store and got into the car, I saw a spooky guy staring at me as I was about to start the engine. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but he looked liked he could possibly be a stalker."

  Kim gazed at her with exasperation. "Sabrina, why the hell did you not say anything? That's very important information!"

  Immediately, Sabrina was defensive. "I forgot about it in the heat of the moment. I didn't think to connect the two until you asked that question."

  Kim did an urgent chopping motion with her right hand. "We got to back to the store as soon as we get out of this damn drive-thru."

  Sabrina frowned. She had no desire to go back to the store after what happened. "Why?"

  Kim gave her an incredulous look. "To look at the surveillance camera footage, dummy!"

  Feeling stupid, Sabrina replied, "Oh."

  I guess anyone's brain
wouldn't function after getting in your car and finding a sticky surprise waiting for you, she thought. The incident had made her totally scattered brain.

  "Well what did he look like?" Kim demanded a moment later.

  Sabrina remembered the haunting gaze. "I'm not sure. He had on a hoodie, but I think he was a little scruffy underneath it."

  Kim sat back in her seat and shook her head impatiently. "Just leave this drive-thru now so we can get back and see what's on the camera."

  Sabrina eyed Kim like she had lost her mind. "Not a chance in hell. I don't know about you skinny bitches, but this girl has to eat...nut or no nut."

  Kim looked scandalized. "Sabrina!"

  Twenty minutes later the two girlfriends were back at Sherri's, watching surveillance footage in one of the back rooms. Unfortunately for Sabrina, she had parked where her car was not totally visible to the store's security camera, so they would not be able see everything.

  "What time do you think that call was?" Sabrina asked as she munched down on a double cheeseburger.

  Kim thought for a moment and then shook her head."I don't remember exactly. I'm just going to have to forward through the whole day until we see whoever got into your car."

  The recorder had finished rewinding to the beginning of the day and Kim began forwarding it. She saw a bunch of cars coming and going through the parking lot, and eventually, saw herself pull up and get out of her car. They watched people come and go for several minutes. Sabrina recognized several workers from next door passing by the camera several

  "Mmm...," Sabrina groaned, this is good..." Suddenly, Sabrina let out a surprised squeal, almost choking on her food, and pointed excitedly at the screen.. "Stop! I see something!"

  Kim stopped the video and rolled it back a couple of seconds. Sure enough, a dark figure came walking up to Sabrina's car door and easily jumped inside. Sabrina squinted at the screen, the man, or boy, or whatever had on a hoodie, but the picture was not clear enough to tell if it was the guy she had seen staring at her. For the first few minutes, the guy seemed to have a device pressed to his ear. Then he set it aside and all the girls could see were his hands jerking up and down repeatedly.

  Sabrina's stomach curled. This guy must have been the one who called her. Getting over her shock, Sabrina peered closer at the masturbating guy and thought she could see something familiar in his movements. It was almost as if it was someone she knew and that would mean that guy who was staring at her couldn't have been—

  "What are you girls doing?" asked a deep voice.

  Kim screamed in pure terror, jumping back from the screen, startled by the unexpected visitor. Sabrina, also startled, but more so by Kim's scream, began coughing and choking her face turning red. Luckily, Kim had presence of mind to quickly pound her on the back.

  William, the store's supervisor, was standing in the doorway, staring at them with a grin on his face. He had on blue jeans, and a white-t shirt that hugged his flat stomach. Handsome and chiseled, Will had dirty-blonde hair and beautiful, hazel eyes and an absolutely killer bod.

  It went without saying that Sabrina thought he was totally hot.

  "Jesus!" Sabrina swore, when she could finally breathe, her face still red. "How about knocking or blowing a horn before you just barge in on two girls?"

  "Will, what are you doing here?" Kim asked. "I thought you called in sick."

  "I was feeling nauseas all morning, but I started to feel better later on so I decided to come by and check on the store." Will paused and nodded at the surveillance screen. "Why are you two back here looking at that?"

  "Alright," Kim said, looking at Sabrina, "Do you want me to be the one to tell him?"

  The offer was tempting, but it had happened to Sabrina. It was her business to tell. "Something happened today," Sabrina admitted.

  Will raised a thick eyebrow. "And?"

  Sabrina licked her lips, not sure how she was going to say it. Finally, she took a deep breath and said, "Someone prank called today asking me a bunch of perverted questions and then—"

  "Someone nutted all over her steering wheel!" Kim burst out.

  For a moment, it looked like Will was going to explode into laughter.

  Just great, Sabrina thought. Here comes the jokes.

  Will surprised her by moving forward into the room, instead, and coming over to the surveillance camera, suddenly serious. "So you guys saw this dude on video?"

  Sabrina took a deep breath and replied, "I saw guy in the parking lot before we left. He had a hoodie on, same as the guy in the video, but it's too dark to tell if it's the same one."

