From the Darkness (Blackwood Vampires Book 1)

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From the Darkness (Blackwood Vampires Book 1) Page 3

by E. J. King

  “That’s what all predators say,” she replied dryly. Her blue eyes darkened. “Let me guess- you also lost your puppy and need help finding it.”

  That strange feeling was back and I was smiling again. “You’re very distrusting.”

  “Distrusting of Vampires that abduct me and keep me prisoner? Yes.” Her nostrils flared adorably. “What do you plan to do with me? If you’re looking for some kind of sex slave, you better keep looking.”

  “I don’t have to force women to be with me, Grace. In fact, most women find it quite enjoyable.” I stared hard into her eyes and enjoyed watching them widen as her cheeks flushed. Seeing the blood rushing to her face only served to remind me of her humanity. A familiar pang ran through my body.

  I wanted to drink from her. Very badly.

  “You have a very nice home,” she said, changing the subject.

  “Would you like a tour?” It occurred to me that she was the first outside guest I had invited into my chambers in a very long time. She was also the only human I had ever brought inside.

  She shrugged. “Sure. Why not?”

  I was pleased that she hadn’t dismissed my suggestion. Most likely, she was hoping to use this opportunity to formulate an escape plan, but at least she wasn’t looking at me with the same contempt she had directed at Drake.

  “So this is the living room.” I stood, waving a hand around the room. “Through there is the kitchen. I don’t usually keep a lot of human food in my chambers, but I will have the staff take care of it. If you have any specific dietary needs, I can let them know.”

  “You can let them know I won’t be needing any O-negative.” She had an uncanny way of making a joke while keeping her face perfectly seriously.

  “But that’s the best kind,” I said with a smile.

  She offered me the smallest of smiles and my heart jumped in delight. “I’ll take your word on that.”

  “This room is the library.” I pushed open the French doors, revealing a room filled with floor-to-ceiling bookcases. I stepped a few feet inside. “Help yourself to anything that interests you.”

  “You really know the way to a girl’s heart,” she said.

  I assumed that she was making another of her jokes but when I looked at her, she was spinning in a slow circle with her mouth slightly agape.

  “You like to read?” I guessed.

  “I don’t hate it.” Her mouth snapped shut and the guarded look returned to her face.

  She backed out of the room without turning her back on me. I wished that there was something I could say that would convince her that I wasn’t going to hurt her.

  “The bedrooms are down the hallway. You can choose your room, but I would recommend the one in the corner.” I led us past four open doorways.

  “How many bedrooms do you have?” she asked, bewildered. Then she processed the other thing I had said. “My room? I’ll be staying in your chambers, then?”

  “You’ll be safer in here than anywhere else in the Darkness.” I gestured to the door on our right. “This is my room.”

  Grace’s eyes flitted quickly past the doorway. “Do the doors have locks?”

  “They do, but I think we both know that a locked door isn’t going to stop a Soul intent on getting to you,” I said.

  “A locked door isn’t how I would stop you anyway,” she replied, matching the intensity of my gaze. “I’ll take this room.”

  She nodded toward the room across from mine.

  “Good choice,” I said. “I’ll give you some time to freshen up. Join me in the kitchen when you are done.”

  “What’s going to happen in the kitchen?” she asked.

  “I’m going to make you some coffee.” I enjoyed the shocked expression on her face. She had reason to be surprised. Many Souls didn’t bother with human food and beverage. We didn’t need it to live. But I happened to like indulging in some human delicacies. Coffee was one of my favorite indulgences.

  “You don’t happen to have a change of clothes around here?” She tugged at the wrinkled fabric of her dress.

  I made the mistake of looking down, scanning her body a little too intently. “Check your closet. I’m sure you will find something that will suffice.”


  The sound of her saying my name made my breath catch in my throat. “Yes?”

  “You never answered my question. Why did you bring me here?” She didn’t sound annoyed anymore, just genuinely curious.

