Darklands 02 - Something Wild This Way Comes

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Darklands 02 - Something Wild This Way Comes Page 19

by Autumn Dawn

  "Good." The last thing she wanted was a bunch of strangers staring at her.

  He looked quizzical for a moment, then grinned. "I forget you're not the typical lady. Many I know would be greatly offended at being virtually ignored."

  She shrugged. "If I'd wanted the media's attention I would have moved to Hollywood. Let's go. I'd like to sit on something that doesn't move."

  Mathin hadn't been kidding. They drew very little notice from the harvesters as they rode in, save for one man.

  "My lord." An older man, well past middle age but not yet frail, approached their party as they rode toward the citadel gates. His frosted hair hung to his shoulders, the strands gleaming in the pre-storm light. A neatly trimmed beard clung to his strong jaw. "I'm glad to see you came so quickly." As if undecided, he looked over his brown clad shoulder, frowned. "I think this is important enough I can spare a few minutes to speak with you."

  Mathin dismounted. "Speak while you work. My wife and I will join you, though she won't be able to help. She's been ill." He signaled for Raziel to take their party into the citadel, leaving two men behind, ostensibly to help, but also to provide extra protection for Andrea.

  "I'll help, too," Matilda put in, jumping from the wagon. "I've always loved harvest time."

  The interested look she cast at the overseer put a frown on Raziel's face, but he led the men into the citadel anyway. Mathin knew he'd be back the moment they were settled. He put his arm on Andrea's shoulders. "Andrea, this is our overseer, Tomlin. Tomlin, my lady wife and partner, Andrea."

  Something shifted in the depths of Tomlin's eyes, a reaction too quickly squelched for Andrea to peg. Wary of it, but willing to be polite, she extended her hand to shake.

  Tomlin took it and placed a perfunctory kiss on the back, dropping it swiftly after.

  "And this is Andrea's elder, Matilda," Mathin continued, not surprised by Tomlin's disinterest. For all practical purposes Andrea's pheromone had been tamed, and it would take time to convince the people here that he held her in higher esteem than his father had held his mother.

  Offended by Tomlin's treatment of Andrea, Matilda merely nodded at him.

  Unfazed, Tomlin led the way to a hedge of orange, shiny fruit and began loading them into the half-full basket. Matilda claimed another basket and Andrea moved to help her.

  Mathin took her arm and frowned.

  "I'm fine," she assured him. "The nap did me good, and I'd like to help."

  Reluctantly, he released her. "As you wish, but if you feel the slightest bit ill...."

  "I'll tell you," she promised, and got to work.

  "Your father's brothers and your cousins have argued for some time over who should succeed you should you die without issue." Tomlin looked at Andrea as he picked and raised his brows.

  "Not yet." Mathin said quietly. He would not have Andrea pressured into an attempt to conceive.

  A grunt expressed Tomlin's thoughts on that. "Pity. One of your more hot-headed cousins has stepped forward to assume the roll. Although no one's officially endorsed his claim, none have refuted it. He's made much noise about assuming your duties in your absence. We expect him to at least make a show here before the storms hit."

  "Do you?" Mathin asked, very softly.

  Instead of backing down, Tomlin looked him full in the face. "There were some who doubted you'd come, but I sent for you. It's fortunate for us all that you came before he got entrenched."

  "You could not have closed the citadel against him? Are you not my caretaker?" The conversation was making Mathin angrier by the minute. How difficult was it to enter the citadel, lock the gate and raise the shield?

  "By myself?" Tomlin stared at him in challenge. "Your father left the people with a bad taste for the lordship, and you never stayed to change it. For all they know you carry his seeds, just waiting bloom. Don't expect an overseer to change what only you can do."

  Andrea froze. Mathin was so still, he might have been carved of ice.

  "No time like the present," Mathin finally said in a dangerous tone, his temper barely in check. He walked away.

  Andrea watched him walking down the lane of bushes and trees, seemingly intent on inspecting the picker's progress. Concerned for him and disliking Tomlin's attitude, she demanded, "What does his father have to do with anything?"

