Desired By The Archangel: Book Two (Angel Paranormal Romance) (Braving Darkness 8)

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Desired By The Archangel: Book Two (Angel Paranormal Romance) (Braving Darkness 8) Page 2

by Scarlett Grove

  “I’ve shown you myself. You know now what it is like to be connected at this level. It will make it easier for you to teach your people.”

  “Michael, I don’t know what to say.”

  He kissed her slowly, then said, “Say nothing. Just feel. Just know. You are the sun and moon, you are the light of the universe, my darling.” He kissed her again, more deeply this time. Magda took a sharp breath as her angelic lover’s wings fluttered out of his back and enveloped her in an embrace.

  He wrapped his arms around her, picking her up, before he carried her through the quiet rooms to the bed. They’d been there for two days, sleeping in separate chambers. Michael placed her on the massive bed that was his own. Soft downy blankets met Magda’s back as Michael gently set her down.

  His wings bristled as he gazed at her and leaned over the bed. “Darling love,” he whispered before descending to kiss her fully on the mouth. Magda quivered, shivering with fear and longing. He’d shown her his world, his life, his inner being. She was ready for him. Still, her small human form had never made love before, not in the physical plane.

  “Do you want this?” he asked, caressing her cheek with the back of his long, smooth finger.

  “Yes,” she whispered, in a breathy voice. “More than anything.”

  Chapter Five

  He pulled his clothes from his body. They seemed to fall away effortlessly. His manhood stood erect and proud before her, its massive length and girth making her take a sharp breath in surprise. She pursed her lips and looked from his erection to his face. She knew she must have looked like a shocked little animal, helplessly trapped under a predator’s gaze.

  “I won’t hurt you, Magdalena,” he said as he began to remove her clothes. When he had her naked, he sat beside her, slowly caressing her body up and down. His hands felt like warm velvet on her skin.

  Michael climbed on the bed and lay beside her before he planted a gentle kiss on her waiting lips. His fingers played over her tender flesh. Magda felt the world warping and writhing as he slid his fingers between her damp thighs. She wanted him; even through the fear and doubt, she desired him as much as he desired her.

  When he felt her wetness he moaned against her mouth. The rhythm of his breathing increased as he pressed between her folds to tap her swollen bud. Magda gushed for him as he slid his tongue in her mouth. They kissed deeply, passionately, as they merged into one.

  Michael stroked her wet opening, his manhood pressed hard against her side. Her nipples pricked like little stones, begging to be sucked. As if by psychic awareness, Michael leaned down and took her nipple into his mouth.

  His fingers dipped into her channel as his tongue, lips, and teeth played with her breasts. She could feel the flood of desire rising in her core, pooling in her belly, ready to gush forth and claim her.

  Michael plunged his fingers in and out of her wetness, building her excitement until she was about to explode. Just on the edge of her release, he rolled on top of her and sank between her legs. Magda gasped as the spongy head of his hard shaft pressed at her opening.

  She groaned as he pushed forward through her slick folds. Her body wanted its release. She grabbed at his shoulders, clutching and grasping, trying to bring him closer, to make sense of the trembling need she felt inside.

  He slid further, stretching her channel to accommodate his massive size. “Are you all right?” he asked her. Her legs shook with fear and desire. She wanted him.

  “I’m good,” she said, panting. He kissed her neck as he slid inch by aching inch into Magda’s virgin core. He pressed her barrier, making her jolt with pain.

  “I’m sorry,” he breathed into her neck. She groaned as he thrust full force into her body, sinking to the base. She cried out. The awareness of him felt like fireworks blasting in the sky. She felt a rush as the knowledge of the fullness sank it.

  “Oh my God,” she moaned. He held still as she caught her breath before he began to slide back out. With a full thrust, he plunged back in. Magda moaned loudly, pleasure coursing through the pain. “Michael,” she gasped, clinging to him. “Michael…”

  He thrust in rocking waves, pushing her back toward the brink of climax. She groaned with each plunge, losing herself in the joy and pleasure of their connection. He kissed her neck, and her body exploded. She let out a long, keening moan as she came.

  He kissed her face and lips and neck as her body clenched his length. “You are so beautiful,” he said. “I adore your every sound, your every curve, your every gasp. You are perfect to me. I love you.”

  “I love you, Michael,” she declared. “I love you!”

  He smiled, showing his teeth as he pulled back to thrust harder. He held her hips as he took her. Magda was in full release, her orgasms cresting and waving with each motion of Michael’s hips.

  Her mind felt as big and vast as the sea. Her interconnection with Michael in the abandoned moments of lovemaking showed her the fragments of knowledge he’d shared before. She could grasp them like the fluttering pleasure of her sex. Everything became accessible and everything was perfect.

  All at once, Michael groaned and shot his seed with a heavy sigh. Hot jets of semen pulsed into her core, soaking around his manhood and dripping from inside her.

  He pulled away, leaving her wet and satisfied. Not only had she experienced sex for the first time, Magda now knew she existed on an elevated level of awareness. Was this what happened to every woman after her first time? No. It was more than that. She’d entered a place between the dimensions. Michael’s gift of himself, and the catalyst of his sexual power, had propelled her into evolution.

