Christian (The Protectors Book 1)

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Christian (The Protectors Book 1) Page 17

by L. Ann Marie

  “Christian’s loft is empty. The Prospects moved everything earlier,” Holly tells Prez.

  He looks at me. “Dakota tells me I may want something more permanent, but that will work for tonight. Are you good with that?”

  I see Serenity in a house down my street across from Aaron. “Yeah, thanks Prez.”

  He looks back at Serenity. “I’ll have a Prospect get you enough for a couple of days.”

  She nods completely intimidated by him. He smiles knowing what’s going through her head and Dean laughs looking at Prez. “She’s fine, but she needs to learn how to block from you guys or at least you.”

  I clench my jaw. Mucimi raises his hand. Cracking me up. “You’re going to teach her?” Prez asks him smiling.

  “Yeah.” He’s so fuckin’ serious and looks Prez in the eyes daring him to say he can’t.

  “Good job Little Brother. Make sure you throw slow enough that she understands.”

  Mucimi relaxes and I’m clenching my jaw again. “I will do good.”

  Dean laughs and Mucimi gives her a look. “Important to do good.” He starts throwing shit at her.

  Jesus. “Stop. I’ll explain it to her. We don’t show visions to anyone, but Prez, Dakota, Jeremy or me,” I tell him.

  He nods and Prez throws him chin. “Good job Mucimi. Remember the lessons of your fathers so we all stay safe.”

  “I will. Sorry Prez.” He’s talking slower and Prez looks at me. I throw him, ‘Like Jeremy.’ He nods.

  When he leaves, Serenity and Mucimi both relax. He looks at me to see if I’m mad. “You’re okay little man. No one expects you to remember everything right away. You’ll get it.” He nods and looks down. Shit. I look at Brantley. ‘He thinks he did wrong. Mistakes are okay, but he needs to learn from them.’

  Mucimi looks up at me. “I will.” I can’t do anything, but laugh.

  Jessie comes in and sits by Jess kissing her like no one else is here. She slides a tray over to him. “You miss all the good stuff. Mucimi ordered your food.”

  “Yeah, I told him to get for everyone. Where are the boys?”

  We all look at Mucimi then Jessie. Holly doesn’t know what to think. Dean starts laughing again. At least she’s happy. I sit by her and take her hand loving the simple contact without the energy throwing me.

  “Alex should bring them back soon. They went to see a new dog Steve trained.”

  Brantley sits and everyone starts eating. “I told the Prospects to leave your pictures for you to put up Christian.”

  I saw them against the walls and nod. “Thanks Brant.”

  Everyone starts talking, but Dean is watching me with a smile on her face. I lean in knowing just what she’s thinking, but let her tell me herself. “I like you holding my hand.” She shrugs thinking it’s stupid.

  “Me too. Not something that happens every day for me either.” I get a smile with her eyes flashing happy at me so I kiss her. I look at Brantley. “Doesn’t translate like you think Brother.”

  He laughs. “I’m not sure I like the new and improved Christian. Get the fuck out of my head.”

  “Get used to it. It took him fuckin’ years to get here. I like him just the way he is. You, I can still hang in pop ups,” Jessie growls at him and Dean squeezes my hand. I look at her smiling.

  When Jessie is done, he stands. “I need to get to the meeting. Mucimi did you get Jacob and Terry’s food?”

  “Yeah.” He points to the bag on the counter.

  Jessie kisses Jess and grabs the bag throwing chin. “You’re on the Compound tonight. With everything going on HS is spread thin.”

  I nod. “If I’m needed I’ll run the tunnels or use Prez’s office.”

  He walks toward the door. “I’m glad you’re going to be fuckin’ easy.”

  I laugh when the door closes. Serenity looks at Jess. “He’s a little scary.”

  She waves it away. “He’s a big teddy bear.”

  Holly says she’ll show Serenity around the loft so I clear our trays and pull Dean up. “I like the service here.” She has everyone laughing as I guide her to the door. Since my hand is on her back, like my dad does for my mom, I don’t give a fuck what they’re thinking. Hawk follows us out.

