Sunny's Safe Haven (The Red Petticoat Saloon)

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Sunny's Safe Haven (The Red Petticoat Saloon) Page 6

by Vanessa Brooks

  “Anyway…” He gave a cough but didn’t continue.

  “Anyway?” she prompted.

  “You an’ me…” Once again, Tey fell silent.

  Stephanie rolled her eyes and tried to pull her hands away from his grip. That seemed to galvanize him, because he yanked her forward into his arms, kissing her. She didn’t struggle, and she briefly wondered if she should, but then all coherent thought vanished as she was overwhelmed by his demanding mouth.

  A mouth that tasted as unlike Kelly, the only other boy she had ever kissed, as sarsaparilla did to hard liquor. His hand lifted to cup the back of her head, angling her to suit his sensual onslaught. Stephanie moaned against the seam of his lips as his mouth parted and his tongue slipped inside, jousting arousingly with hers.

  She marveled at how she lost herself in his kiss, becoming one with this strange new sensation. A need for more began to overwhelm her. She had never felt like this with Kelly, had never felt actually possessed by a man before, not even when Kelly had taken her maidenhead. She felt that she was Tey’s for the taking. She was his, to possess and command… his to abandon.

  The instant the bitter notion popped into her head, she shoved Tey away. What on earth was she thinking? She wasn’t and that was the problem!

  Kelly had used her and left her high and dry, now Tey was behaving like Kelly. He would have to wait until she was upstairs before he got under her petticoats. He could pay her for a fuck as many times as he liked once she was wearing red. Stephanie froze as she suddenly realized that she had actually spoken that last sentence aloud.

  Tey’s face looked wounded then outraged, she saw his fury superimposed over the hurt.

  “So that’s it, you think I’d behave like that two-bit no-hoper that left you with a full belly huh? An’ here I was thinking maybe you trusted me,” he growled without rancor, hurt that she should think such a horrible thing about him.

  Confused she frowned. “I-I do but I-I…” She was at a loss at how to explain further without upsetting Tey’s feelings more than she had already.

  “Look, honey, you want the father of your baby to marry you? Then tell me who the bastard is, an’ I’ll have him hog tied and ready, waiting at the altar for you. Jus’ say the word darlin’ an’ believe me, he’ll be all yours, even though it will wrench my guts to do that for you.”

  Stephanie was surprised herself at the adamant and resounding ‘No!’ that flew from her lips at his offer. She realized that any feeling of attraction she had felt for Kelly had disappeared with the loss of her baby.

  She knew she couldn’t court Tey; she was damaged goods. He deserved a decent woman to court. She realized that she’d spoken aloud again when Tey’s face turned thunderous.

  “I’ll have you know, missy, that had Perry gotten under my skin the way you have, I’d have courted her without a second thought, but no, I’m foolish enough to have fallen for a stubborn little gal who needs reminding that she’s every bit as good as any other woman. An y’know what, honey?” he said, pausing to glare at her.

  “Um, no what?” she dutifully asked.

  An evil grin spread slowly across his face. “I’m gonna scold your ass every time you even think of yourself as damaged goods.”

  “Oh!” she replied, not expecting for one moment that he meant right now, this minute. So when she found herself propelled forward across his knee in a frozen moment of astonishment, she hung quite still, gazing down with confusion at the tops of his boots. As he shifted her to suit his purpose, she fully understood his intention and she fought him. She began by kicking out and churning her hips, she threw back her shoulders, but her struggling was to no avail. He laughed grimly as though he enjoyed the fact that she resisted him but nothing she did worked and his hand fell with a thud against the seat of her thin cotton nightgown. She cried out, more in surprise than hurt, but when his palm fell with searing regularity, she began to whimper. She heard him speak and listened with incredulity as he lectured her.

  “I won’t have my girl doubting herself, d’you hear me? I know you won’t like being spanked but sometimes it’s the only way to cement a real important message and, hon, you need this message to stick; you’re beautiful and you’re gonna be my girl.”

  His girl?

  “If things go the way I see them going, you’re gonna be my wife, Stephanie, then I’ll take care of you. Ah always will, you have to know that I’m not like that other man who left you!”

