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Romance: Pummel Me: A Boxing Romance

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by Courtney Clein

  He thought back to their night together. The way she cried out his name. The way her fists closed around his hair. The way her head rolled back as she moaned. The way she had felt when he was inside her.

  He thought about his career. MMA had been a huge part of his life. Back in high school and college, he had to wake up at 4am every single day. From 5am-7am he had his morning training. After classes, he trained till night. It couldn’t all be over. He had to make some sacrifices. It was his own foolishness he was paying for. Champions made sacrifices all the time. George Black had spent two whole years without seeing his children when he was training. Eva Evans had left her husband to make a career in MMA. These were his idols. If they could do it, so could he.

  He made up his mind. That night, he didn’t sleep a wink. He sat awake and Jules filled his mind; he hated every atom of his existence for what he was about to do.

  When Jules returned from San Diego, he went over to her apartment. He was greeted with the redhead throwing her arms around him in an embrace. He held her tightly, knowing it might be the last time he will get to hold her. His hand trailed down her back and her hips, feeling the curves, trying to memorize them.

  Jules pulled away. “You okay?” she asked frowning.

  “I missed you, that’s all,” Alex lied easily. He bent down to place gentle kisses on her lips. Jules seemed unsatisfied with his response but reciprocated his kisses.

  As conversation trailed to his upcoming tournament, Alex decided it was time. Jules had her head in his lap as they chatted.

  “Jules, there’s something I have to tell you.”

  She sat up and turned to face him, waiting.

  “The rankings came out yesterday. Our club has dropped to no. 2 because I didn’t show up to the last tournament.”

  Jules was quiet.

  “I’ve dropped to no. 4 myself.”

  “That’s…bad,” Jules said, struggling to find the words. “I’m sure there’s something you can do. Make a comeback at Manchester.”

  “That’s the plan.”

  “Good. Why are we worried then?”

  “Jules-” he took her hands in his. “Maybe we should take a break.”

  Her expression was extremely neutral.

  “You’re all I’ve thought about since I met you. You haven’t left my head for a second. Maybe I have been distracted. The rankings show it and I can feel it too. I’m not as focused as I was. And-”

  “Is this about your dad?” Jules asked quietly.

  “No. No no no. Jules, I’m not blaming you. It’s my fault. I should have- I should have-”

  “You should have what, Alex?” Jules said, withdrawing her hands from his. “You should never have kissed me that day? You should never have asked me out? You should never have gotten to know me? Which one is it, Alex?”

  Hating himself, Alex replied. “All three.”

  “So why did you come here?” Jules demanded. “Why didn’t you just tell me it’s over? Why make it harder than it already is?”

  “It’s hard for me too,” Alex replied, harshly. “Jules, I love you-”

  “Don’t,” Jules held out her hand. “Just don’t. I don’t want to hear it. If I’m such a distraction, leave me. Leave now.”

  “You’re not a distraction. I’m just an idiot, Jules. I should never have-”

  “I’ve heard enough,” Jules replied. “Leave me, Alex.”

  During the conversation, Jules has stood up. Her back was towards Alex now. He walked towards her, turning her around. Her eyes were bright but she didn’t shed a single tear. Alex was once again made aware of how strong she was.

  “I’m sorry, Jules,” he whispered. He felt his heart break seeing the hurt that Jules was trying to conceal.

  “I understand, Alex,” she replied. “Your career is important to you. I might have done the same in your place. You should listen to your father. Focus on your training. Win at Manchester. If having me out of your life will help you achieve your goals, I’ll gladly step out. It’s a pity that you consider me a hindrance rather than a support but that’s your call.”

  Alex was unable to formulate a reply.

  Jules reached up and touched his cheek. “Goodbye, Alex,” she said. And she disappeared into her room.

  Alex left her apartment soon after.

