Julia's Second Collection

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Julia's Second Collection Page 20

by McAvoy, Bridy

  Josie spun around and started dancing, her hands clutching her bra to her chest, the only cover for her breasts. It was time for Julia to intervene as Josie looked her way, her eyes flaring wide open.

  “What the fuck is going on here?”

  Josie stopped moving, the clapping, hooting and hollering dying away as eight male heads swiveled to see Julia standing there in the doorway. She let the door swing shut behind her and took a couple of steps forward as mouths sagged open in shock.

  “I want an answer! What the fuck is going on here?”

  She stared at Max, and he at least had the sense to not let on the two women knew each other. Right on cue, Josie screamed, and brought her hands up to her face, letting her bra fall to the floor. Everyone turned to look at the now topless woman, everyone except Max who kept his eyes locked on his wife’s face.

  “You slut!”

  Josie screamed as Julia took a step toward her, then stooped, picked up her top and bra, and darted for the bedroom.

  “Who booked a fucking stripper?”

  Everyone shook their heads, including Max.

  “Julia… we…we thought you booked her.”

  She rounded on Clive who at least had spoken up. “Why the fuck would I book a stripper for my husband and his pack of so-called mates?” She looked around the room, then appeared to notice the bag near the door.

  “Is this hers?”

  They all looked a bit mystified, but eventually Paul nodded.

  “Right. You lot sit still while I deal with this little tart.”

  She grabbed the bag and marched over to the bedroom door. When she turned the handle, it was locked. She knocked hard, the sound echoing around the very still room. She knew all eight pairs of eyes were burning into her back, but only Max would sense something other than the obvious was going on.

  “Open up, you little slut. I’ve got your bag and your pocketbook here, so if you want them you’d better let me in.”

  After a few seconds, Julia heard the lock click, and she opened the door, tossed the bag toward the bed and stepped in, shutting the door then leaning back against it, her shoulders shaking in silent laughter. Her half-naked friend was in a similar state, clutching onto the wardrobe door for support as she too shook with laughter.

  Giving herself a few seconds to calm down, Julia walked across the intervening distance and hugged her friend. “Did you enjoy that, my little slut?”

  “Fuck! Yes. You should have seen their faces. When you started yelling, I almost pissed myself.”

  “Max didn’t give you away?”

  “Nope. Obviously, he knows something other than just a stripper is happening but he doesn’t know what. He was a sweetie, really, didn’t give me away with even a change of expression. Obviously, he was shocked to see me, but it looked like he was shocked to see anyone, let alone a stripper dressed as a cheerleader.”

  Josie opened the bag. “Come on, you need to get changed while I get dressed again, then you get to have a bit of fun.”

  “I do?”

  “Yeah. I thought it would look more authentic if I went out there with a red butt because you’d been spanking me.”

  “Kinky cow. You do know the only way to get that red butt is if I did spank you?”

  Josie shivered. “I know.”

  They heard a soft knock on the door. Julia was quite sure it was Max, and that none of them would have heard her lock the door as she closed it. Max would, of course, be able to open the door from the outside, but she knew he wouldn’t do so.

  Josie grinned and winked at her then bent over the bed and flipped her little skirt up, wiggling her butt enticingly. “Spank me now.” Her voice had sunk to a husky whisper.

  “You little slut,” Julia whispered back.

  The knock came again.

  “Go away.” This time Julia raised her voice.

  “Are you okay in there?”

  “I’m fine. I’m busy.”

  Before Max could reply, she brought her hand down sharply on Josie’s butt.


  “Are you sure?”

  Julia grinned. Clearly Max had heard the resounding slap, even from the other side of the door.


  Josie yelped as she brought her hand down on the other cheek. Both were turning pink as Julia surveyed her handiwork. Josie wiggled, but Julia snuck over to the door to listen to Max.

  Max was talking to one of the others. “Come and listen.” Then there was a pause. “Just come and listen.”

