Mistletoe Bachelors

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Mistletoe Bachelors Page 16

by Snow, Jennifer

  “No, mom, that’s not it. It’s my book. It has been accepted for publication, and I need to work on it over the holidays.” A wide smile spread across her face as she pulled out a chair to sit. She kicked off her boots.

  “Oh, honey, that’s so wonderful. I’m so proud of you. When will I be able to read the final copy?” The sound of a car horn honking outside on her mother’s end of the line startled her. “Oops, your father is still waiting for me in the car. I’d better go tell him the change of plans and of course, your wonderful news…” Her mother hesitated. “and you’re sure there’s no man?” She sounded disappointed.

  “No, mom, unfortunately not.”

  * * * * Madison sealed the sandwich bag containing the remaining twenty-seven chocolate oatmeal cookies and placed them in the pantry. She yawned and stretched. A glance at the clock on the microwave revealed it was almost midnight. Happy with the day’s progress of three chapters revised and eight cookies eaten, she turned off the lights and headed to her bedroom.

  She turned on her bedside lamp and pulled back the flannel sheets on the bed. Her cell phone blinked with unheard voice messages, but she ignored them. She’d heard the phone ring numerous times throughout the evening, but the ring tone had been Damien’s. She refused to deal with him just yet. She’d emailed him an official letter of resignation that afternoon.

  She crawled between the warm, soft sheets, and her cell phone beeped with a new text message. She hesitated, wondering who would be texting her this late at night. If it was an emergency, Sam would call. She picked up the phone and checked the message I.D. Cole? What did he want this late?

  Where are you? The message read. At home. Alone, two days before Christmas, bursting at the seams to tell you my good news, she didn’t add.

  Guess where I am.

  Seriously? It was after midnight. She wasn’t in the mood for guessing games with him. In a hot tub with a beautiful Australian girl. Annoyed, she flung back the bed sheets and paced the floor in her bedroom.

  In California with you parents.

  Madison’s mouth gaped, and she reread each word over again. Were her sleepy eyes fooling her? What was he doing there?

  She dialed his cell number. This wasn’t something that could be discussed through text messages. She sat on the edge of her bed biting her thumbnail as the phone rang. She stood and paced again. Come on, answer.

  “Madison, hi.” His sleepy, emotion-filled voice was the best thing she’d heard in two days.

  “What are you doing in California?” She couldn’t believe how absurd this season was becoming. She was no longer sure whether to laugh or cry at any given moment.

  “I love you.” Cole’s voice was raw with emotion.

  Tears stung Madison’s eyes. “What about the girl in your studio today?” She paused near her bedroom window, looking out at the falling snow.

  “I love you,” Cole repeated.

  “But you were so angry at the law Christmas party—and I haven’t heard from you…” Her rambling made no sense, even to her own ears.

  “Madison, I love you.” He repeated for the third time.

  Who cares about anything else? Not her, not at that moment. He loved her. “I love you too Cole,” she whispered. Her heart felt about to explode with happiness.

  “Explain to me how I am spending Christmas in a snowless, treeless place, with your parents and you are still in New York?” His tone pleaded.

  She laughed through the tears streaming down her cheeks. “I didn’t go. I had to work on my book.”

  “Your book? You mean your article?” Cole sounded confused.

  “No, I mean my book. My manuscript was accepted!” Finally she was able to share this with him.

  “Oh Madison, I am so proud of you. I wish I could hold you and kiss your head, your cheeks, your lips and your beautiful, perfect little nose.”

  “Come back.” She couldn’t wait to see him again.

  “I’m booked on the next flight out.” Cole sounded eager to be back in New York.

  She was eager to have him back. “I’ll be waiting at the airport.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Cole’s flight landed at ten-thirty the next morning, and Madison was at the airport at ten o’clock, in case the flight arrived early. The airport was full of people arriving and leaving for their holiday destinations, and she found herself caught up in the excitement of it all. Everyone had somewhere special to be, or someone special to share the season with, and this year, so did she. She yawned as she paced in front of the arrivals gate. She hadn’t slept the night before as they’d spent hours text messaging each other.

  Cole explained that he’d been developing photos in his dark room when she’d come to see him. His young visitor had been Miss Teen Manhattan getting her publicity shots done earlier that day at his studio. Madison couldn’t believe she’d been jealous of a young, teenage girl with an attitude, but how was she to know? He said the moment the young girl had given him the message, he’d walked out of his meeting with the Gucci executives and had gone in search of her. He’d tried her apartment, then the office.

  Samantha had been the one to inform him Madison had quit her job and was headed to California for Christmas. He hadn’t even packed any clothes and boarded the next flight to California to find her. Arriving at her family home, he’d discovered she wasn’t there, but her parents had been kind enough to let him stay. He had apologized for leaving her with Kurt and how miserable he’d been for the last few days—thinking things were over between them. Sending the photos had been his next to last attempt at getting her back. The last attempt was submitting one awful manuscript to her after another, he had teased.

