Maybe for You--A Whiskey and Weddings Novel

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Maybe for You--A Whiskey and Weddings Novel Page 12

by Nicole McLaughlin

  The folk band had stopped with that last song, and although plenty of people still mingled and passed by, there was an eerie silence compared to the joyful melody that had filled her heart with lightness a few moments ago. The fruity drink filling her gut began to turn on her.

  “Thank you for that,” she said, tucking her hair behind her ear.

  His eyes went wide. “Thank you?”

  “For that kiss.”

  He let out a surprised chuckle. “You’re welcome, although I can assure you I got something out of that too.” A quick shake of his head, and his expression went serious. “Was that a mistake? Please … I don’t want that to be a mistake.”

  “No, it wasn’t a mistake. And if it was, it’s my fault. I did it. You were just gentleman enough to make me feel wanted in return.”

  “Alex, there was nothing gentlemanly about me kissing you. I wanted it. I want it again. The only thing that has me pumping the breaks on this is … that it’s you. And you’ve been through—”

  Her hand shot out and shook rapidly. “Stop! Stop, stop, stop, stop. Don’t even go there right now.” The last thing she wanted was thoughts of Nate floating around this moment. Then he would be latched on to this memory. A memory where she didn’t want him.

  “Shit,” she said, turning around. Too late. She started to walk.

  “Alex, wait,” he said, following her.

  “I’d really like to go back to the room.” She kept walking, picking up her pace.

  “Okay, fine, but can you just look at me for a minute?” He grabbed her arm and she turned. Jake’s shoulders slumped. “I’m sorry, okay?”

  “What are you sorry for?”

  His hands went out in frustration. “Kissing you.”

  Her head tilted to the side. “I don’t want you to be sorry. I’m not sorry. I just don’t know how to do this.”

  “I don’t either.”

  That wasn’t true. It was no secret that Jake was well versed in the art of sexual encounters, so the real truth was that he just didn’t know how to do this with her. Maybe that’s what he’d meant, and she was just being overly sensitive. Silly of her considering she’d started this.

  They stared at each other for a moment. The area of the street they were on was not as well lit, which she preferred right now because she could feel the tears threatening. Why, she wasn’t even sure. She didn’t feel sad, necessarily. Maybe overwhelmed. Frustrated.

  “Let’s just go back, okay? I’m tired. It’s been a long day.”

  He sighed. “Okay.”

  The five-minute walk back to the convention hotel was made in near silence between the two of them, which was thankfully made less awkward by the ruckus of the French Quarter buzzing around them.

  When they arrived at the front doors, she turned and faced him. “So, tradeshow tomorrow? What time do we start?”

  His face couldn’t hide the fact that he was frustrated by her back-to-business demeanor. Too bad—it was what she needed, and thankfully he obliged her. “They’re doing breakfast for the attendees from seven to nine, and we’re included. Want to eat about eight thirty?”

  “Sure. You still plan to come up and shower?”

  “Actually, I’ll just shower real quick in the RV. No big deal. I’ll meet you in the lobby about twenty after.”

  “Okay. That’s fine.” He was avoiding being in the room with her, she knew that, because showering in the RV wasn’t great.

  “Good night, Jake.”

  “Good night, Alex.”

  She could feel him standing there watching her as she entered the hotel, and she rushed through the lobby to catch the closing elevator door, wanting to be alone as soon as possible. The moment she was inside, and the doors sealed, she pushed the button for floor eighteen, leaned against the mirrored wall, and let her head fall back.

  What had she done?

  I kissed Jake Cooper.

  She wasn’t going to let the past ten minutes of awkwardness ruin what had been an amazing kiss. She didn’t feel bad or guilty. Despite her confusion over it all, she felt … alive. Excited. Aroused. The slight smile on her lips at that thought began to quiver. It was just adrenaline coming down to a simmer, that was all. She wasn’t sad. Wasn’t guilty. She’d done nothing wrong.

  In fact, she wished she’d done more. Why had she shut him out so quickly?

