The President's Secret Baby: A Second Chance Romance

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The President's Secret Baby: A Second Chance Romance Page 106

by Gage Grayson

  I know that I’m a loner and that it will always be this way. This is my truth.

  While Marcus is attempting to scale my walls and to break them down, I’m trying to be sure at every turn that he never quite gets into my heart. To let him do so would mean a tragic fate.

  He might turn me into the cops or simply turn away because I’m too much for him, too complicated.

  Marcus lies back on my bed as though he doesn’t have a care in the world. It’s moments like these that make me wish for a normal life. I wish this could be our reality every single day.

  But I have to push these thoughts from my mind and just enjoy Marcus for the time that I have him.

  I take a swig of my beer, and it goes down my throat nicely. The beverage is starting to bring me back to life.

  “You know, I nearly passed out there for a second. I was seeing stars,” I say to him.

  He looks at me happily and says, “I know. That was kind of the point.”

  “You know you’re fucking amazing in bed, right?” I ask.

  He’s got a smug expression on his face like he does know. There’s a cocky side to Marcus for sure. I know he’s a playboy, but I just don’t understand how that fits into his activist lifestyle. How does he manage such disparate worlds?

  “You’re pretty amazing yourself,” he says to me.

  I laugh at his honesty and candor.

  I don’t say, however, that I’m amazing only because of him. He brings it out of me. He’s so fucking hot that somehow I’ve become a vixen when I’m with him.

  All I want is sex. All I need is him.

  It makes me wish again and again that this love affair could last, but alas, today is all we have.

  With that in mind, I decide to make the most of this day. I get in between his legs and start to go down on him, ensuring that he’ll get nice and hard for me again.

  It doesn’t take long for his hot cock to harden. He’s got the stamina of a fucking bull. I suck the tip of his cock and encircle the bottom part with my hand.

  He sighs heavily and enjoys what I’m doing. I want him so badly that I find myself cupping his balls in my hand and massaging them. I suck and tease, taunt and lick his cock until it’s so hard that I know I won’t be able to hold back for another second.

  I climb on top of him and slowly insert his cock inside of me. I let it go in inch by inch instead of all at once. He’s too big to take all at once.

  And that’s definitely part of the appeal.

  Luckily, I’ve got him nice and wet with spit so that I’m able to slide on top of his cock fairly easily.

  From my vantage point, he looks like a rugged model taken straight from the runway―except he’s quite a bit larger than your typical model. His muscles and strength appeal to me. I watch his abs ripple and move as I start to ride him gently.

  I make eye contact with him the entire time, and it’s fucking hot. To be staring at him, the man I’m falling for, who returns my gaze with such intensity, is a rare thing.

  We have this connection that neither of us will talk about, but both of us feel. I know he doesn’t fuck every girl the way he fucks me. I’m sure of it.

  I circle my hips so that I can feel his cock against every part of me. And then I clench down and ride him really hard. His cock is sliding against my G-spot, and swirls of pleasure start to radiate throughout my body.

  He looks at me with a sense of awe. He seems entranced by me from this angle.

  It’s exactly what I want. I want him to admire my body and my perfect tits.

  He starts to finger my magic button, and electricity shoots out of me as pulsing, warm radiation continues to flow from my G-spot. It’s all working well together, a beautiful combination for the most intense orgasm.

  “Katy, you look so hot from this angle. Your tits are fucking great,” he says, looking up at me.

  I tilt my hips and find the perfect place for his cock to hit inside of me. He grabs my hips and pulls me down to him even deeper. I didn’t think I could take in any more of him, but apparently, it’s possible.

  I slow my motion to draw out the pleasure. And then I start cupping and massaging my tits because I know he’ll love it. I’m rotating around his huge giant cock while twisting my nipples and looking at him seductively, trying to translate how I feel.

  When I do this, it turns him on so much that he grabs me by the waist and pulls up. Our lips meet and we’re held together in a tantalizing kiss. His tongue and taste is telling me everything I need to know about our connection.

  He takes control and makes sure I slide up and down his cock at a nice rhythm. He forces me to go slow at first, and then he speeds up my motion, meeting me in the middle so that we’re fucking hard.

  He whispers in my ear, “You’re mine. If you think you’re ever going to be with another man, you’re mistaken.”

  I love the words that he says, but in the back of my mind, I’m wondering how true it can be. Does he care about me? Or is this the kind of ploy he uses in bed with all his women?

  I don’t have time to question him much further because he’s pumping his essence into me and just the thought of that makes me come around his cock so hard. I cry out and hold his neck for support.

  He’s kissing my tits and making the most of his own orgasm. For the time being, we’re united in both of our bliss. I’ve never come this hard in my life.

  I felt things in my body today that I didn’t know were possible. He did all of that to me. He brought it all out of me.

  And inside, I feel a nagging sense of despair, even as he pumps the final remnants of his essence into me. I know that ultimately, this can’t last.

  This happiness is not for me. I am destined to go through life alone, and while the thought is depressing, I’ve also resigned myself to my fate.

