The Battlefield Series 6: The Ties That Bind Us (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The Battlefield Series 6: The Ties That Bind Us (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  He lifted her into his arms, heard her moan and felt her tighten, and carried her into the house.

  She kept her face down as she sobbed.

  “You’re okay now. You’re here with us,” he told her and set her feet down. He hadn’t expected the bruise to her jaw and cheek, and the sight affected all of them.

  “What the fuck happened?” Mateo raised his voice, and she closed her eyes. She was dripping wet, soaked through her clothes.

  “Let’s get you out of these things and upstairs into the hot shower,” Marco said.

  “It isn’t what you think. I’m not cheating on you. There’s no other guy.” She wrung her fingers and then bit her lower lip. “I have a sister. She lives in Mayberry, an hour from here.” Her eyes were all red, and she tried giving a small smile like she was forcing it to be happy to say she had a sister, but he could tell she was more embarrassed or angry about it.

  When Leif placed a hand on her lower back to guide her toward the stairs, she tightened up and cringed.

  “Lori?” Leif questioned as he lifted her blouse in the back, revealing another long bruise. “What the fuck happened? Who did this? You tell us right now who hurt you,” he demanded.

  “I’m not pressing charges, Leif.” His eyes widened, and Marco looked at Mateo and Kyran, who stared at her like she was nuts.

  “Someone hurt you. They struck your face and bruised your back. That is unacceptable. I want to know who, and he is going to jail.”

  She shook her head. “It will make matters worse for Evilly and the baby, Cara. Just let me explain, Leif. Please,” she said and reached up to touch his cheek. He covered her hand and stared, straight-faced and angry.

  “You’re too beautiful to be bruised up like this.”

  She smiled softly.

  “I’ll explain everything,” she whispered and shivered.

  “Shower first,” Marco said, and they escorted her upstairs to the bedroom.

  * * * *

  Marco helped her to dry off with a towel when she was done, then he inspected the bruising on her back. He was only wearing his boxers as he took her hand and led her from the bathroom. His brothers all waited not so patiently in the bedroom.

  He led her to the bed, and all four of them looked at the bruising, cursing about the damage to her skin as they kissed her everywhere they could reach. She held on to Marco’s head as he suckled on her breast, then lifted her into his arms to hug her softly, and then lowered her gently to the bed. She hissed from the ache to her back but ran her hands up and down his shoulders.

  “How could your touches and kisses feel so good, so healing?” she asked them as tears leaked from her eyes.

  Leif caressed her arm as he lay on the left side of her. Mateo lay on the right side of her, and Kyran lay above her head, caressing her damp hair from her cheeks.

  “Because you belong to us and are part of us now. When you hurt, we hurt,” Mateo told her.

  Marco lifted his hips so he wasn’t putting all his weight on her body. She wrapped her legs around his waist and felt his warmth, his hard erection and couldn’t wait until he was deep inside her. Everything was right and perfect there.

  She took a deep breath and started to explain about her life, her family, and her sister.

  “She won’t leave him?” Leif asked.

  “No, and definitely not now with another baby growing inside of her. I was so angry with her over it. I’ve gone there every week for the past couple of years and have cleaned that house, cooked meals, did food shopping so the baby, Cara, can have healthy meals, and I even got birth control for Evilly, and still this happens.”

  “Did she not take it?” Mateo asked.

  “She said Pylo found it and freaked out. She looks like hell. She doesn’t take care of herself or Cara. I would take Cara away from her in a second, but then it will just make things worse.”

  “How did you get the bruises?” Marco asked and looked at her jaw with his eyes squinted and appearing like he was biting the inside of his cheek.

  “He was being an asshole as usual. We got back from the doctor and the store. He had friends there, and they were drinking. I was on edge and didn’t feel comfortable being there, but then Evilly focused on what Pylo ordered and made some food. I had to care for Cara. The guys made some lewd comments toward me, and I ignored them. Then Pylo was giving Evilly shit, and he struck her. His friends walked out the door, and he made demands.”

