Christian (The Protectors Book 1)

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Christian (The Protectors Book 1) Page 26

by L. Ann Marie

  “You know he’s right Ben. The girls deserve to be in HS. The boys should be working every day. They’re better than what we have. The Protectors should be recognized by the Club. If you don’t open Security to all of them, they’re walking and so am I. Ricky can run a Club. He’s been making money forever. He’s HS and has never been given a patch. He can train and understands abilities more than you know because you’ve never asked.” Uncle Danny shocks the shit out of all of us.

  “You’d walk away? What about PD?” He’s thinking what about Kate? but he thinks she’d go too.

  “You aren’t seeing that the problem is you. You don’t understand what the kids need, but won’t make the one move you need to keep your Club. Everyone else can see it Ben. Who do you think replaces you?”

  Pres looks around honestly wondering who that would be. “Ricky?”

  “‘Bout fuckin’ time,” Uncle Steve says and I clench my jaw.

  “Now that you’ve got that, what are you going to do to fix your Club and keep your Officers?” Uncle Danny all but rolls his eye.

  Pres stands up and I see his mind working through this. He paces behind the chairs and I want to look at my watch, but keep my eyes on him. He’s going around and around and I throw to him. ‘Put Ricky in the office next to yours and groom him to run the MC. He is your replacement and you’ve wasted enough time. Listen to him, he’s fuckin’ smart as hell. Get the kids on the schedule and learn about their abilities so you can use the information to run your Club. And stop holding the girls back.’ I just threw the last in, but I hope he listens.

  He looks at me and I look at Prez to see if he’s pissed. He’s watching Pres so I look back at him. “Thank you Christian, I have wasted enough time. Let’s go. I have a Club to fix.”

  Uncle Steve laughs. “‘Bout fuckin’ time.”

  Pres stops and looks at him. “My replacement means your replacement.”

  “Good with that. He can do the fuckin’ paperwork.”

  I crack up and Prez hits me. We follow him out and I watch the relief flow through everyone. He’s typical Pres easing everyone’s mind apologizing and explaining how he got to where they are now. Kate mouths, ‘thank you’ to Uncle Danny and he smiles pointing to me. I look away.

  Pres tells everyone he’s moving Ricky and grooming him to take over—someday—and everyone laughs then we all cheer. I think Tiny is actually quiet, but I yell for both of us. Prez hits my arm and I stop. He laughs shaking his head.

  When Pres is done, everyone is around him wanting his ear. He pulls Ricky to his side and I see the kids see it and approve. Prez looks at me. “You done?” I nod. “Let’s get the fuck out of here before they start the party.”

  I throw to Ricky that we’re out. He turns and salutes Prez and throws a ‘thanks’ to me. I smile shaking my head.

  * * *

  “You will not be able to get more than one or two if you bring Mase with you. Jeremy is not available for support Christian.”

  Prez looks at me. “It’s a no from me.” He sits at his spot at the table. “If we need to wait until you can do this alone then we wait.”

  Mucimi yells in my head, “No!” He throws pictures of the woman.

  “She will not make it another day Prez.” Dakota throws the pictures to Prez.

  “I’ll go alone.”

  He considers that and stands up. “One fuckin’ thing that’s easy today would be good.”

  I keep my mouth shut and tell Mucimi to stop with the fuckin’ pictures. It’s not helping. He stops and Prez looks at Dakota. “He goes alone and we’re waiting for him every time he jumps back. We stop when it’s too much even if we just get the woman out. Mucimi and Aiyana are there with us to support him.”

  Dakota smiles. “A very sound plan my great Warrior Leader.”

  Thank fuck! Prez looks at me. “We shoot for three. If I see it’s too much we stop. I’m not fighting you or the fuckin’ kids on this.”

  I nod, “We stop when you say.”

  His hands go in his hair. “I need to get José to reschedule a meet and we’ll start. I should have taken Ricky for my fuckin’ overflow.”

  Dakota laughs. “He is not needed here Prez.”

  Prez stops with his hand on the door. “Maybe you should do the fuckin’ paperwork.” He walks out and I crack up.