  She grinned and reached behind her to undo the dress, allowing whoever Max was talking to time to arrive. Then, with her dress hanging off her back, she returned to the job, or rather butt, in hand.



  Slap! Slap!

  Josie howled with each impact, her butt now turning a much deeper pink. Julia once more crept over to the door and pressed her ear against it.

  “What is she doing to that girl? Fuck! Are you sure that’s safe to leave her in there?”

  Julia recognized Clive’s voice and had to bite back a laugh as Max replied, “Haven’t you ever spanked a girl? That’s the sound of a hand hitting an ass.”


  “I’m sure Julia knows what she’s doing. Now get back to your seat, and let’s see what she says when she comes out. I’m the one who’s got to eat humble pie, after all.” Max was taking the lead in the right way.

  “If you say so.”

  She sensed they had all moved away so turned around and Julia stripped her dress down her arms then pushed it off over her hips. Josie stood up, rubbing her ass, and frowned at her.

  “Sorry if it was a bit too hard.”

  “It was a bit, but never mind. I’ve had harder, especially when your husband spanked me that time…”

  Julia shivered. “Don’t remind me. He spanked me first, remember? I couldn’t sit down for a week.”

  Dropping the dress over a chair, she reached into the bag and fished out her own cheerleader costume. It was identical to Josie’s except the inset pleats on hers were black while on Josie’s they were white.

  As she dressed, Josie slipped her bra back on and adjusted everything, then slipped her top over her head. Two minutes later they were both ready and, as Julia quickly bounced her hair and Josie combed through her own, they headed over to the door. Julia unlocked it then paused. There was no sound coming through the door.


  “Am I ever?”

  Julia could see the light dancing in her friend’s eyes. Everything up to now had been the appetizer. It was time to serve up the main course, Max’s real surprise.

  “Open the door, girlfriend, our audience awaits.”

  Julia opened the door and Josie walked through the opening. Julia sensed attention switching to the supposed stripper and silently counted to three, then stepped into the room herself. As soon as they saw her outfit matching Josie’s, eight male mouths dropped open. She could almost hear the clicks as they closed again. Max, though, was smiling as he put two and two together much quicker than the others. There again, he had more clues than they did, the biggest one being that Josie wasn’t a professional stripper at all.

  “Happy birthday, darling.”

  “Thank you.”

  They’d both walked over to the sunken area and down the two steps. Julia grabbed hold of Josie and turned her to face away from the men, then flipped up her skirt to show off the, by now, very red ass.

  “Just so you don’t think we were acting in there, and we won’t be acting in here, either.” She let Josie’s skirt fall back and the brunette straightened and turned around. Julia watched as she smiled at everyone.

  “In case you haven’t realized it yet—yes, Julia and I do know each other. Now, stay in your seats and enjoy the show.” She paused and blew a kiss in Max’s direction. “This is for you, sweetie. Enjoy. I think we’d like some music, though, this time around. Would someone find us some nice rock tracks to danc
e to?”

  “You’re going to…?”

  Julia shook her head. “No. We’re going to practice our cheers. What did you think we were going to do, Bean?”

  He swallowed and looked away, but when he looked back she could see his eyes were bright, and he had a hungry look on his face. They all did, except for Pete who was frantically working through the massive remote control for the entertainment system.

  “Got it!”

  “Good boy, Pete. Put it on repeat, please.”

  He looked up, smiling at her, and Julia shivered. If she thought the others were looking at the two women hungrily, then Pete’s predatory eyes were just for her.

  The rock swelled, and she recognized the track, breaking into a smile. She sensed Josie was grinning too. The whole evening so far had been the lead up to this point.

  She stepped back behind Josie and wrapped her arms around her friend. If they expected some kind of synchronized cheer-style strip, they were going to get something else—hopefully, something far more erotic. Max had settled back into his seat, a broad grin on his face, giving Julia his tacit approval to take this wherever she wanted. One by one, the others glanced across at Max and, seeing he was relaxed, they relaxed a little as well. She noticed Clive, Pete, and Hank reach down to try to covertly adjust their pants.