  At my new house, I walk her through. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Uncle Danny finished it this morning. He always does a good job.”

  “Are you behind Brantley so you can be close to Mucimi?”

  I think about that. “Maybe. Prez gave me the house, but didn’t say why here. There are about twenty empty houses on the Compound. I lived at Brantley’s, or the apartment on the side of it, until today. He could have thought I’d like being close. Taylor is the next house over from Brantley and Jacob is next door to me.”

  She giggles making me smile. “Blackhawk block?”

  I laugh walking her to the patio. “The glass in here is solar panels. Jess is testing them out. This is my favorite room.” I pull her down as I sit.

  “Serenity has a place to sleep, but no one said anything about me.” She’s hoping I ask her to stay here.

  “I told Prez about waking up holding you today. He probably thought I’d want that for more than one night.”

  All kinds of shit flies through her head. I kiss her and it stops. When I lift my head up she’s looking at me surprised. “I needed to stop all that shit in your head. No one will judge you here. You can read enough to see it yourself. I’ve grown up with almost everyone here and they know since I hit twelve or thirteen I haven’t been able to touch people without getting every fuckin’ nightmare they’ve ever had. They’re happy for me and they like you.”

  “They do? They don’t know me.” She thinks she’s in Disney World again.

  I smile and kiss her again. I like anything that makes her happy, but kissing her makes me happy. Patches gave me a four-page list with everything in the world on it. Kissing and making her comfortable with everything we do is on the list first. Since it’s new to me too, I have no problem experiencing every minute of how this feels.

  She pulls away from my mouth and puts her head on my shoulder. “I’ve never done this Christian.”

  “I know baby. I haven’t either. We’ll go slow and get it right. Now that I’ve found you, I’m not willing to let you go.”

  She looks up at me. “Do we stay together?”

  “I saw you older, so I want to say yes, but I don’t see myself. I got it from Mucimi. I’m not taking any chances here, we need to do this right.”

  She laughs. “This is the weirdest place I’ve ever been, but it’s a nice weird.”

  I kiss her head. She’s cute. “Most people just think we’re crazy.” She thinks they’re right, but isn’t going to tell me. “There are some clothes for you in my closet and anything you need for the morning. The Prospects brought some stuff over today.”

  She laughs thinking we’re all crazy. Since she’s probably right I leave it alone.

  We spend the night talking and kissing. When it’s time to walk Hawk, she comes with us down to the beach. “Can I ask you something?” She looks at the water and I’m not seeing everything clear in her head.

  “Anything.” I call to Jeremy. ‘Something is wrong Je. I can’t read her clear.’ He fuckin’ laughs in my head.

  “Why me?” She thinks she’s not good enough?

  ‘Jeremy, what the fuck?’ I don’t like this at all.

  “Why not you? You’re funny, honest, loyal and beautiful.” I’m touching her and looking right at her. Why the fuck can’t I see her clearly?

  ‘It is the way Christian. I do not read Jessica unless it’s extreme emotions. Prez cannot read Lily either. You will feel more than read her,’ Dakota answers me. Thank fuck.

  I stop her and turn so I’m looking right at her. “I’m having a conversation with Dakota about why I can’t see you so clear. I’m getting some from you, but it isn’t so clear anymore. He says it’s the way. He doesn’t read Jess either.”

  “Thank G
od!” She’s smiling.

  What the fuck? Why is she trying to hide from me? “That makes you happy?”

  She looks unsure. “It’s a relief. I must be entertaining as hell, but I don’t know how to do any of this. It’s hard knowing you can read every stupid thing in my head.”

  “New isn’t stupid. I keep telling you it’s new for me too. I’ve kissed two women my whole life babe. Never held anyone’s hand unless it was my family, even then it’s for short amounts of time. I’ve never done this either. Relax and give yourself a break. We’ll learn together. Yeah?”

  She nods with a smile. “Yeah. I like how everyone does that. Yeah?”

  I pull her into me and hug her loving the feel of her up against me. “Yeah.” I kiss her head and we walk.

  Back at the house I get Hawk a bone and some clean water then bring Dean up to my room. “I know they brought enough for a couple of days. I don’t know where they put everything. If you start over here I’ll look in the other dresser.”

