The Journey

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The Journey Page 15

by Jennifer Ensley

  “So… the souls under the altar, the martyrs… they got their revenge.”

  “Yep. The martyred saints were avenged and pagan Rome fell… never to rise again.”

  “Such is the power of Father.”

  “Yes, it is.” I smiled down at him. “I gotta get going now. See you soon. Okay?”

  “Make it as quick as possible, little one. I miss you terribly when you leave, and I wish to know about the seventh seal.”

  “Very well, it’s a date. See ya later, tater.”

  The Angel was still chuckling as I ran up the darkened passageway.


  “I need to go to Cairo, Mr. Padmeal, sir.”

  The always-cross Angel hissed under his breath. “You again… and it’s Paltiel. Address me incorrectly just once more and I will—”

  “Is this the Witness you were speaking of?”

  I turned toward the beautiful golden-haired man as he spoke.

  “Yes,” Paltiel hissed. “The only Witness I have ever wanted to bind within this place.”

  I looked back to the dark-haired Angel. “And just why is that? Huh? Before you and I ever even spoke properly, you were hideous to me—barking and snapping and threatening. What did I do to you, Paltiel, to garner such misplaced wrath?”

  The golden-crowned man held up his hand toward the darker-haired Angel and waited until I turned to face him.

  “His anger is not misplaced, if what he says is true.”

  “Who… Who are you?”

  “I am Uriel, Archangel of the one God. Is what he says true, Witness?”

  I glanced back to Paltiel. “What’s he been saying?”

  “That you are close with the Bound One. That you have formed a gentle connection with the damned creature who provides your needed fuel.”

  I swallowed hard. “Yeah… sorta… I guess.”

  “And why would you do such a thing?” Uriel moved closer. “Were you not warned of the danger?”

  “I was warned, yeah, but when I saw him lying there like that… it hurt my heart. Have you ever seen him?”

  “I have,” Uriel said. “He yet lives, that alone is too kind a fate for such a treacherous soul. Do you not know of his wicked deeds?”

  “Yeah, I know what he did.” I looked away. “He’s just… not what I was expecting.”

  “And what were you expecting?”

  I glanced back at the golden Angel right in front of me. “…Someone like you.”

  Uriel smiled. “And he once was… but no more. Now, let me see why you are headed off to Egypt.” He gently took the book from my hands. “Ahh… Alas, what you seek is no longer there. Come with me, Witness.”

  I glanced back just in time to see Paltiel’s snarl. Then I was standing in the midst of a thick forest.

  “You have already come so very far upon your quest.” Uriel turned to face me. “I am glad to see you tackling your assigned task with such vigor.”

  “Yeah, well, I was hoping that if I hurried up and finished… I’d never have to go back through the Nether.”

  Uriel smiled. “So, you are more than ready to part ways with Azazel?”

  “No… Paltiel.”

  “You prefer a creature of darkness to an Angel of Light?”

  “Is Paltiel Light?”

  “He is.”


  “Why do you insist on saying his name incorrectly? You obviously know how to pronounce it properly.”

  “Just to get under his skin, I guess. He thinks an awful lot of himself… I don’t like that.” I looked around at the dense trees. “So… where are we?”

  “We are where you need to be.”


  Uriel chuckled. “You remind me so much of someone…”


  His soft smile slowly faded. “Never mind.”

  He then took a lock of my hair between his fingers and gently caressed it. I just stood there—staring at an impossibly beautiful Angel, and not having a single clue what to say next.

  “You are too gentle for your quest, little one. You have fire in your tongue, yes, but too much love in your heart.”

  “Too much love?”

  He nodded. “Too much misplaced love. Not every soul you cross paths with is worthy of your sympathy and compassion. Alas, I fear you are minus the capability of telling the difference.”

  I just chewed on my bottom lip and looked away. Surely he knew what he was talking about. I mean, he is an Angel after all. I swallowed hard and looked at anything to keep from making eye contact. I had no idea how to answer the ethereal man.

  “Very well,” Uriel softly said. “I will help you in this thing.”

  “In what thing?”

  But as those words were still coming out of my mouth, Uriel disappeared. Fear seized me—deep and intense and panic-worthy—a despairing kind of fear.

  If you have never been lost and alone in the middle of the forest, describing such a thing is nigh impossible. You could be one hundred yards from the edge, or miles and miles and miles. No path. No sense of direction. No way to know which way or for how long you should be going. Sure, you could follow the waning sun, if west is the direction you wished to go. What if east is where the trees give way to open fields? You could travel days toward the setting sun, only to find yourself further and further from home. What if there are wild animals? Snakes? Swampy marshes? What if there are people living nearby who set traps for game? Would you be able to spot such a thing before you were snared in it? And what of nightfall? Nocturnal carnivores? Poisonous spiders?

  I have no fire, no water. What am I gonna do? Dammit! Wait… Just calm down, Jem. Yes, you do have fire, and water as well. Lighter in your pocket, bottle in your backpack—remember? Okay, so… don’t panic and you’ll be just fine. First, find some dry wood and—

  Uriel suddenly reappeared in front of me. Without thought, I grabbed for him—balling his tunic up in my fists and wiping tears upon his chest I didn’t even realize I was shedding.

