Christian (The Protectors Book 1)

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Christian (The Protectors Book 1) Page 13

by L. Ann Marie

  “You can see that or you read it?” She’s smart.

  “Both.” I hold the door open for her and Hawk. We meet the SUV out front.

  “Thanks Sheila.”

  She throws me chin looking at Dean. “The reader?”

  “Dean. Yes. She’ll be working at the school and I think VP has a job for her sister.”

  She nods. “Serenity.”

  I look at Serenity. “Good to see you again.”

  “Thanks for keeping her safe. We saw shooting, but I didn’t know Dean was in the middle of it.” She’s watching Dean and I see her throwing the information she has up until now. Serenity is like Jacob for Dean.

  When she’s done, Dean looks at me. “Thanks for waiting.”

  I nod and look at Sheila. “Do you know who is taking them to the house?”

  “I am. Apparently, my job changed to fuckin’ Welcome Wagon today.”

  I laugh. “They need the borders, number for Security, cuffs, and what they need to stay safe.” She rolls her eyes at me. I look at Serenity. “VP will be by later.” She nods, but she’s nervous about Sheila being pissed. “She’s harmless unless you threaten people or her kids. She was brought up MC so you’re just seeing Badass.”

  She smiles. “I can deal with Badass.”

  Sheila laughs. “That’s good because with a reader I have a feeling you’ll see a lot of them. Just so you know, they’re all fuckin’ crazy.”

  I laugh throwing Dean chin. “I’ll see you at the school tomorrow morning unless I’m called away.”

  “Thank you Christian.”

  I go back into Prez’s meeting room where some are still eating. I look around and Jessie slides a tray over. “Thanks Brother.”

  “I had to guard the fuckin’ thing. Uncle Danny was eyeing it.”

  I make a sandwich with the chicken salad and slide the rest over to him. “I’m good. I have food at home ready to cook, but I’m starving.”

  “What are you cooking?” he asks and everyone laughs.

  Pres is shaking his head. “I don’t know how you’re not six hundred pounds.”

  Uncle Danny looks at him. “I had breakfast and this. Did you eat lunch?”

  Pres nods smiling. “I had a sandwich while Ops was running.”

  “Bastard.” Everyone’s laughing again. Uncle Danny ignores them and looks at me. “We need to decide what you want on the house.”

  I nod finishing the roll. “Can it be like the patio?”

  He bobs his head swallowing a forkful of potato salad. “I can do that. Let me finish and we’ll go look at it.”

  I stand. “I need to check on the readers. The kids are worried about the pipeline. They said people are going to get hurt tonight.”

  Prez stands up. “Is Aiyana going back?”

  I shake my head no. “Not tonight. Co won’t go unless I get them Security from here.” I throw chin and look at Uncle Danny. “I’ll be about a half hour.” He nods and I walk out.

  When we hit the hall Prez asks, “Not tonight?”

  “She’s pushing to get back, but I think we can help from here.”

  He doesn’t want her leaving after the run on us today. “These pussies are going to be pissed.”

  “Yeah, I’ve been sending it to her hoping to keep her there.”

  In my office, I pull up tracking. Prez sits on the other side of my desk and it feels weird. Everyone is in their spots. “I need to get Jeremy and maybe Aubrey to jump.”

  “From here?”

  I nod and look for Aiyana and tell her what I’m doing. She’s getting Kaya to help. Jeremy and Aubrey are ready and have Elizabeth with them. “They’re ready. Do you want to jump? I think we could use all the help we can get.”

  He nods, but hasn’t done this before. ‘Just like they were here.’ He closes his eyes and I jump with him. We fly through, then over the lake. Jeremy, Aubrey, Kaya, Elizabeth and Aiyana are waiting on the rock. We land beside them.

  “Prez,” Aubrey and Jeremy say.

  “I did not expect to see you our great Warrior Leader,” Aiyana says bowing her head to him. I smile, but I’m thinking that’s a bit much.

  Elizabeth laughs. “Happy you’re here Little Ben.”