  * * *


  Sheila comes in the classroom and right over to me. “I brought your Jeep Dean. It’s fuckin’ sweet. Come see it.”

  I look at Holly and she nods smiling. I’m so excited I almost hug her. “This is the best day yet! I can’t believe he bought me a car!”

  Sheila is laughing behind me. “When they put me on you today I thought it was another shit job. I’m glad it was for this. Let’s take this baby for a ride.”

  I giggle walking out the door. A little blue SUV is sitting right in front with a red bow on the top. “I love it!”

  “Look at the back.”

  I walk to the back and see the prince logo on the right bottom corner. “Is that important?”

  She nods. “The grill was changed out too so you’re easy to recognize as Princes. If shit’s going down and you need to move fast or abruptly, the townspeople will give you room. They know not to fuck with anything with the logo. Our PD won’t stop you either—unless you’re a danger to you or someone else I mean.”

  Damn, I love this place. “So, I can drive without a license and no one will stop me?” My heart is going to beat right out of my chest.

  She nods smiling. “If you get stopped, you tell them to call Jessie and he’ll deal. Chances are they’ll let you go without calling anyone. No one wants to call Jessie—ever.”

  I love their nutty rules or code or whatever today. I walk around looking at every inch of my new, shiny blue car. “Get in the fuckin’ thing and let’s go already,” she says, but she’s happy.

  I run to the other side and climb in. This is so cool! I have a car! I look at all the indicators. It’s even four-wheel drive! Sheila tells me about tracking and how the phone works from the steering wheel. She points to the corner over the windshield. “When you start it up you have a live feed that goes to Security. They don’t have time to watch anyone full time, but they will check that it’s you driving and log you on the tracking board so alerts aren’t thrown.”

  “What does that mean?”

  She smiles. “Don’t pick your nose while you’re driving and if you have a problem hit your flashers. The alert goes to Security and they’ll call into you or get you help while watching your feed.”

  I nod, this is good. I won’t get stopped, I have help if I need it, and I’ve never seen a woman pick her nose while driving. That’s usually a man thing. I start up my brand-new car and back it up.

  “I set the good stations for you. Hit the button on the wheel to roll through them or volume.” I leave it and just drive. “You don’t drive like this is new for you, why don’t you have a license?”

  I wave my hand at her. “I’ve been driving since I was fourteen. My dad taught me and let me drive through an old industrial park where we used to live. I was homeschooled and couldn’t handle people touching me so driving was a way to escape for me. When I got older, I took my mom everywhere. She was going to take me if I got stopped, but I never got stopped then we were running and I couldn’t get it or they’d find us.”

  She points the way and we’re on a backroad with woods all around us. “These roads through here are set in grid format. They all connect in a big square. Your GPS will show you, but if you’re good with direction you won’t need it up here. It’s a good place to drive while you’re thinking shit through.”

  I nod, she’s so nice showing me this. I’ve missed driving and now I have a place to escape to. I turn on the radio and make the outside square. She’s got my favorite stations set and I get us back without thinking much about it. When I pull up she’s smiling. “You don’t need a license around here, but you will if you leave the towns. Pri
nces don’t control the other PDs. Your GPS has our borders on it. Stay in them and you’re good.”

  I must look like a Cheshire cat smiling from ear-to-ear. “Thanks Sheila and thanks for bringing me my awesome new car and taking me out. I bet you had other things to do today.”

  She does the chin thing and gets out. “It’s just a regular work day for me so getting you this afternoon was odd, but fun. I’m happy for you and Christian. You both lived similar lives and you fit.”

  I’m smiling again. We so do. The kids come out and everyone is climbing through my new car.

  When Christian pulls up, I turn the radio down and get out. I’m surprised when he slides out of the passenger seat. Nekanis jumps down right after him and stands beside him. I really like the dog. He’s like the other dogs standing guard to keep my amazing boyfriend safe. I jump on him wrapping my legs around his waist and he takes a step back laughing. “You like?”