  “Never do that again, Angel. Hear me?” I clung ever tighter. “Never drop me off in the unknown and leave me there. Ever!”

  He lifted my trembling chin and tenderly brushed my flowing tears with his thumb.

  “I was gone but for a heartbeat, little one.”

  “Not in my head, you weren’t. Animals had already torn me to shreds and I couldn’t find enough wood to build a proper fire. My poor old heart won’t slow down for days. You hear me? Days!”

  “Forgive me, tiny Jem.” He smiled. “I didn’t realize your imagination was such a volatile thing. I will have to remember that.”

  “I thought Angels knew everything.”

  “You are good for my ego.” He chuckled. “Alas, we know what we know. When I looked within you I was focusing on your heart, not your fears. I did not know what I did not see.”

  “Well… now you do.” I released him and took a step back. “So… where’d you go?”

  “I sought permission to be bound to you.”


  He nodded. “If my earnest request is granted, we will see the proof of it shortly.”

  “Why should I be bound to you? And who gives permission for such a thing?”

  “Only Father can grant my request. And… I asked that you be bound to me so that you are no longer subject to Azazel.”

  “What about Palpatine?”

  He rolled his eyes. “You will have to deal with Paltiel no more.”

  I breathed an audible sigh of relief.

  “Wait… How will I not need Azazel? Don’t I have to have his blood to travel about as a Witness?”

  “You need Angel blood to work the stones, yes. Yet, you do not need his.”

  “Then, why did—”

  “Angels can only be cut with Prisalyn. Such is the Witness’s dagger. Alas, an Angel will not simply stand there and let you do as you wish with such a blade. Yet, Azazel… he can no longer defend or protect against such a thing.”
  “That’s… horrible.”

  “Not horrible—necessary. That damned creature’s tainted blood is now set to purpose… to help save mankind instead of destroying it.”

  I sat down then—weary, confused, and exhausted on a cellular level. That’s when the ring finger on my left hand began to burn. I jumped up.

  “Something just bit me!”

  “Be calm, little one. That is merely the visual proof of our tying bond.”

  Only when the Angel gently lifted my hand did I notice the woven red tattoo now ringing my finger.

  “What in the world…”

  “My manacle,” he whispered. “Never has it graced another. Yet, it is not an eternal thing. Not for you and I. This mark binds us in life only. When you pass from this realm, so too will our tie.”

  “How are we bound?”

  “By blood.” He carefully caressed the red mark on my finger. “My blood will now be what fuels your quest. Speak my name—anywhere you happen to be—and I will come to you. I will fill your stones and see that your heavenly task will no longer be hindered. And if I have the time, I will see you to your next destination.”

  “You mean… no more Nether… no more dark caves?”

  “Yes, that is exactly what I mean.” He gently lifted my chin. “We now share a bond that only death can sever. No longer hold fear in your heart, little one. I will protect you.”

  Only when my eyes started burning did I realize I was crying again.

  “Do not get the wrong idea, Jem Stone. I will not be your bodyguard or your own personal superhero. I am not your servant. I will be there to protect your soul. Understand?”

  I barely nodded.

  “That means, do not put yourself in harm’s way with hope of my rescue. I have important tasks and summonses of my own to see to. Still… I was touched by your plight, and by Paltiel’s rather harsh reservations concerning the current state of your mind. It was by my choice—and probably will result in unneeded restraints upon my time and talents—that I decided to form a crimson bond with you.”

  “Crimson… bond?”

  “My blood.” He gently twisted one of my curls around his finger. “Be ever grateful and do not cause me unnecessary hardships. Understand?”

  I slowly nodded.

  “Good. Now, show me your blade, Witness Jem. Let me fill your stones with the power you do not possess as a mere mortal.”

  “I don’t have it anymore—the blade.” I held up my right hand. “It disappeared when I picked it up.”

  Uriel smiled when he saw my glistening thumbnail. “Ah… Of course. The eighth layer has changed much.” He nearly chuckled. “You cannot simply traipse across Earth wielding an archaic weapon, no matter how rare and lovely it may be.”

  “No way. It would have been confiscated the first day, probably. Besides, I don’t need your blood right now.” I lifted the familiar old pendant. “Azazel filled the stone right before you brought me here. That’s where I’d been when I popped up at Paltiel’s place and met you—with Azazel. As far as Angel blood goes, I’m full up right now.”

  “I see…” He took my hand, examining my thumbnail. “This also explains why you became so close with the Bound One. Your gentle heart, the intimate way you must now extract the needed fuel… No wonder Paltiel was so upset.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He summoned me to the Nether because he feared your duty as Witness was at stake… as well as your soul.”

  “My soul? But I—”

  “Yes, I am now in full agreement with the Angel you despise.” Uriel sort of winked at me then. “You, Jem, were definitely in need of some higher guidance.”

  “I don’t despise Paltiel,” I half mumbled. “Despise is a strong word.”