  His wife?

  “But, but you’re still having relations with Dottie!” she cried out indignantly.

  “I told you, we talked!” As he spanked her, she wailed at the injustice. This was just so unfair!

  Again, she realized that she must have bleated that aloud because he suddenly snarled. “Unfair? Unfair is that I come back intending to court you an’ find you planning to become a damned whore because you’ve decided you ain’t good enough for anything else!”

  He spanked her up and down her thighs, up over her buttocks then began the process all over again until Stephanie wept. She was yielding and accepting his punishment because there was nothing else she could do to avoid it; she lay limply over his lap submitting to him since it was the only course of action she could take.

  She realized he had stopped spanking her when he up righted her into his arms and cuddled her. At first she snuggled in mindlessly, like a tiny new kitten blindly seeking its mother’s teat but then awareness of her situation dawned and she pushed off his lap in fury, pointing her trembling finger to the door. “Get out. Get out now and never come back! No wonder your dog left you, now git!”

  Tey stared up at her realizing he was totally flummoxed. He honestly did not know what to do; it wasn’t as though he’d had a great deal to do with girls. His experience had been with paid women, ladies who wanted to please him. He had no experience of placating spitting she-cats, full of fiery brimstone. What in tarnation should he do? He’d thought a spanking would quiet her down and they’d cuddle some before he told her how it was gonna be, but this reaction was way beyond his knowledge. He stood up, jaw clenched, hesitating momentarily before he strode across the room wrenching the door open. He banged it shut behind him and strode off to collect his hat from the table in the bar. Stephanie listened to the tread of his boots stomping down the hall. She held her breath hoping to hear him return. When he didn’t, she flung herself down atop her bed in a storm of weeping. Scamp crept out from under her bed and jumped up beside her. Licking her neck, he cuddled into her back, offering himself as comfort.

  If only Tey had been Kelly; what had she been thinking allowing Kelly to do what he did? If only she had waited, she would have met Tey and been worthy to be his wife and mother to his children. Instead, all she was fit for was the bawdy house, to be used by men and to take their money as a fallen woman. Oh who was she kidding, she was just a damned whore. She slammed her fists into the mattress. Then a gossamer thread of thought filtered in her mind. Louise had worked here as a gem and she had married the mayor. Quick as a flash, she leapt from her bed startling Scamp who followed her as she dashed to the kitchen to speak to Louise.

  Nettie turned an astonished face to her as she flew into the room. “Where is Louise?” she asked urgently, upon finding Nettie alone in the kitchen.

  “Mayor Rockwell collected her a few moments ago to escort her home,” Nettie replied.

  “Oh, I can catch up to them then!” Stephanie cried.

  She flew outside, leaving Nettie calling after her, “Sunny, no, you only have your nightdress on, girl you get yourself back inside here!”

  Chapter Eight

  Stephanie raced along the street after her friend but they had obviously walked very fast, because she didn’t catch them. She stopped and bent double as pain sliced through her side; she had a stitch. She breathed deeply until she caught her breath, and straightening up, she turned for home. As she approached the Red Petticoat, she spotted Gabe coming toward her, his expression grim. When he reached her h
e unfurled a large shawl held in his hand and threw it about her shoulders. “Do you have a fever, niña?” he inquired.

  She frowned, bewildered by his question. “No.”

  “Good. Come then.” He took her arm and led her to the side of the saloon building, where the kitchen door stood ajar. Scamp scooted inside, in front of her.

  Madam Jewel and Nettie awaited her and both exclaimed with relief as she walked into the room followed by a stern faced Gabe. He spun her around to face him. Placing his finger under her chin, he lifted her face so she had no choice but to meet his dark steely gaze.

  “You broke the most important rule of all. You went out at night alone and without permission. You ignored Nettie when she called to you to stop and you are wearing nothing but a nightgown. You say you have no fever but I cannot think of any reason other than fever that would prompt you into such foolish notion.”

  Stephanie went from hot to cold. She had completely forgotten about the house rules.