  I have never jumped on a guy, but him stepping back and leaning on his truck strikes me as something wrong. He sounds funny too. “Are you okay?”

  He squeezes me holding my head to his chest where I can’t see his face. “Yeah babe. Just tired. You like the Patriot?”

  I smile, he’s a good boyfriend. “I love it, but not more than you. What’s wrong?”

  “He really is just tired. It was a busy day for our Warrior Protector. He saved four lives today. We are very proud of Christian for doing what he was meant to do,” Dakota says from behind me.

  I look up at Christian. “The readers?”

  He nods with a smile. “Yeah, it went well. Prez has them on their way here. Security will pick them up and get them the rest of the way safely.”

  He’s so damn good! “I’m proud of you too. Thank you on behalf of all the readers.” I kiss him and he growls making me smile. “I was going to drive you to dinner, but we can order in.”

  “Not a chance babe. A new car needs to be driven. Sheila says you’re a good driver. Let’s ride baby.”

  Oh, my God I love this man. “Yes!” Dakota laughs and I unwrap my legs sliding down.

  Security helps get the kids back in while Dakota carries Nash and Chance in. Holly hugs me quickly telling me, “Go have some fun.”

  I giggle giddy with excitement. Nekanis jumps in the back seat and Christian rolls the window for him then sits. He slides the seat back and pulls his leg in fighting to get it through and over. He doesn’t say a word, but gets himself settled. I lean in and kiss him. “Thank you.” He smiles and I wonder again how the hell I got so lucky.

  “Where are we going Little Pixie?”

  “Sheila showed me the woods, it’s a good place to drive, but I only saw the ocean a couple of times. Can we go there?”

  “Anywhere you want. We need to stay in the yard though. HS is going to be busy tonight.”

  Yes! “Serenity brought me to the docks one night. It looked amazing.”

  I pull out and he tells me where to turn. “You didn’t go out the whole time you lived here?”

  I shake my head no, seeing the water in the distance. “She had enough to deal with without me adding worry to that. After my parents died I stayed in hotel rooms or the house here.”

  He squeezes my leg. “Sorry baby. I didn’t pick up that you were here, then in danger, until she brought Chance. We can explore everything here. Do you like being outside?”

  I smile thinking of my drives and hiking. “I do. Even in the winter I drove my mother nuts with taking off to see one thing or another.”

  He laughs. “I was the same. We should go to the reservation this weekend. Nunánuk is excited to meet you. You can see where I lived for a couple of years.”

  “Yes.” This is going to be the best week ever. After living with so much pain and fear, life is looking up. I’m enrolled in school, got a boyfriend, Serenity is happy and I get to go out! “It’s so beautiful here. Ohio had some pretty spots, but it’s like living in a picture here. Everywhere you turn is worthy of a painting.”

  “There’s a bluff up ahead on the right. Pull in and get your fill baby.”

  I shake my head smiling. “Did I tell you I love you?”

  “You might have mentioned it.” He laughs pointing. “I love you too babe.”

  That is never going to get old. Eliza was wrong, he doesn’t just show it, he says it too. “Oh. My. God. This is amazing!” I jump out and run to the edge of the cliff. Water is smashing into the rocks below. All you can see is the water for miles. It’s like the movies I’ve seen. I wonder what it’s like out in the middle of all that water. A shiver runs down my back. That would feel so lonely. I don’t think I’d like that.

  Christian’s arm goes around me and he pulls me back a step. “The wind up here can cause you to lose your balance.” Just as he finishes a gust of wind has him holding me against him. I wonder if he saw that in a vision and shiver again. He lets me go and I feel his jacket around me then he’s pulling me close again. “It’s a sight I never get tired of.”

  I nod burrowing closer. “It’s absolutely beautiful. I’ve been to the Great Lakes and a bunch of smaller ones, but nothing like this. Is it lonely out at sea?”

  “The first time my dad took us out on a boat I felt the total disconnect from the land and hated it. I don’t go that far out anymore. Something holds me closer to land. Nunánuk said I have roots to the land and need the connection. I like fishing and skiing, but I don’t go so far that I can’t see my home.”

