Christian (The Protectors Book 1)

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Christian (The Protectors Book 1) Page 33

by L. Ann Marie

  They laugh. I look at Dakota. “Very good advice Brother. They are meeting.”

  We file out and Ricky stops me. “Thanks Brother.”

  “I did nothing for you Ricky, but I’m glad you’re happy. The purpose was keeping Pres alive.”

  He nods. “I got that. I also know that if he’s gone I am.” He keeps walking. Fuck. Brothers need to get a fuckin’ clue before they fuck it all up—and they called me the fuck-up. I shake my head and walk into the meeting. Pres throws me a look, but keeps talking. I roll my eyes and lean against the wall waiting for him to finish.

  When the Brothers leave, I tell the Protectors to stay. Pres gives me another look. “You can think about shooting me all you want. We both know it isn’t happening. You need to hear the changes being made so you can adjust. Devan is moving to Princes tomorrow. Jacob will move up here to keep Jeremy in line.” The Officers laugh. “Ally decided to stay and support Jacob. The rest of the Protectors are pissed, but understand the job is protecting you and the Club regardless of what you think about them.”

  Uncle Danny stands up slamming his seat into the table. Everyone jumps. “Another one! I lose another fuckin’ kid because you’re too stubborn to see what’s right in front of your face. And Ally? They fuckin’ fly, throw fire, control people with their minds! Christian saved my fuckin’ life today, holding my bike up, WHILE HE WAS IN OPS! What the fuck do you need to see for you to believe they have your fuckin’ back? It’s a back that I’m losing interest in taking by the way!”

  Pres is stunned, but his mind jumps to fight. “You don’t know why he’s moving.”

  Uncle Danny suspends himself and stands on the table. The room is stunned and silent watching him. “I know. I know what you think. I know how you talk down to them. I know you always thought of Christian as a fuck-up because you didn’t understand. You don’t understand now. You’ve done as much damage to our families as you’ve done good for the community. The scales are just barely balanced right now, when those scales start tipping the other way, I’m done.”

  Pres watches him and I see it isn’t where he needs to be. “All this time you could read me?”

  I walk out. What the fuck ever. My dad puts his hand on my shoulder and I stop. “All along it was Pres thinking you were fuckin’ up?” His hand drops.

  “It was better when it wasn’t said out loud. He’s not the only one, but his cut deep.” I turn looking at him. “He jumped right to Uncle Danny holding back from him, but still sees me as a fuck-up and now every Officer and Protector knows it because Uncle Danny threw the pictures while saying it.”

  Dakota sticks his head out. “We need your help Brother.” Everyone is yelling in the room behind him. Jesus.

  “Because walking back in there is a good idea right now,” I mutter making my feet move. Dakota fuckin’ laughs.

  Uncle Danny is up in the air as if he’s sitting in a chair just watching everyone. I shake my head. I guess it’s one way to come out. I wouldn’t ever have told if I were him. He throws me chin and I look around. Devan is yelling at Pres. Tiny and Colt are throwing points in between Devan’s.

  “Stop!” I hold them all stopping Devan mid-sentence and look at Pres. “I thought protecting you would be easier now. It was fuckin’ easier when you had no clue. Devan is at Princes tomorrow. Jacob is moving up here.” I look at Jeremy.


  I nod turning back to Pres. “Tomorrow. We don’t need anything from you to keep you alive, but some courtesy and a little respect would go a long way. Uncle Danny was right. There is nothing more we can say or do to show you we’ve got your back. The rest is up to you.” He’s pissed thinking I can’t tell him where Devan lives. “You’re wrong Pres. My job is leading the Protectors and keeping the vision alive. I’ll do that however I can. Your help would be appreciated, but I don’t fuckin’ need all this.”

  “I believe the ancestors will be helpful here Christian. They can explain what we are missing.”

  My eyes snap to Dakota’s. “I’m not carrying his ass anywhere tonight. This isn’t a threat to him and I’m fuckin’ tired.” I throw. ‘Giving him peace is not at the top of my fuckin’ list.’

