Masters of My Desire

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Masters of My Desire Page 11

by Jenna Jacobs

  “I’m sorry we have to do this to you, little one, but we need to get that plug out before you go to sleep.” Nick placed me onto the cold sheets then turned me to my side. I shivered when he pressed my knees up. “We’ll get you warmed up in a minute, little one. Just take a deep breath and as you let it out, push for me, okay?”

  I closed my eyes and as Nick’s broad fingers gripped the wide base, I exhaled and bore down, anxious to get the wicked plug out of my body. A soft whimper escaped my lips as the widest part slid free. Nick strolled off to the bathroom as Dylan drew the sheets around my shoulders.

  “We’re proud of how brave you’ve been with the plugs, kitten,” Dylan praised as he threaded his fingers through my hair.

  But not proud enough that I earned a way to keep you.

  Driving the cynical thought from my brain, Nick returned and washed my sensitive rosette with a warm cloth. I was still shivering as they climbed into bed, but warmed up quickly once wrapped in their sinful warmth. I drank in their heat, drowning in the bliss of their chiseled form and convincing myself I was too tired to wrangle the myriad of emotions. Within minutes, I’d drifted off to sleep.


  Blinding sunlight streamed in from beneath the curtains. The storm had passed. A melancholy ache filled my heart. No matter how desperately I wished it, time wasn’t going to stand still. Peering to my left, I saw Dylan laying on his back, snoring softly. With care, I rolled to my side and gazed at him, taking in every contour of his rugged features. Blonde stubble covered his jaw and chin and I longed to draw my nails over the coarse hairs, feel them prickle upon my fingers. Light lashes rested against his cheeks, shrouding his beautiful azure eyes beneath the smooth lids. Staring at his full lips, I remembered how soft and compelling they felt beneath my own. My gaze wandered down his wide neck, over his broad tanned shoulders, resting on his flat, dusky brown nipples. Hard muscles bulged beneath his flesh as if a master sculptor had spent a lifetime chiseling him out taupe granite.

  Curling my arm beneath the pillow, I elevated my head while I drank in the rest of his features. He’d kicked most of the covers off and they lay in a twisted ball at the foot of the bed. A beam of sunlight spilled from the curtain’s edge, illuminating his impressive, flaccid cock resting upon his thigh. My palms itched. I’d never felt a soft cock before and I stared in utter fascination.

  “No matter how long you look at it, kitten, it isn’t going to suck itself,” Dylan teased in a sleepy voice.

  I jerked my head up at him and blinked. A goofy smile spread over his gorgeous face as that sexy-assed dimple grew more pronounced.

  “Morning,” Nick mumbled in a gravely tone as he sat up and placed a tender kiss on my shoulder. “Starting lessons before coffee?”

  “Maybe,” Dylan smirked. “I think Savannah might need breakfast in bed. She looks kind of hungry.”

  “Very funny,” I said in a dry tone. “I was just looking at…”

  “My cock, yes, I know, kitten. Crawl on down there and take a closer look. It won’t bite.”

  “I need to brush my teeth first,” I said and began to scamper out of bed.

  “Bring the tube back with you, little one.” Nick instructed with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

  “The tube of…toothpaste?” I asked as my brows wrinkled in confusion.

  “You mean, the tube of toothpaste, Sir, don’t you?” Nick reminded as he pursed his lips as if pondering some unpleasant form of punishment.

  “Yes, Sir… that’s exactly what I meant.” My words rushed together as I remembered the brief but formidable lesson of edging. Nope, I didn’t need any more punishments.

  “I thought so, girl.” Nick winked and flashed a dazzling smile. I swallowed back a wanton moan and hurried to the bathroom.

  After my morning rituals, I ventured from the bathroom, toothpaste in hand. Their gazes clung to my body with every step I took. My nipples pebbled and my heart beat faster as both cocks sprang to life. Devilish smiles adorned their faces and I knew they were up to something, I just hoped there was a happy ending in it—for all of us.

  “So, do you have some kind of kinky tooth brush lesson planned?”

  Nick chuckled. “Something like that, little one.” He extended his hand and I passed him the paste. “Come, lay down.”

