The Battlefield Series 6: The Ties That Bind Us (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The Battlefield Series 6: The Ties That Bind Us (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Your eyes are so telling, deep and blue like an ocean.” She stared at his dark brown eyes, serious and controlled. He was an experienced man. This was sex to him, a claim to a woman.

  “Don’t do that,” he said when she looked away. “Look at me.” He pulled out and thrust back into her. Their fingers entwined, her breasts full and her thighs wide.

  “We’ve been fighting this attraction. Is it because you’re seeing someone out of town?” he asked, and she instantly felt guilty. She could pretend she was and felt confused, so she could use it as an excuse as to why this was a mistake. Lying to Kyran or his brothers would feel wrong.

  “It’s complicated, Kyran,” she said and moaned as he thrust a little harder.

  “You don’t love him, whoever he is. If you did, you wouldn’t be here with me right now. You’re not that kind of woman,” he said and then descended upon her lips. She tilted her chin up as he released her lips again, and then she complied only for him to thrust faster. He gripped her hips and pulled her lower on the bed so her rear and back were off it.

  “Maybe if I fuck you deeper, harder, I can get him out of your mind and out of your life so you’ll only want me and my brothers?” he asked so very seriously, and as if he could do that. He began to thrust deeper and pick up speed. He was so serious, and his power, his dominant words aroused something carnal inside her. She thrust her hips back.

  “I want you to belong to only me and my brothers. No other men, Lori. None,” he said and stroked faster and faster. She felt his other hand grip her ass and squeeze as he thrust, and then his finger was over her anus and pushing through.

  “Kyran,” she cried out, and he slid his finger into her ass as he pumped his hips and fucked her pussy. He was relentless and wild. She loved every second of it, and when he demanded that she tell him this was real, and that she wasn’t going to push him away, she complied as she orgasmed. He continued to call out her name and fill her with his essence, claiming her as his woman.

  A few minutes passed and once again they lay still in one another’s arms, and she wished there was a way it could happen. That she could start a life here with four brothers who would love her and adore her, but she just didn’t think she could get over the fear of her past, the emotional wounds Bragan caused, and the burden of her sister and the baby and the things that take place in an abusive relationship. She hugged him tight after he came, and she held him, absorbing his muscles and strength. She would need it for her visit to Evilly’s tomorrow and to face what was yet to come with the other Lawson brothers.

  Chapter 3

  “You did what?” Leif asked Kyran when he got home late and called for a family meeting. Mateo and Marco just stared at him, and Mateo shook his head.

  “What the fuck did you do that for, and without us?”

  “It just fucking happened, Mateo. I was at the bar, and we kept making eye contact. Some guys flirted with her, some women with me, and we were both jealous. I followed her home when she got off, and I took the open opportunity to kiss her. Next thing we know, the chemistry is so strong, and then I have her up against the door and we’re ripping one another’s clothing off.”

  “Damn, that sounds incredible,” Mateo said and rubbed his chin.

  “Really? Because where does it leave us? You slept with her without us involved. Does she even know we want her, or are you claiming her alone?” Marco asked.

  “Hell no, of course she knows. I told her we were interested in her, and she panicked. She wants slow. She has things going on.”

  “Well, is she coming here today? So we can talk,” Leif asked. “No.”

  “Why not?” Marco asked.

  “She has plans out of town,” he said, sounding upset about that.

  Leif was shocked. “The fucking guy she’s seeing? You know that? She confirmed it after you slept with her and she’s still going to see him?” Leif was pissed off. He didn’t understand any of this. It wasn’t supposed to go down this way. Not at all.

  “What boyfriend?” Mateo asked, and now he was pissed.

  “That is just a rumor, isn’t it?” Marco asked.

  “So we all heard the same rumor. Did you ask her, Kyran? Did she tell you anything?” Leif asked.

  “She didn’t deny or confirm that she is seeing someone out of town.”