  He nods. “I understand. Perhaps Mase can help.”

  I watch Mase nod and Uncle Danny lower himself. “I’m not helping.” He walks out. Tiny fights my hold and I let him go and watch him follow Uncle Danny. Ally and Devan follow with Harley and Elizabeth.

  Uncle Steve kicks a chair. “Sit, take the tiara off and listen. Gettin’ tired of sayin’ it too.”

  “You knew all this time and didn’t tell me?” Pres sits glaring at him.

  I throw my hands up. “Good fuckin’ luck Brothers. I’m out.” When I turn, my dad is at the door. “Can I get a lift home Dad?”

  My dad drops me at the Compound and I jog home. He is pissed, but never said a word—which made for a long ride. I spent it connecting with Aiyana, Kaya and Co thanking them for their help. I find Devan and Jacob both packing with the help of Prospects. They’re both happy with the change.

  My girl is sound asleep with Nekanis laying against her. He watches me and jumps down when I walk closer. I raise her and slide in. What a fuckin’ day. Her arm goes around me and I jump. Hawk sits beside me and I tell him all that’s happened. I follow his line of sight and see a vision of Wall talking to Pres. I push it away. When Pres went all in for Ricky I thought his deeper thoughts changed too. I knew what he really thought about me, but it looked like that was getting better too. I should have looked.

  “It was not yours to see then Christian.” Nunánuk sits beside us.

  Maybe not, but it would have been fuckin’ helpful. I think about the visions and reading people. “My focus is changing Nunánuk. I see more of the vision and the need to protect it.”

  She smiles looking at the lake. “As it should be my grandson.”

  I let the ancestors wash through me, feeling the peace they leave behind down to my bones. I wasn’t lying to Dakota that I was tired. I’m feeling that now. I jump back and sleep.

  Chapter Sixteen

  One week


  The reader class is happy today. More people have jobs and are settling in the apartments Prez bought. I still can’t believe he bought apartments. They are a unique kind of crazy.

  Christian’s arm goes around me. “We’re out babe.”

  I take his hand and start walking. If he tells one more person I’m his lover I’m going to scream. I think of anything happy I can grab onto. “Mucimi was happy today. He said you got them all. Does that mean the readers are all safe?”

  He takes my hat and puts the helmet on me. “No, but the ones in harm’s way are. There are probably tens of thousands of readers around the country. We focused on the ones that were destined to die.”

  Wow. “Are they all coming here?” Prez needs more apartments.

  He laughs and puts his hand out for me. “No babe. They’ll stay where they are for the most part. We’ll keep helping those in need.”

  That’s good. I kiss him because he’s such a good guy. He’s been quiet for a couple of days, but today he started talking again. “Are we safe now?”

  “Let’s get to the Club and I’ll tell you what’s going on.”

  I smile glad I dressed in my biker clothes today. Holding on, I think about all that’s happened since he found me hiding in my closet. To say they move fast is an understatement. I’m an old lady, have a job, I’m going to school and I get to help him here with the readers. Plus, he’s been working with me and Mucimi every night so I’m able to focus more and block better. I decide that life is good, as I get off and wait for him to take the helmet off me. He seems to like putting my hats on so I always wait and let him.

  He smiles popping it on my head and leans against the bike. Pulling me by the belt, he lets it go when I’m in between his legs. “The lunatics are still out there. They have a direct line to us and it will never be over. Since there aren’t as many and th
ey’re seeing they can’t really hurt us, the fight here isn’t so dangerous. There are other fanatical groups that will make a run at us. Their hate isn’t focused on killing Princes so much as religious beliefs and changing the way we do things here.” He pauses so I nod. “We have a bigger threat that is MC related. When they get their heads out of their asses we can deal with that and hopefully get back to living without Ops every fuckin’ day. So, to answer the question, no we’ll never be completely safe, but together we keep each other alive. I can’t wait to make it back to living for stretches of time without a direct threat.”

  I smile and kiss him. “Thank you for answering. What is up with people hurting people so they believe the same? And oh my God, the MC needs to get their damn shit together. You work too hard.”