  When the elevator opened on her floor, she rushed to her room and opened the door. The air-conditioning was on full blast, sending goose bumps across her skin. She walked into the bathroom, flipped on the light, and took in her appearance. Turning side to side, she realized she looked exactly the same. She touched her lips, staring at them. Pressing on them. Same lips. Her hair was weary of the day, hanging limply around her face. But it was the same hair. Everything about her was the same.

  But somehow, she felt like a new woman.

  *   *   *

  Jake began the walk to the RV park. It was only four blocks away, and right now he appreciated the time to clear his head.

  Six days ago, outside the Stag after Alex had gotten inside the truck and buckled up, Jake had looked his friend and business partner in the eye and told him he would take care of his little sister. “Don’t you dare put a finger on my sister” had never been spoken, but there was no doubt that Dean had been thinking the words. If he had said them aloud, Jake would have been offended, because at the time, it would have been ridiculous to imagine. Not because he didn’t find Alexis attractive. She was insanely beautiful. But more because he’d known that she was fresh off a painful loss. They were friends—that was all.

  So what the hell had he been doing kissing her?

  Enjoying it, that was for damn sure. But more than that, it had felt natural. The past six days with her had been some of the most pleasant he’d had in a long time. Her presence, her voice, and their conversations had made him laugh, think, and feel happy. She was a good listener, was incredibly honest and intelligent. All of that, added to her beautiful smile and killer legs, and yeah … kissing her had come easily. Especially since she’d done it first. Damn, it had been one of the most amazing shocks of his life.

  It was still probably best that they’d gone their separate ways now. He was suddenly grateful that she was staying in the hotel, otherwise, who the hell knows what would have happened. Because there was no denying that he wanted to kiss her again. And more. But he had a feeling that she’d gotten caught up in the moment with that band. She’d been drinking, she was feeling free and happy. It probably had nothing to do with him. Alex was a woman learning to be happy all over again, and as much as he would love to help her with that, he just couldn’t.

  It would kill him to do anything that might lead to them ending their friendship. Or to her regret. Then again, the thought of her finding another man to get back on the horse with, so to speak, made him livid. If she could wait until she got to Virginia to do that so he didn’t have to witness it, he would appreciate it.

  Entering the RV park, he was thankful they’d gotten a spot near the entrance. Before going inside, he checked the pickup to make sure everything was still locked up tight, since they still had thousands of dollars in product in the bed. Once he was satisfied, he took out his keys and went inside, locking up behind him.

  He flipped on the lights and sighed. Another night alone.

  A stupid thought, considering this was his fourth RV trip for the Stag. Kicking off his shoes, he used his foot to push them against the far wall, next to her hot pink flip-flops. He’d never really been lonely before. But in less than a week, he’d become used to having her around. The smell of her lotion, the sound of her laugh as she watched her favorite Instagram stories, her bag of sour watermelon gummies out on the counter. Even just sitting across from her reading—something they’d done almost every evening on the trip—had been nice.

  Walking back into the bedroom, he stripped off his shirt, then tossed it into a corner. The small room was dotted with the belongings she hadn�
��t taken into the hotel with her. Hanging on the back of the door was a white cotton bra.

  Was he the biggest creep on earth for wanting to touch it? He’d seen plenty of bras in his life, but this one was the ugliest, most utilitarian bra he’d ever seen. His lips quirked at the thought of her wearing it. No nonsense. That was this woman. But in the best way.

  Did she own a sexy bra? Something soft like silk or see-through like lace? He inhaled, imagining her in something small and sheer enough that he could see her nipples through it.

  A soft knock sounded on the door, and he dropped his hand. “Shit,” he muttered, realizing he’d been touching the bra.

  Heading back through the RV, he unlocked the door and opened it. “Alex, what the hell?” he asked, his thoughts racing. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine.” But she didn’t walk up the steps. Instead just stood outside on the concrete.

