FOK (Wall Street Royals)

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FOK (Wall Street Royals) Page 6

by Tara Sue Me

  His sinister laugh filled the large room. “You think I need a playroom filled with toys to dominate you, little girl?”

  Fuuuuuck. How did he know exactly which buttons turned her on?

  He knew it, too. That much was clear in the knowing way the corner of his mouth quirked up in a half smile.

  “No, Sir,” she said, in answer to his question. “I have no doubt of your ability to dominate me. It’s our current location I question. I have a vague memory of you saying you didn’t do kink here.”

  “I never have in the past but that doesn’t mean I can’t change my mind, does it?”

  She couldn’t help but smile. “No, Sir.”

  “However, since we haven’t discussed limits or exchanged checklists, we’ll consider tonight a prelude. How does that sound?”

  “Perfect, Sir.”

  “We’ll keep it light and not go beyond sex and a spanking. Are you okay with that?”

  Was she? The need for both had her strung so tight, she might snap if he didn’t give her one or the other. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Say ‘red’ at any time to stop me. This is only a prelude, but you need to be aware that if we decide to continue beyond tonight, I’m an all-or-nothing type of guy. You step a foot in my penthouse and you’re mine exclusively and I hold nothing back. You’ll be mine to tease, pleasure, and torment. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. If you want to continue tonight, go lock the door and meet me in the closet.” She must have had a strange look on her face because he added, “I had the foresight to soundproof part of my room.”

  She stood and went to lock his bedroom door. By the time she turned, he’d already disappeared into his closet. A closet. This would certainly be a different experience. She’d never played in a closet before. Taking a few deep breaths, she calmed her body, and only then did she move toward the open door before her.

  The room she stepped inside looked nothing like a closet. She thought the one in her room was large, but his looked almost twice as big. Not only did it hold racks and shelves, and places to hang clothes, but it also held furniture. Namely a leather chair and a large wooden chest. She moved to the center and eyed the chair beside her. Really? Did he get tired trying to decide what to wear?

  “It’s for my grandmother,” he said, obviously catching her stare. “She likes to talk as I get dressed to attend one of her benefits. For the last few years, she is more comfortable in a chair.” He looked her up and down, the time to discuss Barbara had passed. She had kept her clothes on because he hadn’t told her to do otherwise. “Thank you for joining me in here tonight.”

  She stood still, waiting for him to instruct her, trying to keep her breathing smooth and even. She followed him with her eyes just as he watched her, and under his gaze her nerves became compliant and settled.

  “So calm, Celeste.” He spoke in that deep and low voice that threatened to make her insides quake all while walking around her as if taking a Sunday stroll. “Do you know what I want to do with you?” He stopped behind her and parted her hair, exposing her nape to him. His lips pressed against her skin, but he didn’t give her a kiss. He bit her. Not hard. Just enough grazing of his teeth to excite her body and make her long for more. “I want to pull you out from under that calm. I want to shake you up. To rattle you until there is no calm left inside you and your only calm is me and only if I decide to give it to you.”

  She wouldn’t bother to tell him that no man had ever been able to do so. Or that she might like for him to try. No, for now, she’d keep that secret to herself.

  The low growl in her ear warned her it would be hard to keep secrets from this man. His breath was warm against the skin he’d recently teased with his teeth and the contrast of the two sent shivers along her back.

  “I get the impression you’d like that, wouldn’t you? To trust someone enough to let them strip you of your calm? If I told you to undress, and you stood before me without a stitch of clothing on, you wouldn’t be naked because you’d still be cloaked in your calm, wouldn’t you?”

  How was it he saw her so clearly? Neither of the Doms she’d been with before had picked up on that secret of hers.

  He buried his hand in her hair and gave a sharp tug, pulling her head back toward him. “I asked you a question, little girl.”

  Arousal pooled between her legs. Lance was an attractive man, but now that he’d proven he could push her buttons and knew a few of her secrets, he became even more so.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said.

  His breath was hot against her exposed neck, and he pressed his lips against her skin. “Thank you. Not tonight, but one day soon, when I’ve earned your trust, I’m going to inch my way under your calm and peel it away, leaving you bare and defenseless. Then I will take you over and over because you’ll finally be naked, but only for my pleasure.”

  Images of him doing exactly that flooded her mind, and she forced herself to remain silent and still.

  “I'm going to have fun with you, Celeste.” His hand stroked her upper arm, but she was still dressed and she wished he’d told her to strip because at that moment she wanted nothing more than to feel him skin on skin. “Starting tonight. First, I want you to undress for me and then lean over the back of the chair.”

  She welcomed the surge of excitement pulsing through her veins at the thought of what they were getting ready to do. Even though she’d only known Lance for less than two months, in that time, he’d invaded every dirty fantasy she had. Needless to say, since she’d gone without any sort of physical relationship for a long time, she’d had A Lot of dirty fantasies.

  He watched her move and follow his command unabashed. She loved how he didn’t attempt to cover up, justify, or explain why he watched her. He owned his dominance and not only did that excite her further, it helped her settle into her submissive headspace.