  Still, it wasn’t time. “We have plenty of time to divulge our secrets, Grace.”



  Finding a Vampire staring at me when I opened my eyes wasn’t exactly the best way to wake up. The fact that the Vampire was a disturbingly good looking male didn’t make things more comfortable.

  While standing in front of the Council there had been plenty of distance between us to dilute the effect of his piercing gaze. That was no longer the case. It was unnerving how he never blinked. I was grateful when he finally left me alone in my new bedroom, even though the thought of having a “new bedroom” was worrisome.

  I closed the door on William and locked it, despite his promise that it wouldn’t do any good. After sliding a large dresser in front of the locked door, I finally allowed myself to check out the room. It was utterly breathtaking.

  The three exterior walls were all clear glass, creating an unobstructed view of the aquamarine water. The ceiling was also made of glass and the purple sky looked even more magical than it had outside. I could imagine laying in the plush bed and staring up at the sky for hours. But I didn’t have time for that now.

  The knowledge that I was trapped in a house with a Soul, surrounded by a community of Souls, led to me taking the quickest shower of my life. The extravagant rain shower would have been irresistibly enticing if I hadn’t been worrying the entire time about being suddenly attacked.

  I hurried into a soft robe that I found on the back of the bathroom door and entered the walk-in-closet. The vast collection of clothes that waited for me was every teenage girl’s dream. I, however, just wanted to find something comfortable and warm. I ended up settling on a pair of black leggings and an oversized sweater.

  I found a blow-dryer in the bathroom and ten minutes later, I took one final look in the mirror. My hair fell in a platinum curtain around my face, which looked pale and tired. At least nothing about my appearance screamed “bite me.” But then again, Vampires didn’t need that kind of invitation.

  With a loud grunt, I shoved the dresser back to its usual spot and opened the door. No monster was waiting for me on the other side. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I entered the kitchen. William was seated at a sleek white table, nursing a steaming coffee mug. He was staring expectantly at the doorway, his super-charge vamp hearing having alerted him to my arrival. His eyes were intense and penetrating as he stared at me.

  “You have good water pressure,” I said lamely.

  “Sit,” he said.

  I flinched. “Is that an order?”

  “It was,” he said with a surprised smile. “I’m sorry. It’s a tough habit to break. Will you please sit with me?”

  “Okay.” It was really hard to say no when he was smiling at me so adorably. He’s a bloodsucker, Hardwick, I reminded myself.

  As I settled into the seat across from his, he got up and poured me a cup of coffee. I had never even had a conversation with a Soul, let alone had one of them serve me coffee.

  “Tell me about yourself, Grace,” he said after he was seated again.

  “There’s nothing to tell,” I said, pursing my lips as I blew cool air over the steaming beverage.

  William leaned forward with his elbows on the table. “Then lie to me. I won’t know the difference.”

  “True.” I smiled and was surprised by the look of pleasure in his eyes. Was he trying to be my friend? As someone who had always had a hard time making friends, I wasn’t able to recognize the signs. “But if I lie to y
ou, how can I expect you to tell me the truth?”

  “I would never lie to you, Grace,” he said urgently.

  “Tell me about this place,” I said, deflecting the tension that was in the air. “Daniel explained it as a haven for Dark Souls that don’t kill humans anymore.”

  He nodded. “That is a non-negotiable requirement to live here.”

  “Am I the only human in the Darkness?” I took my first sip of coffee and nearly moaned out loud. It was rich and smooth, presumably just like the creature sitting across from me.

  “No. Though we do not kill humans, many Souls choose to keep humans as companions.” William looked away.

  “Companions?” I frowned. “What does that mean?”

  He kept his eyes cast out the window, searching the nonexistent horizon. “Souls cannot survive without human blood. We can supplement with blood bags from nearby medical centers, but some Souls prefer their blood directly from the vein.”

  “They keep humans as a food supply?” I was horrified by the thought. “That’s disgusting.”