  “Demands?” Mateo asked.

  “There’s other stuff that I need to explain. I have a family in Dallas. Parents, cousins, brothers, and they’re involved with people that I cut ties from years ago.”

  “An ex?” Leif asked.”

  She wasn’t shocked that the cop would figure that out. She nodded.

  “Was your ex there? Is he the one that hit you?” Mateo asked, sounding pissed off.

  “No, but apparently he knows I take care of Evilly and Cara, and Pylo is in contact with him again.”

  “Is he a threat to you, Lori?” Kyran asked.

  “I honestly don’t know what he would do if he saw me. I left things on bad terms. I got out, and my family was disappointed until they found out he was abusive.”

  “Damn,” Mateo said and caressed her arm.

  “I wasn’t like Evilly is. You need to know I fought to get out of that relationship, and I took off. I left my family, my home, everything I knew and was comfortable with, and I took off. It was rough, and there were times I barely got by and even starved for several nights, but I did it. I didn’t let him win,” she said with vehemence in her tone.

  “So that’s why you’re so pissed off at your sister? Because she isn’t as strong as you and even with your help, she still won’t leave him?” Leif asked, getting it.

  “Exactly, but the thing is today was different than any other time. Today Pylo said things, did things that I have to take as a warning of worse to come.”

  “What do you mean?” Kyran asked.

  “When his friends were there, and they were looking at my body and making comments, Pylo warned them I used to belong to my ex. Then they backed off, and Pylo got a little crazy. He was pissed because I wouldn’t give him my cousin Louie’s number. Louie isn’t exactly legit. He’s like a loan shark and then some but runs other businesses. So when I refused, he took it out on Evilly. I said we don’t get involved with that sort of thing, and he grabbed Evilly and brought her face to the frying pan that had hot oil splattering from it as she cooked for him and his friends.”

  “What a fucking asshole,” Mateo stated.

  “I intervened. He shoved me. My back hit the counter, and my sister begged him to stop, and he struck her again. I grabbed his arm and his hand came back and struck me. He was drunk,” she told them.

  “Don’t make excuses for him. He’s a batterer, a fucking pussy who hits women,” Kyran said firmly.

  “He didn’t mean it, I can tell you that much for certain,” she said to them.

  “Why would you say that?” Marco asked.

  “He panicked and apologized, then got the hell out of there. My sister told me that he had been in contact with my ex and that ties bind us that can’t be broken, even for me.”

  “He was going to set you up and have your ex there the next time you went to help Evilly?” Leif asked.

  “I don’t know. That’s a trip for him to come from Dallas and especially the way I left things with him.”

  “You’re never going back there again,” Kyran told her, and her eyes filled with tears.

  “I’m so angry right now, and so upset, but then I think of baby Cara and of that baby growing in Evilly’s belly and how unfair it is. They didn’t ask to be brought into that violent, abusive world. It became obvious today that my sister isn’t ever going to leave Pylo. She may even die by his hands eventually, but she won’t leave him.” The tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “I’ve done everything I could. Everything, and it isn’t enough.”

o hugged her tight. “Shh, baby. There isn’t any more you can do right now. We’ll help you any way we can.” He kissed the corners of her mouth, and she reached up and cupped his cheeks.

  “I never lied to you guys. I hadn’t had sex in over two years, and I didn’t plan on coming to Repose and definitely didn’t plan on falling in love, but I did. Being here with you right now, getting back to you kept me focused on that car ride. I need you now. I need you inside of me where everything feels perfect and there’s no pain, only pleasure. Make love to me, Marco.”

  * * * *

  He stared at her a moment, looking serious and truly effected by all she’d told them, and he kissed her tenderly. She closed her eyes as he eased up and lifted her arms above her head, then lowered his mouth to suckle her breasts one after the other. She sensed the others moving around them and knew they were preparing to take her together. She needed that. Wanted that more than anything.