  Chapter 16 – Jules

  Jules punched the striking pad repeatedly as Donna counted her punches, shouting words of encouragement as she reached 100. She was so focused on trying not to think about the events that took place three nights ago that she almost lost track of time. Donna had to leave early to meet her coach so Jules was momentarily left alone. Slowly, she picked up her bag and made her way out of the club.

  Outside the club, she came face to face with Carlotta. Jules was exhausted but could come up with no excuse when Carlotta asked to talk to her. They walked to Jules’ car.

  “We’re in the same boat now,” Carlotta said, sounding sympathetic but happy.

  “What?” Jules said, throwing her bag in the back of the car.

  “Alex broke up with you. We’re in the same boat,” Carlotta repeated, happily.

  Jules laughed, wanting to tell her how far from the truth she was but unable to muster the energy for it.

  “Yeah, I guess,” she replied instead.

  “It’s alright,” Carlotta patted her on the back. “Alex is heartless. He does this to all girls he has been with.”

  Tired, Jules thanked Carlotta for her concern and excused herself. She didn’t have the energy to react any other way.

  The past three days had almost killed her. She had tried to focus on work, she had met her friends, gone to the bar, gotten drunk but none of it could remove Alex from her head. Wherever she went, whatever she did, the thought of Alex haunted her. She missed him more than she could say. She missed his playful kisses and delicate touches. She missed how he patiently corrected her punches when he was training her before Donna. She missed the way he used to listen so intently when she talked about her work, how he was always interested in what she had to say. She missed kissing him and feeling his strong, toned body. She missed the night they had made love. The way he had made her tremble with pleasure, the way he had kissed every inch of her body, the way he had comforted her when she felt uncertain. He had told her he loved her that night. She wondered if he had meant any of it. Thinking about Alex was too hard so she tried not to.

  Two weeks later, Donna and Alex flew to Manchester for their tournaments. Social media and an excited text sent by Donna told her that Alex won the tournament with more points than expected, bring his and his club’s rankings to no.1, even higher than they were initially. Jules was happy to hear that but tried to avoid any news on TV about their win.

  On the morning of her job promotion assessment day, Jules woke up suddenly at the sound of her alarm. The sun was shining through her curtains and she could hear the milkman talking loudly to her neighbors. Closing the alarm, Jules became aware of a sharp pain in her stomach. Cramps, she thought. It was the 15th of the month, almost time for her period. It was already two days late so the post menstrual cramps were almost a blessing.

  Before dressing for work, Jules found a strong painkiller. Today was a big day and she couldn’t let a stupid stomach ache ruin it. Driving to her office, she took care not to take the road that passed next to JnM MMA Academy, like she had been since they broke up. She didn’t want to see him and didn’t think she would be able to handle it if she did.

  The report and assessments for her promotion went brilliantly. Happiness engulfed her. The events that broke her a few days ago seemed less significant now.

  It wasn’t until evening that she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen again. Annoyed, she wanted to fix the pain so she can move on with her life. Phoning Sam, she asked him to make an appointment for her at the hospital where he worked. When she arrived, Sam was put in charge of her, like medical students frequently are. Jules explained her situation which made Sam frown.
  “You don’t normally get cramps during your period, Jules,” he said.

  “As if you would know,” Jules replied sarcastically.

  “You never stopped complaining about it when you did get cramps. And that was very rare,” Sam was talking more to himself than to her. “You said you’re late this month?”

  Jules nodded.

  “Are you and Alex having sex?”

  “We broke up a couple of days ago, Sam.”

  “When was the last time you had sex?”

  “A week before we broke up,” Jules replied.

  Sam was quiet. “I want to do a pregnancy test.”

  “Sam, I’m not pregnant,” Jules said. “If I have cramps, I’m obviously about to get my period.”

  “Cramping is also a sign of early pregnancy,” Sam said, waiving off her comments.

  Jules was suddenly filled with fear. What will she do if she was pregnant? She felt excited and scared at the same time. Sam performed the test and worked on the results. Jules sat on the bed, writing out a work related email on her phone.