  “We need to calm what’s happening at the pipeline. The boys were concerned with people getting hurt tonight. We can stand with them together. Try to touch the PD and Security men so the tribesmen stay safe. Use what they’re thinking. If someone isn’t sure about being there give them a push to walk away. If you can control, do it. If you can shield do that. Whatever it takes to get them through another day. Any questions?”

  “How do we get there?” Prez asks.

  “Me and Aiyana can get us there. Stay close. We need to touch to do this. Jeremy and Aubrey, we need you to keep the energy from being too much. The ancestors will help where they can. Anything else?”

  No one has anything. “Kaya get between Jeremy and Aubrey. Keep hold of us.” They nod and I’m glad to see Prez and Elizabeth open to us and trusting the ancestors. I look at Aiyana. “Close your eyes and jump to the ancestors. The tribe is ready for us and are sending strength and safe passage through their ancestors.”

  “I am ready my Warrior Protector.”

  Co flies in. “I will help guide you warriors and princesses. The ancestors are pleased with the peace you are offering.”

  I nod. “Thank you my Shaman. We are ready.”

  “Trust in the ancestors and your Protector,” Co says then closes his eyes.

  We jump and we’re flying through blackness. “Feel the pull of the ancestors. They guide us to their people of another tribe. They’re chanting for our safe passage.” We hear then repeat their chant. As they get louder we’re hit with freezing water. “Hold together!” Fuck it’s cold. “Prez, Jeremy shield!”

  When the water stops, I open my eyes. “Fuck. My eyes are burning.”

  “Mace is being thrown too,” Kaya says.

  “Throw a shield over the tribe.” I start chanting for wind to push the water back. Jeremy and Aiyana help. Tribesmen move closer to us and chant. “Feel them, the ancestors and tribe are helping, use it and push all together. Now!”

  “It’s working Christian look!” Aubrey is pointing to the wind blowing the water and Mace back at the fuckin’ idiots shooting it.

  “Connect with them. Slide in. If they show you a way, push them to leave. If not move on to the next. Work quickly and touch as many as you can. Keep the shield on the tribe and go.”

  “We have help Christian. They have two that can help if we open to them.”

  I look at Aiyana. “Take one. Jeremy take the other I need to get to the leaders here. Go! We don’t have much time.”

  Prez is focused on the men with the fire hoses. I look for who’s calling the shots. These men are not happy. I hit as many as I can, telling them these are American citizens just like them protecting their land, water and ancestors. The water is stopping. “Keep going Prez. It’s working.”

  Men are walking away. I find the leader and see I’m not getting anywhere with him. He thinks the tribes have no rights here. I hold him in place while they work through people.

  “Shut the water off!” A man yells and all the water stops. Since it was hitting them I had no problem with it on, but this shows we’re getting in.

  “Don’t stop. We need them to leave for the night,” I tell them.

  “Christian they’re turning in their badges!” Kaya yells.

  I smile. “Keep moving from one to the next.” I start chanting for strength from all the ancestors and hear Co chanting with me.

  When a truck pulls away the tribe lets out a war cry. I chant louder and hear the tribesmen close to us start to chant. The pussies are putting the hoses away and another war cry goes up.

  “My Protector it is time to return,” Co says stopping me.

  I don’t get it. “It’s working Co.”

  “You have done what you traveled for. Our people from another tribe are safe t
onight because of your belief in our ancestors’ power. You must return before your strength will not allow it.” He’s not asking.

  I release the leader leaving him dazed. “As you will my wise Shaman.” I look across to Aiyana. She’s ready. “Jeremy and Aubrey throw to us before we leave.” I feel a blast of energy and nod to Aiyana. “Now.” We jump.

  I start chanting and feel the pull. Co is beside us. “I would not have believed it could be done my wise Protector. The ancestors are pleased and grateful for your help.”

  I move away and open my wings to feel the healing of the ancestors. “It is us that are grateful to the ancestors for allowing and helping us keep the tribesmen safe. Thank you Co for guiding us with your wisdom.” He nods and is gone. Jeremy moves to me. “Thanks, Je. It didn’t feel like so much until we hit the rock. Aiyana, are you okay?”

  She’s away from Elizabeth and Aubrey is touching her back. “I will be Christian. Thank you for doing this.”