  “It’s survival, Grace. We do have rules around keeping human companions. No human is allowed to stay for longer than a year. At that time, they are compelled to forget everything and are returned to the real world.” He turned back to me. “We treat the human well in the Darkness. They aren’t harmed in any way.”

  “Other than having their necks bit,” I muttered. My next thought horrified me at an even deeper level and I wasn’t sure why. “Do you have a companion?”

  His eyes softened. “No. I no longer drink from humans. I have not done so in a very long time.”

  “So I’m not here to act as your personal blood bag?” I asked, feeling a slight tinge of relief deep inside.

  “No.” The expression on his face was disturbingly unreadable. “Though for your own safety, you should maintain the façade of being my companion. No other Soul will come near you if they believe I have claimed you.”

  “Claimed me?” My heart pounded loudly. “I don’t usually allow that to happen until the third date.”

  William laughed again. “Your humor is surprising and delightful.”

  “You say that to all the girls.” I concentrated on finishing my coffee rather than allowing myself to be drawn into his unrelenting stare again.

  “I most certainly do not.” His hand slid a few inches forward on the table as if he was about to touch me. Then he thought better of it and pulled away. “Grace, I know that you think I am a monster. You have every reason to distrust me. But I did not bring you here for nefarious reasons. I brought you here because I need your help to keep the Darkness going. We are facing a serious threat to our existence and you might be the only person that can help us.”

  “I don’t help Souls. I kill them.” I couldn’t imagine a situation where I would risk my own safety to help a group of Vampires. William continued to stare at me blankly, but this time I returned his stare. I wanted him to see that I was serious. I had no intention of helping him or any other Vampire.

  After a long pause, he said, “I understand your position on the matter, but I am hopeful that you will change your mind. Please, just give me a couple of days.”

  I knew that I should say no and demand that he let me leave the Darkness right then. No good would come from me staying in a monster’s lair. But when I looked at William, I didn’t see a monster. I saw an attractive man with a kindness in his gold eyes that was surprising.

  “Okay,” I said. “I will give you time to convince me that I’m wrong. But you should know that I have never been wrong.”

  “Noted.” He pushed back his chair. “I will walk you to your room now. You should get some rest. Tomorrow will be a busy day.”

  My room was only twenty feet away, but I let him walk with me. I couldn’t deny that there was a connection between us that intrigued me. I actually wanted to be around William.

  “Well…goodnight.” I hesitated awkwardly at my bedroom door.

  “Goodnight, Grace.”

  As I reached for the doorknob, the neck of my sweater slipped down my shoulder, exposing my delicate skin. William’s eyes instantly locked onto my bare neck, sending a chill down my spine. But the wild look in his eyes wasn’t hunger- it was lust.

  He reached up and I braced myself for the inevitable attack. I was ready to fight when his fingers grazed my neck softly, sending a sharp tingle racing through my entire body. My breath hitched as his fingers traced a blazing trail over my shoulder. I had never felt anything so electric in my life.

  Then he was slipping my sweater back into place and his hands left my skin. I was left aching for more of his touch.

  “Goodnight, Grace,” William said again, his voice deeper than usual. “Sweet dreams.”

  I reluctantly stepped into room and closed the door behind me. Unlike last time, I didn’t hurry to lock the door. Instead, I stood facing it and my heart was still beating erratically. I placed a hand on the door and was surprised by a sudden jolt that shot down my arm. The door was at least two inches thick. There was no way that I could feel anything through the heavy wood, but I could feel William’s presence. I knew that he was still on the other side of that door and I was certain that he could feel me, too.

  * * *

  Sleep came surprisingly easy. As soon as I put my head on the soft pillow, I was drifting away. Though my sleep wasn’t dreamless, it was surprisingly nightmare-free. I woke refreshed and oddly energized to start the day.

  Except in the Darkness, it was always night.

  Despite the odd eternally nocturnal nature of my new home, I was craving breakfast. After creeping quietly down the hall, I stepped into the empty kitchen. When I opened the fridge, it was packed with human food except for the second shelf which held bottles of red liquid that I assumed was blood.