  I eyed him with suspicion as I climbed over his stretched out legs, taking my time to gaze upon his thick erection, before settling in between them. Nick removed the cap as if he were opening a container of plutonium, slow, and careful. Evident by the smirk on his face, his dramatic mien was meant to heighten my anticipation. It was only a tube of toothpaste, for crying out loud. How deadly could it be?

  “Spread your legs, kitten,” Dylan instructed with an equally devilish grin.

  “I hate to break this to you, guys…but I don’t have any teeth down there.” I couldn’t help but laugh as I spread my legs.

  “Guys?” Nick admonished.

  “Oops, sorry. Sir’s.”

  “We’re well acquainted with your cunt, girl and can both attest to the fact that there are no teeth in or around your slick, hot pussy. But we also know how much you’re going to squirm when we lick that minty toothpaste off your sweet, sensitive clit.”

  “You can’t put that on my girl parts.” I gasped and slapped my thighs together.

  “Of course we can,” Dylan refuted. “And it’s your clit, kitten.”

  “I know what it’s called. I mean why would you want to put it there, Sir?”

  “That’s what we intend to show you, kitten. Just breathe and enjoy the sensations.” Dylan’s strong hands pried my legs apart as Nick smeared a fingertip of paste upon my turgid nub. I yelped, startled by the cold cream. But then a strange tingling sensation enveloped my nub and I gripped the sheets and anchored and ready for any other qualities the paste might contain.

  Dylan climbed between my legs and lowered his head. His wet, warm tongue swirled over my pearl and when he blew a gentle breath over the swelling bud, I nearly launched to the ceiling fan. A shrill cry ripped from my throat. I could have sworn he’d pressed an ice cube straight over my clit. As the shock to my system diminished, the tingling sensation started again, accompanied by an enticing burn. Repeating the process over and again, Dylan licked and sucked with spellbinding precision while Nick iced and nibbled my nipples with the paste. Currents of electricity pulsated through my cells, crashing headlong upon one another, before pooling beneath my sweet spot in pulsing urgency. Every touch, lick and kiss spiked my need to come. The demand grew higher and harder, like a rolling ocean tide, surging and racing toward the craggy shore.

  “Have you ever read about orgasm denial, little one?” Nick asked as I panted and writhed.

  “What?” I gasped as I opened my eyes. I tried to focus on his face hovering close to mine. Even with my mind thick like syrup, I recognized the flash of disapproval in his eyes as a smile of retribution tugged his lips. Crap! I wasn’t paying attention, again. Why had he chosen that exact moment to start asking me questions, anyway? He knew I was close to coming undone. They’d been fervent with the toothpaste. Coupled with Dylan’s magnificent tongue and his nimble fingers, it was a miracle I’d not failed them and cum like a virgin bride. “No. No, Master. Please. No edging.”

  “I love it when you call me, Master, little one. And there will be hours of edging if you don’t answer my question.” Nick stroked his cock in long, slow glides as he glanced down at Dylan, who still devoured me with a vengeance.

  I had to focus and think about what he’d asked me. Something about orgasm denial. “No Sir, I haven’t.”

  “Haven’t what, little one?”

  “I haven’t read about orgasm denial, Master.”

  “Very good, pet,” he praised as he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine with a rough and hungry kiss.

  I opened to him in greedy invitation, yet his tongue simply teased the rim of my lips, never advancing inside my mouth. I wanted to suckle him deep,
but he wouldn’t allow me. I mewled in frustration, desperate to feel his control.

  He pulled back and actually laughed. “Oh, little one, you’re not calling the shots here. Don’t tell me you’ve not figured that out yet.”

  “No, Master. I mean, I’m not calling the shots. I know who holds the power.” I whimpered and writhed as Dylan continued his blissful torture.

  “Your power, precious, and it’s delicious. But it’s time for more anal training.” His brows arched as an evil smirk tugged one corner of his mouth.

  I groaned and tossed my head from side to side in protest as I ground my center against Dylan’s deviant mouth.

  “Oh, but it is you sexy, rebellious wench,” Nick replied with a chuckle.

