Darklands 02 - Something Wild This Way Comes

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Darklands 02 - Something Wild This Way Comes Page 26

by Autumn Dawn

  An extremely dubious frown was her reward for that brilliant idea. "No, he couldn't, if I were going, which I'm not. Especially not wearing a dress. Do you realize how hard it is to walk in those things? And don't even consider riding in one."

  "Small price to pay to look good for a night." Leo needed this, and Andrea was going to see she got it. "Besides, it's not as if you have to start wearing one on a daily basis. Shock value counts for a lot."

  Leo shot a gulp of her beer. "I don't doubt that," she muttered. She tipped her glass to Andrea in warning. "But I won't do it."

  Andrea gave Leo her best gangster grin. "We'll see."

  * * * *

  The next morning, well before the party was to begin, Leo presented Mathin and Andrea with a copy of her notes and sketches. "A gift," she said simply.

  Mathin was more excited than Andrea would have dreamed possible. "Do you know how much I've always wanted something like this?" he demanded of Leo, his eyes glued to the pages. "It's almost impossible to get any information on the Beasts in the Darklands."

  Leo and Andrea exchanged pleased looks.

  "Wait a minute." His brows furrowed as he stared at the page. "I've seen this picture somewhere else, only...."

  Both women leaned over his shoulder to see what had him so interested. It was a night scene with a sphinx in the background and two lovers entwined by a fire. Just the sort of thing, Andrea thought with amusement, that would have caught Mathin's eye. The only thing was, instead of three moons in the night sky there was--

  "One moon." Andrea sucked in a breath. "Where did you see this picture, Mathin?"

  He regarded her solemnly. "In Fallon's library, on Earth."

  Leo froze. The light of a zealot flashed in her eyes. "Can you get it for me?" Her whisper shook with suppressed emotion.

  "It will take time, but yes." His eyes moved back to the picture. "Depend on it."

  Drunk on euphoria, Leo was an easy victory, Andrea thought smugly as she viewed Leo in new dress later. Actually it had been hanging in her closet, right next to more than one lovely creation--gifts of Shelarah's--but since she was fairly certain it had never been worn it fit the definition of new to her. Looking at her far-away gaze and lost smile, Andrea doubted that Leo was even aware of her outfit.

  And a lovely outfit it was. Russet on gold silken material fell from on of Leo's shoulders to the golden sandals on her feet. A dark red sash edged in gold and tasseled on the end emphasized her slim waist, and the skirt was split at the side to show off the straight, cinnamon skirt underneath. Her blond hair had been intricately braided with matching ribbons and piled on her head. Andrea hardly knew her, she looked so lovely. Scy was going to be impressed.

  In spite of himself.

  "You look lovely," Mathin said as Andrea lead her into the living room. She beamed, until she saw Mathin was staring at her and not Leo. Flattering, but with all the time she'd spent on the Leo Project, she wanted a little more feedback.

  To give him a clue, she smiled pointedly at Leo. "Yes, doesn't she?"

  "I meant you." He tore his eyes from her body long enough to flick a gaze in Leo's direction. Startled, he did a double-take and a slower inspection. "But yes, she does."

  Okay, that was enough feedback. Feeling a bit like a cat, she edged in front of Leo and sat down on Mathin's lap, right there on the couch. The kiss she gave him just a bit more wicked than strictly needed for a greeting. When she pulled back, his eyes were glowing.

  Yep. Still got it, she thought, feeling smug.

  "We could skip the party," he murmured in her ear, giving the lobe a hidden nip.

  "Not tonight," she told him primly, enjoying the novelty of teasing him while he remained helpless to prevent it. "We're expected."

  His muttered answer brought warmth to her cheeks, but he let her up. There would be time for this later. Symbionts helped a girl heal fast.

  Besides, she had to see Scy's face when he caught his first glance of Leo.

  The girl in question was waiting impatiently for them just outside the door. "Hurry up," she said, poking her head in. "Shelarah was making snail puffs for the buffet, and I want to make sure I get some before they're gone."

  "Can't miss that." With a droll smile for Mathin, Andrea followed her out, holding Mathin's hand.

  * * * *

  Scy looked like he'd been hit by lightning. One look at Leo that night and he'd frozen in mid-sentence and simply stared.

  The man he'd been speaking to turned to see what was the matter. He was still gawking.

  With remarkable aplomb for a woman in the center of a growing pool of silence, Leo headed for the buffet table, took a puff, and turned back to eat it while leaning on the table. The noise level rose as her neighbors pretended they hadn't been staring.

  Well pleased, Andrea joined Leo at the table and served herself from the wine fountain. Matilda had charge of the baby tonight so that Andrea could enjoy herself. Matilda waved from the play area set up on the grassy commons for the small children, content as long as she could hold her grandchild. More than one man eyed the sexy redhead regretfully, but she'd made it clear when she'd first arrived that she was attached, and the word had spread.