  She’d attempted to explain it once to her old roommate when she walked in and saw her reading a BDSM blog. Celeste thought her reasoning made complete sense - how could submissives turn themselves over to a Dominant who wasn’t completely at ease with being a Dominant? Why would she trust a man who gave half-hearted commands as if he felt the need to apologize for doing so?

  No thank you.

  She wanted a confident dominant man because he made her a confident submissive. What her roommate couldn’t seem to grasp was that a submissive could only submit as much as a Dom could dominate.

  From what she could tell so far, Lance had the confidence piece down. Which gave her what she needed, and by the time she settled herself over the back of the chair, she was already sinking into the headspace she’d long craved.

  Lance didn’t make her wait, within seconds, he was behind her. He ran his hands up her back, down her arms, and then back the same way. Instead of stopping at her waist, however, he continued down, giving her legs the same attention he’d paid her arms.

  “What a beautiful canvas you have offered me,” he whispered. “I look forward to the day I can thank you properly.”

  Just thinking about that day and all the things he could do to her made her body pulse with desire.

  “Legs spread a bit more,” he said. “Let me see what the promise of a spanking has done to you.”

  She moved them apart, knowing what he would find, and smiled when he slid a finger along her inner thigh and found the evidence of how much he turned her on.

  “Someone badly needs a spanking, doesn’t she?” He moved so his erection pressed hard and heavy against her backside.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  His hands now focused their attention along her ass and her upper legs, with his knowledgeable fingers teasing her. They would almost stroke her where she needed his touch, but at the last second, they would fall away. She nearly groaned every time he pulled her back from the paradise of having part of him inside her.

  “You’re a greedy little girl, aren’t you?” He asked. “Desperate for your Sir to fill you with something.” />
  “Yes, Sir. I need more. Please.” She’d beg if she had to.

  He slapped her ass hard. She shrieked at the unexpected evidence of his disapproval.

  “What you’re feeling is not need. It’s want. There’s a big difference, and if we decide to extend our play beyond tonight, I’ll teach you to distinguish between the two.”

  His fingers brushed just to her clit but retreated before they reached her and gave any relief. She sucked in a breath.

  “I’m feeling rather generous tonight,” he said. “So I’m going to make you come before I spank your ass.” His thumb circled her clit. “I want to get you off with my hands only, to show you how well I can pleasure you when you’re a good girl.”

  He pressed two fingers inside her, going deep before he hooked them and hit a sensitive spot inside her. At the same time his thumb pressed and worked her clit until she came hard. Her inner muscles clenched his fingers even as he pumped them inside her.

  “That was pretty,” he said. “Give me another one.”

  She tried to hold out, to not give in, so she could experience how incredible he made her feel for just a little while longer. But she soon realized she was no match for him. All too soon he brought her to the edge of another orgasm.

  “I can feel how close you are,” he whispered, “How you’re trying to fight it. I appreciate you for doing that because it gives me the chance to learn even more about your body and how it responds to my touch.”

  He shifted his fingers to hit a different spot, and she gasped at the sensation.

  “You liked that didn’t you?”

  She mumbled something, pretty certain he couldn’t understand. Although, maybe he did since he didn’t stop what he was doing. She couldn’t keep her orgasm at bay any longer. His fingers plunged inside her again and she came, bucking her hips, trying to keep the feeling going.

  “Yes,” he said, his voice rough. “Finish coming and then settle yourself for what’s next.”

  She took several deep breaths to hold herself steady. He’d promised her a spanking. Her body cried out for it, but her head warned her to be careful what she asked for.

  The sudden silence of the closet startled her, but only because what followed was the unmistakable sound of a belt slowly being pulled away from the wearer’s pants.

  Chapter Nine

  Lance watched and listened, not wanting to miss even the smallest reaction Celeste might have at the sound of him removing his belt. Had he not been looking for it as intently as he was, the slight hitching of her breath may have gone unnoticed. But he heard it and fuck if it didn’t make him even harder.

  When people asked him why he enjoyed being a Dominant, this was what he always tried to describe yet could never quite capture with words. The feeling when a sub turned herself over to him, trusting that he could deliver what she craved, the things she couldn’t give herself. Whenever he was with a sub, he looked for a moment, and hopefully more than one, of reaction, be it ever so small, that told him he’d served her well.

  Those moments were what got him off. They were what made being a Dominant addicting. And the slight hitch of breath Celeste let slip? That was his drug of choice. Watching her come was the high he sought, and he’d chase that feeling for as long as she’d let him.

  Of course, he wouldn’t just hand her the orgasms. What would be the fun in that? Teasing and taking her to the edge of her limits, seeing how far she’d let him carry her was also on his list. He hoped Celeste would allow him to carry her far, far away.

  “You’ve tasted someone’s belt before, haven’t you, little girl?” He asked, hoping he’d read her reaction correctly. He’d taken a chance on calling her ‘little girl’ based solely on the fact she appeared to prefer older men. Seeing the way her lips parted and her back arched, just a tad, when he called her that the first time?

  Better than a grand slam with bases loaded at the bottom of the ninth.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said in that breathy voice he found sweeter than any note ever played.

  “I don’t have to ask if you enjoyed it based upon the evidence I see.”