  Tomlin wouldn't look at her. "You'll have to ask him, milady."

  Fat chance, at least not without knowing more of the details. With a sigh of frustration she resumed picking. At least she'd be sleeping in a decent bed tonight.

  Or not.

  "What a dump." She hadn't meant to say it aloud, had even muttered it under her breath, but Mathin whipped his head around and glared.

  "Sorry!" She put her hands in the air, palms out to pacify him. Even so, now that the words were out, she might as well express her opinion. "I know you said no one's been in charge here since your sister took off last year, and it looks like it's been vandalized."

  The spacious hall was a disaster of chipped stone tiles and broken glass from the high, narrow windows. Runes had been painted onto the walls. She might not be able to read them, but if they were anything like the graffiti back home, she wasn't missing much.

  Debris crunched under her feet as she made her way to the hacked up table and smashed chairs. She was no expert, but even she could tell the slashes were fresh. Besides, it didn't take a genius to note that the rotten, crusted remains of food scattered around and crawling with insects was semi-fresh. Maybe four days old? "Someone had one heck of a party."

  "And forgot to use the facilities," Matilda added with disgust, wrinkling her nose at the stench of stale urine. "It's going to take charcoal to lift the smell out of this mortar."

  "It's worse than that," Raziel reported grimly, striding into the hall. "The bedrooms are just at bad--all thirteen of them. Every scrap of food in the storerooms is ruined, the chimneys are blocked, water pipes broken ... I think the only thing in the citadel left untouched is the force field generators. Someone was very determined to starve us out."

  Swearing, Mathin turned away. His wife flinched when she caught sight of his glowing golden eyes, further fouling his mood. "We have what? Two week’s worth of supplies with us, maybe days before a storm whips up out of nowhere, and at least a month before it's marginally safe to venture far enough to hunt." Nor was it safe--or wise--to go back. No telling who would be in the citadel when he returned.

  "There'll be a small tithe from the harvest today. The rest had already been stored in here," Tomlin was unwise enough to point out.

  Near ready to strangle him, Mathin fingered the hilt of his sword. Tomlin had more than proved his incompetence. "We will go hunting," he said in a soft voice, eyes narrowed to slits. "And I will purchase extra animals from the village and what supplies can be had. Andrea." His tone softened a bit as he looked at her. "Stay near to Raziel while I am gone, and those he puts in charge of you. It's not safe to wander around. You, too, Matilda." He sent a disgusted look at the mess around him. "And I hate to ask it of you, but could you see to fixing what you can here? There might be young women in the village for hire. Sort through them and find ones you can work with." The fire had begun to fade in his eyes, until he took a step and something squished under his boot. Instantly the flame was back.

  Without another word, he turned and stalked away, several Haunt falling in behind them.

  A little miffed that he didn't say good-bye, even though she understood his temper, Andrea placed her hands on her hips and surveyed the mess. "Cleaning supplies, Tomlin?"

  He glared at her. "I've clearly been dismissed, milady. You'll have to ask someone else."

  He left.

  "Did I miss something here?" she demanded, wondering what his problem was. Mathin hadn't said a word about firing him.

  "Mathin gave his duties to you," Raziel supplied, nudging a chunk of plate aside with his boot. "I doubt he could have been plainer."

  Shaking her head, Andrea went in sear
ch of a broom.

  "Where are you going?"

  Puzzled, she halted and looked him. "I've got to get something to clean this up."

  He slowly shook his head. "I don't think you grasp the scope of your new duties, Andrea. You've got far too much to do to finish by yourself, and Mathin never meant for you to be down on your knees scrubbing. We'll go to the village, hire girls with mops, buy supplies and return here so you can take a tour and see what else needs to be done."

  Since he seemed to know more of what was expected than she did, Andrea meekly followed him into the village, doing most of the talking at his insistence. Soon she had four girls and a strapping young man marching off to the castle to battle the chaos under Matilda's supervision.

  "You're going to have to advise me here," she told him as they looked over the "yak" pens. The sheep-sized creatures milled about, completely unaware of their future as dinner guests. "I have no idea how many we need or how much to pay." She frowned. "For that matter, Mathin didn't leave any money."