  “I was not alone Aiyana. It took all of us and Co to make the journey and back. With some practice, it will be easier, but we did it and tonight the tribesmen can sleep in peace.”

  She smiles. “We did.”

  Prez smiles. “It is not often I see you smile Aiyana. I’m glad I got to see it here.”

  Mucimi is throwing pictures. “We need to get back.”

  “You need to stay,” Jeremy says.

  “Dakota is waiting.”

  He nods and takes Aubrey with him. Elizabeth watches me, but I look at Aiyana. “Co is waiting for you.” She nods and flies with Kaya thanking us for our help.

  “Thank you for believing in me Christian. If I can help again I am happy to.”

  I look at her. She’s come a long way from the quiet little girl she was. “You have earned your place here Elizabeth. I am sure there will be more you can help with. I am honored to have you beside us.”

  She throws chin and is off with a smile. “Little Ben.”

  “Bye Brother. Thanks for your help.” He looks at me. “Mucimi and Phoenix are happy.”

  I smile. “Yeah.”

  “Have you done this before?”

  I look over the lake happy to see the colors so bright. “I traveled here, but never farther.”

  He laughs and I follow him smiling. When I open my eyes, he’s smiling at me sitting in front of my desk. “Fuckin’ Blackhawks. Thank you for keeping our people from the other tribe and Aiyana safe.” I nod. “You’re a good leader for your Protectors, Christian. I’m proud of the man you’ve become. That was by far, the craziest, scariest and most amazing thing I’ve ever done. Thank you for taking me.”

  I love hearing that, but he worked right with me. “I couldn’t have done it alone Prez. If any one of you didn’t show, we wouldn’t have made it. I had no idea what we could do, but everyone’s belief in the ancestors and their abilities worked in our favor.”

  He stands shaking his head. “Are you okay?”

  I nod. “A little shaken, but okay.”

  “Tomorrow you’ll have to explain what the fight is about. I think I’m missing some information here.”

  I just nod. I’m trying to collect myself right now. I’ll get him information later.

  When he opens the door Dakota walks in. “It has been an eventful day for our new Protector Officer.”

  I laugh. It fuckin’ has.

  “He’s earned the respect of the ancestors across the country. You were right our Prophet. He is the leader you’ve shown us he could be. I need to change, I didn’t think I’d get back and be wet. At least my eyes aren’t still burning,” Prez says walking through the door.

  Dakota closes it. “Can I help get you to where you can walk my Warrior Protector?”

  I smile. “Please and thank you for helping. I know they didn’t see, but you helped shield when we needed it. Next time I’ll be better prepared.” He puts his hand on my head and I want to lay across the desk. “I’m fuckin’ tired.”

  “Perhaps you will sleep tonight.”

  “I fuckin’ hope so, or I hope it’s a quiet night,” I tell him already feeling lighter. “Thanks Dakota. Prez said Phoenix was happy. I didn’t get anything from him.”

  “He was throwing with Mucimi. You were weak from the energy it took for you to jump and supply abilities so far away. Co and Nunánuk are impressed with your strength and knowledge of abilities in your Protectors. It was an impressive Op to watch.”

  I give him a look. “You were right there. How come Prez and Jeremy didn’t see you?”

  “Co helped me get there. I was only able to help with the shield and the energy before you jumped back. My abilities are not what yours are Christian. I did not want to be seen as the weak link, Brother.”

  I crack up. “Next time show yourself. Just knowing you’re there will keep them motivated. It won’t always work like tonight.”

  I see he already knows. “I will Christian. How do you feel?”

  I shake my head moving his hand. “You know I’m good. Just because you’re not answering Prez doesn’t mean you don’t know.”

  He laughs. “Very wise Brother.”

  I stand up trying out how that feels. I’m good so I throw him chin. “Uncle Danny is waiting for me.” I’m drained, but I need to get this day done.

  * * *

  The house is directly behind Brantley’s. Jacob is right next door behind Taylor’s and I wonder if this will be Terry’s new street soon. The only other Brothers on it are Aaron and Alex at the end and Hyde at the corner. Since there are two houses before mine I’m guessing Terry and Mase will fill those.