  When Sam came back, he looked grim. “Positive,” he said, confirming her fears.

  Jules took a moment to absorb it. She should be happy but all she felt was a strange, hollow feeling. She was carrying her and Alex’s child. She wasn’t sure how she was supposed to feel about that. She had never considered having children let alone being a single parent. She vowed not to tell Alex. She couldn’t come across as weak or dependent.

  Sam was silent, waiting for a reaction. Jules looked at him, unable to form a coherent reply. He moved forward and held Jules. Tears sprang to her eyes for the first time since she broke up with Alex. Sam held her close as she cried, her head resting on his chest. She cried until she had no more tears left. Sam left work early to take Jules home.

  “You have to tell Alex, Jules,” Sam said once they were seated on the couch in her living room.

  “I’m not talking to that asshole ever again,” Jules replied.

  “He has the right to know,” Sam insisted.

  “He will care as little for the child as he cared for me,” Jules said with finality. “I’ll raise the child on my own. I’m stable enough for that.” Jules liked the prospect of raising the child on her own. She would love to have a daughter.

  If it was so easy for Alex to leave her, she doubted he would care about his child. And anyway, Jules didn’t want him to come back to her just because she was pregnant. Alex had hurt her, broken her and abandoned her. Nothing, not even a child, would make her forgive him for what he did. And Jules would never want him to be around her child.

  Sam stayed with Jules for a couple of hours. Jules had to promise him she’s alright repeatedly before he left, promising to return the next day.

  All alone, Jules picked up the phone and called her dad. She had told him about Alex when she visited him nearly three weeks ago. He had been extremely happy to see Jules content with her relationship. Jules wanted to introduce Alex to him when he came to visit her but she guessed that won’t he happening anymore. As soon as her father picked up, Jules felt tears welling again before she started speaking. She didn’t stop. For the first time since she and Alex broke up, she confronted her feelings properly. Her dad let her talk until she had no more words left.

  Chapter 17 – Alex

  Alex was distressed, unable to sleep. He did not remember the last time he had had a good night’s sleep. Twisting and turning, he finally gave up trying to sleep.

  His victory at Manchester had been a major turning point in his career. Sponsors were fighting with each other, bidding higher and higher prices in order to partner with him. Clubs from across the country were inviting him to join them and fight for their teams. Alex had a bunch of unread emails from partners and sponsors which he hadn’t opened. Yet all Alex felt was hollow. He remembered the blow he had thrown which had knocked his partner out. The winning blow. He remembered his dad’s face, proud and exuberant. Donna and other fighters from his club had surrounded him, congratulating him, patting his back, ruffling his hair. Alex had smiled but all he felt was exhaustion. Late that night, the only person whose smile and accolade he wanted was Jules.

  He had picked up his phone several times after his win, wanting to call her. Every time, he had failed. He had stopped eating properly and barely slept. His performance was deteriorating once again. He thought the Manchester win would make it worth it; would make the sacrifice of the love of his life worth it. But nothing could fill the hollow in his heart.

  Broken, he picked up the phone. It was 1am. He wondered if Jules slept or if she stayed awake too, thinking of him. He dialed her number, waiting for her to pick up. He didn’t know what to say. It didn’t matter though, because she didn’t pick up. Alex tried again. This time, Jules rejected the call so Alex knew she was awake. In a moment of weakness, Alex ended up calling her several times to no end. Finally, he gave up and fell into a restless sleep filled with red hair and green eyes.

  “Look at you,” Donna said the next day at the club. “What have you done to yourself?”

  “I’m fine,” Alex insisted.

  “Talk to Jules.”

  “After everything I did? No, Don. I can’t stoop that low. Jules doesn’t deserve this. She deserves someone better.”

  “Apologize, then.”

  “She deserves more than an apology.”

  “At least talk to her.”