  He shook his head. "You've got to make yourself known now as a woman who knows what she's doing and has the authority to do it." He named an amount she should pay for each animal and explained how to barter to achieve it.

  Reluctant but resigned, she strode up to the man in charge of this particular pen and began to haggle.

  An hour and a thirteen yak-beasts, twenty domesticated birds and something she dubbed a hippo-cow later, she headed back to the citadel, feeling much more confident. Shopping wasn't all that bad with Raziel along to give her pointers. Too bad he seemed to regard it as annoying as having teeth drilled. One thing she wondered, though. "How come you guys have this cow thing here, but Jasmine said the Haunt had no dairy animals?"

  "They don't at Jayems' citadel or anywhere else, for that matter," Raziel explained, his eyes searching the wooded path for danger even on the short walk back. "The milk beast is very stupid, it's milk quite sweet. Not many Haunt tolerate them or care drink their secretions. This province is unique in that."

  "Their secretions? You have a way with words, Raz."

  "Thank you, And."

  Shooting him a sly glance, she asked, "Would you let Matilda call you that?"

  His eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Do you care?"

  Aware what he really was asking was whether she objected, she shrugged. "It's none of my business, and I'm curious anyway. How's that for an answer?"

  A touch of anxiety entered his expression. "She was angry about the return of her youth. She loved your grandfather very much, has been lonely without him. She cursed the extra years she'd have to live before she could be with him again."

  Andrea paled. "I didn't know," she whispered. Matilda rarely spoke of her Grandpa Bob, and she'd never mentioned anything about loneliness. Guilt swamped her. Worse, Raziel's obvious distress over the situation opened her blind eyes. "You like her a lot, don't you?"

  His jaw tightened. "I dislike competing with a dead man."

  She could sympathize. "Still, I think she likes you."

  "Do you?"

  She had his interest now. Waving a confident hand in the air, she said, "Sure. No woman makes such a fuss over a guy she could care less about. You rattle her. Besides," she confided in a low tone, "ever since she got back her youth I've noticed her checking out your butt."

  The Haunt to either side of them coughed.

  Bronze glowing at his checks, he muttered, "Do me a favor and stop trying to whisper. I have yet to see it work."

  "Sorry." She grinned, only half-repentant. Raziel and Matilda would be good for each other, and it was fun to tease him. "So will I be calling you Grandpa?"

  He choked.

  "And how are you at changing diapers?"

  Looking dazed and more than a little cross, he walked faster. "You'd better hope Mathin gets back before I decide to beat you, wench."

  "Tsk." She laughed, but decided not to tease him anymore. He really did look miffed, but she couldn't help being happy at the prospect of watching romance bloom.

  The giddiness faded a bit as she reentered the hall and was reminded of the work yet to be done.

  "Milady! You must come look at this." A frantic young woman in braids ran up to her, gripping her skirt in her hands. "The pantry is crawling with vermin and beetles. Everything is spoiled!"

  "How big are the beetles?" Andrea asked warily. If it was anything bigger than an Oreo cookie she wasn't going to touch it.

  "Feeder beetle larva!"

  Andrea felt herself turn green. "Um, why don't you get that brave young man over there to help you? It doesn't sound like the sort of trouble a woman ought to wade into alone."

  Clearly relieved, the girl went to commission help.

  "Ready for the inner gardens?" Raziel asked, smiling slightly at her reaction to the bug news.

  "Why not?" It can't be worse."

  True, there were no big maggots in the one acre garden, but it was choked with weeds, and except for a few beds of perennial vegetables and the fruit trees and vines trained against the walls, it had not been planted.

  She cupped a scaled fruit in her hand and weighed it on the vine. "At least this fruit looks okay. We'll have to muck out the kitchens in record time and process what won't keep. Do we have enough fuel for the kitchens and power system?"

  "Good question. I'll check and deal with it," Raziel volunteered.

