The President's Secret Baby: A Second Chance Romance

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The President's Secret Baby: A Second Chance Romance Page 109

by Gage Grayson

  I realize now what I’ve been missing by having so many one night stands. There was no connection, and so the sex was as good as it could be.

  But with Katy, every time is a new experience. As I want to claim her even more and as I become more and more possessive, the heat between us is just staggering.

  Even though I’ve fucked so many women in New York City I could fill a high-rise, it’s never been like this.

  I’ve never felt this interdimensional oneness with another person. I’ve never felt as though I might die if she were to ever leave me.

  That’s a lot of trust to put in one person.

  I lie next to her and think of how great that was―but also in the back of my mind, the truth is nagging at me once again. I can’t escape my treachery.

  Katy doesn’t know me, and if she finds out, will she ever feel the same way again? Will we ever experience this again together? If the answers to those questions even come close to no…well, that’s a reality that I can’t even consider.

  I look over at her beautiful, tired body and just hope that there’s some way for her to understand what I’ve done.

  The lies between us are keeping me apart from her. I feel as though I can’t trust this moment of happiness because it might be taken from me. The rug might be pulled out from under my feet, and life would turn to shit.

  If Katy can’t find a way to forgive, to understand that I had to do what I had to do to protect my company, I don’t know where I’d be.

  “That was so fucking good,” she’s saying. “Is it just me, or is sex between us amazing? I’ve never come so hard in my life or so many times. God, Marcus, where have you been all my life?”

  She reaches for the ice water, and I am left breathing heavily and feeling nothing but guilt. I need Katy to know the truth. She needs to know the truth.

  And it has to come from my own mouth or she’ll never understand.


  We've been talking all night.

  I'm sore and I need a break.

  If Marcus's intention was to take my mind off the bomb scare, he certainly did that. He made sure to thoroughly saturate my senses so that I couldn't think of anything except for the splendid orgasmic high he was giving me.

  He's the most sexual man I've ever known. He's the most responsible and in control man I've ever known. Compared to him, my life looks like a mess.

  He seems to have it all together. He's always so on point. Everything he does, every word he says, has meaning.

  And I'm the girl, the hacker, who got herself into trouble. And he had to come rescue me.

  I've never had anybody care about me enough to come rescue me.

  I lie next to him in the dark of early morning, right before the sun even shines. I know he's sleeping, but I'm wide awake.

  The truth of my life is what keeps me up. While I may not be an upstanding citizen like Marcus, I usually have things more in control than this. Somehow I got myself involved with a corrupt and covert group.

  I know that I can't keep letting the guilt eat me alive, but it's pretty hard not to when lives were almost lost. I have to think about things and to think about the direction in which my life is heading.

  I clench the sheets around my naked body and stare out the window at the flickering lights. The city never sleeps. And apparently, neither do I.

  What's really making me confused are my feelings for Marcus. I've never let anyone, much less a guy, into my life this much. I had planned on leaving him forever. My days are usually spent on the run from anyone or anything because of the nature of my work.

  But Marcus is different. He was there when I needed him. And even though I know I should hold back and keep myself protected, I can't help but feel things for him.

  And who knows? I might be out on a limb by myself with these feelings. He and I have sex, a lot, but we never talk about it afterward. For all I know, I am just another woman to him, another fling.

  What's keeping me awake tonight is the fact that I know my feelings for him are deeper than that.

  I run these things over in my mind over and over again. Then Marcus clutches me by the stomach and turns me over to have sex again.

  I have to stop him. I push on his shoulders to get him off of me.

  "Why?" he asks. "What's wrong, baby?"

  I lean over and turn on the little IKEA lamp I have in my room. He squints at the brightness.

  "Marcus, we have to talk."

  He checks his phone for the time. "At 4:35 in the morning?"

  "Yes. It's important."

  As much as I'm shy and would like to avoid confrontation, I know these things need to be said. I have to talk to Marcus about what's going on.

  "All we do is have sex," I say, wondering if that's the best way to begin this conversation or not.

  He rubs his eyes and tries to wake up. I curl into a side and hold his chiseled abs for reassurance.

  "Your point?" he says groggily.

  "My point is…" I hesitate to answer. "I'm beginning to like you...more than I should."

  A smile spreads across his face, and I'm glad that I have at least this reaction to work with.

  "I like you, Marcus, and I don't know if you like me, too. Maybe this is just sex to you, and if that's all it is, then that's fine. But I just had to get my feelings out there," I say.

  "You like me, huh?" he says teasingly. "Well, Katy, I've got news for you. I like you too. I more than like you. I care about you. Do you think I'd be here if I didn't? I don't do that very often."

  "I thought it was just about sex."

  "The sex is amazing, Katy. But it's amazing because I'm invested in you." His words make me feel warm inside.

  I feel very nervous now because I know I have to explain that the difference between our two worlds might be too big of a gap to bridge. How can we connect on anything when we're so different? How can I possibly share my covert life with anyone? I’m unrelatable.

