Christian (The Protectors Book 1)

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Christian (The Protectors Book 1) Page 23

by L. Ann Marie

  Brantley looks at me wondering what could stop visions. “I want him away from anything that has the potential to hurt him. After seeing what happened to Christian, I know that keeping it in and having no relief is not what I want for him. I also don’t want him so shielded he’s a danger to himself. I’m going with whatever Christian thinks at this point. He’s lived without the release and seeing what happened with Jeremy affected him. He’s the closest to Mucimi and he wouldn’t let him get hurt. If Dakota was giving advice I wouldn’t turn it down.” Prez looks at Dakota.

  “Very wise decision Brother. There is no way to stop what is coming in to Mucimi. Isolation is not a good solution and will do more harm than good for him. Christian cannot put the boys in the way of harm. It goes against the abilities he was given. While Mucimi was throwing, he had the support of his Brothers. They all took from him even when it hurt. They will not allow him to go through anything alone. He will always have that from them.”

  Brantley nods and throws me chin thinking he trusts whatever I decide.

  Prez stands. “We have a meeting with the reservation.” He looks at his watch. “In five minutes. Christian, do you need anything?”

  “Nekanis needs to go out.”

  Aaron stands. “I have him Brother.” Darren, Brantley, Jessie, Taylor and Delta leave with him.

  “Will you be able to do this?” Prez asks.

  I nod.

  He walks out and Dakota moves beside me. “You have exceeded the hopes of the ancestors Christian. They are collecting to assist us for their people from another tribe.”

  “Good. I have more to help, but we’ll need the strength to get them there and back.”

  “Jeremy is waiting with Cloud as well.”

  I’m surprised and fuckin’ happy about that. I’ve been shielding again and drop them enough to see my Protectors. I’m so fuckin’ proud and happy to see them all together with my dad in the KC. ‘Thank you Brothers and Dad. This is more than I expected. When we are set here we will jump. For the Brothers that don’t know how, just relax and let those that can guide you.’ They tell me they will.

  Prez comes in with bottles of water and hands me one. When he sits we jump. Aiyana is here with more help. They are not Protectors, but they are elders with ability. I show respect and appreciation. The MC Protectors show and Aiyana is smiling. Nunánuk shows with elders and some RS and I smile when I see Hawk.

  I explain what we’re doing and what to expect. I move people so we form a long line with strong on each side of weaker links. “You don’t let go. No matter what happens you don’t let go. Spinning and pitch black will throw you. Hold onto your anchors and they’ll guide you through. Co and Nunánuk can you take the ends?” They move and I put Jeremy and Aiyana in place then I take the middle. “Hold on and jump now!”

  I feel the push and know Dakota is guiding us with the ancestors. We give a chant for strength then safe passage. When I open my eyes, I see we’re in the middle of another fight. “Hold on and move in front of the tribesmen.” Elders from the tribe start chanting and some of the water protestors move toward us chanting with them. “Connect with the pussies and sway them to leave. If they don’t budge move to the next. Aiyana, Mase, Colt, Devan hit the people with the hoses. Shut the water down. Jeremy, Dad, Kaya, Elizabeth, Harley, Blaze and Blake shield the tribesmen.”

  Shots are fired. “Rubber bullets!” someone yells behind us.

  “Elders keep up our request for strength!”

  I hit a gun away and move to the next. People are yelling everywhere. A truck crosses the tape. “Mase!”

  I stop it and feel Dakota and Aiyana throwing to me. “Colt, Devan help us move it!”

  The truck raises up in the air and everyone stops yelling. “Push Brothers. Now!” The truck flips and lands twenty feet away. The protesters let out war cries. Shots are coming faster. Jesus don’t these people ever quit? “Hold the shield. Colt, Devan, Mase hit the guns away.”

  If I wasn’t jumping from place to place, I’d probably be laughing. Guns are flying backward, the protestors are still yelling, the pussies are pissed, but don’t know what to do and the water isn’t flowing.

  “Christian maximum damage to their equipment!”

  “Colt, Devan, Mase, you heard Prez, maximum damage. Disable vehicles, cut hoses, let them freeze, take their food, whatever you can.”