  “Fuck.” Mateo stood and paced.

  “This doesn’t seem right. Not Lori. She would be committed and not cheat on a boyfriend or whatever. There’s no way she is seeing someone,” Mateo said.

  “What if she is? You’re okay with the fact you slept with her, spent hours with her, and in the morning she’s going to see him?” Leif asked.

  “She said it’s complicated and didn’t confirm or deny there’s another man in her life. I honestly don’t think there is, and even if there were one, it will be over. She’ll end it this time when she goes there.”

  “Come on, Kyran. Take this seriously,” Marco said.

  “I am taking it seriously. I never felt like that before. I never wanted to sink my cock so deep inside of a woman, mark her, claim her as mine ever in my entire life. She’s in my head. Fuck, I can smell her on me. Her perfume, the shampoo she uses, and holy fuck, her body is a work of art. She has this tattoo along her hip that goes to her damn groin.”

  “Really?” Mateo asked.

  “Yes. It’s of a Chinese fighting flower, and there’s Chinese lettering symbolizing being a fighter. It’s pretty sexy and in full color.”

  “Color? That must have hurt like a son of a bitch,” Leif stated. He had tattoos along his arms and chest, and they all represented importing things or events in his life.

  “She does have a great body and super abs. I’ve seen them in the training room before, or when she lifts her shirt up to wipe her face,” Mateo added.

  “What are we going to do? How do we handle this? It’s obvious that we all want her. Do we go to Cesar and see if he knows anything?” Marco asked.

  “Let’s wait until tomorrow and see what happens,” Leif said, and they all agreed.

  * * * *

  “I’m pregnant,” Evilly told Lori when Lori asked her what was going on. She should have known something was up when she got here and her sister wasn’t holding an ice pack to some part of her body.

  She couldn’t help the disappointed and angry feelings that showed immediately.


  Her sister raised her eyebrows at Lori.

  “That’s not what I mean and you know it. Any woman can spread her thighs and let a man fuck her. A smart one uses birth control.”

  “I ran out.”

  “Bullshit you ran out. It’s me who has been bringing them to you so you didn’t get pregnant and bring another helpless child into this hell you’re living in. Think of Cara and what she goes through. Think of how he hits you. Do you think a round belly is going to stop him when he’s drunk and pissed off?”

  Her sister rubbed her jaw.

  “He found the birth control pills a month ago. He flipped out and told me that he thought something was wrong with me that I wasn’t pregnant already. He wants a big family. He wants a boy.”

  “Sure he does, so he can teach him to be like him. A womanizing asshole who solves problems with his fists.”

  “Lori, please. I have no choice. I can’t live without him, and Cara is his baby. He’ll take her away from me.”

  “The fuck he will,” she said and stood and paced. She looked at her sister. Evilly looked sick, weak. A glance around the place and it was messy. She saw glass in the corner on the floor.

  “Jesus, you need to clean up this place. Cara could get hurt. What if she put this in her mouth?” Lori asked as she bent down and started picking up the pieces with her hand. She cut her hand and then cursed.

  “I’m just a little tired. It’s the morning sickness. He brought me crackers, though.” She exhaled.

  “How far along are you?”

  “Eight weeks.”

  She didn’
t even tell me last week. She’s keeping secrets from me now. He’s gaining full control of her. I can’t stand this. What am I supposed to do?

  “When will he be back?” she asked and stood.

  “In a few hours.”

  “Then let me help you clean this place up. He won’t be pissed and hurt you or Cara if it’s clean when he gets here.”

  “Lori, you don’t have to do this. I’ll get to it when Cara naps.”

  “She’s two years old. She wants to play and move around to explore. That means the house should be spotless. I’ll help you. Did you see a doctor yet?”


  “Did he give you instructions and vitamins? Was Pylo there?”

  “Of course he was. He was thrilled with the news. He was really nice to me.”

  “It was only yesterday. Let me get started.”