  "Marcus, I have reservations because our worlds are so disparate. We have absolutely nothing in common. You know that I'm a hacker. I have nothing to offer you. I'm definitely not used to letting people in. In fact, my usual course of action is to run, far away from anything that might be permanent. I've been alone in my life for so long that I'm not really used to having a person be with me. Can you understand that?"

  He takes a second to consider my words. And he wraps his large, strong arms around me from behind. We're cuddling naked, and it feels so good, it feels like home.

  But I have to question myself on that. I trusted the people in my chat room after all. I considered them to be like a family.

  I guess that shows how desperate I am to have some sort of true connection with another person.

  "It's okay, baby. We can take this slow. There is no reason to rush. And I promise it'll all work out," he says.

  His words soothe my aching soul, and I'm able to fall fast asleep in his arms.


  I leave Katy's place early in the morning.

  She slept in my arms for a while, but then we woke up early, just as the sun was rising.

  I have some business to attend to. But in truth, I needed to get away from her for just a second so that I could regroup.

  She asked about my feelings, and I told her that I care. It's the truth. But at the same time, while I know the truth about Katy, she doesn't know the truth about me.

  There's a massive discrepancy between us, and I'm not sure how to further navigate the relationship without telling her.

  I drive away from her building back to my own penthouse. A part of me wishes that she was here with me; a part of me wants to spend every waking moment with her. I'd fuck her from dusk till dawn. But at the same time, I know that there's a risk involved with Katy still.

  She may have admitted to me that she's a hacker, but I still don't know if she's planning to infiltrate my company or not. Maybe she's planning to steal from me. Maybe she doesn't know it's me personally that she's gonna ste
al from, but still, the threat is there.

  I get to my place and take a long hot shower, imagining her here with me. I'd have her up against the shower wall hands above her head. I'd touch her in a way that she never deemed possible. I'd make her come...a million times.

  God, Katy. If only she wasn't planning to hack into my company. Then I could be with her without reservation.

  As it is, I have to think about the lingering threat. Maybe she won't hack me because her former associates are now behind bars.

  I don't know the answer. I let the water run hot over my skin, hoping it takes with it all the frustration down the drain.

  The main distinction between Katy and I is that she believes in stealing from the banks, and I am the bank. Will we ever be able to see eye to eye on such a large issue?

  Her lifework is to steal from people like me. My lifework is to make more money. Somehow, I just don't see us meeting in the middle.

  I go to work, but she's on my mind. I can't escape the thought of her beautiful face and her beautiful body naked up against me this morning.

  I have to see her again. It hasn't even been a day, but there are so many unspoken words between us.

  I decide to surprise her this afternoon so that I can at least satisfy my aching desire to see her.

  I stop and buy her the most beautiful bouquet of roses that I can find. Something to brighten her place and her mood. Then I drive back to her shoddy apartment.

  I climb the now familiar stairs of the old building. Of course, there's no elevator. I knock on the door, and she answers, looking dressed up and pretty.

  She sees me and her eyes light up. Then she sees the roses and her eyes light up even more.

  "Are those for me?" she asks. "No one's ever bought me flowers before."

  I pull her body close to mine and kiss her deeply. I plan on taking it back into the bedroom, but she stops me.

  "Marcus, I'm just on my way out. I have to go somewhere. But I'll contact you later, okay?"

  This is not at all the way I thought this scene would go. I was hoping to fuck her into the afternoon.

  Instead, I get suspicious. Katy never dresses up. Why does she look like that? And where is she going? She's being so secretive.

  I know I shouldn't, but I decide to follow her. I'm becoming a little bit paranoid because of the threat to my bank. I'm also becoming paranoid that maybe I'm not the only man in her life.

  What if she's meeting somebody...another guy?

  That thought angers me more than knowing she's planning to rob my business. I feel a sense of jealous control, and somehow I find my car following her.

  She gets in a cab and I follow behind at a safe distance. I need to know exactly what Katy's up to.

  Her driver drops her downtown, and I park little ways down the street before catching up to her on the sidewalk. I need answers.

  I grab her arm a little too roughly and say, "What are you doing, Katy? Why are you so dressed up? And why did you leave me hanging at the apartment like that?"

  She looks startled to see me and is also upset. "What are you doing here, Marcus? Did you follow me all the way down here? What is wrong with you?"

  "I need to know what you're doing, Katy. I want to know where you are at all times, especially if after the danger we faced yesterday."

  "You want to know what I'm doing? Fine," she says angrily. "You can follow me. I'm buying something from someone, that's all."

  I'm relieved to hear that she's not hiding another man from me. But now I'm intrigued as to what exactly she's buying.

  We walked to a little shaded area and before I know it's happening, three policemen show up and arrest both of us.

  It's an obvious setup.

  I've never been arrested before, but I know Katy certainly has. She escaped from jail on our first meeting after all and left me with my cock out.

  She doesn't seem fazed as we ride in the back of the cop car together.

  We're both in cuffs, and I secretly wish it was only she who was restrained, lying naked across my bed. I have not yet had the opportunity to do that with her, but I imagine her spread out, open like a little flower for only me. And I imagine her unable to resist.

