Romance: Pummel Me: A Boxing Romance

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Romance: Pummel Me: A Boxing Romance Page 12

by Courtney Clein

  “So, Raul,” Chloe's father starts.


  “How long have you lived in Rio?”

  “Since the day I was born.”

  Chloe shovels her steak into her mouth, ignoring the look she is getting from her mother for being a pig. The night is going to end soon, and Chloe wants to get her fill before hightailing out of the hotel restaurant with Raul.

  “That must have been an intriguing upbringing,” Chloe's mother muses.

  “It was difficult, somewhat like what growing up in the bad part of Los Angeles is like. I lucked out and found swimming, so I didn't have a chance to turn out like my brother.”

  “So, Raul,” Chloe's father starts again.

  Chloe tries not to bang her head on the table at her father’s terrible conversation. An infant could have a better run at this than he is right now. Chloe reaches under the table and rubs Raul’s leg, letting him silently know she is ready to run with him.

  “Do you plan on having a relationship with my daughter? Or are you actually using her for sex?”

  Chloe spits out her red wine, mouth choosing to remain open afterward. Her mother has much the same look directed at her husband. Amazingly, Raul seems unfazed about the whole thing. That is just as alarming.

  “Your daughter is more than just a warm body. She is an amazing woman who chose to deal with my own problems and chose to let me deal with hers. Is it really difficult for you to believe that your daughter could steal the heart of a man who is her intellectual equal? Are you that narrow minded?”

  That would have been another wine spitting moment if Chloe wasn't too stunned to move. Chloe prepares herself to leave the dinner, pushing Raul in front to get away from her family.

  “I approve,” Chloe's father announces.

  “Your approval would not have mattered to me, only the thoughts of Chloe matter in this situation. I do respect your thoughts and interrogation.”

  The whole table remains silent while everyone grates their knife against the plates to cut the steak. Chloe looks up often to make sure her father and Raul do not actually begin a brawl.

  “I read that you have done well in your races. Congratulations,” Chloe's mother muses.

  “Thank you. The last one was all due to my team,” Raul says humbly.

  “That isn't true. As the anchor you pulled it out at the end. Japan would have had it if you hadn't been there,” Chloe chides.

  “I saw that race. It really was impressive, son,” Chloe's father chimes.

  Chloe feels herself relax as Raul and her father fall into easy conversation about all the swimming races so far. Her mother joins in with her own rapport on the races. Chloe just watches in amazement as she finishes off her steak. She did not expect the night to go so well.

  Dinner plates are taken away and a small cake is put in front of them all. Chloe digs into her cake, watching as the table laughs. No one notices that Chloe is no longer participating in any conversation, she is just sitting there with her cake.

  “Chloe, I am so happy you got robbed,” her mother laughs.

  “Well, besides being held at gunpoint, I am happy I got robbed, too,” Chloe smiles.

  Her eyes meet with Raul, and she feels the same sentiment emitting from him. That night made her want to give the asshole he was then a chance. People don't change, but first impressions can make or break a person, and they usually don't get a second chance.

  “I am happy you could protect my little angel,” Chloe's father declares.

  “She was doing great protecting herself. I was just her backup,” Raul says in pride.

  Chloe feels her cheeks heat up in embarrassment and her smile grow too big for her face. A guy, unfortunately, has never said something as sweet as that to her before, complimenting her ability to take down an attacker and protect herself.

  The dinner and dessert ends with everyone laughing and Chloe's father charging it all to his room. Chloe has a feeling it was a really expensive dinner, but it will totally be worth it.

  “It was a pleasure to meet you, Raul,” Chloe's mother glows.

  “I was happy to know my daughter finally picked a great guy,” her father chuckles.

  “You had a lot of faith in me, didn't you dad?” Chloe breathes under her breath.

  “Thank you for the meal tonight. I plan to buy our next one together as a group,” Raul declares.