  “I can’t believe you walked over here. It’s late.” He realized his words may have come out wrong, too terse, but the thought of her walking the streets of New Orleans alone at night made him crazy.

  He knew his reaction had upset her when her eyes went wide and she turned around and began to walk away.

  “Alex, stop. I’m sorry.”

  Catching up to her, she finally turned. “You don’t need to apologize. This was stupid.”

  “No, I was a dick just now. But I was just worried about you. Tell me why you’re here.”

  Her eyes were sparkling from the lamps that lit the entrance of the park. She glanced down at his bare chest, and then his socks, before gazing back at his face.

  Finally, she answered. “I don’t want to be alone,” she said quietly.

  His heart nearly gave out. It was hard to know exactly what she meant, but he was pretty sure he had an idea. But she was going to have to make it explicitly clear. And even then, he should say no. He’d just spent the walk back convincing himself that nothing should happen between them. So he should definitely, without hesitation, say no. He’d consider that. Probably.

  “What do you mean, Alex?” he asked. “Tell me what you need.”

  She swallowed, but her gaze never wavered. Jake knew without a doubt he was not the smartest guy. He’d barely passed high school and never ended up getting a degree. Things didn’t come easy for him when it came to learning. But for some reason, everything about Alex made sense to him. She was a tough-as-nails woman who had suffered deeply and was trying like hell to gain her confidence back.

  “I decided,” she said quietly, “that I’d rather sleep in that more comfortable bed.”

  Stunned a little, his mouth slid into a smirk. But it still wasn’t clear enough for him to make a move that he shouldn’t be making. “Okay. And so you want me to move back to the pull-out?” He cleared his throat, waiting.

  Her chin lifted the slightest bit before she shook her head. “No. I don’t want you to do that. I want you … with me.”

  The words had been spoken, and like a boulder crashing from the sky, reality set in. Damn, he wanted this woman. Maybe more than he’d ever wanted anything, and definitely more than he should. But … “Your brother will dismember me, Alex. Slowly. With a dull knife.”

  Her brow furrowed, shoulders stiffening. “My brother has nothing to do with this, and I have no intention of him ever finding out.” The look on her face changed a bit. “Is that a no?”

  Reaching out, he grabbed her hand. “It should be. But I want you too bad.”

  She stepped into him, instantly wrapping her small but strong body around his, their lips meeting in a kiss much more forceful than the one earlier and quickly turning much dirtier.

  Once he had her mouth good and loose, he pulled back. “Come in.”

  Following him back to the RV, she kept a hold of his hand. They went inside and as soon as he locked them inside, she was back in his arms, the sound of their wet mouths filling the air. As they kissed, he gently maneuvered her backward, angling her through the kitchen and into the bedroom.

  When her calves hit the mattress, she stopped and looked up at him, her breath coming fast. The light in the room was dim, but still bright enough to see her well.

  “How do you want this, Alex?” he asked. There was no way of knowing for sure, but he’d be willing to bet money she hadn’t slept with anyone since Nate, and he had no idea how she wanted her first time to go. “Fast? Slow? I want to give you what you need.”

  “Not fast,” she said. “But I don’t need you to be soft or gentle. What I need is for it to be good. Make it good. Please.”

  His lips quirked up. “I can do that.”

  With the sexiest smile he’d ever seen lighting up her face, she got a hold of her tank top and pulled it over her head. The sight he was presented with took his breath away and had him cursing obscenities under his breath as he lifted his hands to the black mesh bra.

  “I was trying to imagine what your nipples looked like when you knocked on the door.”

  The look of shock—and lust—on her face made the words worth it. “You were?”

  “Yes I was, and they are even more perfect than I’d imagined.”

  Her hands came up and covered his, forcing him to cup each breast tighter. The smallest moan came from her lips as he leaned down and kissed right below her temple. “Lay down, Alex.”

  She did, her gaze never leaving his as she scooted to the top of the bed. He followed, knees dipping into the mattress as he crawled over her. Her chest rose and fell with each breath, and he could see the excitement in her eyes. With a hand on each side of her body holding him up, he watched her. “You stop me at any time this isn’t okay.”