  The pussies are running to the vehicles in the back and Prez tells us what to hit. I take out their generators and send a truck rolling down the hill. Prez yells to get cameras on the PD. Mase has food floating to the protestors. The elders are chanting louder and I realize more protesters are helping. Devan starts laughing and I see clothes moving to the water. The water goes on at the tanker truck and the pussies are running to get away from it. Fuckin’ Colt is controlling the only hose left and he’s hitting everything they have. The water goes off and the only thing I hear is the chanting. It changes to a chant for peace. The pussies are moving together.

  Prez moves, but Jeremy doesn’t let him go. “They can’t jam your signals. Get feeds up now. Ask for help from Vets. Ask for media help. Keep sending out what you can while they’re down. You are American citizens in need of protection. People aren’t getting your message. Put it out while you can.” Jeremy pulls him back.

  “Christian we must go,” Co tells me.

  “Remember your fathers and sleep in peace tonight.” I look at our group. “Hold on. It will be harder, but together we can do this. Draw from each other and jump. Now!”

  It seems like it takes forever to get back. As soon as we hit I sit down. Holy fuck that was crazy. Everyone is talking, but I gather what I can from the ancestors. Jeremy moves to my side and touches my knee. ‘Brother.’

  “Yeah, fuckin’ crazy.” I lay back closing my eyes. Hawk sits against me. “Thanks Brother.” When I can, I sit up giving thanks to the ancestors and everyone that showed. The elders thank us and are gone.

  My dad kneels in front of me. “So proud of my boys tonight. All of our people matter. It’s good to see my sons fighting with them. When you need me, call, I’m honored to stand with my sons.” He hugs me and stands. Mase and Jeremy fist bump me then the MC is gone.

  Co and Dakota sit beside me. Prez comes over and stands behind Dakota. Co touches me and I feel almost human again. “I have made calls for help from the men of war. We have many tribesmen that have fought for this land. They will show to help. The ancestors are pleased with your efforts my Warrior Protector. Your abilities are increasing and new are showing. With your Prophet and Leader, you are aligned and will be bound to all your Protectors allowing the sharing of abilities and skill. This is not given lightly, you have proven yourself with the children, the Protectors, and your people. Showing respect for all you have been given pleases the ancestors and shows them your understanding of the power of those gifts. Seek your Prophet and Leader for guidance and remember your fathers.”

  I look at Dakota, “It was a test?” He nods and Prez laughs shaking his head. “Take me home. I need a drink.” Co laughs and I look at him and my grandmother. “Thank you Co and Nunánuk for your guidance and wisdom.”

  I open my eyes and fall forward putting my head on the table. “Holy fuck.” I hear Uncle Danny laugh, but I can’t move to see him. Nekanis leans against my leg. “I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck.”

  “Why is he so drained Dakota?” Prez asks and I want to laugh, but can’t.

  “Do you remember carrying Taylor? Christian carries the weight of those that cannot jump. The readers are helpful, but a heavy burden on him. He is not recovered from being hit by a car either. Luckily Jeremy showed to help.”

  “Sonofabitch. You think you can give him a fuckin’ day off Prez?” Darren says and I laugh then moan with my head still on the table.

  “He will need to guide the readers Mucimi gave here. Some will need assistance to get away from the hunters.”

  “Mase, Colt and Devan can do the shit he does,” Prez says and it
sounds like a question.

  Dakota puts his hand on my back and I feel heat flow through me. “They are not able to transcend space as Christian does. Without him, only Mase is able to get to the ancestors, but he can go no further.”

  “He brings all of us?” I want to sit up so I push on my arms. Dakota pulls me up the rest of the way and I lean back in the chair. I want the answer to that too.

  “With ancestor help and the Shaman.”

  “And you Dakota,” I say and sound drunk. I could use a drink.

  He laughs. “Our Warrior Protector could use a drink. I am able to help by throwing energy at him to make it through. I do not have that ability and am told it is not necessary for me to have it.”

  “Shit,” I say thinking that would make this easier. They all laugh, but a glass is put in front of me so I drink and tune them out. When I put it down it’s refilled. I drink more and sit back. “I need a ride home.” They stop talking and look at me. “What? I got a new dog and I’m done for today.”

  Uncle Danny laughs. “Let’s get you home Brother.”