  When Marco released her lips, he lifted up and pushed down his boxers, then covered her body and rolled to his back. He scooted lower, and she ran her fingers through his hair and stared into his dark brown eyes.

  “We’re always going to be here for you. We’re one, Lori. Remember that.”

  She nodded and kissed his lips, then felt her thighs being parted and something cool against her pussy and anus.

  Leif was behind her caressing her ass and began to finger her cunt and her ass.

  “Just some lube so we don’t hurt you.” She felt lips against her spine and then over the bruising on her back.

  She moaned at the sensations, and then Marco lifted her by her hips as Leif removed his fingers, and Marco set her down over his shaft. She moaned softly as Marco’s cock penetrated her pussy, filling her up and making her feel complete. She rocked her hips and began to ride him when Leif pressed a lubricated finger to her anus. She moaned again.

  “So giving and sexy. Your body knows it belongs to us. You’re ready for all of us to love you, aren’t you, sweetness?” Mateo asked as he cupped her cheeks and lowered his mouth to hers as he knelt on the bed.

  She felt her core tighten, and then Mateo pulled from her lips and lowered her head to his cock. She licked the base, then twirled her tongue around the tip as he held it steady. She felt the twinge of ache to her back from the bruising but then focused on her men and this bond they shared.

  Mateo caressed her hair and then near the bruising on her cheek. She looked up at him with hooded eyes and could see the anger at the sight of the bruising. He truly was pissed off. She loved him for really caring. She’d begun to take more of his cock down her throat when she felt Marco thrust upward as Leif pulled his fingers from her ass and replaced them with his cock. Leif spread her ass cheeks and slowly slid into her ass. She anticipated the feeling of fullness as she focused on the task at hand and bringing Mateo pleasure. As Leif thrust all the way into her ass with a deep moan, she felt Kyran’s hands caressing her spine and ass and then gripping her hair as she sucked Mateo down.

  “You’re so fucking sexy. I love watching your tits sway while my brothers make love to you. I bet Mateo’s cock is super hard right now, baby. Take more of it down that sexy throat of yours. I know you can do it.”

  They all moaned.

  “Fuck, Kyran. I’ll come too soon,” Mateo said.

  Kyran continued to move her head up and down, and then he slid his hand along her ass and thigh.

  “Spread those legs wider, love. Let them penetrate deeper and mark you as our woman over and over again with every fucking stroke. Goddamn, baby, I need you so badly it aches. My cock actually aches to be inside of you.”

  “Fuck,” Mateo growled out and came into her mouth. She sucked and licked his cock until Mateo fell sideways, pulling from her mouth. Now she was panting and moaning.

  “I’m almost there. Fuck yeah. I love you, baby. I love you,” Leif said as he thrust faster and faster into her ass and then came.

  She could feel her body tighten even more, and when Leif pulled out and Marco thrust his hips upward faster and faster, she gripped his shoulders and rocked her hips in sync with his thrusts. The bed was bouncing and rocking when she felt the palm on her back and then Marco grunting and thrusting. Kyran slid his lubricated cock right into her ass and began to thrust into her, too. She could not move and hardly could breathe as both men penetrated her body until she let go and orgasmed. Her men followed, calling out her name and rocking into her.

  She felt Kyran pull from her ass, then lower and nip at her ass cheeks. Mateo ran his palms along her back and butt, then slowly rolled her to the side as he pulled out of her body. He cupped her breast and then leaned forward and kissed her lips. When he released them, he held her gaze.

  “We love you, baby.”

  “I love you, too,” she said, and he held her against his chest until exhaustion overtook her.

  Chapter 6

  Lori’s head was throbbing, and she felt sick to her stomach. She pressed her palms against the tiled wall in the shower and lowered her head. She couldn’t stop the thoughts running through her brain or the memories of the past. Bragan was a good-looking man and a kick-ass fighter. Everything he did, everything he wanted he obsessed over, and it became his life. It hadn’t been any different with their relationship, except that his father and her father conducted business together. When Bragan struck her, sending her across the bathroom, causing her head to hit the porcelain toilet, she wound up in the hospital. She defied all their rules, and it changed everything.