  Suddenly, Dylan abandoned his playful torture and sat up. Thick cream glistened upon his lips and chin. He gave me a playful wink then eased from the bed, no doubt in search of his bag o’ wicked tricks.

  I wanted to scream. Their incessant toying and teasing and denying me an orgasm was not going to make me a better submissive, just a frustrated, pissed off woman. And that damn plug! What was the thrill of shoving that thing up my ass? I was certain I could accommodate them just fine, if they went slow. And if I failed to seat them both, then bring out that annoying metal bastard and shove it up my backside.

  “Remember pet, this isn’t all for you. It’s for us, too.” Nick soothed.

  With a deep sigh, I closed my eyes and nodded. I’d never get past the doorway of submission, let alone begin the journey if I expected to always get my way. But dammit, did they have any idea how uncomfortable that damn plug was? Of course not! Dominants didn’t parade around wearing jewel encrusted plugs up their butts. A giggle threatened at the visual dancing in my brain.

  “On your knees, kitten,” Dylan instructed with a roguish gleam in his eyes.

  “Yes, Master,” I grumbled before I rolled over, and braced on all fours.

  Nick assumed the role of ‘Master butt plug shover’ as Dylan’s decadent fingers assuaged the lurid burn. The conflagration consumed me and the demand for release snarled inside. And as the broad flared section of the plug passed my impossibly stretched rim, Nick landed a sharp slap over each butt cheek. I begged and wailed for permission to come and wasn’t prepared for what happened next. Nick wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me upright.

  “Let’s go make some breakfast, little one.”

  “Now?” I screeched, panting and dazed. “You can’t be serious, Sir!”

  “Oh, but I am,” He smirked.

  “But…I need…what about…”

  “I asked if you’d read up on it, little one. You told me no, so I decided you should experience it firsthand. Welcome to orgasm denial.” His deep laughter reverberated in my chest. I had to clench my teeth to keep from cursing.

  “Come, kitten. It won’t be quite so frustrating when you allow your mind to focus on something else for a bit. We like to watch you simmer.” Dylan tried not to laugh and I tried not to shred their skin like a banshee on crack. Shaking with need and fury, I released a howl of frustration. I close my eyes and counted to ten but it wasn’t enough numbers, so I started over, trying to get a handle on my breaths in the process.

  “Can I at least put some clothes on, Sirs? The thought of frying bacon in the nude…” I seethed with an indignant huff.

  “No,” Nick growled. “You don’t even get to wear an apron, not with that tone of voice, little one.”

  “I’m sorry, Master,” I mumbled. “It’s just that I’m…”

  “Wet? Ready? Needy?” Nick taunted.

  “Yes. About a zillion times over.”

  “Good.” He smiled.

  “How is that good? Sir.” I groused.

  “Because it pleases us. And because when we finally allow you to come, it’s going to be a powerful explosion. Christ, girl, you have no idea how glorious you look and sound when you fragment into a million pieces.” Nick marveled as he and Dylan slipped on their jeans.

  “Oh,” I whispered, at least having something to look forward to—blessed relief.

  Their pained expressions as they tucked their swollen erections into their jeans brought a certain satisfaction. It was obvious that I wasn’t the only one suffering.

  Either I was too horny to care or I was growing accustomed to the plug, but it no longer felt like I had a giant sequoia in my ass. My tender ring continued to throb and I had to remain focused on clenching the base, but I was managing the anal intruder far better than before.

  When breakfast was over and the dishes done, Dylan and Nick carried more wood in from the mud room. I held the door for them, shivering as the bitter cold wind wafted into the room. Peeking around the door, I noticed the window in the small room was almost totally obscured in snow. The sunlight reflecting off the white powder suggested warmth. It was a deceitful guise.

  “Dammit, Savannah,” Dylan scolded. “Your lips are purple and you’re trembling like a leaf. Get your ass into a hot bath or back in bed. We’ve got this.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” I replied as my teeth chattered.

  Stretched out in a bubbling pool of liquid heat, I’d finally gotten some time alone. I was used to being alone and it should have relaxed me. But after the past few days with Dylan and Nick constantly at my side, for some strange reason, I missed them. How had I grown accustomed to their presence so quickly?