  I pull off of him, and we’re both breathing heavily as we lie next to each other on my soft bedding.

  Without a word, he hands me his beer and I take it. It tastes so good. It does something to calm my beating heart.

  I hand it back to him, and he finishes it off, and then we both just lie back and think about the intensity of what’s just happened.


  I wake up with Katy in my arms and enjoy the indulgent feeling of being in her bed.

  She sleeps softly in my arms, and for a moment, I just gaze as the mid-morning light hits her pale skin.


  I realize I’m late for a meeting―a very big meeting.

  I wake up Katy, who’s still naked under the sheets. It takes every inch of willpower I have not to spread her wide and to fuck her right here.

  She’s addicting.

  I know I have to go, so I summon my willpower and whisper in her ear, “Baby, I’m sorry to leave, but I have to go. Talk soon.”

  She rolls over, and I take in the sight of her gorgeous, thin body. It will fuel my fantasies for the rest of the day.

  I kiss her, and she pulls me close―but I have to pull away. It’s times like these that I wish we were in my penthouse, where I could keep her locked away as my little sex slave. I feel possessive of Katy―is that wrong, considering I know that she’s about to betray me?

  I get dressed in a hurry and quietly leave. Let her sleep. Let her dream of me and all that went on last night.

  I get in my car and race to my building. This is the first time I’ve ever been late for a meeting in my entire illustrious career. But I don’t feel cranky or mad about it.

  I’m late because I woke up in someone else’s bed, a bed that was not my own. This is a thing that never happens to me.

  Usually, I wine and dine a woman for one night. They come home to my penthouse, we sleep together, and that’s it. They’re out the door before the sun comes up.

  Katy’s different. I actually want to be around her.

  Even though her apartment is very simple, and there’s nothing luxurious about it, I found myself feeling good there. Because I was with her. I just f
eel at ease every time I’m around her.

  And so I’m in a good mood the whole time I’m driving to work. And throughout the whole duration of the meeting that I was late for.

  It’s such a change from my usual stressed-out demeanor that even the executives seem at a loss as to why I’m smiling and not being rude to them.

  I’m actually paying attention to the details of this meeting for once. They plan on building a huge complex or something. A new investment of some sort.

  But as they talk, I realize something harrowing…

  The place that I went to with Katie for the outreach program is also the land that my bank bought about three years ago.

  My bank is responsible for what I witnessed yesterday. I forced those families living there into poverty. As the CEO, I’m essentially responsible for all of it.

  I’m at a loss for words, and I can’t believe that it was my bank that did this to those people. Shouldn’t we have a department or something that makes sure people don’t get hurt and put out on the street? Why have I overlooked this sort of thing?

  For the first time in my life, I feel as if maybe I’m doing the wrong thing. Katy taught me to see people for who they really are and not just what they have. I’m sorta sickened by the fact that it was my company that did this to so many families, especially those kids.


  The junior executive reporting on the complex’s bathroom finishes looks terrified. So do my other executives. I have never interrupted a meeting before.

  “Put it on hold for now,” I tell them.

  “Oh, uh…okay…I-I…guess we won’t install a fountain the second-floor bathroom, and―”

  “No, not that. The whole project.” I’m met with stunned silence. “I’ll let you know when to start it up again. This will go through, but it may look different than we have envisioned it for now,” I tell everyone in the meeting.

  They look at me in surprise, but I don’t care. This is my company, and I’ll run it however I want to. I realize there’s a part of myself that’s gotten soft

  But I can’t help but think how Katy will be disappointed in knowing what my company did.

  And yet I also have to keep telling myself that it’s essential for me to get Katy’s full trust in order for me to know her plans. She’s going to attack my bank, and I have to know the details. The fact that she’s out to get me is an inescapable truth.

  The executives in the meeting want to know why I’ve halted the project. I don’t owe an explanation to anyone.

  “What should we do in the meantime?” one of them says.

  “You know this thing has a time limit,” another exec opposes.

  “What I know,” I say, “is that this is my company, and I intend to steer it in the right direction. As of now, I’m not sure about this project. We’re gonna put a halt to it until I say so. I’m sure you can find plenty of work to keep you busy.”

  I leave the meeting, and I’m absolutely disgusted at how my executives are so concerned with making money and with their bonus structure that they’ve totally overlooked the people who’ve been misplaced.

  It’s my fault, too. I know this, but it’s a hard pill to swallow.

  But still, my executives haven’t seen what I’ve seen. They haven’t seen the poor and the people who’ve been wronged. Maybe if they had, they wouldn’t be questioning me about moving forward with this project.

  It’s evidence of the way Katie’s changed me. I don’t change for anyone―and yet I find I’m a different person now that I’ve met her.

  Fuck, what’s going on? She’s shaken my routine existence, and I find that I’m becoming hooked to the feeling.

  I use the next couple days to research the project a little bit more. I want to know why my bank chose that land to take over. I want to know how these poor people fell through the cracks with no support.

  I also research the outreach program that Katie had me volunteer for. They’re very legitimate, doing good work across the city. I think how they probably need money, and that I should donate to them.