  He laughs pulling me into the Club. Music is blasting and he pulls me right to the dance floor. He’s been teaching me to dance for our party next week. I love dancing with him. He’s wicked good and I like his hands on me. After two songs, we get a drink. The men always stop and talk to him so I sit and watch. He’s funny and happy to answer their questions or talk about the Vets or homeless which always reminds me of the things he does that I don’t see. Tonight, a skanky guy stands by him and he rolls his eyes before looking up at the guy.

  “Before you open your mouth she’s got my name on her back. You don’t know me, but I can guarantee you don’t want to know me the way you’re going to if you say what’s on your mind.”

  The guy gives him a look. “Being your lover doesn’t mean she doesn’t want anyone else. My name would look good on her too.”

  My eyebrows hit my hairline and I look at Christian. The guy is a pig, he’s already got me undressed and in a dirty bed. I see black and look back up at him. His nose starts bleeding, but he’s standing there frozen. I put my hand on Christian’s face and turn him toward me. “He isn’t worth it. Let’s dance Christian.”

  His face relaxes and the man falls. Christian lifts me and carries me back to the dance floor like nothing happened. That’s a little scary, but the man was a pig. I hope he’s okay. When I look over a Prospect is pulling him across the floor. Maybe Nick is here.

  When a slow song comes on he spins me around and pulls me to him. I laugh and hold on dancing just like we practiced. Dakota and Jess glide by and smile at us. We aren’t that good yet, but we’re getting there. When the music stops Christian leads me to the outside of the floor and stands me in front of him. We watch Dakota and Jess dance and they’re amazing. I always think of Dakota as reserved, but he can dance and it isn’t a waltz. I look at the other men and they’re dancing just as sexy as Jess and Dakota. When Jessie walks to them I turn around. Them grinding with Jess in the middle is more than I need to see. Christian smiles and pulls me away.

  Just before we hit the stairs a woman stops him. “Christian! I haven’t seen you lately.” She’s got a big smile on her face and I want to slap it. She’s been with him. He stops and looks at her. She walks the other way and he watches. I don’t get any more from her and look up at him. I’m kind of hurt, but it’s not like I can pinpoint why.

  “I’m not a kid. I grew up in the MC where sex is part of life. What I had to do for relief embarrasses me now that I have you and know what it’s supposed to be.”

  I think about that and can’t really argue it. He’s a grown man and did live with all this sex around him. This place has a room that they have sex right out in the open and no one says a word about it as if it’s normal. That couldn’t have been easy when he couldn’t touch anyone. It wasn’t easy for me and I didn’t grow up seeing what he did. I nod and he brings me up the stairs.

  He unlocks the door and guides me in. “Before you ask I’ve been the only one in that bed. I bought it when I moved to the Compound.”

  That’s a relief. I nod not sure what to say. “It’s a nice room. Why do you need it if you live on the Compound?”

  He watches me, but answers just when I think he won’t. “For probably everything going through your head, but also when we’re locked down, all the Officers can stay here. It’s closer to Security. If we’re drinking, we can sleep it off here or if someone needs us we can be here for them.” His shoulders relax and it looks like a slump to me. “I’ll have your name added to the door.” He says it like it’s the last thing he wants to do.

  “I like it just the way it is.”

  That gets a smile. “You do? No Short-Blackhawk?”

  I shake my head smiling. “I like just your name on the door. It looks cool.”

  There goes the smile and the shoulders again. “Yeah.” He waves his hand. “So, this is our room. I’ll get you a key tomorrow, but you only move around the Club with a Blackhawk, the Officers, or the old ladies with you. Don’t go anywhere alone.”

  I nod and he takes my hand walking out. Okay, this was just show and tell? He moves people by the door and we walk right out. He takes my hat and puts the helmet on me. “What’s wrong Christian?”

  He shrugs. “I’m tired. It’s been a busy day for me and I didn’t sleep last night.”