  The question you should ask is how did you fall in love with them so quickly?

  I sucked in a heavy breath and closed my eyes. The tiny voice inside my head carried a torrent of fear. I couldn’t be in love with them. My brain was confusing love with gratitude. It would only be normal to feel beholden to them after they’d brought out the submissive in me. But I knew I was lying to myself as I tried to rationalize away my feelings. It was becoming more and more apparent that no matter how hard I tried to keep my heart out of the equation, it would be a near-impossible feat.

  The bubbles churned and gurgled as I began to dissect the emotions they’d brought to life. By their own admission, they cared about me, but not enough for of them to open their hearts or rearrange their lives to include me. And how narcissistic was it of me to expect them to?

  The way they pampered me fed my submissive longings and drew forth the need to please them even more. And the patience they’d shown was quintessential, evolving into a bond of deep and abiding trust. The cognizance that they’d go out of their way to never hurt me physically or emotionally was like a golden net of safety.

  So what if I loved them? Loving someone wasn’t a bad thing. I loved several people in my life. After all they’d done for me, it was only natural to want to add Dylan and Nick to the list of those dear to my heart.

  You love Mellie, Helen and Myron very differently than the love you hold for Dylan and Nick, but go on…blow some more smoke up your ass if you think it will keep your heart from breaking.

  That condescending voice of reason held too much truth.

  “They’re not geared for a serious relationship and neither are you,” I mumbled to myself. They probably had more submissives at Genesis than I could shake a stick at. Harboring sophomoric hopes was futile. I might be ‘special’ to them in some fashion, but no doubt I was one of many ‘special’ women they used to satiate their Dominant desires. Maybe their opinion was skewed because we were snowed in and I was convenient. By the end of next week, they’d probably not give me a second thought. They’d chalk up our time together as another notch on their proverbial flogger. And didn’t that sting like a bitch.

  My thoughts swirled like the water around me. I slunk deeper into the tub as I pondered the difference between love and gratitude.

  You’ve known them less than seventy-two hours. That’s hardly enough time to make a love connection.

  They want a week of “no strings, no promises.” So no matter what you feel for them, it’s not going to be reciprocated. Don’t set yourself up for a fall.

  They live in Chicago. Long di
stance relationships rarely work out.

  Yes, the sex is phenomenal, but relationships can’t survive on sex alone, no matter how mind-blowing it is.

  For all purposes, they’re still strangers. You don’t know very much about them. Hell, they could have a collared submissive back home and you’ll never know. Suddenly, that green-eyed monster reared its ugly head and washed over me in a black oily veil. “Shit!”

  “Problem, little one? Or are you anxious to find out what soap tastes like?”

  I jumped and turned my head at Nick’s gravelly voice, cringing at the look of censure on his face.

  “No, Sir. I’m sorry, I was thinking and it just slipped out.”

  “I see. And what negative thoughts were running through your brain, little one?” He asked as he sat on the side of the tub.

  Shit. Shit. Shit. Was nothing sacred with this guy? Wasn’t I allowed one or two feelings without be obliged to vomit them out? I cast my eyes toward the water and sighed. If I told him it was nothing, he’d keep prodding and poking until I spilled my guts. Even then, I’d probably be punished. I was screwed either way.

  “I was thinking about the fact that I don’t know very much about you or Dylan, Sir.” It was the truth in a convoluted way.

  “Go on,” he prompted.

  I swallowed tightly. “Do you two have a collared submissive?”

  “No, we don’t. Next question.”

  “Do you always share women? I mean, you two seem so…comfortable. Like you’ve…” I couldn’t finish the sentence. I was tripping over my tongue as jealousy spiked again.

  Nick was quiet for a long time. I hazard a quick glance to find him staring at the wall with a faraway look in his eyes. After a long moment, he turned and gazed down at me.

  “I’m not sure how much of my conversation with George you overheard, little one. So I will tell you a bit about me. I was married for a short time. It was a mistake. One that nearly ruined my friendship with Dylan. And yes, we’ve been sharing women since the summer we graduated high school.”


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