  She stroked his chest as he drew her onto him. “Darling,” he said into her hair. “You fascinate me. I could share my world with you for a hundred million lifetimes.”

  “Oh, Michael, you saw the most beautiful things.”

  She ran her finger down his chest, thinking of the first time they’d met. She’d thought he was a projection of her subconscious mind. Now that she’d been with him, she didn’t think even her subconscious could create a man so magnificent.

  Chapter Six

  Michael’s white robes fluttered around his strong legs as he walked the ancient hallways of the mothership. Apprehension rose in his belly. It had been a long time since he had felt any such emotion, but the reaction of the Council was not something that he could predict.

  He would not let Magdalena’s race go unprotected. He knew that they were ready, knew that they were ready for ascension into higher levels of being. He had been the closest to the human race all these last fifty thousand years. He knew them. He knew their capabilities and he knew that they were ready.

  The Council might believe that his mind had been clouded by his love for Magdalena. Let them. As they all knew and all continuously stated, love was the first law. Love with the law of the universe. His love for Magdalena was no less holy than the universal love that shone down on all of them, had created all of them, and flowed through each and every atom of every living being.

  He would convince the Council that the human race could legitimately be helped. They were ready to throw off their masters and grow into their full potential as an intergalactic species.

  The doors to the Council chambers slid open with a whoosh and Michael strode through confidently, holding his head high as he gazed at his fellow Council members. He took his place at the table and regarded the members of the Council of the Seventh House.

  “Michael,” said the council leader. “What news have you of Earth and the human creatures who live there?”

  “I have led a group who I believe is the key to the ascension of the human race to the cave within Mt. Shasta. Even now, they are learning to work with the computers and interfacing with the fourth dimension. Once this group of humans has had a taste of higher levels of reality, they will see clearly their own history. They will see that they have been willing slaves to the Anu. I believe this to the depths of my being. If I have any sway with this C
ouncil after fifty thousand years, you will help me.”

  “Michael, it isn’t that we don’t believe you. And it isn’t that we are behind you and with you. For indeed we are all one. But our prime directive stands. We cannot assist the human race against their masters until they have proved that the Anu are infringing on their free will. It remains unclear if the humans accept the Anu as their masters or if they have been manipulated and tricked into their enslavement.”

  “The Anu are master manipulators. To my knowledge this is not the first slave race they have created, and it is not the first slave race that we helped to liberate.”

  “But other slave races the Anu have created and manipulated into enslavement have fought back against their masters and had very obvious signs of discontent. The humans have not done that. Not to any substantial level. Not to a level substantial enough that we can intervene. They must be in agreement throughout the race and even now after the Anu destroyed their planet, they do not rebel. They behaved like mice in a maze, not like intelligent beings who realize what has been done to them.”

  “The Anu have perfected their tactics. The humans have no way of knowing what is happening to them.”

  “Oh, but they do. If the Anu had not been telling the human race that they were slaves all of this time, it would be against our prime directive, and we would be forced to intervene on their behalf. But the Anu continuously, even now, show the humans that they are slaves.”

  “I disagree,” said Michael, looking the head Council member in the eyes. “The way that the Anu reveal that they are slave masters is beyond the comprehension of the human mind. It is hidden. Disguised. Humanity has no way of picking up these cues. Those who have picked them up in the past have been relegated to what humans call conspiracy theorists. No one takes these people seriously.”

  “Be that as it may, Michael, humanity has the choice to see the truth or not. They choose to keep their eyes closed. If even a few among them can see what is happening, then all of them are capable of it. It is a choice, it is their free will, and we will not interfere with it.”

  “I will prove you wrong. The group from New San Diego who now reside in the cave in the Mt. Shasta will ascend. They will see the truth and they will spread the truth amongst their brethren. They will bring the rest of humanity into Ascension. They will create a critical mass that will bring every last human on the planet into the fourth dimension. There will be a revelation. Their eyes will be opened. They will see.”

  “Michael, the Council appreciates your passion and your zeal for the protection of your assigned planet. We would hope for no less. Every creature who exists in the universe deserves to grow to their full potential. And we can see that you are a champion of this race, but don’t let your affection for these people color your judgment. We cannot and will not go against their free will. And if their free will is to remain slaves, then they will remain slaves. We will not object to you helping them. With the ambiguity of the situation, we will allow for this level of interference. Hopefully, your work with the human race will clarify their position. Good work, Michael. May the light of the universe be with you.”

  Michael sighed heavily, feeling the weight of his responsibility like an iron weight on his chest. He nodded at the Council leader, knowing that all of her words were correct. The only way to gain the support and the help of the Council of The Seventh House would be to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the human race did not want to be enslaved.

  Chapter Seven

  Magda sat at the center of the meditation room surrounded by fifty shifters, dome kids, and witches. All sat placidly with eyes closed, breathing deeply in and out as their minds linked to each other and the massive computer that surrounded them.