  * * * *

  Leif pulled his truck into Lori’s driveway. He’d gotten off work and was driving back home when he saw her pull onto her street. It was late, and he debated following her to talk with her. He and his brothers had thought of her all day and wondered who she was with. Was it a man? He felt jealous and sick, but he liked her and hoped she would let them all get to know her, especially after what she and Kyran had shared.

  He pulled into her driveway and turned off the engine. He walked up to her door and knocked. When she opened it, she seemed shocked, but one look into those blue eyes and he could see she was crying.

  “Lori, are you okay?”

  She scanned his uniform and then looked angry, maybe insulted. He didn’t get a good feeling. Did she have a fight with her boyfriend? Did he hurt her or find out about her sleeping with Kyran?

  “What are you doing here? Are you spying on me?” she asked in anger.

  “No. I saw you heading home. I just got off work and figured I would stop in to say hi.”

  “Hi and bye,” she said and went to close the door. He put his foot and his body in the way.

  “Don’t shut me out. You’re upset, and it isn’t with me. It’s at something else.”

  Her eyes welled up with tears, and she closed them and then exhaled. She took a few steady breaths for composure and then looked back up at him.

  “I’m sorry. You’re right. I’m tired and hungry and emotionally drained and not really in the mood for company.”

  “You look like you need a friend. Let me in and we’ll talk about things. Maybe whip up something to eat?” he suggested.

  She stared at him and then stepped back. He walked inside, and she closed the door behind him.

  “Come on in. Can I get you a beer or a shot? I’m having both,” she said and went over to her refrigerator. She took out two beers, opened them with the opener, and then handed him one. She tilted her bottle against his and nodded, and then she took a drink. She made a funny face like beer wasn’t her favorite drink, and then he watched her go to the cabinet and open it up. She had her own little bar of liquor bottles, and all were pretty full. He took in the sight of her. She wore a flared, black skirt and a pretty, blue, sleeveless blouse that was fitted. Her sandals were flat, and when she turned around, she had a brandy glass with about two shots worth of whiskey in it.

  She tilted it toward him.

  “You want one?” she asked. He shook his head and leaned back against the counter, shocked when she downed the double shot of whiskey like a pro. She dropped the glass into the sink and then reached for the beer.

  “So how was work in lovely Repose?” she asked and then walked into the living room, which was adjacent to the small kitchen.

  He turned around, got up, and followed with his beer in hand.

  “It was a nice, quiet day. The way I like it.”

  She sat on the couch and tucked her feet under her rear. She looked adorable, yet every male instinct in his body found her sexy and sinful at the same time.

  “Why do you like it quiet? Don’t you get bored?” she asked.

  “Not after my previous career. No,” he said, and she leaned back straighter like she’d just remembered he was in the military and was Special Forces.

  “Sorry. I’m being snappy, and I don’t mean to be.” She tilted her head back, exposing her neck, and he could see her cleavage. He moved next to her on the couch. He was glad he took off his gun and utility belt and locked them in the truck in the tool box.

  “How was your day?” he asked, and she chuckled.

  “Well, my day sucked,” she said and smiled, then took a long swig of beer. He reached over and stopped her from guzzling down the whole thing. She stared at him as he held her arm and the beer.

  “Need to talk about it?” he asked.


  He took the beer from her hand and placed it on the side table along with his. He then turned slightly, reached for her, and lifted her onto his lap so she straddled his waist. Her eyes widened, and he knew his strength shocked her. Well, her scent and gorgeous body had a similar effect on him. He was hard as a steel rod and jealous as damn hell that she could have been with another man today who wasn’t him or one of his brothers.

  She stared into his eyes and licked her lower lip. The woman was stunning with thick eyelashes and big, blue eyes, a perfect jaw, and a face like some model but all natural and with hardly any makeup.

  He ran his palm up her thigh and to her waist, then up to her cheek. He cupped it and trailed his thumb along her lower lip.