  “I am so sorry I just didn’t think. I wanted to catch up with Louise to talk to her. You see, I…”

  “Enough, niña.” Gabe abruptly interrupted her gabbled explanation.

  “You have no fever and if you are well enough to run about town dressed as you are, then you are well enough to receive punishment.”

  Stephanie blanched, no not another spanking! Surely he wouldn’t, it would be so embarrassing and he just couldn’t! She must convince him to excuse her, she would promise him never to break the rules again, but as she opened her mouth to protest and make her promise, Gabe shook his head, placing a finger over her lips.

  “No, Sunny, you broke rule number one. There will be no reprieve. Go and wait in your room and I will be along directly.”

  Stephanie turned to Madam Jewel, her hand outstretched in appeal but Jewel only shook her head, nodding toward the door.

  “Go on girl, take Mr. Gabe’s medicine, whatever he gives you, it will help you remember the rules next time you’re tempted to fly outa that door,” Nettie said kindly but firmly.

  Stephanie gave Gabe one last beseeching glance, before she turned and slowly made her way along the passageway into her room.

  After she had left, Jewel got up and moved to Gabe’s side. Whispering into his ear, she reminded him that since Stephanie had lost a baby she would be suffering from a flux and should not be bared. He nodded his understanding, kissed her cheek and followed Stephanie’s path to her room. He found her sitting upon the side of her bed wringing her hands and chewing her lip anxiously. He went over to the chair and removed various articles of clothing, placing them on the end of the bed.

  “Come to me, niña,” he commanded as he seated himself on the high backed chair. Stephanie stood and approached Gabe as though he were something poisonous. Gabe reached out a hand and clasped her wrist, drawing her into his side. He tipped her over his knee in one fluid motion. She gasped with surprise as she flew forward, palms landing flat upon the floor to brace her descent.

  “It is all right niña, I have you secure. Now tell me, why do you deserve this spanking?”

  “Um, I broke the rules,” she muttered.

  “Sir,” he growled.

  “Mr. Vasquez, sir.” she whispered.

  “Which rules, Sunny?”

  “I mustn’t go out without telling anyone where I am going.” She clenched her buttocks, the reality of the situation and what was about to happen to her, had her belly roiling anxiously.

  “Sí, but there was another more important rule broken tonight, which one was that?”

  “I went out alone at night?” she responded.

  “Sí, and dressed only in your nightgown, foolish one.”

  Gabe smoothed the white gown tightly over Stephanie’s bottom cheeks and raised his arm. He did not hold back, he cracked her backside with a resounding smack and continued to pepper her rump with a cadence of searing slaps. Immediately Scamp set up a cacophony of barking yips.

  Gabe ignored the yapping dog, keeping up his rapid pace, not allowing any reprieve. This was one lesson that Stephanie needed to learn for her own safety and Gabe intended that she would never make the same mistake twice. When the burn began to build she squirmed and twisted, balancing on only one hand as she flung the other back to protect herself, but he simply captured her wrist and held her secure. He smiled grimly; at last she was feeling the bite of his lesson.

  Repeatedly he brought his hand to bear, the full force bouncing onto her bottom cheeks. Stephanie’s polite struggles and pitiful cries turned into uninhibited yells of regretful remorse. When she finally submitted, collapsing limply across his lap, sobbing distraughtly, Gabe spanked the final message to obey forcefully onto her ass before stopping and rubbing her punished rump. Scamp took the opportunity to wash her tearful, upside down face, giving her his own brand of doggy sympathy. Gabe allowed her a moment of recovery before he brought her upright, setting her upon her feet. He stood and drew her into his arms. Stephanie leaned into him, weeping onto his shoulder. He said nothing, rubbing her back comfortingly until she quieted.

  “You are forgiven, niña, but think before you act next time. I do not wish to have to repeat the lesson because if I do, next time I use my razor strop, comprendres?”

  Y-yes. I am sor-ry, Mister Vasquez, s-sir,” she said, hiccupping through her tears.