  With a shudder, I slammed the fridge shut. My appetite was officially ruined. Rather than a big breakfast, I forced myself to choke down a piece of toast and took a full mug of coffee over to the window. As I sipped the sweet nectar of the gods, a glimmer in the water caught my eye. Ten yards away, a dark head emerged from the water.


  I had just assumed he was still sleeping. It hadn’t occurred to me that he was awake and taking a morning swim. I couldn’t take my eyes away from him as he glided through the water until he reached the small dock that circled the house. Oblivious to my staring, he pulled himself onto the dock and stood, his chiseled form dripping water.

  My mouth dropped open as I took in the sight. He was easily the most beautiful man I had ever seen in real life, if life in the Darkness could be considered real. Each muscle seemed to have been sculpted by a masterful artist. I continued to watch as he picked up a towel and dried each inch of his body.

  When he was done, he wrapped the towel low on his hips and headed in the direction of the kitchen. I managed to pull myself together and step away from the window just in time. By the time he entered the kitchen, I was leaning against the counter and staring blankly at a wall.

  “Did you sleep well?” he asked. His hair was still damp and small beads of water ran down his neck and over his chest. I caught myself staring and blushed.

  “Well enough,” I said, hurrying to take a sip of coffee. “Good swim?”

  He stepped before me, a flirtatious look on his face. “Yes. I’m not used to having an audience, though.”

  I was busted. My face grew hot and I tried to hide behind my coffee mug.

  “Are you feeling okay? You look a little flushed.” William moved even closer, his perfect body just a few inches from mine as he reached past me for a coffee of his own.

  It was only when our bodies were so close that I realized I was wearing just a flimsy nightgown. It wasn’t nearly enough protection from the charge of sexual tension that radiated from our bodies.

  “I’m fine,” I managed to say. “It’s just a little hot in here.”

  William eyed me with a tiny smile curling his inviting lips. “Ind

  “I’m going to get dressed,” I said, ducking my head as I put my mug on the counter.

  “Make sure you wear something comfortable. We’ll be moving around a lot today.” William stepped aside to let me pass. My arm brushed lightly against his, our bare skin grazing in an excruciatingly wonderful way. I sucked in a sharp breath and wondered if he could feel it, too.

  “There’s a full supply of blood in the fridge if you prefer not to drink your coffee black,” I said to deflect his attention. I didn’t want him to mistakenly misread my reaction to our physical proximity as attraction. Without waiting for William’s reply, I hurried out of the kitchen.

  Thirty minutes later, I was dressed and ready for whatever adventure William had planned for the day. My closet held a surprising collection of athletic wear. Dressing in a pair of running leggings and a hoodie, I felt significantly more comfortable around William than I had in my nightgown.

  “I have a lot to show you today,” William said when I met him in the living room. He was in a similar all-black outfit. “But first, we need to establish some ground rules.”

  “Ground rules?” I frowned. That didn’t sound promising.

  “You must stay by my side at all times. It isn’t safe for you to wander the grounds on your own.” His face bore an unusual urgency.

  It was a surprising concern, considering that he had issued an order for my safety. Apparently, he didn’t trust that his declaration would be obeyed.

  “Okay. I’ll stay close,” I agreed. “Can we go now?”

  “Not yet.” William ran a hand through his hair, tousling the dark waves. I found myself thinking about reaching up to smooth them down. “You also must promise that you won’t do anything that will lead the Souls to believe that you might try to escape.”

  I was even more surprised by this concern. “So I am being held hostage?”

  “No. If you ask me to leave, I will let you go. But if the other Souls think that you are going to take off, they will stop you.” His jaw clenched. “The other human companions have all been compelled not to leave. We don’t have to worry about them escaping and jeopardizing our security. The other Souls will assume that I have compelled you as well. I don’t want to do that, but that is why it is important for you to control your behavior in public.”


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