  She had a severe concussion. She could have died, and when she told Bragan they were through, and that she never wanted to see him again, he initially walked away. Her hope that he would respect her wishes was short-lived. That obsessive side of him eventually came full circle, and he started following her, harassing her, and then threatening her. Lori could see how much her parents suffered with his parents over the business dealings and other shared investments. She had no choice but to leave her family, everyone and just disappear.

  Taking off for a tropical place seemed like a great idea, but it grew old quickly. Evilly and she remained in contact, but it was Lori who called her. She didn’t trust anyone to know where she was. She remembered one particular night she called her sister. She had this feeling all night at work that she needed to call Evilly. Even though it was two o’clock in the morning, she did, and her sister answered crying and relieved to have heard from her. Then Lori found out she was seeing Pylo and she was pregnant.

  Lori turned off the shower and stepped out of it. She wrapped herself in a towel and felt her head ache further, but she couldn’t stop the memories or the hatred she had for Pylo. He used Evilly. He wanted in on the two families’ businesses, and knocking up Evilly brought him leniency with her family. Their dad was willing to give him a job at the dojo full-time, but Pylo wanted more. The greedy bastard got in on the illegal activities and screwed up big-time, nearly getting Bragan’s cousin killed.

  She couldn’t understand why Evilly was so defiant when it came to leaving Pylo. Why did Evilly mention Bragan, and why about ties that bound them?

  She thought of Cara, and more tears filled her eyes. She was sick with worry. She didn’t think Evilly could protect Cara from Pylo and never mind the baby growing inside Evilly now.

  Lori covered her stomach and imagined being pregnant. She would protect that baby with her life. Pylo seemed desperate, and who were those guys at the house? What if they tried to hurt Cara or Evilly?

  She covered her face with her hands, felt the ache in her jaw as she grunted.

  “I’m done. I have to be done. I can’t go on like this.” She lifted her head from her hands and felt the room spin. She grabbed for the counter and knocked over the soap dish, sending it into the sink. The door opened and immediately Leif was there.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  She held on to his forearms. “I think so. The room started spinning, and my head is aching.”

  “Let’s lie down for a littl
e while until it passes.”

  He set her on the bed, and she rolled her head into the pillow, trying to take the ache away. Leif caressed her hair and pulled her against his chest. She blinked her eyes open to see him watching her with eyes squinted. With all those tattoos and serious expression, he was rather daunting. The feel of his hands caressing her softly proved otherwise, and she tilted her head up toward him.

  He stroked her chin, then tilted her head to look closer at the bruising.

  “It will go away, Leif.”

  “I don’t like seeing bruises on you. I don’t like seeing you in pain.”

  She turned away. “I’m not in pain. It isn’t a big deal.”

  He clenched her chin between his fingers, making her look at him.

  “I can see the sadness and turmoil in your eyes. You’re sick over this, which leads me to believe there’s more for you to share with us.”

  She thought about that a moment. She reached up and ran her palm along his pectoral muscles and then the dark, colorful design of his tattoos. His chest felt hard like steel. Another indicator of his masculinity and protective abilities she sought out right now and needed. She caressed his skin.

  He gripped her hip, giving it a squeeze. She knew he wanted answers.

  “I am worried about Cara, about Evilly, and the baby growing inside of her. I would never expose my baby to anything like that.”

  “You want children one day?”

  “Of course I do. I come from a big family. They may not be legit, and have their faults, but the bond we have is deep, and we’ll always be family.”

  He stroked her hair.

  “And if they told you to leave Repose and return home, would you?”


  “You’re certain or are you just saying that?”

  “I’m certain, Leif, because when I left Dallas, I promised myself I would only return on my terms, under my control and no one else’s. I’m certain they never expected the last three years to pass without me once going back there.”


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