  She starts opening drawers. I open every drawer, but don’t find anything in this dresser. When I look she’s not at the dresser. I definitely don’t like not reading her. I hear her in the closet and go look. “There’s panties, but nothing for bed.” She’s looking at her clothes, but won’t look at me.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Her hands go up. “All these people think I’m sleeping with you and I don’t need clothes.” She’s still not looking at me, but I can feel her frustration.

  I pull her to me. “First, I don’t give a fuck who thinks what. Second, why does this upset you? Do you want to sleep at the loft with Serenity?”

  “No. Yes. I don’t know!”

  What? “You don’t want to sleep here?”

  She doesn’t answer so I step back. She’s crying. Fuck. “Tell me what’s happening here.” I wipe her tears.

  “I just met you. This is scary and I don’t have anything to wear to bed.” More tears fall.

  I hug her smiling. “I have clothes you can wear. I don’t think we’re ready for more than sleeping, but I want you here where I know you’re safe and I can hold you while you sleep.”

  “Are you smiling?”

  Shit. “No ma’am, I am not smiling.” I wipe the smile off my face and look down at her.

  She gives me a look. “I think you were.” I don’t say a word or smile. “What can I wear to bed? I’m tired.” She sighs.

  I take her hand and bring her to the dresser. “Shirts are here, shorts in the next and sweats in the bottom.”

  She takes a shirt and a pair of basketball shorts and goes to the other dresser for panties. When she’s in the bathroom I look in the panty drawer. I close it fast. Fuckin’ women and the panties. Patches’ list pops in my head and I get my laptop to order more.

  When she comes out of the bathroom I’m in the drawer getting her size. “Need help?” She smirks. My shirt on her body does something to me. I feel it in my chest and my dick swells. Maybe it’s looking at all the panties on the site.

  “No. I needed your size.” I close the drawer and go back to the laptop. I get a box from the Princesses and one from Victoria’s coming. I check her clothes in the closet and send the sizes to Nancy so she can send some clothes. What the fuck is a one? Women’s clothes are weird. They should have inches or something that works better than ‘one’. My clothes all have my size by inches even with the medium label they tell the size in inches. How the hell do they get clothes with one?

  She’s on the bed when I come back in. “Done.” I sit on the edge of the bed admiring my shirt on her. I like this. “The women are crazy with panties. The Princesses came up with environmentally friendly material, but the Brothers always bought from Victoria’s. I don’t know what you wanted so I got both. Nancy will send clothes or send you pictures for you to choose.”

  “You bought me panties?” She’s looking at me like I’m crazy.

  “Well, they might be for me. Some of that shit is hot. I got Superman, Ironman and Flash. Captain America was sold out. How come the sizes are different than your pants? And the shirts are different too.” She’s laughing like it’s something I should know. I clench my jaw, grab some shorts and go take a shower. I look in on the kids then my Protectors. Everyone is a little antsy tonight, but they’re holding it together. When I come in the room she’s laying at the very edge of the bed. At least she’s not laughing at me anymore. I climb in and move to the middle then pull her over to me. “You being as far away as you can get doesn’t work for me.” I settle her against me and kiss her head. “I like this much better.”

  “Is it normal for men to order women’s panties when they meet?”

  I laugh. “Babe, we’re fuckin’ crazy bikers. Everyone I know orders their women panties and clothes from Nancy. It’s just the way it’s done.”

  She nods so serious and I miss seeing what she’s thinking. “Are there other things you do that I should know about?”

  I think about my mom and dad then Patches’ list. “I’ll get you a car tomorrow and have Joey get you an ID and card for house stuff.”

  She sits up. “You’re buying me a car? Isn’t that a bit much?”

  I shrug. “I think it’s the way they do things. You need a car to get around the towns and the card so you can get what you need. I order groceries so, I just pick them up and paper products come in on the first. The gate guards will deliver takeout, but you need the ID to order unless you have the guard order. They have the number for me.”

  “You just order like a hotel on TV?” She doesn’t believe me?

  “Yeah babe. Just tell them what you want and they’ll order or order and they’ll deliver it to you.”