  The bubbles from her effervescent drink tickled Andrea's nose as she regarded Matilda over the rim. It was still difficult for her to picture Matilda as being wed to Raziel, but Mathin had assured her it was true. She didn't know if the couple planned to have children or simply enjoy hers and Mathin's, and wasn't about to ask. After her trying experience with this pregnancy, she simply didn't have the energy to contemplate anyone else going through the same. Time would have to unfold the answer.

  Besides, right now she was far more interested in Leo's love life, which seemed to be heating up. Already two men had approached her. She smiled at one of them and accepted his hand as he led her out to dance. Her partner said something over his shoulder to the other man, and all three laughed.

  Curious to see how Scy was taking all this, she looked for him, only to find him deep in what must have been a tense conversation with a young blond. Irritation that he was speaking to the wrong woman hit her, until she noticed that the girl couldn't be more than seventeen. Whatever she had to say must be important, for she gripped his elbow, her posture tense as she gestured. Scy shook his head, then glanced at the sky as if seeking inspiration, sent a frown in Leo's direction, and let the girl lead him off.

  "Wonder what that was all about," Mathin muttered at her side.

  "I don't know, but I'm beginning to feel like the unappreciated fairy godmother," Andrea complained.

  His grin sent firecrackers popping clear to her toes. Mathin took her glass and set it down.

  One quick tug pulled her into his arms, slightly bent at the perfect angle for a kiss. "I think I can do something to change that."

  A superb dancer, Mathin twirled her around the dance floor, his very grace as beguiling as his dark good looks. The man danced like he made love, and every burning look was enough to set her blood aflame. Schemes and plans for others were lost in the dreamy whirl of pleasure he inspired. How easy it was to love him.

  It had been too long.

  But tonight ... tonight she could wait, for the pleasure of being held in his arms was real and warm. Tonight she would savor the dream of their love, for tomorrow they were going home to some very real responsibilities and challenges. Life would go on, ticking along its eternal track and bringing them new adventures. But for now she would hold him, and be thankful that someone had seen fit to shake up her mundane life and bring to her a taste of something wild.

  * * * *

  "I have to speak with you, Scy."

  "Can't it wait?" He looked over Luna's head to the crowd of men panting after Leo. Very well, so they weren't panting, but they were far more eager than he liked.

  He'd thought a long time about Mathin's words and carefully considered his own feelings. She might not know it yet, but Leo was for him. Now he just had to convince her of th

  But he couldn't do it with her little sister distracting him. "Luna--”

  "Now, Scy." Her eyes burned with intensity. "It can't wait."

  Curious now despite his urgent need to pulverize the men basking in Leo's glow, he allowed her to drag him off into the shadows. Whatever she wanted to know couldn't take that long.

  When they were sufficiently secluded among the abandoned houses, she let him go. With the cool moonlight reflecting off her blond hair, bleaching it colorless, she suddenly seemed both older and far more intent than he'd realized.

  "Is it true?" Her voice was low, intense. "Am I a hybrid, Scy?" Ragged pain laced her words. "Am I one of them?"

  Frozen in shock, he stared at her. "Who told you that?"

  She flicked her hand impatiently. "It doesn't matter. I want the truth, Scy. Now."

  Well, she was entitled to know. There was no way to break it to her gently, so he took a deep breath and gave it to her straight. "Welcome to the world of the half-lost, sweetheart. Yes, you are a hybrid."

  * * * *

  Leaving the next morning was harder than Andrea had expected.

  "Take care of yourself, Andrea," Jackson told her as she prepared to mount behind a symbiont rider. Leo was supposed to take her home, but she'd been nowhere to be found this morning, nor had she come home last night. For that matter, neither had Scy.

  At least she and Matilda had a comfortable ride. Poor Mathin was stuck riding on a platform again, since the symbionts wouldn't tolerate his touch.

  "I made something for you to eat on the way." Shelarah handed Andrea a basket and hugged her. She sniffed. "We're going to miss you. Please come back to visit."

  "Only if you promise to show up at the citadel now and then." Already Andrea felt weepy. But where was Leo?

  Just as they prepared to mount up, Leo pushed her way at a run through the small crowd. "Wait!" Scy followed her at a more leisurely pace.

  She slowed to a halt, panting. "I said I'd drive her. Just let me get my bike."

  Scy wrapped an arm around Leo's waist and smiled. He seemed to be in exceptionally good humor that morning. "Our bikes. Won't take a minute."

  Jackson's eyes fixed on the arm at Leo's waist. She turned pink and pushed it off as she backed away to get her bike. "Won't be a minute." She fled.

  Scy watched her leave, a knowing smile on his face. "The girl likes to ride," he murmured.

  Jackson's eyes narrowed.

  Andrea bit her lip and turned away in an unsuccessful bid to hide her grin. Looked like Mathin wasn't the only one who'd come for his girl.

  Haunt men always finished what they started.

  The End




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