  My poor man doesn’t sleep enough and he was at the MC all day yesterday. “Take me home Christian. I think I know a way to relax you.” His eyes show me love and he kisses me. I don’t think he’s telling me everything, but maybe he can’t. They’ve been in Mass for a couple of days now. I can’t imagine what they’re going through up there, but he comes home and still treats me like a princess. I hold on and smile thinking about him being pissed that he missed the dinner I made for him. Yesterday Beth showed me how to make clam chowder and you’d think it was a five-course meal. He was impressed that I even had those little oyster crackers. He’s a funny guy, but appreciates all the little things and always shows me how much he loves me. I climb off and smile when he takes the helmet off and puts my hat back on me.

  “I love you,” I tell him and turn around going up the stairs. I can help him relax and maybe he’ll sleep.

  “I need to take Nekanis out.” He’s standing on the first step.

  I grab his hand and pull him up the stairs. “I got him. We’ll be back in a little while. Go relax my tired Protector. When we get back I’ll help you with that too.” I giggle, kissing his cheek, and hop down the steps following Nekanis to the beach.

  * * *


  This is why you don’t fuckin’ lie to your old lady. I flop on the bed and lose my clothes pulling on a pair of shorts. When I lower down I jump. She’s never marrying me. Now she thinks I need to relax to sleep. I hear them come in and she’s trying for quiet. I bet she thinks I’m sleeping. Since she does, I stay and think about the week.

  Pres seems like he’s jumped on board, again. I haven’t bothered looking any deeper because I really don’t give a fuck. I throw a rock in the water. I haven’t looked because I don’t want to see me through his eyes. I need to stop the lying shit or I’ll never be worth anything to anyone.

  “Very wise my Warrior Protector.” I turn seeing Dakota fly over.

  I’m happy to sit with him for a while. “You have not asked, but Dean may change her mind if you tell her the paper matters to you.”

  I shake my head no. “I’m not forcing my name on her Dakota. If she wanted it she’d have taken it.” He looks at the water, but doesn’t say any more. I feel Dean’s heartbeat against my side and stand. “Thanks Brother.” I jump back knowing she’s asleep.

  Working for a couple of hours I get everyone settled for the next Op we’ll be running. Hopefully Uncle Danny and Pres are talking before that. My dad and Tiny aren’t talking to him either. Since they’re not on my Ops, I’m not too worried about them, they’ll come around. Ricky and VP have been calling the shots. I was surprised when VP let Ricky run the first meeting. He’s right though, if Pres isn’t going to show, Ricky should be running it. He’s doing a good job too.

  I like working with Devan. He gets shit before I have to tell him. Jessie sees it as a plus. Jacob loves being closer to Jeremy and
Aubrey and talks to me every day. I can hear how proud of them he is every time he talks about them. He’s pissed at Pres too, but likes working with Ally and VP.

  I need a way to get the Protectors connected again. They’re all doing the job, but it’s not fixed. This will only last so long before they all want to move again. I put it in an OC for Prez hoping he can figure something out.

  I send the laptop to the dresser and have the charm bracelet come to me. I still think it’s cute and know she’d love it with her quirky clothes and style. It fits her more now with the funky clothes. I smile thinking about her in the biker clothes. She’s perfect and the fuckin’ hat always gets me. She moves and I close the box sending it back.

  “Wait.” She sits up and reaches for the box. Fuck. “I saw you throw this in the drawer a couple of weeks ago, then forgot all about it. I was going to look at it when you weren’t here.” She smirks at me, but I don’t know what to say. “It’s obviously important to you. Can I see it?”

  I’m not lying to her again so I need to just give it to her. “It’s for you. I think you’ll like it and I can add to it. I thought it would mean something to you too.”

  She nods, but her brows draw down. “Why didn’t you give it to me before? If I didn’t see it, you would have put it away.”

  I shrug and open it. “I’m giving it to you now.” She’s watching me and doesn’t look at it right away. I don’t know what the fuck to tell her so I wait.

  When she looks down she smiles. Thank fuck. “It’s beautiful. Thank you.”

  “The jeweler made the cut on it and put stones and shit on the others.” I’m nervous and watch her look at them.


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