  She could feel them coming closer, breaking through their limitations. The group hadn’t quite pushed through the barrier between their own minds and the collective mind within the fourth dimension. But they were coming closer every day.

  Magda could shift into the fourth dimension within the alien computer system that was so like The Program. But she had to hold back, she had to wait for them and lead them, and they were not quite ready.

  Something was missing—she could feel it. Some missing ingredient would push them farther than they had ever gone before. Perhaps it was time that they needed, but time was something they didn’t have.

  She knew that when she, Circe, and Cassie led the group together, they were even closer to breaking through. But the women had decided to take turns in leading the group because the group as a whole needed much more work than the three of them. And they couldn’t be at every single meditation circle. They would soon burn out, which wouldn’t help anyone.

  When she felt the group could take no more, she began to bring them back down to reality. She felt a wave of disappointment, knowing that they were so close yet still so far away from achieving their goal.

  As the participants for the daily meditation began to file out of the room, Magdalena stood and gathered her things. As the last member of the group filed out the door, she saw Michael walking towards her. She smiled at him, a warm glow growing in her belly as his eyes locked on hers.

  The overwhelming intensity of her love for him kindled like a hot coal in her heart. It took her breath away, and she gasped as he drew near. The towering god of a man took her in his arms and kissed her gently on the forehead.

  “I’ve been to see the Council. They are still not convinced. But they do not oppose my helping you and your group. This is your chance, my darling. I know that you will succeed.”

  Magdalena let an involuntary whimper escape from her throat. His words frightened her. How could she bear this responsibility? How could her leadership, her skills, and her strength be what stood between humanity’s destruction and salvation? It was all too much.

  She clung to his chest and looked up at him. A knowing look alighted his eyes, and he smiled gently. “You are stronger than you think, my dearest Magdalena. You have the power of the universe within you. You have only to access it. Come, let’s walk.”

  He took her hand and led her out of the meditation chamber, down a wide hallway, and through the front entrance of the cavern, where they stood looking out over the mountains. The wind whipped through their hair and clothes. She breathed in the crisp air as it blew up the mountain. It braced her and cleansed her thoughts.

  “What will convince the Council to help us?” she asked, her words nearly drowned out by the sound of the wind.

  “They need to see a critical mass of people oppose the Anu’s enslavement. I believe the only way to bring about that kind of revelation is to bring everyone into the fourth dimension. There, they will see everything more clearly. It will be easier for them to accept what has happened and to know what to do.”

  “I just don’t know if I believe they can do it. The shifters are not exactly touchy-feely granola hippies, if you know what I mean. Most of them were working-class, regular Joes before the war. If we could gather more witches or find the dryads, we might have a chance.”

  “Magdalena, you are looking at this the wrong way. It doesn’t matter what kind of people they were before the war. It doesn’t matter what kind of personalities they have now or if they are shifters, witches, or kids from the domes. What matters is here and now. We have the technology to collectively awaken this entire group. It is only a matter of time.”

  “I want to believe you, Michael, but I can’t help but feel like something is missing. Even with the computers helping, I haven’t been able to guide a single person into the fourth dimension.”

  “You need a critical mass. More people. You can’t conduct your meditation circles with anything less than the entire group. Every single soul who lives within the cave must come to every sitting.”

  Magdalena took a deep breath, shook her head, and looked away. The group from New San Diego was just getting used to having enough food to eat, hot showers, and warm beds. They didn’t want to sit in meditation all day
every day. Even with the comfortable accommodations, many of them didn’t want to stay in Mt. Shasta. Many wanted to explore the land below and create a settlement outside. They didn’t trust the alien technology. They didn’t understand what was happening.

  “I don’t know if that’s possible, Michael. I told you what these people are like. I don’t know a way around it.”

  “Talk to your friends Cassie and Circe. See what they have to say. You need to find more people. More than just this group. This group has to work harder. Magdalena, I’m not trying to overwhelm you. The fate of your world will be determined by the quality of your actions right now.”

  “No pressure or anything,” she scoffed, turning away. Irritation rose in her chest and she wanted to cry. She hurried down the hallway, her temper swirling just below the surface. Michael hurried after her. She could hear his footfalls in the hallway. He called after her, apologizing. But she didn’t want to talk to him. She couldn’t take this. She couldn’t take any of it.

  With tears streaming down her face, she stormed into her bedchamber and slammed the door. She fell face first onto her bed and screamed into the down comforter. After hitting the bed with her fists a dozen times, hitting and screaming as hard as she possibly could, she took a deep breath and sat back up.

  As she wiped the tears from her eyes, Michael walked through the door, looking apologetic. She groaned at him and sprang up from the bed, walking towards the other room. His big hand clasped her upper arm and gently turned her towards him. He held her by the shoulders and caught her eyes with his. His solemn expression made her feel instantly less angry.

  “Magdalena, please. I’m sorry. I’m only trying to convey to you the magnitude of the importance of your actions. I know you are young and unsure. But a lionhearted hero lies within you. Believe me. I can see it even if you cannot.”


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