  “I called her. She didn’t pick up.”

  “You called her? That’s it?”

  “How is it done, Donna? I don’t know how these relationships work. Help me.”

  “You’re an idiot,” Donna replied. “I’ll convince her to give you a chance to talk to her.”

  “Don, I’ll lose focus again.”

  Suddenly, Donna hit him across the head.

  “Ouch,” he protested, angrily. “What was that for?”

  “What the hell do you mean you’ll lose focus again?” Donna demanded. “As if you’re extremely focused right now.”


  “You didn’t lose focus. Your dad overreacted and you fell for it. Please stop being stupid, Alex.”

  “Jules won’t even talk to me,” Alex replied, rubbing his head miserably.

  “Leave that to me.”

  He looked at her warily but nodded.

  Chapter 18 – Jules

  Donna threw down the striking pad.

  “Love, are you okay?” she asked Jules.

  “I’m sorry,” Jules said shaking her head. “Let’s try again.”

  “No, let’s talk,” Donna said, sitting on the floor and beckoning Jules to join. The floor was padded with soft MMA mats.

  “Is everything alright?” Donna asked.

  “Everything is great. I got promoted, Don,” Jules said happily.

  “I’m really happy to hear that,” Donna said earnestly. Jules talked about her job for a while, feeling hollow inside the whole while. She had received the call yesterday. Mr. Parker had promoted her to Executive Brand Manager, increasing her salary and perks by two folds. Jules had felt extremely happy. She had been working for this promotion for half a year now and it felt good to finally achieve it. But late at night, Alex had called her repeatedly, shattering Jules’ happy bubble.

  “Alex told me tried to call you last night,” Donna begun, as if reading her trail of thoughts.

  “He did,” Jules confirmed.

  “And I don’t blame you for not picking up,” Donna said.

  Jules waited for her to continue.

  “Jules, I’ve known Alex since I was 10. We practically grew up together. Alex had never had a real relationship before he met you.”

  “So I’ve heard,” Jules said dully.

  “I actually thought Alex was incapable of feeling any real emotions. Casual flings were all he knew. It was amusing watching him fall for you so hard. I always told him one day he will meet a girl who will shatter his playboy demeanor. He always said I was wrong. So
I had a ‘told you so’ moment when he fell in love with you.”

  Jules smiled sadly at that.

  “I’ve seen the way Alex talks about you. He adores you. He absolutely adores you. It was such a nice change to see Alex completely heads over heels for someone. It’s normally the other way around.”

  Donna held her hand.

  “At the Manchester tournament, you should have seen him when he won. We expected him to be happy, to be exuberant. He wasn’t. That night, he picked up his phone about fifteen times to call you. He couldn’t bring himself to. I think he was expecting this win to make him forget you. But he was wrong. Alex has been so focused on his career that I think it scared him when he met someone who meant more to him than his career. He always put his training before everyone. He tried to push you away to find an explanation for why his priorities had changed. You came before everything. You still do.”

  “I don’t,” Jules shook her head. “He left me because he thought I was coming in the way of his training. He said he has lost his focus since he met me.”

  Donna rolled her eyes. “You have no idea how unfocused he is without you. Much more than he was with you.”

  Jules shook her head. “What do you want me to say, Donna?”

  “I’m not asking you to forgive him. But can you please talk to him once? Face to face?”

  Jules instinctively shook her head. She didn’t know if she would be able to handle it without breaking down. Just seeing his beautiful face might be too much for her.

  “Do it for me,” Donna said. “He’s broken without you. I want you both to find some closure. Talk to him once. Please.”

  She sounded so sincere that Jules reluctantly agreed. Bidding goodbye to Donna, she headed for Alex’s private training room.

  Chapter 19 – Alex

  Donna warned him beforehand. She sent a text, telling Alex the difficulty she went through to convince Jules to talk to him. She also begged him to be honest with her and to follow his heart.


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