  Chloe is stunned. Raul actually wants to do another one of these. She barely pays attention to the goodbyes and getting into the cab. Raul is staring at her, waiting for something.

  “What would possess you to want to have another dinner with my parents? Did that fancy wine go to your head?”

  Raul laughs at Chloe, making her a little angry.

  “There's that tongue. Where did it go tonight?”

  “Out the open window with my mind when you blew my parents away with your outdated charm.”

  “It is not outdated. Besides, I was a complete gentleman who your father approves of. We have plans to golf while he is here.”

  “When did you make those plans?”

  “While you were zoned out just three minutes ago,” Raul holds back his laugh.

  Chloe rolls her eyes and lays her head on Raul’s shoulder. He could very well be a man she falls in love with if she doesn't pay attention.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The chlorine smell overwhelms Chloe's sense as she slices through the water, beating the tired Raul. Chloe smiles in the water at the man trying to race her and failing miserably.

  Chloe switches to a more relaxed stroke and gives Raul a chance to catch up to her. There is only about a full pool round left before Chloe reaches her finish mark, and she is going to enjoy listening to the labored breathing of Raul.

  The meters go by fast, and Chloe finishes her practice, looking back at the exhausted Raul coming up next. Chloe smiles at him as he makes it to the pool edge.

  “You are truly spectacular,” Raul concedes.

  “I told you not to race me. I told you that you would lose. Did you listen? Nope.”

  Chloe pulls herself from the pool and helps Raul out, too. He winces when he lifts his arms over his head and shakes them out. Chloe does some stretching herself while she walks over to her bag. Chloe throws a towel at Raul and uses another to dry herself off.

  Once the swimming caps come off, Chloe starts to relax again. Her sore muscles are ready to go the day after. She imagines her victory over Natalie and everything feels right in the world.

  “What are you thinking about?” Raul asks.

  Chloe turns around and sees Raul pulling off his own cap and goggles, his hair mussed from both. Raul smiles at Chloe, making her heart beat quickly in her chest.

  “How I am going to take a medal home to Minnesota,” Chloe gloats.

  “You aren't thinking of how glorious I look right now?”

  “Well that is something to smile about, too,” Chloe admits.

  Raul reaches out for Chloe, and she walks over to him. It is comfortable in his arms, but after wearing her constricting suit for nearly three hours she is ready to change into regular clothes.

  “Raul, how about we give each other massages back at my place?” Chloe asks.

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  Raul and Chloe break apart and head off to their separate locker rooms. Chloe lets the water from the shower run over her body, clearing away the chlorinated water and giving her a fresh feel. Her heart beats fast knowing that their massage session will turn into something more later.

  Chloe shuts off the water and changes out of her suit into a pair of workout shorts and an oversized tee shirt. She slips on her flip flops and stuffs everything else back into her bag.

  Raul is waiting for Chloe outside of the locker rooms, his hair totally messy from where he no doubt dried it. Chloe smiles at him and grabs for his hand. Raul moves his hand just out of reach and throws it over her shoulders instead.

  “Shall we avoid the metro?” Raul

  “I dare say that in daylight we will be safe,” Chloe replies.

  “Metro it is,” Raul decides.

  The couple heads out of the building and toward the metro entrance, keeping their eyes on the surroundings. There is no suspicious activity as they board the train that just arrived.

  Raul places Chloe on a seat and stands in front of her. She continues to watch him, enthralled with his sharp jawline and mocha-toned skin. Raul catches her and flashes a bright white smile.

  “If it wasn't for swimming, where do you think you would be right now?” Chloe asks.

  “Probably dead,” Raul answers. “It was really dangerous in my neighborhood, and there was a gang war happening. What about you?”

  “Still in Minnesota doing my day job. It didn't really turn my life in another direction like it did for you.”

  “It brought you here, though. Brought us both here.”

  The train comes to a stop, and Raul helps Chloe off. They head back up to the street level and toward the Olympic Village. Chloe has a firm grip on Raul’s hand as they walk up to her building. She catches Raul yawning next to her and fights her own.