  Josie ground her butt back into Julia’s crotch and felt the heat building. Keeping her friend cocooned in her arms, she slowly slid her arms upward and then out a little so her palms rested on Josie’s flat stomach. The brunette started to arch her back, thrusting her breasts out toward the audience, while at the same time exaggerating her grinding motion, making Julia catch her breath. She pressed her chest against Josie’s back and then slipped her hands higher, cupping the other woman’s breasts. A couple of the guys gasped, clearly not expecting her to go this far. She could feel Josie’s nipples hard inside her clothing while her own were equally hard. Letting go of Josie, Julia spun her to face her, gave her a little peck on her lips, then turned in front of her. Now it was Julia’s turn as Josie slid her hands up to cup her breasts while Julia ground back at her.

  She let out a little moan, unable not to react to the stimulation, and then spun to meet Josie face to face once more. They kissed, a proper kiss this time, and Josie opened her mouth, allowing Julia to thrust her tongue inside. The taller woman guided her around in a quarter circle so their audience could see they were truly kissing. Their hips were never still, either, sometimes grinding against each other, sometimes pulled apart so everyone could see the way they were moving.

  “Fucking hell!” She thought it was Pete who’d spoken but in all honesty it could have been any of the watching men. Other than Max, of course. She’d have recognized his voice anywhere. The song swelled into a chorus and they broke the kiss, panting. Julia could see a sheen of sweat starting to appear on Josie’s brow, knowing her own forehead mirrored it. Josie gave an almost imperceptible nod and started to raise her hands above her head. Julia reached down as she stepped back then moved behind her friend as she turned to face the audience. Julia’s hands found the hem of Josie’s top and pulled it up. For the second time in not that many minutes, Josie’s bra appeared as she pulled the top off her friend.

  The guys clapped and a couple of them whistled. The two women swapped places again, and Josie pulled Julia’s top off with the same maneuver. This time nobody whistled and she felt a little put out. After all, she had always been self-conscious about her small tits. She realised, though, they were all looking at Max, not wanting to upset their friend by being too raucous about his wife. He grinned, raised two fingers to his mouth, and whistled. The others immediately followed suit, clapping, cheering or whistling.

  Julia shook her chest at them, making her breasts wobble as much as they could. She knew the lace of her long-line bra was just translucent enough for them to be able to see more than just a hint of her nipples. Josie’s bra was thinner still and as they lined up next to each other Julia had to fight back a shiver at the thought of the obscene sight they must be presenting.

  Josie danced in front of Julia and the men seemed to draw in a collective breath as they assumed she would be the one to lose the next piece of clothing. They danced in place for a moment, then Josie spun around behind Julia and, reaching forward, unsnapped the bottom popper of the three holding Julia’s top on. The second one followed suit and the bottom section of the lace hung lose on Julia’s chest. She turned to face Josie and the other woman reached up, flicking the straps off her shoulders, only the final clip holding the flimsy garment to her.

  That clip came undone and Julia allowed the garment to float down and then caught it on her fingers before it could fall away. Letting go with one hand, she swung it up between the two of them and hugged it to the middle of her chest, just about covering her nipples but not much else, her breasts showing to either side of her hands.

  Josie put her hands on Julia’s hips and spun her around to face the men again. They were all leaning forward again, waiting to see not a professional stripper’s tits, but the breasts of the wife of one of their number. Max’s gaze was just as intent as theirs. She shuddered then, taking a deep breath, dropped the bra to the floor while still keeping her hands covering the contested territory.



  “I’ll do it again if you don’t drop your hands and let these gentlemen see your nipples. I’m warning you, you’ve got three more bookings tonight.”

  They’d worked out this part of the act beforehand. The guys laughed then fell silent again as Julia didn’t move her hands.



  “Drop the hands, bitch, or I’ll pull your skirt down too.”