  “I know you are, niña. Spankings are generally given by those who care and, Sunny, remember that we do care about our gems here at the Red Petticoat. Now into bed with you and get some sleep. Goodnight, niña.” Stephanie climbed into bed and Gabe pulled the covers up around her, patted her shoulder and left her to sleep. Scamp leapt up to join her, whining softly as he circled about, finally settling with his head laid upon her leg.

  Tey grabbed his hat and stalked out into the street. He began to walk back toward the boarding house and as he drew level with the church, the spire that held the weather vane he had used as target practice for Kelly and Luke caught his eye. He slowed and paused staring up at the church spire. A man emerged from the building and locked the door. Pocketing the key, he turned and noticed Tey. He approached with a friendly grin.

  “Howdy, cowboy, I’m Lawrence Black, pastor hereabouts. You look like you have the cares of the world on your shoulders, anything that I can help with?”

  Tey cast the man a look of surprise, he was the least likely looking pastor he’d ever seen. This man was tall, broad shouldered and he had the weathered face of a man who worked outdoors. An opposite of the usual pasty faced, soft palmed pastor who spent his days tending his church and parishioners.

  “I’m fine,” he answered, unwilling to share his private life with a stranger.

  “We all need a friendly face at some point, whatever troubles you tell me, stay between you, me and the man upstairs.” Tey nodded but hesitated, what the heck did a preacher know about women?

  The unlikely man of god continued to talk but Tey only half listened, that was until he heard the pastor man mention something about a gem.

  “Say what, mister, ah mean, Pastor?” Tey quickly corrected. Pastor Black looked amused.

  “As I said, I ain’t been no saint. I drank and caroused with the best of ‘em, even married a gem from the Petticoat over there.”

  “You married a gem, jus’ like the sheriff?”

  “Yup, along with the mayor, the doctor an’ a few others in this ‘ere town all knew a good thing when they saw it. You might have noticed, mister, that good looking women are few an’ far between this far out west an’ those gems are pretty special.”

  “Well, I’ll be doggoned. I want to court a girl who is aiming to become a gem at the Petticoat but I want to court this gal, Stephanie, maybe make her my wife. Heck, she threw my courting suggestion right back in my face! I guess things got a little heated an’ I handled it bad, real bad.” Tey lifted off his hat and agitatedly ran his hand through his hair.

  “Is this girl Stephanie… as in Kendrick?” the pastor asked.

, her pa’s a real piece of work; cast her out when she made a mistake with the wrong fella.”

  “Ah, poor kid, she used to come to church. I wondered why I hadn’t seen her over the past couple of weeks. So tell me, what d’you think went wrong tonight?”

  Tey clammed up and Pastor Black let the silence hang. Finally, Tey sighed, and scratched his chin ruefully. “I am ashamed to say I spanked my girl, Pastor, now I know what you’re gonna say…”

  Pastor Black interrupted. “Y’know, I really don’t think y’do, son,” he drawled.

  Tey’s gaze shifted to the pastor’s face. “Huh?”

  “I turned my girl over my knee quite often until she agreed to become my wife. I think you need to keep on scorching young Stephanie’s willful behind until she tells you yes. That’s unless she can’t stand the sight of you o’course, because that would be a whole different matter. You know the problem with my Callie girl? She didn’t think she was good enough to be a preacher’s wife? Ah soon set her straight on that score.”

  Tey studied the pastor with a whole new respect. He relaxed, introducing himself properly before going onto explain what had happened on the first day he arrived in town and how he first found himself drawn to Stephanie. The pastor asked some pertinent questions and the two men shared anecdotes on their experiences with the female of the species.

  “Good honest loving is what she needs, Tey. Stephanie probably feels she ain’t good enough like my Callie did. You keep telling her she’s yours an’ nothing she does is gonna push you away. Hell, I emptied my pockets night after night. Just so no other dirty horn dog snuck into my girl’s bed; it was the best damned investment I ever made!”

  The pastor’s final advisory shot was: “Set boundaries an’ use a firm hand to enforce them. I’m certain sure this woman will follow you, Tey. Oh and don’t forget to have a word with the man upstairs, he sure does have a way of arranging a man’s fate. I’ll pray for you both, goodnight, Tey.”

  “Good night, pastor, an’ thanks!”


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