  The way up to the room feels like it takes longer as Raul continues to yawn on. Chloe finally lets one of her own go and leans her head against his arm. The doors open, and the couple heads to Chloe's room, where Chloe unlocks the door.

  “You get yours first,” Raul declares.

  Chloe nods and climbs onto her bed, stomach down. Raul sits down next to her and starts at her shoulders, kneading his hands around and down her back. Chloe is moaning softly as her muscles are relaxing under his hard touch.

  The touch gets lighter and lighter, then finally it stops. Chloe flips over and finds Raul asleep in a sitting position. She moves her way around Raul and pushes him down onto the bed. He just mumbles under his breath.

  Chloe laughs at the sight of Raul sleeping soundly in her bed after she beat him in a race. She pulls out her phone from her bag and snaps a photo of Raul.

  Chloe nearly dies laughing when Raul lets out a snore and begins speaking in Portuguese. Chloe then shifts her phone to video and records the man talking in his sleep. After she has a few minutes of his sleep talk she sends it in a message to Kylie.

  There is an immediate reply of a set of laughing emojis. Chloe stifles another yawn before climbing into bed with Raul. His arm instinctively hugs her into him. She settles in and lets the deep sleep drift over herself.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chloe lets the cool water wash over her body as she slices through the water. She times her breathing around her strokes, making sure to stay focused on her own skills and not those around her.

  The waves crash over Chloe, making it hard to stay on track. Chloe looks up to see her kayak keeping time with her, watching to see if she is in distress. Chloe thinks back to her practices and counts out her next couple strokes, letting some other muscles take the forefront for a little while.

  Something briefly touches her leg before yanking it backward. Chloe takes a gulp of saltwater and loses her focus for a few seconds. Another swimmer pulls in front of her, and Chloe knows that she was purposely pulled back.

  Chloe works twice as hard and pulls just a little in front of the other swimmer again. The finish mark is just further up ahead, and Chloe does not want to lose this one to a cheater.

  Picking up the pace, Chloe pushes that much further ahead. The cheering from the crowd can be heard as Chloe nears closer and closer to the finish. Chloe breaks through and finishes the race. She looks up to see that she came in third and just won the bronze medal.

  All the winning swimmers are hugging each other and Chloe has tears stoning at her eyes. She accomplished a dream she had. Chloe never even expected herself to medal, let alone get a bronze.

  “Good job,” Natalie says from behind Chloe.

  Chloe turns around and smiles at Natalie.

  “You too,” Chloe chimes.

  “Sorry I pulled you a couple times,” Natalie admits.

  “It was just more of a challenge for me. You helped me prove that I am going strong. It was nice racing with you again, Natalie.”

  Chloe turns away and heads onto the beach. Raul, Kylie, and her parents are sitting there waiting with the flag and signs. Chloe's mother and Kylie are both ready eyes and Raul has the biggest smile ever plastered on. Chloe runs straight to Raul first. He hugs her close for a second before releasing her to her family.

  “My little girl has a medal,” Chloe's father sings out.

  “You did it, Chloe,” Kylie screams.

  “I am so proud of you, honey,” Chloe's mother whispers behind her tears.

  “Thank you, all of you, so much,” Chloe manages.

  The speakers are calling for the racers to head to the podium, and Chloe turns to leave. Raul stops her first and swoops in for a deep kiss. Chloe feels herself go weightless for a moment as Raul congratulates her.

  “Go get your medal,” Raul commands.

  Hope turns away and heads to the podium. She goes through the pomp and circumstance, getting her medal and flowers. Finally, the National Anthem plays and Chloe puts her hand over her heart. She lets her tears of joy fall down. This is a moment she will never forget, even in her old age.

  The ceremony ends with all three medaled swimmers hugging each other and taking pictures. Chloe keeps her eyes on Raul and her family. They are discussing something deep, and Chloe is curious about how well they are really getting along.