  “You think this is all normal?”

  I don’t understand where she’s going with this. “You saw Mucimi order tonight. It’s normal for us. It’s the way it’s always been. In Mass, it works the same way. The guards deliver or order. Paper is on the first. The Brothers order clothes and panties and make sure the women can get around safely. Women are our weak link. The last thing we want is one of our women stuck on the side of the road. No one is safe that way.” She nods looking a little more relaxed. “I’m not about to lie to you. I want this. I want what we can be and I want to do it right. It’s worked for the MC Brothers and the Princes. Since better Brothers than me still have their women, I’ll follow their lead. Yeah?”

  She smiles. “If you think this is normal who the hell am I to say it isn’t. I’ve never had a boyfriend. Are bikers boyfriends? Is that what I call you?”

  She’s cute. “Christian works, but I like that you think of me like that.” I smile liking the way that feels. Prez and Brantley called her my girl. I think of her that way. She’s mine.

  She lays back down. “Thank you Christian, but I have to tell you it’s a little crazy. I never saw anything like this. I know my dad didn’t buy clothes or do shopping. Do you clean and cook?”

  “Yeah,” I say smiling. “Cleaners come once a week, but I do the in between.”

  “I like you even more now.” She yawns.

  I laugh giving her a squeeze. “Since you’re not giving me shit for how we live, I like you more too.”

  She giggles sounding so young. It makes me smile—like Mucimi’s little laugh. Her arm goes across my stomach, I don’t move so she can sleep, but her hands on me is fuckin’ with my head. The wrong one. I push it away and think about eating at the restaurant then walking on the beach. I held her hand the whole way. It was another good day and she’s in my bed, in my new house. I jump and fly the reservation thanking the ancestors for sharing their strength and wisdom. When I jump back I’m tired and fall asleep aware of all the places Dean’s body is touching mine.

  Chapter Eight


  I feel her on me and open my eyes. Jesus I need to get out of bed before she wakes up. My dick standing at attention will embarrass the shit out of her. I suspend her—slide out—then move the pillows over so she’s comfor
table. Lowering her—she moves her arms tighter around the pillow—but doesn’t wake up.

  Throwing on shorts I take Hawk for a run. I’m showered and dressed before she opens her eyes. “Morning babe. Coffee is on, but I didn’t know what you wanted for breakfast.” I lean over and kiss her surprised face.

  She smiles. “You don’t know what I want?”

  I pull my hair back. “No. Nothing is clear with you. I don’t like this. I could have had your breakfast made already.”

  She giggles. “I like it.” When she sits up, she hugs me and I like that so I don’t say anything. She doesn’t hug me fast and move away like everyone else, she holds on and my dick jumps, but I don’t let her go. I don’t want to miss these little things.

  “I’ll make some eggs when I’m dressed.” She puts her head on my shoulder as if she likes being in my arms. I’m glad she’s comfortable right here, but I wish I could see her clear.

  “I got it.”

  Fuck, she sits up. “I better get moving or I’ll be late.”

  I should have kept my mouth shut. I stand up and lift her off the bed. “I’m glad you’re here Dean.” I bend and kiss her. My shorts almost cover her legs. It’s cute.

  She pulls away embarrassed. “Bad breath.” Her face is red as she goes around me to the bathroom.

  I shake my head and go start our breakfast. If she’s embarrassed, she’s not comfortable. It’s a good indicator of where we stand. I hate not seeing her. I run through my people. Seeing some nervousness in the kids has me digging deeper. Phoenix is holding something for me. It has Beth clear, making me smile. When I jump to the reservation and find Aiyana—I’m pissed. I call Co, but keep breakfast going on autopilot.

  “I need to keep her on the reservation Co. It isn’t safe with paid bad men having her marked.”

  “She is headstrong, but understands my Warrior Protector. I will not arrange travel for her right now.”

  “We have threats coming at the MC and Princes today. I’ll try to get people together so we can get back there maybe tomorrow.” I’m thinking of the other Protectors and who can control. Maybe Mase and Colt. Then we’ll need more to get them there. Jesus.


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