  “Why did your day suck? Did you visit your friend and things went badly?” he pushed.

  She shook her head. “I don’t really want to talk about where I went and what I did. I don’t.”

  “I do. I want to know if it’s what stands between you becoming our woman and my brothers and I claiming you. I’ll tell you right now, Lori, I was fuming all day, jealous and pissed off just thinking about this guy you’re seeing, especially after what you shared with Kyran. It’s what we all want.”

  Her eyes widened. She looked away from him.

  “I told Kyran I can’t get involved with you guys right now. That I’m not ready for anything like that.”

  He caressed her cheek so she would look at him.

  “We want you, though. Can’t stop thinking about you,” he said and pulled her down lower and kissed her lips. He just couldn’t resist. Enough talking, he was going to show her how much he wanted her.

  He ran his hand up her skirt to her hipbone as he increased the depth of the kiss. When she started kissing him back, he felt triumphant despite his earlier fears and jealousy. She was here with him now and not the other guy.

  He pressed her to the right and lowered her to the couch. Lifting his hips, he adjusted his body but kept kissing her as he used his leg to spread her wider. When he released her lips, he cupped her breast.

  “I’ve waited a long time to taste you.”

  She stared at him like she was trying to read his mind.

  “Why do you like me and want me to be yours?” she asked.

  He was surprised, but he knew the answer. He caressed her cheek and pushed her hair from her neck.

  “I knew the moment that you showed up for work at the Filling Station that you were going to be mine. Initially, it was your body. You looked like you worked out, and fitness and nutrition is big for me and for my brothers.”

  “So you immediately thought of your brothers and you sharing me?”

  “Definitely. We’re a team and do everything together.”

  “Why such a committed relationship, and what if it didn’t work out?”

  “Every relationship involves taking chances, this kind even more so, but the connection is strong and so instant, nothing else matters. It can all work out fine when the feelings are this strong and perfect.”

  He slid his fingers against her groin, and she lifted toward him. She placed her hands on his shoulders and held his gaze.

  “A lot of women fall for the whole man-in-uniform thing. I’ve seen you in town, Leif, and at the dojo. Women are always flirting wi
th you and checking you out. How can you want a ménage relationship where you not only share one woman but also are committed to one woman?”

  “That woman would have to be super special, and would have to care about my brothers and I and our feelings, and want to only be a part of us, too. So I would be very happy with one perfect woman to be with.”

  He leaned closer and started kissing her neck and sucking the skin.

  “Plus, there’s this connection when you find the perfect mate. It’s powerful, and you feel so needy, like all that matters is being near them, around them, inside of them,” he said.

  She tilted her head back, and he cupped her breasts, then found her mouth again. He maneuvered between her legs as she kissed him back, ran her fingers through his hair, and moaned into his mouth. He slowly released her lips. She stared at him, her lips wet and swollen, her blouse undone.

  “My God, you’re gorgeous.” He reached down and held her shoulder and neck and ran his thumb along her throat back and forth. She held on to his forearm.

  “Take a chance, baby. Let me in. Open up and let me in.”

  When her fingers began to undo the buttons on his shirt, he lifted her. She straddled his waist as he carried her to her bedroom. He set her feet on the floor, and they slowly began to undo their clothing.

  “Will Kyran be angry with me for this?” she asked.

  He shook his head, lowered her naked body to the bed, and then used his thighs to spread hers.

  “No, he’ll want to make sure he’s here the next time, and so will Mateo and Marco.” He trailed his palm down her naked body from throat, over breast, to belly and then to her pussy. She closed her eyes and exhaled with her lips parted, obviously turned on by the words of his brothers joining them. He stroked her cunt and then lowered to kiss her mouth. She grabbed ahold of his hair and head and began to kiss him back and then rub her palms along his chest and arms. He released her lips and started suckling her breast while he stroked her pussy.


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