  “Chloe,” Kylie calls out.

  Kylie rushes at Chloe and brings her in for another hug. She starts jumping up and down, celebrating with her best friend.

  “We are going out tonight,” Kylie declares.

  “I was thinking of spending it with Raul,” Chloe admits.

  “You still can, but I want to buy you a drink to celebrate. Please? Just for an hour?”

  Chloe nods and receives a squeal of joy from Kylie. Raul saunters over with the flag and drapes it over her shoulders. Before he can say anything, Chloe shoves her flowers to Kylie and gives Raul a kiss.

  Just before the race he told her to focus on nothing but the water and to not think of anything but winning. She did, and now she has a bronze medal to prove it. Raul needs the proper thank you as well.

  The couple only ends their kiss after a cough from Chloe's father.

  “I thought, after Chloe changes, we could all go get dinner tonight,” Chloe's father interjects.

  Murmurs of assent go throughout the group as they move along. Chloe holds onto Raul's hand and leans her head against his shoulder.

  “Thank you, Raul,” Chloe whispers.

  “It was all on you,” Raul responds.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The moon is the only light on the beach as Raul leads Chloe along the shoreline. He is holding onto Chloe’s hand and swinging it as they walk. Chloe is smiling out to the water that brought her to her victory just a few days before.

  “Chloe, I think we need to talk,” Raul says.

  Chloe looks over, feeling like her heart is about to break at the thought that this could very well be the end of her relationship with Raul. She releases his hand and moves to stand in front of him, ready to plead her case that they should give it all a shot.

  “I think,” Raul starts, “that we should keep this going.”

  Chloe’s plan goes out the window. A smile spreads its way across her face as she nods along. Before Raul can really read her face, Chloe turns around and starts walking again.

  “Of course we were going to keep this going. Did you think that after spending all this time with you that I would just go and give up on the first real relationship that I have had in years?”

  Raul watches Chloe’s back as she walks on, and Chloe can feel his gaze. She swings her hips a little more to catch his attention, and it works. Raul comes racing down the beach and hugs onto Chloe from behind.

  “You are a sneaky one,” he whispers.

  “I was hoping the whole time that you wouldn’t end things here.”

  Raul spins Chloe around and makes her look at him. He touches Chloe’s chin lightly, rubbing his knuckles along her jawline.

  “Did you really think that I could just give up on everything that we started building? You are actually the first girl I have ever felt true emotion toward.”

  “Even that first day on the beach?” Chloe asks.

  “Are you going to hold that against me for the rest of our lives?”

  “Is there going to be a rest of our lives?”

  “That will only happen if you play your cards right and love me everyday,” Raul declares.

  “You just had to bring up that word,” Chloe mocks.

  “Of course.”

  Raul stares at Chloe expectantly. She knows that he wants her to tell him that she loves him, but Chloe just wants to watch him worry for a little bit, making him be the first one to tell her the he loves her.

  “Are you going to say it?” Raul impatiently asks.

  “Say what? Perhaps you are asking me to say how wonderful the breeze tonight is or how happy I am to be an Olympic medalist.”

  “I get it, Chloe,” Raul concedes, “I will say it. Chloe, I love you and probably have since I saw you pick up that gun and rescue us all.”

  Chloe beams a huge smile at Raul before giving him a quick peck on the lips. She pulls back quickly and looks down at the sand.

  “It’s my turn,” Chloe whispers, “to say that I love you.”

  “Since when?” Raul gasps.

  “Since you looked at me with your deep brown eyes at the police station.”

  Raul pulls Chloe back to him, hugging her closely.

  “Too bad we won’t be able to tell our children it was love at first sight,” Raul laughs.

  “Who says we are having children together?”

  “Considering you are a teacher; chances are you like kids.”

  “That doesn’t mean I want to raise my own mini, arrogant, Brazilian children. Do you know how many gray hairs I would develop?”


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