  At first, Madison didn’t see him, as the passengers came filling through the busy terminal, then a miniature, decorated Christmas tree poked its way through the crowd. She smiled at the sight as Cole came toward her.

  He dropped the tree to the floor and wrapped his arms around her. “Madison, it feels like forever since I’ve seen you,” he whispered into her hair.

  She wrapped her arms tight around his neck. Even in his rumpled clothing and tousled hair, he looked amazing. “I can’t believe you flew to California.”

  Cole kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her neck not caring about the crowds of people around them, watching their open display of affection. “Let’s get out of here. I could use a shower.”

  “Um, that sounds like a great idea.” Madison’s eyes glinted as they met his.

  Cole stopped and turned her to face him, intrigue and desire written all over his face. “Madison, you better promise not to fight with me this time.” He warned, “I don’t think I could handle that again. I had to walk halfway around Tuscumbia to cool off the last time.”

  * * * * Two days later, Madison awoke to the smell of pancakes, bacon and eggs cooking in her apartment. Entering the kitchen, she smiled. Cole cooked breakfast while hanging white Christmas lights in her kitchen window.

  “What are you doing?’ Madison yawned and stretched. She leaned against the counter, smiling.

  “Oh good, you’re up. What do you think? Do you want an evergreen tree or a blue spruce?” Cole struggled with the lights in one hand, spatula in the other.

  “I think I want a good morning and a kiss.”

  Cole grinned as he dropped the spatula onto the stove. “Good morning, little lady.” He picked her up and set her on top of the counter. He kissed her lips and brushed a strand of dark hair from her shoulder. “Now, evergreen or blue spruce?”

  “What’s wrong with the tree we have? I’ve grown attached to it.” Madison left a trail of tiny kisses along his neck and down his bare chest. She could get used to having him cook breakfast for her like this. The day before had been nothing short of amazing, as they hadn’t left her apartment. They’d taken their shower as promised and spent hours wrapped in each others arms on Madison’s living room sofa. They hadn’t needed to talk, they were content to be next to each other at last, feeling the w
armth and love radiating between them. For dinner, they’d ordered a pizza, and Cole had insisted on reading her manuscript. Sharing it with him had been wonderful.

  “It’s great, but if we are having Christmas in this apartment tomorrow, we need to make this place a little more festive.” His words faltered as her mouth reached his belly.

  “Madison, it’s hard to focus with you doing that.”

  “Okay. I choose an evergreen.” Madison jumped from the counter and headed for the kitchen door.

  “Hey, where are you going? I was enjoying that.”

  Madison laughed. “To shower and dress. We have a lot of work to do if we want to make this place look festive.” She didn’t own a single Christmas decoration, and she agreed with Cole, this Christmas should be special. They had invited Samantha and her family to Christmas dinner and had also extended the invitation to the Thompson family, who had accepted. Scott was happy not to have to cook a turkey, and the girls were excited to see Madison again.

  Coming out of the shower a few minutes later, her mail sat on the counter. “So, I guess you met Frank in your search for me the other day?” She towel dried her hair.

  “If you mean the short, balding man who riddled me with questions, then yes.” Cole laughed. “He seemed jealous. Do you two have something going on?”

  Madison shrugged. “You never know. He is cute.” She picked up her mail. On top of the pile was her copy of Women’s World Quarterly magazine. She tossed it aside and flipped through the rest of her mail.

  “Aren’t you going to look at that?” Cole gestured toward the magazine. He climbed down from the stepladder and plugged in the Christmas lights.

  “No, the wound hasn’t healed yet.” She’d gotten over the fact she no longer worked for the publication, but she wasn’t ready to read an article written to replace her own.

  “But, isn’t that the original cover design?” Cole picked up the magazine.

  Madison glanced at the cover. Her name and the bachelor article were toward the top of the page. How had that happened? They must have made a mistake at the press. She flipped to the second section of the magazine. There it was. “They published it.” Madison wore a look of shock. Damien liked it after all.

  “So they published it with only four bachelors?” Cole studied the article over her shoulder.

  “Um, no. I used a replacement bachelor.” Madison hid the magazine behind her back. Her face flushed. She hadn’t yet told him she’d written about him as bachelor number five. She hadn’t expected it to end up in print.

  “Madison, who’d you write about?” Cole’s eyes narrowed. His tone suggested he already knew the answer.

  “No one you know.” Madison dashed from the kitchen, but he was too quick for her.

  “Let me see.” He grabbed her and tickled her ribs.

  “No.” She squealed as he tickled her to the couch and stole the magazine.

  “You wrote about me?” His face wore a look of disbelief, as he skimmed the article.

  Madison didn’t answer. She hid behind a cushion and waited for his reaction.

  Cole flipped to the beginning of the article.

  New York holds a reputation as one of the most exciting cities in America, filled with important, successful and interesting people, such as the five men featured in this article. For the last three weeks, I have been fortunate enough to meet with five of New York’s most eligible bachelors and spend three wonderful, fun filled, adventurous days with each, observing their holiday traditions. A whirlwind tour from Manhattan to Whistler, to Tuscumbia and back again, there was never a dull moment along the way.