  “Strong, yes, but not incorrect. Now, come.” He tugged on my hand. “Let me lead you to your next intended destination.”

  “But… I thought that’s what you just did.”

  “We have yet to make it all the way. I wished to speak with you privately… And I did.”

  “Oh… Okay.”

  He smiled softly. “Now, come.”


  I tossed my boots toward the beige-painted wall and blew out a sigh of exhaustion as I collapsed back across the bed.

  “Ugh… Drella, you have no idea how relieved I was to run across you in Kastraki.”

  “It’s Kastoria now.”

  “Yeah, Kastoria. What in the world are you doing in Greece?”

  “My job, Pooh. You and I travel within pretty much the same circles, you know. All these ancient monasteries—of course I would pass through here. Seeking things, unearthing secrets, finding people… it’s what I do.”

  I snorted out a laugh. “Good thing you found me before I climbed all the way up to Megalo Meteoro and made a complete fool outta myself.”

  “Yeah. The monasteries around here won’t let you in without proper attire—women and men. Those jeans would have been a big fat No, Ladybug. That skirt looks nice on you, though.”

  I glanced down at the lovely flowing frock we had acquired at a local shop stall. “It’s beautiful, yes, but it definitely doesn’t go with these boots.”

  He chuckled. “True… Are you gonna keep it?”

  “I don’t know.” I shrugged my shoulders. “It’s not really Witnessing attire. I noticed the monks were passing out some long skirts to inappropriately clothed tourists today. I’ll probably just donate it to them before I leave.”

  “You hanging around for a while?”

  “Yeah. It’s gorgeous here, and I’ve got tons of reading to do. How about you?”

  “I will stay until you leave. You know that.”

  “Thanks.” I took his hand as he sat down beside me on the bed. “Did you see those paintings?”

  “The ones depicting the gruesome persecution of Christians by the Romans? How could I not?”

  “They almost made me cry. Definitely made my tummy hurt.”

  He only gently squeezed my hand via response.

  “Did you see how I got here?”

  “I wasn’t going to mention it unless you did. Is there a reason why an Archangel was escorting you?”

  “Paltiel told on me.”

  “Told on you for what?”

  “For being too friendly with Azazel.”

  “How much trouble did you get in?”

  “None… I don’t think. I’m not allowed to get blood from the Bound One anymore, though.”

  “So, how will you traverse the Nether?”

  “Hopefully I won’t have to.” I held up my tattooed hand. “This red ring represents a blood bond I now hold with Uriel. Until my death, he will be providing my needed fuel.”

  “Then… you’ll still have to deal with Paltiel.”

  “Only if Uriel is too busy to escort me where I need to go.”

  “Take care around him, Pooh. Archangels are not the most patient lot. They put up with zero nonsense.”

  “Yeah, I sorta figured that.” I sighed softly. “Yet, he was super sweet to me… gentle, even. Still… he had this air about him. Something fearful that tugged deep down in my gut. The Angel didn’t threaten me or anything. Like I said, he was extremely nice. It’s just… I bet he doesn’t give warnings.”

  “That would be a safe bet, Pooh. Keep things completely business-like with Uriel. There is no gray area with that Angel. It’s straight black and white—no reasoning, no whining, no coaxing. Got it?”

  “Got it.”

  “Does Azazel know?”

  “I don’t see how he could. Not unless Uriel went there and told him, and I just don’t see that happening.”

  “Me either.”

  “I had just refueled and was heading to Cairo. At least, that’s what I thought. Uriel was in the Nether when I got there. Paltiel had summoned him to complain about me. Uriel took over from there—brought me here. I never got the chance to tell Azazel.”

  “It’s for the best, Pooh.”

sp; “I know… but I feel like I lied to him. When I left, I promised I’d return. And I’m all but certain Paltiel won’t ever send me back down there, fuel or no.”

  “I agree.” Drella wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “I know it hurts a little right now… but I’m glad you won’t be returning to Azazel. I don’t trust him. And even though you can’t see it… you shouldn’t trust him either.”

  I just sighed and wrapped my arms around the man of my dreams, burying my cheek against his firm chest.

  “I bought you another little trinket today,” he whispered.

  I sat up. “Trinket? You mean treasure.” I giggled. “Are you trying to spoil me, Drell?”

  “Every chance I get.” He pulled a little box from inside his cloak. “I bought this while you were picking out that skirt.”

  I opened the lid and gasped. “Drella… it’s gorgeous.”

  He smiled as he lifted the chain and clasped the enameled tree of life pendant around my neck. “I know this is a silly question for me to ask an overzealous history professor, but you know what this represents, right?”

  “Well, that all depends on which culture you ask. The Mayans had a tree of life, as did the Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Egyptians, oh… and those handsome Nordic ancestors of mine.”


  “The Chinese have a tree of life they call the Immortality Tree. It has a dragon at the base of it.”

  Drella chuckled when my eyes sparkled as I mentioned dragon.

  “Kabbalah has a tree of life, and so do the modern-day spiritualists—”


  I turned to face him.

  “This one represents something far older than all of those.”

  I glanced down at the lovely bluish pendant with the sparkling little tree.


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