Polybius, account by
author of Universal History, 3
casualties at Cannae, 179–180
consuls’ dispute over battle location, 82–83
favorable treatment of Paullus by, 59
Hannibal’s character, 18
Hannibal’s confrontation with Romans at Ticinus, 23
Hannibal’s hatred of Rome, 14
on legions, 36–37
Paullus’ attitude toward battle, 72
Paullus’ death, 178
Roman “scorched earth” tactic, 74
Romans’ unusual formation, 135
size of Roman army, 65–66, 71
survey of men eligible for military service, 44–45
on weaponry, 39, 148
praefecti (prefects), 42, 44
praetors, 43
principes, 37–38, 40, 107–108, 110
Punic armies, diversity of, 46–47
Punic Wars, 2–4, 9–13, 15
Pyrrhus, King, 196
quincunx formation, 40
Regulus. See Atilius Regulus
Roman army
comparison to Hannibal’s army, 54–55
defeat at Ticinus, 22
defeat at Trebia, 23
lack of experience, 70–71
objectives, 71–76
preparation for battle, 90
quincunx formation, 40
“scorched earth” tactic, 73–76
senators in army, 69
size of, 66–71
soldiers’ oath, 69
training for, 68
weaponry, 39, 50–51, 111, 147–151, 154–160
Roman military system
battle formation, 40–41
centurions, 37, 44, 162
cohorts, 42, 121
comparison to Hannibal’s army, 54–55
consuls, 41–42
cornicen, 37
decurions, 37, 44
division of power, 44
equipment, 36–39
extraordinarii, 43, 83
optiooptiones, 37, 113
praefecti (prefects), 42, 44
praetors, 43
principes, 37–38, 40, 107–108, 110
scutati, 50
signifer, 37
skirmishers (caetrati), 39, 50, 131
strength, 44–45
temporary militias, 35
tesserarius, 37
triarii, 37–39, 105, 108–111, 174
turma, 44, 68
weaknesses, 44–45
See also alae; cavalry, Roman; infantry; legions; maniples; tribunes; velites
citizenship grades, 8
consultation with oracle at Delphi, 194
declaration of war on Carthage, 13
military manpower source, 9
navy, 17
politics, 63–64
principles of government, 27–28
treaty with Hasdrubal, 12–13
view of Punic power, 12
Rommel, Erwin, 205
Saguntum, 13
Salinator, Marcus Livius, 59
Sardinia, 11
Schwartzkopf, Norman, 205
Scipio, Publius Cornelius (father)
command of Po valley troops, 22, 44, 58
defeat by Hannibal at Ticinus, 22
intent to confront Hannibal in Spain, 19
wounding at Ticinius, 23
Scipio, Publius Cornelius (son)
arrest of Metellus and followers, 187
assumption of command of survivors after Cannae, 187
defeat of Hannibal at Zama, 203
rescue of father at Ticinius, 23
“scorched earth” tactic, 73–74
scutati, 50
Second Punic War, 2, 4, 10–13, 15
Sempronius Longus, Titus, 19, 22–23, 44
casualties at Battle of Canae, 188
decision to destroy Hannibal’s army, 71
instructions for Roman army to wait for reinforcements, 78
intent to invade Africa, 19
military service, 69
mobilization of Roman troops, 58, 65
refusal to negotiate with Hannibal, 196–197
surprise at Hannibal’s arrival in Italy, 21–22
Servilius Geminus, Cnaeus
at Battle of Cannae, 117, 162, 167, 175, 180
at Gerunium, 67–68
tracking Hannibal, 25, 27, 29, 32, 58, 77–78, 80
shouting during battles, 146, 152
Sicily, 9, 10
signifer, 37
skirmish combats, 127–130
skirmishers, 39, 49, 50, 131
Sosylus, 14
Spanish troops
cavalry, 119
components of, 50
deployment at Cannae, 119–125, 134, 138, 151–152, 169, 172, 175
weapons, 154–155
spears and javelins, 147–150
swords and shields, 154–160
Sybilline Books, 195
Tarentum, 54, 201
Telamon, Battle of, 65, 131, 144, 147, 164
tesserarius, 37
Third Punic War, 3
Ticinus, Battle of, 23, 136, 202
Trasimene, Battle of
ambush of Roman troops, 26
battleground selection, 92
destruction of Germinus’ cavalry, 68
legionaries’ persistence, 176
Roman battle plan, 115
Trebia, Battle of
effect of terrain on battle, 92
as first great Carthaginian victory, 23–24
Gallic infantry in, 53
Hannibal’s single line of foot, 123, 132
infantry skirmishers at, 120
light infantry as support for cavalry, 132
Roman battle plan, 115
triarii, 37–39, 105, 108–111, 174
assumption of command by, 185
organization of, 41, 44, 162
responsibilities of, 126–127, 165
soldiers’ oath, 69
triplex acies, 107, 114
Tuditanus, Publius Sempronius, 185
turma, 44
Universal History (Polybius), 4
Varro, Caius Terentius
character of, 60–64, 72–74
commitment of troops to battle, 87, 89–93
dispute with Paullus, 59
election as co-leader of Roman army, 58, 70
encirclement by Hannibal’s army, 166–173
escape to Venusia, 180
initial deployment of forces, 106–107, 115–120
protection of infantry’s flank, 143
rallying force at Venusia, 187
re-forming force at Canusium, 194
return to Rome, 195
shift of forces across River Aufidius, 101–103
Veith, G., 100
conscripts, 39, 131
encirclement by Hannibal’s army, 173
equipment, 39
experience, 132
size, 40, 108–109
as support troops, 134
Venusia, 187
Vestal Virgins, 194
vexillum standard, 90
Von Schlieffen, Alfred, 205
weaponry, 39, 50–51, 111, 147–150, 154–160
Zama, Battle of, 203
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