  Nodding, she reached up and ran a hand down his chest and stomach, making him shiver. Her fingers stopped when they hit the top of his jeans.

  “Not yet,” he said. “Right now, I’m only interested in fulfilling your wish, which was to make this good.”

  “Good will include you ditching these pants,” she said, tugging once more.

  With a laugh, he pushed up and made quick work of removing the denim before resuming his position.

  “You forgot something.” She pointed to his boxer-briefs.

  “We’ll get there, babe, just let me touch you for a little while.”


  Alex sucked in a breath and let her eyelids flutter closed as Jake began to kiss her neck. He was so gentle and so good at this, just like she knew he would be. It felt safe to just tilt her head back and let him have her. As soon as her back bowed, he slipped a hand underneath and had her bra unclasped with a few quick flicks of his fingers.

  Yes, he knew what he was doing. His experience was undeniable, but right now, it was what she wanted. A man who knew exactly what her body needed. Because that was what this was, the next step in her letting go, being free. She wanted to feel. And be felt.

  “Oh,” she gasped as his hot mouth closed over her nipple. Her hands touched each side of his head, holding on as he licked and sucked at her.

  “Tell me it feels good,” he said as he moved to the other breast.

  “It feels so good.”

  He let out a groan as he pulled the other one into his mouth and sucked harder than she was expecting. The noise she made had him lifting his head.

  “Too much?” he said with a sly grin.

  “No. Don’t stop.”

  It wasn’t long before he’d worked her into a near frenzy from her nipples alone. As if he could sense her need to go further, he began to slowly make his way down her ribs and stomach, stopping to kiss every swell and valley until he got to her skirt band.

  As she reached to push it down, he grabbed her hand and held it at her side. “Let me,” he said. He met her eyes once more. “If that’s okay.”

  She nodded, her chin tucked into her chest so she could watch him. His free hand hooked under her left thigh and then he slid it up behind her knee, gently pushing and parting her legs. Naturally she lifted the other one, shushing her inner voice telling
her that she should be self-conscious. Nathan had taught her to love her body by loving it so well. She wouldn’t let that lesson go now.

  Oh, Nate. Don’t hate me.

  For a moment she could hear his voice. “Baby I could never hate you.” She let herself feel him for one painful second and then pushed it away. This was not the time. She wouldn’t feel shame or sadness. She was only going to feel good so thoughts of him had to go.

  Her skirt slid down, pooling around her waist, and she was grateful she’d taken a moment to freshen up in the hotel room before she headed over here. Because he was right there, his eyes taking her in.

  “These are pretty,” he said, running a finger along the trim of her lace underwear and back down. On the next pass he let it slip under the elastic, the back of his finger tickling her sensitive skin. She shivered as he slowly pulled the material aside, exposing her just a bit. “This is pretty, too.”

  She smiled up at the ceiling, trying not to be embarrassed. How long had it been since someone had explored her so thoroughly? So closely? Maybe never.

  “Is it okay if I put my mouth on you, Alexis?” he asked, his finger petting her softly.


  He pulled her panties down, dragging them off her and tossing them aside before positioning her exactly how she’d been before. Legs bent back and spread open. She closed her eyes in anticipation, breath bated, legs tense to the point of shaking. The minute a puff of warm air hit her skin, followed quickly by the heat of his mouth, she was lost. After several soft kisses she began to relax, her legs falling open farther, her hands sliding into his hair. She could tell he liked that because his tongue took a long swipe at her in response. When she bucked against his mouth, he groaned, and the firmer she held onto his head the more frantic his ministrations became.

  “Show me where you want it, Alex,” he said breathlessly, without raising his head. “Here?” His tongue speared into her. “Or here?” Followed by a firm stroke to her clit.

  Her hands slid to the back of his head, holding him right where he was as her body undulated, searching for the perfect rhythm. “Yes, there. Both. Just don’t stop.”


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