  “No, please, no.” She felt Josie’s hands at her waist, ready to carry out the threat. “Guys, please, help me. Do I have to drop my hands?”

  They all laughed and then Pete shouted out. “Yes, show us some tits. We want to see tits.”

  Suddenly, they were all chanting in time to the music.

  “Tits… Tits… Tits…”

  Julia shuddered, the movement acting as a signal to her friend. She took a deep breath, lifting her arms straight up above her head as Josie ripped her skirt down her legs. She squealed and the men all cheered, even Max joining in.


  Every eye in the room was on her body, her long erect nipples, her breasts, and of course, the mound of her pussy, only just hiding behind the translucent lace of her underwear. Julia danced in place for about fifteen seconds, letting them see their fill, then danced around behind Josie.

  They all expected Julia to repeat the same process, stripping Josie of her skirt and bra at the same time, but they had a different plan. Josie slowly shed her bra and turned to face the men, clutching it to her chest for the final few seconds of modesty. Julia moved her hands up under her friend’s skirt, and as Josie tossed the bra to the floor and raised her arms to reveal her breasts, Julia yanked her friend’s panties down to her ankles. That brought the biggest cheer of the night so far and Josie was grinning as she stepped out of the sodden scrap of black lace.

  It was obvious to the guys that one woman was going to get naked. Julia thought most of them had expected her to stay at least partially clothed, but as she danced around the room, getting much closer to the guys, she could see they had a very different expectation now.

  After a couple of minutes of them both working their way around the room in opposite directions but never getting close enough for the men to play grab-ass, they returned to the center of the sunken floor, and Julia beckoned to Max to join them.

  She motioned for silence and Pete hit the mute button on the remote. They stood either side of Max, both of them panting for air.

  “I think it’s only fair that my husband gets to remove Josie’s skirt, don’t you? After all, she is his birthday present.”

  Everyone clapped and she saw enthusiastic nods all around.

  “However, I th
ink it’s only fair he gets to choose who removes my panties. He can do that any other day of the week.”

  They all gasped, clearly not expecting that. Then they clapped and cheered again. Julia put her arm around her husband as he stood there weighing up his options. She tapped on his back the Morse code for the letter P. Di-dah-dah-dit. She repeated it as he stood there, acting as if he was lost in thought. She knew he knew Morse code.

  “Pete, you get the honor of claiming my wife’s panties. However, fella, you may remove them, but that’s all you do.”

  Everyone else chuckled, as Pete nodded then almost fell over himself with the desire to get down the couple of steps to the same level as Julia and get her naked.

  “You don’t get them as a souvenir either, mister. They’re an expensive set.”

  He smiled at her, and as Max moved behind Josie, he moved behind her.

  Nobody bothered to restart the music as Pete tangled his fingers in the waistband of her panties. Max slipped his fingers inside the waistband of Josie’s skirt, hooking his thumbs over the top of it. Julia braced herself, waiting for the moment. She had no idea if they were counting down or otherwise signaling to each other. They’d given themselves over to the men for this moment, the finale to their act. She didn’t know if the guys thought they were going to get a gangbang, but it wasn’t on the agenda.

  Suddenly, she felt Pete’s hands race downward. She squealed as her panties were ripped down, exposing her fully shaven mound to the other guys’ eyes. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Josie’s skirt hit the floor at the same time. Pete crouched behind her, holding her panties as she stepped out of them, and she knew he had a fabulous view of her butt.

  She stepped on top of her underwear, making sure Pete couldn’t pick them up, and he straightened then walked around in front of her, taking his opportunity to have a closer look. She shuffled her feet apart, aware Josie was doing the same. Then both men returned to stand in front of their seats and everyone else rose to their feet to applaud their dancers.

  “And that concludes your half-time entertainment, gentlemen. I suspect it overran, sorry about that. Please put the game back on. While you enjoy the football, we’re going to enjoy the hot tub. Just so you know, that is not an invitation and we have brought our bikinis with us for now.”


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