  * * *


  Two men bring Christian in and I’m scared to death. What the hell happened to him today? He’s supposed to be taking it easy because he got hit by a car yesterday! This is nuts. Jessie and Taylor come in and sit at the table. “There are two men and a dog upstairs putting Christian to bed.”

  Taylor laughs. “That’s Uncle Steve and Uncle Danny. They would give their lives for him and you. Right now, he’s exhausted and maybe a little drunk.”

  “Dakota is on his way,” Jessie says like that’s going to help.

  I sit down not knowing what else to do. “Why is he exhausted? He got run over yesterday!”

  Taylor waves his hand. “Something about carrying all the readers to the pipeline and stopping them from hurting the protesters.”

  “And the kids. Getting the places and names of people that are being hunted had him jumping too.”

  Are they kidding? “Do you people know what it’s like to be hit by a car? He was supposed to have an easy day. To... oh, I don’t know, recuperate from that!”

  Taylor laughs. “It was easier than yesterday. That was fuckin’ sick.”

  Sick good or sick bad? They’re all nuts. Dakota comes in with Mucimi and Jacob. They all nod to me and walk right by. Taylor and Jessie don’t seem to have a problem with this. “Do I have to stay here? That big scary guy said, ‘Stay.’”

  “You should stay then,” Taylor says.

  Eliza and Beth come in and I wonder why everyone is looking at each other. Beth makes coffee and Jessie and Taylor walk out. Nuts I tell ya. Nuts!

  Eliza sits down and smiles. She’s nuts too. “We thought you might need female support. All the testosterone has got to be making you crazy by now.”

  “It is. He was hit by a damn car yesterday and by the sound of it, he was fighting again today. What is wrong with these men? What the hell are they all doing up there?”

  Beth puts coffee in front of me and sits down. “Dakota and Mucimi are healers. They can help where doctors can’t. They helped Holly after she was attacked. Dakota also helped Taylor through his worst PTSD episodes. If Jeremy were here he’d be up there with them.” I nod because I’ve heard they heal. “The Brothers will always work to help anyone in need, but especially their families. That’s what they’re doing. Christian needs them and they’re here for him and you.”

  “That’s nice and all, but he was already hurt.”

  Eliza turns and looks me in the eye. “When you needed help, Christian took out teams of men trying to get at you. When they sent more he went to your house and brought you to Security. He didn’t ask if you wanted him there. You needed him there and he showed up. That’s what they do. When Taylor was going through the bad times he showed up for work and did his job. When I was held by the Outlaws the Princes showed up and freed me. They didn’t ask for anything, but let me walk away a free woman after being a slave.” She was a slave? She pauses then goes on. “There is a threat to readers. They’re being hunted and killed because they can read. Just like you. What the Brothers do is fight for good. We fight for right and we fight hard. This isn’t normal, but it’s happening right now. It has to stop and you of all people know why. The PD isn’t helping the innocent readers. They didn’t ask to be born reading, but they’re marked for death because of it. Christian is the guy that can help them. He reads, has visions and a bunch of other abilities that he’ll have to explain to you. He’s not the guy that will let a broken leg stop him from saving a life. Yesterday he saved the Officers, kids and you. Today he saved water protestors and got the leads to save readers all over the country.”

  I think about all she’s said, but can’t get past him being carried in by those guys. “What if he dies?” I can’t do this again.

  Beth gets tissues and hands me the box. “With the Brothers, he always has someone at his back. He isn’t going to die. Are you happy with Christian?”

  I wipe my eyes. “Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but I love him.”

  Eliza nods. “You make everything count. They do what ordinary men won’t. You stand beside him proud that he’s willing to fight for right today and feed the homeless tomorrow.”

  “He feeds the homeless?”

  They look at each other. “Feeds the homeless, builds houses for them, helps keep Vets off the street, works with the teen runaways, is a support person for PTSD servicemen, helps the reservations with anything they need and works with the kids training and shit,” Eliza says. I can see him working and smiling as she’s saying it.

  I sit back shocked. Holly didn’t tell me all this, but I can’t read her like I can read them. “When does he sleep?”

  Beth laughs. “Christian doesn’t sleep or he doesn’t sleep much.”