  Uncle Danny walks me through telling me what he can do. Since I like the loft he can make it here on the same side. Hawk checks out the house while Uncle Danny talks. When he’s done, he looks at me. “Yeah,” I tell him.

  He laughs. “You have to be the easiest Brother yet.”

  “No one ever says no to you. I’m not looking to be the first and I don’t need to be convinced.”

  “Good enough. We’ll be done next week.”

  “Thanks Uncle Danny. What do I need to do to own the house and get this done?”

  He looks surprised. “It’s yours. The MC and Princes are paying for the renovation to show their support for you Christian. Didn’t LB tell you?”

  “No. Just that I had a house and you’d do the work.”

  He smiles. “I guess that’s all you need to know. We’ll be done next week. You want Hawk’s door on the bedroom and the back or just the back?”

  “Just the back. Thanks. I need to see Mucimi before he goes to sleep. I don’t mean to cut you short here.”

  He starts walking to the door. “We’re done. I’ll draw it up and start over the weekend.”

  “Does Kate ever complain about you being down here so much?”

  “She never has. It gives her a chance to miss me.” He smiles back at me.

  I laugh walking up the deck and watch him go around the house to the road. He gives Pres time with her. That’s a good thing to do.

  I knock and open the slider and Mucimi comes running. He’s throwing pictures of a group from the tribe chanting and onlookers smiling. “They’re safe little man. So is Aiyana. Thanks for the heads up.” I pick him up and carry him back to the living room.

  Holly is holding Chance on her lap. When we walk in she’s smiling. “He’s been a happy boy all afternoon. I’ve seen more pictures of smiling people today. I’m glad you were one of them. Good day?”

  I laugh. Mucimi gets down and pets Hawk. “I got my cut back, became an Officer, ran Ops, jumped with the kids, and just left my new house. It was fuckin’ awesome.”

  She laughs. “I heard I have a new assistant. She’s not a teacher?”

  I shake my head no. “She’s a reader that lost her parents because of the lunatics trying to get rid of readers.” She’s shocked. “She helped the police on a case and was picked up on the nuts’ radar. Lost her parents in an explosion, but got out of the house thanks to someon
e sending her a warning.” I look at Mucimi. He doesn’t look at me, but keeps petting Hawk. “She got a picture of a newspaper and made her way here hoping just being close would keep her safe. Her sister has been helping to keep her hidden, but it’s been hard for them. They have no other family.”

  She can’t wait to meet her and she’s already making plans to keep her and her sister close. I want a woman like Holly. Someone that wants to make life better for other people. I shake my head. This isn’t an option when I can’t handle someone’s hands on me. Who the hell wants a man that can’t touch them?

  Holly is watching me. “The Princes believe in you Christian. I haven’t seen that sad look in a while. Are you going to be happy where you are?” She’s wondering if I should stay at the school.

  “I am Holly, it wasn’t that. Something just hit me. I need to go and change. I wanted to see Mucimi before he went to bed.”

  “He’s been good, thanks for checking on him.” Chance moves and Holly sets him down gently. He uses the table to walk closer to Mucimi and Hawk, but looks up at me.

  I squat down and smile. “Hey Chance. Are you having fun with your new family?” I see the park. “You went to the park?” He smiles surprising me. He’s a cute kid. Mucimi holds his hand and I see Holly holding him then holding his hand while he walks. I look at Mucimi. “You can focus him?”


  I chuck him under the chin. “You’re going to make a great big brother Mucimi.”

  “He’s my brother.” He gives Chance a gentle hug and kisses his cheek.

  “He is little man. You’re going to be good together. Always and forever.”

  He smiles. “Mucimi.”

  I kiss his head. “Love you Mucimi.” He throws me a picture of me kissing Chance so I do. “Love you Chance.” I get a smile from Chance. “Be good Brothers. I need a shower and change of clothes. I’ll see you tomorrow at school.”

  Mucimi signs, ‘Yes,’ then Chance does. I laugh messing up their hair. “I’ll see you tomorrow Holly. Let’s go Hawk.”


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