  Sabrina was not sure, but it seemed Will to relaxed a little. "This is very serious," he muttered. "Haven't heard of anything like that happening around here before, but there's a first for everything. If you want me to report this incident for you to the police, and leave you unnamed I can," he offered to Sabrina. "I am sure they will beef up security around here after I tell them. I'll tell them that you don't want your name to be exposed so I'll leave that part out of it."

  Sabrina was ecstatic. She had not wanted to deal with the problem of going to the police with her story. "Oh would you?

  Will nodded, easing in front of the surveillance monitor. "Don't worry about anything, Sabrina. I'll take care it. You can go on home now and rest assured that I'll make sure this thing will get resolved quickly."

  Pressing a hand to her large breasts, Sabrina felt relief wash over her. "Thank you so much Will."

  Will gaze was almost penetrating as he smiled at her, exposing his white, straight teeth. "No problem, Sabrina."

  Back in the car, the girls were putting on their seatbelts when Sabrina remembered something as Kim complained in her ears.

  "You know, Sabrina," Kim was saying, "you really shouldn't have Will speak on your behalf to the police, that's just stupid—"

  Sabrina cut her off. She was probably just jealous Will had been so nice about the incident. "Hey, Kim, get that piece of tissue out of the glove compartment. As gross as it is, I should give it to Will so he can give it to the police."

  Kim grumbled about the stupidity of it all, but froze when she opened the compartment.

  "Sabrina..." she said, her hands shaking.

  Fear clutched Sabrina's heart. "Yes?"

  Kim's next words cut her like a knife. "The tissue is gone."

  Sabrina leaned over and frantically searched through the container. "What in the hell...where is it?"

  Kim's expression was chilly, as she sucked in a breath. "You know what this means, right?"

  Sabrina paused in her search to stare at her friend. "What?"

  "Mr. McNut came back when we went inside to check the surveillance tapes and took out the tissue. He must have been watching us when we discovered his slime on your wheel and followed us to McD's, and when we came back, he jumped in your car and took it, and now, we have no absolutely no evidence of this ever happening thanks to you wiping down the steering wheel."

  Sabrina sat back in her sat back as the realization dawned over her. This was very unsettling to her. Some creep with a sexy voice was watching her every move. And after committing his vile act, he even had the audacity to stalk her to remove the evidence.

  "What am I going to do?" Sabrina breathed. Now the police would never believe her story.

  Kim gave her one serious look and said, "Pray."

  Chapter 5

  The next couple of days passed with little fanfare. Sabrina watched over her shoulder whenever she came to work, checking for the stalker. He was never there. She specifically parked her car in full view of the surveillance camera and always checked it at the end of her work shift for a guy in a hoodie.

  In the meantime, she purchased a gun and had gone to several gun range sessions with Kim, just in case, and talked to Will, who assured her that he was still handling the situation.

  She now felt safe at work with the magnum tucked away in her purse. A part of her wished the stalker would come back so she could show
him that she knew how to blow a load too, except hers would be the hard, steel kind.

  It was near closing time on a Friday, when Kim approached her, smiling. "Hey, Sabrina, remember what I said about going out to find you a hot guy?"

  With all the mess that had went on, Sabrina had forgotten all about it. "Yeah I forgot about it, though. When did you want to do it?"

  Yawning, Kim stretched her skinny arms above her head. "Tomorrow sounds great."

  "I think it's going to be a full moon tomorrow." Sabrina always had this superstition that being out on a full moon was bad luck.

  Kim shrugged. "So? What the hell does that have to do with anything?"

  "It's bad luck."

  Kim gave her a look. "Seriously?"

  Sabrina sighed with defeat. "Okay, I'll go, but if anything's your fault."

  A victorious smile spread over Kim's face and she came forward to embrace Sabrina. "Don't worry about it, chicka, you're going to have so much fun." Kim giggled, but then suddenly gasped, "Sabrina...I can't breathe."

  Sabrina took a step back, grinning mischievously about the bear hug she had just given Kim in revenge of being so pushy. "Sorry."

  "Did I hear you girls say something about going out?" asked a deep, sexy voice.

  Will was leaning against the counter, a wolfish smile on his chiseled face. He looked so damn sexy in his blue jeans and polo shirt that Sabrina's mouth began to water unconsciously.

  "Why, would you want to be my date?" Kim asked excitedly, placing her hands on her hips with anticipation.

  Will chuckled and stared at Sabrina. "Actually, I'd like to be Sabrina's date...if she'll have me."

  Sabrina and Kim's jaws dropped simultaneously. This was straight out of left field. Will had never given Sabrina reason to think he had the hots for her. Sabrina would have thought Will would have lusted after Kim, especially since she was skinny.

  Apparently, Will likes his women big, thought Sabrina. No wonder why he works at a plus-sized clothing store.


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