  The weedy stone paths and wild beds drew her attention next. "Some of this stuff seems to have re-seeded itself. I think we can prune some of it back and still use it. Do you think there are any plants left in the gardens and fields outside that we could dig up and transplant in here? And fertilizer ... we'll need to find the tools...." Muttering to herself, she went in search of something to write her ever-growing list on.

  * * * *

  By the time she sat down to a simple dinner of stew and flatbread with Matilda and Raziel, she was almost too tired to eat. Matilda wasn't much better. They'd put in a hard day cleaning up the worst of the citadel, making it livable if not cozy. New bedding covered the two mattresses they'd been able to scrounge up, with more promised for delivery over the next several days. Jell candles lit the table, since the lighting system still wasn't repaired. Even the table was only a make-shift affair, nothing more than a couple of wide planks propped on boxes. More crates served as seats.

  Mathin still hadn't come home.

  It wasn't very good, but Andrea finished her stew anyway, too hungry to worry about it. With luck she could find someone with a little more talent to cook tomorrow. Unfortunately she had far too much to do to even think about doing it herself. The best she could likely do was a quick tour of the kitchens before she had to see to the gardens. Now that the cellars and pantries had also been cleaned out they'd need to be restocked.

  Andrea closed her eyes and rubbed them with the heels of her palms. "How would you like to be chatelaine, Grandma?"

  Matilda raised a brow, smiled slightly. "Would I be doing less work than I already am?" She fed Lionheart, who sat in her lap, another tidbit. "I'm sure it will be easier as soon as we get this mess under control. Just think of it as housekeeping on a grander scale."

  Andrea groaned. "My dream come true. Housekeeping. Hah! I feel like I'm running the Windsor Hotel."

  "You're just tired," Matilda said with sympathy. "Go on up to bed. I'm sure Mathin will be home soon. Wait for him someplace comfortable."

  Good advice. Collecting Lionheart, Andrea mumbled a good night and trudged up the stairs.

  The room she'd chosen was the largest available, easily big enough to accommodate a massive bed and a couch, presently stripped of cushions. Steps led up to the high frame, and she dearly hoped she wouldn't tumble out. The curtains on the deep, wide windows leading to the balcony she left open, unwilling to let Mathin stumble in the dark when he came in.

  With a groan of satisfaction she climbed under the covers, snuggled Lionheart to her tummy, and shut her eyes.

  Sleep didn't come right away. I
n spite of her exhaustion the strangeness of her surroundings pulled at her. It would have been much easier had Mathin been there. The knowledge troubled her. When had he become home?

  The silence cocooned her, shut out distractions. Memories tumbled in her mind, then sorted into a logical progression as she examined them. Yes, there it was. Why hadn't she seen that even when she'd been angry with Mathin for tricking her into the Darklands, she'd looked to him for comfort? Even Matilda hadn't made her feel that way, so it ruled out mere familiarity, though it had to be a part of it. He'd been in control of the situation, protective of her from the first. No one, not even her mother, had ever done more.

  He was a very special man, and he'd married her. Sworn he wanted no other. Tears pricked her eyes. Maybe it was time she grew up and stopped holding out.

  She loved him back, had probably from the first, and all along she'd been afraid to admit it. At first it was fear that he wouldn't care in return. Later it was wariness of what she was getting him into. After that ... she was ashamed to discover it had been a need to control keeping her silent. If she didn't say it, it was almost as if the entire situation wouldn't be quite real, and she could keep something back, protect her heart. She snorted at her logic. The Darklands and the Haunt were no dream. How much more real could she get?

  A smile curved her lips. Knowing Mathin, he'd toss her over his shoulder and drag her back "home" if she ever tried to leave him. He wasn't the type to suffer in silence and bemoan his fate. No, he'd hunt her down and make love to her until she couldn't see straight for ecstasy, then make her promise never to run away again. Just the thought made her want to--

  The door creaked open. She sat up. "Mathin?"

  "It had better be." He sounded tired and out of sorts.

  Andrea relaxed. "You must be exhausted. Can I get you anything?"

  He sighed and crossed to the window, shut the drapes. "A clean bed and a good night's sleep." Rustling sounds came as he undressed.


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