  “Are you true Indian?” I know he was adopted and all the kids are considered half Mohegan.

  “Yes, we had to be tested and we all have Indian in us, but me and Joey are Mohegan.”

  With his light brown hair and shining blond streaks, I don’t think he looks Indian. His personality and mannerisms are very much in line with what I know of natives. “You don’t look like your dad and Mase.” He does have those green eyes that I’ve seen on some of the other Indians here.

  “I am an enigma.” He laughs. “Before my mom took us we were beaten by my father. Joey tried protecting me and he broke her back. She was in a wheelchair for a long time and I always felt responsible. It was later that my mom let us read the court documents from our blue books—that’s what they send from house to house in foster care. Anyway, the blue book said he planned on killing us both because we were Indian. He wasn’t our real father and wanted better than ‘half breeds’. When my dad had us all tested, we were the two most unlikely Mohegan’s in the family.”

  What a terrible life that must have been. Having visions, not being able to touch anyone for more than ten seconds and feeling responsible for Joey. “I’m glad you found your mom. Are the abilities tied to the Indian?”

  He kisses my head and I love the feeling. “I believe so, but Jeremy and Jacob are not full blood Indian and Jeremy is the most powerful of our ability kids. Although the Little Brothers aren’t far behind. Some of the kids that aren’t Indian like Zeke, Blaze and Blake or Harley and Colt, Devan and Brenna, all have abilities, but they are all connected in some way to the first known reader in the MC who was Mohegan.”

  How interesting is that? Holy Moses the people in the Club really are a tight knit group. “Did you research all this?”

  He laughs. “I don’t sleep much. When I started getting the visions more I stayed away from everyone and trained or looked shit up. Mohegan is not known for light skinned, light haired people. They do have a different eye color and those were made Shaman because the tribesmen thought the color was a sign from the ancestors. At one time a book was written about the Norse populating America and our people being a mix of Nord and native. It was later proven wrong through DNA, but is still passed down by uneducated people. Wall, the first known reader in the Club, is now an ancestor. When I was on the reservation with Nunánuk I got many visions of the Club and how they came to work for good. Wall hated stupid. He wouldn’t let the Brothers act or talk stupidly. He tried to educate as many as he could with finances and life lessons. His vision was
passed down and is still followed today. Part of that vision is that different isn’t worth more or less, it’s just different.” He laughs. “It’s the second time today I’ve mentioned him and I don’t think I’ve ever said his name before.”

  I turn and look up at him. “I like history and the real-life stories that are shared in families. I love listening to your history and about your ancestors.”

  “You will love Nunánuk.” He kisses me and I hold on. When he puts me down he’s smiling. “The little things—like seeing that smile and your eyes shining after I kiss you—hit me hard. I thank the ancestors every time I get to touch you and see that reaction.”

  “I still can’t believe you picked me.”

  He laughs walking me back to the car. “And here I thought you picked me.”

  I shake my head as he waits for me to sit and closes my door. I wonder if Mohegan accounts for the weird and oh so sweet code they live by. He takes me to a restaurant in the center of town. We see Brothers from the Club and Christian does the chin thing, but doesn’t talk to them. When I ask, he says it’s a chin lift showing respect. They are weird men.

  Chapter Eleven

  One week


  We walk in and Phoenix comes out of the classroom. “Done needs to come back to work.”

  Since I didn’t get pictures I’m wondering what he’s talking about. He throws me Security walking behind Dean. Then helping her put supplies away. Then cleaning the tables. What the fuck? I walk in the room and he’s behind her and reaches over her for a bin she’s trying for. As soon as I see what he’s thinking I slam him back against the wall. The bin falls and Dean jumps back glaring at the pussy.

  “I told you I don’t need your damn help!”

  I step back and watch the pussy nod. “I didn’t mean nothing by it.”

  Her hands are on her hips and she’s not in the mood for his shit today. “Done didn’t come in the room unless he was asked to. He didn’t follow me around and he didn’t stand on top of me. Isn’t your job by the door?”


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