  Just as this thought crosses my mind, Katy calls.

  “Marcus,” she says in a panic. “Can you please meet with me? It’s important. Please hurry. Please say you’ll come.”

  “Of course, baby, I’ll be right there.” I oblige because I’m worried.

  I’ve never heard Katy lose her cool before or even admit to needing help. This alarms me.

  I drive like hell through the city until I arrive at her apartment. Once I get there, Katie seems very scared.

  A sense of protectiveness overcomes me. I need to make sure she’s okay no matter what and at all costs.

  “What’s wrong? Tell me what happened.”


  I'm online, and everyone is here.

  It’s in my hacker community that I really feel as though I'm part of something—that I’m not as removed from society as I thought I was.

  Everyone's applauding each other about the recent job we did.

  None of them know that the charity we donated the money to is one that I'm personally involved with.

  Thinking about the program reminds me of Marcus and how good he was with the people who needed help. He wasn’t in his typical environment, but I could tell that he had become absorbed in helping the people.

  Being around people like that, who have nothing but each other, reminds me of what life is really about and I think Marcus felt that, too.

  He seems to genuinely care about the people whose lives we are helping.

  But then, I remember that Marcus is part of an organization that does outreach. Maybe he doesn't get into the trenches often like I do. Maybe that's the reason he felt so uncomfortable at first.

  I don't know what level Marcus is at in the organization he represents—and this reminds me that I don't know him very well. I need to keep him at a safe distance.

  I'm online and we're doing the usual back-and-forth banter when things start to turn strange.

  Dragon168 talks about bombing a local bank.

  He types, "They won't know what hit them, literally. We're gonna show these assholes what it really means to take someone down."

  Mia_intrigue writes, "Our real work is about to begin. The bomb is in place and ready to go off."

  "I'm so excited! The day has finally come to bomb these bastards. This is gonna feel so good," Enigma16n4 chimes in.

  My chest tightens as I read the words. What am I reading? Is this a sick joke? What are they talking about?

  "Haha," I type, although dread is already forming in the pit of my stomach. "You guys are really funny. I'm glad we don't actually do the bombing. I’m fine with just taking out corporate power by stealing from them."

  Spider5d3r says, "Rogue144, we're being serious. We have a bomb in place and we're going to get this thing done."

  I start to panic. This can't be real. They wouldn't do that, would they?

  These people—this online community that I thought I was a part of—might actually belong to a violent criminal organization? How could I have missed this?

  My hands are shaking, but I force myself to continue the conversation. I type, "You guys, that's not part of we're fighting for. That can seriously hurt other people. Or kill them."

  Spider5d3r writes, "Exactly! That's kind of the point. So, you're finally on board Rogue144. We didn't know whether you'd want to join in."

  "I don't!" I type, furious now, despite the fear racing across my chest. "I don't want to be any part of this. This is not part of the mission we pledged to from the beginning. No one agreed to hurting anybody."

  That’s when they start cursing me and calling me a traitor. I suddenly wonder what kind of people I've been surrounding myself with. Can they really have a bomb in place?

  I need to find out more information. Just as I’m about to retract my defense, they kick me out of the chat room.

  Panic seizes my body. I never wanted something like this to happen. I would nev
er want someone to get hurt.

  I try to log back into the system but they’ve denied me access.

  I take a deep breath and remind myself that I'm dealing with other hackers—people just like me. I know I can't beat them at their own game.

  Thoughts race through my head as I consider the situation. Somehow, I've fallen in with a group of shady people without realizing it. Who can I call for help?

  And then I think of Marcus and the organization he's with. They seem like a pretty big operation with lots of connections. Maybe they can help?

  I hesitate to even call him because I've denied his request to work for his group so many times.

  But I can't think of any other option. I make the call.

  I play with a strand of my hair while I tell him that I need him over here right now. He doesn’t ask a lot of questions and says he'll be right over.

  The waiting is torture. I think about whether or not to call the police. I try to hack into the chatroom over and over again to no avail.

  I don't know what kind of bomb they have, where it's at, or when they plan on setting it off.

  I'm nearly hysterical when Marcus arrives. He holds my shaking body and I decide it's time to divulge the truth...about everything.

  He tries to calm me down and repeatedly asks me what's the matter.

  I sink down to my bed. I need to be honest with him. I know this could turn him away from me forever, but it could also help save lives.

  I have to do it.

  "Marcus, I think there's something you need to know about me,” I begin. “I'm not an activist. I'm a hacker. I'm a real-life computer genius and I spend my time stealing from banks and giving the money to the poor. I would've told you earlier but I didn't know if I could trust you.”

  I lower my eyes, afraid to see the disgust in his eyes. “I thought maybe you'd reject me if he knew the truth."

  When he doesn’t say anything, I raise my head to see him looking into my eyes, a look of compassion on his face.

  His silence makes it easier for me to go on. "Remember I said I was part of this online community? Well, they’re fellow hackers. We've been working together for several months to steal money from large corporations. I thought I could trust them. They were quickly becoming like family to me. But today, I learned the truth and it's not good."


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