  Katy starts laughing at the situation, and it makes me laugh, too. Both of us arrested at least I'm with her. And at least I know she's not with another guy.

  Once we get to the jail, I'm allowed my one phone call and I call my lawyer. I know he'll get me out of here soon and that he’ll also fight for Katy.

  On the phone, my lawyer says, "It's too late to post bail tonight. The courts have closed. So, Marcus, you're gonna have to spend at least one night in jail. I hope that's okay."

  I look at Katy in the jail cell and think it will definitely be okay as long as we're there together.

  They put me back behind bars, and I'm with her. Apparently being with her is all I need. I could be in jail or on top of the world—it wouldn't matter as long as I'm with Katy.

  She's standing at the bars, possibly thinking of a way to escape, I don't know. But I come up behind her and tease her with my giant cock.

  At first, she's reluctant. There are guards everywhere. But after a while, she puts her hand on my shaft and it throbs for her.

  Luckily, evening falls at the perfect time. Most of the lights go out in the jail, and Katy and I can continue our little tryst.


  Seeing Marcus in cuffs is more hilarious than anything.

  He probably shouldn’t have tried to follow me if he didn’t expect this kind of an ending.

  I’m used to going to jail. What I do for a living requires that I’m always expecting jail as a possibility.

  I’ve made myself well aware as to how to escape from behind bars because it’s always a possibility.

  But Marcus is not that way. He’s a straight shooter, and he obviously plays life by the rules. That’s why I find his struggle against this confinement so amusing.

  They put us together in the same cell, and I could not be more grateful for that. At least I have someone interesting to pass the time with. No matter that, I’m starting to fall for him.

  “Marcus, I’m so sorry that this happened. But really, you should never follow me. It kind of serves you right,” I say to him, though I’m unapologetic, in truth.

  “Yeah, well, I didn’t think it would lead me behind bars. You live some kind life, Katy,” he says.

  ”Remember the first time we met?” I say. “It was in this building. Don’t you think it’s kind of romantic that we’re back here?”

  He rubs his wrists where the handcuffs painfully cut into him. He looks at me like he cannot believe I’m making light of the situation.

  “Romantic? I’m not sure jail is romantic,” he says.

  “At least you’re not a woman,” I say. “And at least I won’t have to make this a lesbian love affair.”

  He looks at me sternly obviously, not knowing whether to take that as truth or not. Marcus has a jealous streak that I don’t mind keeping a lid on.

  The thought of me being with anyone, no matter who it might be, seems to incense him.

  He says, "Katy, I don’t want to think of you with anybody else. Understand? I don’t want to know about your past loves and your past love affairs. As far as we’re concerned, this is the beginning, got it?”

  The jealousy is starting to rear its ugly head. But part of me is happy that he cares so much.

  I nod in submission, and I don’t know what to say back to him. Luckily, I don’t have to think about it long because he’s kissing me and pushing my back against the bars of the jail cell.

  ”You’re all mine, understand?” he says. ”I think you might’ve forgotten that for a second.”

  Suddenly, things are turning hot in this cell. Maybe being locked up isn’t such a bad thing if your partner in crime is the hottest guy you’ve ever seen.

  For the moment, I don’t feel like planning my escape. I feel like staying right where I am,
with my back pressing uncomfortably against the bars and Marcus inching nearer to my mouth.

  He kisses me hard, and with this one move, I know our time in jail is going to be unique.

  I never thought of being had in jail before, but with Marcus, I know that we will end up fucking no matter what. He pushes me up against the bars so hard that I feel like my back might bruise, but it’s entirely worth it to have this hunk of a man straining up against me.

  I can feel his long, hard cock underneath his jail uniform. I stroke it on the outside, and he sucks in a hard breath.

  He kisses me more passionately than ever, and suddenly the pain of being apart is too great a burden to bear. I want him inside of

  I turn my head to look towards the guard keeping watch. She’s as lazy as they all are. We could get away with fucking right here, but luckily for us, the lights dim low as nighttime descends on the jailhouse.

  He smiles and pulls me into his arms aggressively. There’s nothing in the cell but a very seedy-looking mattress atop a steel bedframe.

  As soon as the lights dim, I take the opportunity to make sure that he remembers this time in jail as his best.

  I sink down to my knees and pull his scratchy uniform down to reveal that massive, gorgeous cock. The idea of doing it in here is turning me on so much.

  His breathing is ragged, and his manhood is throbbing only for me. I go to work, teasing and tasting his hardened cock. I give him a nice, wet blow job to make sure he’s thinking about what it would feel like to come down my throat.

  Once I have it slippery with my spit, I go to town doing what I do best. I suck him hard. I suck him like his essence is the source of my whole life.

  He holds himself steady with the bars and lets me go about my job, making sure he comes like never jail. There’s something so sexy about both of us being locked up. There’s no place to go, nowhere to run. There’s nowhere else we can be except for right here in this moment, and I’m going to make him remember it with a certain amount of fondness.


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