  She tensed, but probably only because she was trying so hard to keep still. He should help her, give her an incentive. If by chance, she saw the belt in his hand, which she would because he’d make sure she did, even better.

  He walked around the chair until he stood in front of her. Even positioned the way she was she saw him clearly. She eyed the belt he carried in one hand before lifting her face to him.

  “See how hard I am at the thought of whipping your ass with my belt?” He asked.

  Her eyelids fluttered. “Yes, Sir.”

  “I’ll leave it to your imagination to estimate how much harder I’ll be when I’m finished.” Even if she didn’t want to think about his cock, she would. The power of a person’s mind was such a fun thing to play with. “And if you’re a good girl and stay still and silent during your whipping, I’ll allow you to do more than look at it.”

  She nodded. Remaining in her line of sight, he rolled up his sleeves. He hadn’t commanded her to watch, but she would. He made a show out of transferring the belt from one hand to the other in order to roll up both sleeves. All the while she watched. Though her eyes dropped once to his cock.

  Oh yes, she wanted to do more than look. That made two of them. Just for fun he reached down and adjusted himself, enjoying the way her eyes grew big.

  Finished, he moved back behind her and gave her ass a swat with his hand. She didn’t move.

  “Very nice,” he said, making sure she heard the pleasure in his voice. He doubled the belt over on itself and ensured he held any metal in his fist. With a quick flick of his wrist he landed the leather across her right butt cheek with a sharp snap. It wasn’t nearly as hard as what he normally gave but it was their first time together and he needed to learn her first. He didn’t want to come on too strong and scare her off because he sure as hell wanted more than tonight with her.

  She didn’t move and remained silent as well. He was impressed and decided he’d only give her five tonight. But there was no way he’d tell her that. Not yet anyway. He brought the belt down four more times. Each one light and quick, nowhere near as hard as he could or as hard he’d one day use on her. But for tonight it was enough.

  “You did so well, little girl,” he told her once he finished and replaced the belt around his waist. He went around the chair, standing to the side so he could see her eyes better. While he walked, he kept one hand touching her, for both her benefit and his. Her body gave no signs of distress, at least none his fingers felt. A fact he confirmed as soon as he could look into her eyes.

  He made sure she saw his smile and recognized how pleased he was. Just as he noted the soft hum that seemed to run through her body.

  He caressed her cheek. “Can you give me a little bit more tonight?”

  Her eyes were heavy with lust as she whispered, “Yes, Sir.”

  “Thank you,” he said, rubbing his thumb along her lower lip. So soft. He kept his thumb on her lip a second longer than he’d anticipated, and he had to bite back a moan when she sucked his thumb into her mouth.

  “Like that, is it?” he asked and almost lost himself in his pants when she looked up at him with his thumb in her mouth and nodded. “Fucking hell, I want those lips. On your knees in front of me.”

  She was all too happy to comply and scrambled to get off of the chair and down on her knees. The sight of her before him, kneeling, shouldn’t have impacted him the way it did. He was no newbie Dom playing with his first sub. He’d played with numerous submissives before her and doubtless, he’d play with many more after her.

  Yet why did she make his heart pound and heat his blood like no one before? He could tell himself he only wanted in her pants and the feeling would go away once he fucked her, but he didn’t believe that for a second.

  He wouldn’t fuck her tonight. That could wait until the next time she came looking for him. And she would.
  How could she not with the way she looked at him now? Patiently waiting for his command. Eager to do whatever he asked.

  “Take my cock out,” he told her.

  Even in her excited need she was graceful, rising on her knees and expertly working the button on his pants. With swift movements, she unzipped and tugged them down, pausing just for a second to admire him through his boxers. Apparently, a second was all it took for her to decide the material was in her way and she quickly pushed his boxers down to the floor.

  “You look delicious, Sir,” she said.

  “You won’t know until you try,” he couldn’t help but tease. “Go on let me see how well you’ve been taught to suck cock.”

  Now that she had him undressed, she seemed in no hurry to finish. She leaned forward and placed a sloppy and wet kiss on his tip. Then she stuck her tongue out and licked the slit, lapping up the few drops she found.

  “Fucking hell.” He was close to clenching the back of her head and holding it steady so he could fuck her mouth. “Now, Celeste, or you’re not going to enjoy the consequences.”

  Thankfully, she didn’t play the brat. He hadn’t pegged her for the brat type. Fortunate, since he didn’t find much pleasure in those subs that did. At his warning, she obeyed and took him deep. He sucked in a breath.

  “Yes,” he said. “Your mouth is so good.”

  He wouldn't be able to hold out for long. Hell, he’d been hard since the moment she stepped into his room. And even before that, he’d forced himself to wait until she came to him. For three weeks, he’d imagined having her on her knees with her mouth wrapped around his dick. He had an active imagination but even that couldn’t compare.

  The way she worked her mouth and tongue over him. How she took his length all the way to the root and held him in place. The sly look as she gazed up told him she was practically showing off her deep throating skills. But all to his benefit. To keep from coming right then, he closed his eyes and lost himself in the slick warmth of her mouth for just a bit more.


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