  I’m looking right at her and I know she’s telling me the truth, but I’ve slept with him. Maybe only I slept. How damn weird is that?

  Eliza lifts my chin and I get a zap of energy from her. “The thing with Brothers is everything they do is hard. They fight hard, play hard and fall hard. When they find the one, they don’t look back and do everything they can to make her theirs. They do that fast. Warp speed fast. Every old lady, but Lily spent a matter of days with their men and were moved in. Every old lady loved their men in that time. It’s just the way it works. The men follow a code with the old ladies. They don’t cheat, leave or give up. They treat us like princesses and all they expect back is our love. That’s it. They do everything with some weird sense of showing us how they feel and expect only love in return. Don’t ever try to cut the grass. I’m just sayin’.”

  I laugh. I see Darren taking the mower away from her and beating it with a hammer. “Okay. That explains a lot. They do a whole panty thing and washing you like babies too right?”

  They’re both nodding. “If I can shower alone once a week I’m lucky. Taylor’s crazy. He wanted to shave me so I’d get in the tub.” Beth’s hands are flying with a disgusted look on her face and I laugh.

  Eliza is nodding. “I just let him. It’s easier.”

  They’re funny and I can’t help laughing. “I thought he’d lost his mind.”

  Shaking their heads no, they get serious. “It really is something passed down to them. The Brothers that go ‘all in’ don’t do divorce. They stay together for life. I’ve been with Darren for years and he hasn’t stopped treating me like a princess yet. His mom and dads are the same. Kate is treated like a princess too. It’s like it’s all they know.” Eliza is very easy to read and sets my mind at ease.

  I nod. “So I let him do all his nutty stuff and just love him? What do I do today? The guy is hurt and weird things are happening up there.”

  Beth waves her hand like it’s nothing. “He’ll be fine tomorrow. It’s an energy thing with him from what I’m told. Jeremy and Dakota are like that too. If they get too much energy or expend too much they need time to regroup or something.”

  I get
that. “So, he isn’t hurt today, but has an energy issue?”

  They nod. We hear footsteps coming down the stairs and turn toward the doorway. The scary guys walk in. The one with the patch smiles and kisses Eliza on the head. “Glad you made coffee.” She smiles. She loves him. He looks at me. “I’m Danny and I’m going to help myself.”

  I laugh and nod. “Nice to meet you. I’m Dean.”

  I look at the other guy. He’s way scarier, but smiles. “Steve. Dog’s with Christian. Learned Mohegan, but knows some English. Two cups of food tonight. Stuff’s out and new toys for him.”

  I nod, but have no idea what he’s talking about. Hawk died yesterday. Do I tell him that?

  Danny smiles, I bet seeing the confusion on my face. “Christian has a new dog. He helps with the energy and protects him. He learned commands in Mohegan, but knows some English. He works best with thinking the commands. His food pail is in the pantry, he gets two cups tonight and in the morning. He’ll need to be walked. There’s a chest on the back deck with his toys and one in the living room. The living room just leave open and he’ll put his toys away when he’s done.”

  I nod. Steve smiles. “What he said.” I laugh.

  A woman with a crutch comes in with an Indian. “Hi everyone!” She’s beautiful and smiling like she hasn’t seen us in a year. “We came to check on Christian too. I’m Joey, Christian’s sister. He sent me an email about you Dean. This is Sebastian.”

  I nod telling her it’s nice to meet them. Danny stands giving Sebastian a look. “You got a date yet?”

  Joey rolls her eyes. Beth and Eliza laugh and stand up. “If the family is showing we’ll get out of your way,” Beth says with a big smile.

  I nod wondering who else is showing. Serenity comes in and I think I should lock the door. Steve laughs. My head swings toward him. “You’re a reader too?” They all nod. “Damn you all need warning labels on your foreheads so I can keep up.”

  They think I’m cute. Like every single one of them think it. Sebastian tells me he reads too. I just roll my eyes. Serenity thinks this is funny and I give her a look. Steve and Danny leave behind Beth and Eliza. I look at Joey. “They brought him home and told me to stay. Dakota is up there with Jacob and Mucimi. I don’t know anything else.” Sebastian walks toward the stairs. “Is he a healer too?”


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