  Bachelor number one, Scott Thompson, a successful real estate broker in Manhattan. A single father to two beautiful little girls, Amelia and Emma, this dad is a hardworking entrepreneur and role model to his daughters. Spending three days in the Thompson’s beautiful Manhattan home was a spirit reviving respite, as the girls and their father invited me to participate in their family’s holiday traditions. Snowball fights, Christmas tree hunting, and cookie baking were only the beginning for this active trio. An endearing and thoughtful visit to the children’s hospital with toys for the sick children, one of their yearly traditions, was the highlight of my time with them. While Scott is one of New York’s most successful, handsome men, it is his compassionate and kind soul that truly makes him a unique and special bachelor.

  The next bachelor on my list was overnight sensation Gucci designer, Nathan Harper. However, bad news ladies, this one will not be a bachelor for long. The rumours are true, I was with him as Nathan scoured the Manhattan Tiffany store, braving the Christmas crowds for a perfect two carat diamond solitaire ring he recently placed upon girlfriend and model Becca Sambura’s finger. Work never takes a break in the world of high fashion and Nathan’s holidays were filled with fashion show rehearsals and photo shoots, presenting his new spring designs, which I will tell you first hand are incredible, as usual. This Texas born hottie is also a family man in the making as he spent time with fiancé Becca’s family, even turning down tickets to a ‘Giants’ football game. A rare catch indeed. Hold onto him Becca.

  Then I hopped a plane to Whistler, British Columbia where Blake Ford, Bachelor number three was spending the season in the climate and surroundings he loves best—his winter home on the slopes. This Olympic snowboarding gold medalist is a well-known face in the Whistler Village. Locals and tourists alike enjoy free snowboard and ski lessons from the handsome, young, former U.S. Marine. By the way ladies, he still keeps that ‘Marine’ body. Raised by his grandparents, with a humble beginning to life, Blake Ford is a thoughtful, adventure seeking man with a smile that warms the entire mountain. He is single and claims to be looking for that special someone who can keep him on his toes. Lace up those snow boots ladies and hit the slopes for a chance at this man’s heart.

  Bachelor number four may live in downtown Manhattan where his successful medical practice takes up five floors of the Trump Tower Building, but Rod Livingston’s heart can be found in Tuscumbia, Alabama during the holiday season. Having spent three days in the wonderful Christmas oriented town, I can understand why. The entire community comes together at that time of year and everything revolves around the season. The town’s re-enactment of ‘A Christmas Carol’ is the highlight of the festivities, and their outdoor skating rink is a hotspot for local romance. When asked if there was romance in the air for Rod himself this season, the shy bachelor refuses to comment, but the mischievous gleam in his eye tells a different story. Spending time with the Livingston family in Tuscumbia was truly a remarkable experience. Who could resist falling in love with a man who dresses as a reindeer each holiday season to put a smile on the faces of local children?

  Bachelor number five was someone I was fortunate enough to spend the entire season with, as he traveled with me, photographing each of these handsome men. Award winning photographer, Cole Harris is New York’s best kept secret in the world of photography, with his talent outweighed only by his compassionate and caring nature. While we got off to a rocky start to the assignment, it wasn’t long before Cole’s easygoing nature and passion for life and his work melted my thick resolve, and this bachelor soon had a place for himself in my heart as a true friend. His work alone is worthy of this man’s place as bachelor number five in this year’s review of New York’s finest men. However, when you combine his mischievous grin and fervent determination, this man captures our attention and our hearts. His volunteer work with local children’s charities and being the favorite uncle to his beautiful nieces, places this bachelor as number one on my list of people I’d love to spend any and every holiday with.

  As the season draws near, my heart is filled with love and joy as I watch the hope and happiness spread all around, from Manhattan to Whistler to Tuscumbia, and everywhere else. Through my travels this holiday season, I’ve learned it doesn’t matter where you are in the world, the spirit of Christmas will always find you there.

  “Wow, is that how yo
u see me?” Cole finished reading the article and closed the magazine. “I meant every word.” Madison let the pillow fall back to the couch.

  Cole kissed the palm of her hand, his eyes never leaving hers. “Then how about spending

  every holiday with me?”

  “Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?” Madison smiled.

  “I’m asking you to marry me.” Cole’s tone was serious, quiet—his feelings for her written

  all over his handsome face.

  Madison’s eyes welled with tears of happiness, and she flung her arms around him. “Is that a yes?” Cole laughed and squeezed her tight.

  Madison leaned back and brought her lips to his. “Yes, bachelor number five, yes.”

  *The End* About the Author

  Jennifer Snow lives in Edmonton, Alberta with her fiancé and two year old son. Writing contemporary romance fiction, her previous works include Mistletoe Fever and Mistletoe & Molly. A member of the RWA and the Alberta Writer’s Guild, she is active in the writing community with author pages on Shewrites.com, Backspace.org, and Goodreads.com. For information on upcoming releases, please visit her website at www.jennifersnowbooks.com

  Secret Cravings Publishing www.secretcravingspublishing.com




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